Maintain humanity under 500 million in perpetual balance with nature
1. Hold a population not exceeding 500,000,000 in constant balance with nature.
2. It is wise to manage the birth rate by affecting the reproductive capacity and diversity.
3. Unite humanity under single new living language
4. Manage high feelings, such as faith, tradition, loyalty and others, keeping them under control with strict reason.
Starting from the first directive to achieve a balance with nature and a need to get rid of 9/10 of the population. Birth control as in paragraph 2, in fact, means the control and regulation according to the instruction specified in paragraph 1. Moreover, the entire message is seasoned with the message of love, human rights, justice and beauty.
In essence, everything written in these instructions reflects the ideas of the concept of so-called "sustainable development", which, incidentally, was developed by the Club of Rome and in the future was reflected in several documents, including the Earth Charter, drawn up in 1994 under the leadership of Maurice Strong, general Secretary of the Earth Summit and chairman of the Earth Committee (how do you like this post?), and Mikhail Gorbachev.
This document was named the "Bible of the XXI Century", and "not only set of principles for sustainable development, but also a strategic goal toward building a new society, a new civilization." Indeed, civilization so new, that one might even say unprecedented.
As follows from the interview given by Gorbachev to newspaper Corriere della Sera on April 4, 2005:
"Representatives of the Vatican took part in the drafting of the Earth Charter and provided support for the international environmental initiatives." (American Stonehenge - The Invisible Khazaria, Tatyana Gracheva)
The International University Center Haiti (Uni Haiti) reflects the James Jay Dudley Luce Foundation’s commitment to assisting in the completion of the U.N. Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) authored by Dr. Jeffrey Sachs at Columbia University’s Earth Institute. In addition, Uni Center mirrors the Foundation’s adherence to the Earth Charter supported by Steve Rockefeller.
The Earth Charter is an international declaration of fundamental values and principles to build a just, sustainable, and peaceful global society in the 21st century.
What a beauty, isn't it? But what is "global society", if not what is known as the NWO - New World Order? The very fact that the Earth Charter is supported by Steve Rockefeller means what? WHO created the "woman's lib movement", "hippy revolution" and the rest of "progressive movements"?
Well, as it turns out, Jeffrey Sachs, the Earth Institute, the Earth Charter, Rockefellers, UN, the "sustainable development", which simply means the GENOCIDE of over 90% of world's population, are all linked together under one label - the NWO.
Why is Jeffrey Sachs giving "advice" on how to handle Japan's foreign loans, when his own country has a foreign debt exceeding $17 TRILLION? How could this be? The "rear end" of his own country is on fire and he, you know, gives advice to the Japanese about how to end it. Absurd?
Yes, he does give the advice that not only plain makes sense, but which is obvious, even to the novice students of the economics today. Because the external debts (debts of the state to the international "Banking mafia" of Rothschilds and the like) do suck productive potential out of the economy and lead to cutting back on development and maintenance of infrastructure in the country because of the need to pay the interest on these loans.
As a result, you have to take the money in a loan from the IMF and similar structures of enslavement of the world that tie to them all sorts of conditions leading to even more rapid loss of sovereignty. Today, almost all "developed" countries of the world are on their knees in front of "the banking mafia" being in debt to them up to their ears. All of these economic "crisises" around the world are direct evidence of such an economic enslavement.
Debt slavery of external debt leading to loss of sovereignty of states is undeniable. And today, it's clear as a white day. Thus what Jeffrey Sachs does, is to tell them the obvious - that which is known to any person who spent at least some time to study the issue. There is absolutely nothing new in what he suggests.
And this entire scheme of enslavement is known for hundreds of years and it is described in detail in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, that are carefully denied by the ZioNazis foaming at the mouth, but the meaning of which is simply undeniable. Read for yourself and ask yourself the question: would even a freshman understand it, not to mention the Shnobel Prize winner for economics?
This is what is written in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Protocol 20 - Financial Programme: