[Comment: the information on Jeffrey Sachs is not a part of the original and does not come from Benjamin Fulford.]
It seems somewhat strange that Jeffrey Sachs is presented as a noble knight on a white horse, supposedly giving sound advice to Japan on how to put an end to "debt slavery" of Japan's external debt, which is more than 200% of GDP and interest payments on which make up more than 50% of total revenues in the treasury, which strangles the the country and its economy with a deadly grip.
But the same situation exists in the United States, where Jeffrey Sachs lives, as in all the other countries "in the developed world." The question arises: did he give similar advice to his own country? After all, he was awarded the Shnobel Prize in Economics! Whom should they listen if not the "experts" of that caliber? Or is he an "expert" only in matters of economic collapse and enslavement?
What is the essence of the Fed, and why are they, being a conglomerate of private banks owned by "God's chosen" people, have the right to print money, or more accurately, the pieces of paper with the promise, and then give them as DEBT to the state? How many people there were, who uncovered the essence of this fraud, leading to enslavement, including the Presidents of the United States?
But WHO is Jeffrey Sachs? For one thing, he is a member of the Bilderberg group, commonly known as "hidden world government". Then he is called one of the top 100 most influential people in the world, and to get to such a status, you simply must be one of the "rulers" of the world, or, in other words, one of the evilest of all evil alive. Simple as that.
Just look at Jeffrey Sachs, with the index finger as a conductor's baton in a symphony orchestra. He really looks like a "knight on a white horse" among the "herd", that calls itself "Occupy Wall Street". What à madness! How do they - "slaves" can even think of such a thing as "occupy Wall Street" and "What the Hell Was Economic Hit Man Jeffrey Sachs Doing at Occupy Wall Street?"
http://www.internationalist.org/jeffreysachsows1110.html (What the Hell Was Economic Hit Man Jeffrey Sachs Doing at Occupy Wall Street?) http://www.internationalist.org/jeffreysachsows1110.html
This picture is classic of deception and deceit. It says more than all his words combined.
What a mug face he has! Just like Hitler/Schicklgruber, ready to give a speech on the release of Wall Street from tyranny of capitalism! The only thing missing in this picture is a tank, on which he stands to look like "Lenin" - Goldman during the Russian relovlution.
That's insanity!
But Jeffrey Sachs is a typical chameleon-careerist who changes the color of his skin, depending on the circumstances. Yesterday, he was radical free-marketer and an ardent capitalist-extremist, and today he, you know, is waving his hands and baton in a movement "Liberate Wall Street" and gives "green" tips on liberation from slavery and the creation of a "harmonious development" to "Maintain a balance with nature," as written on the Illuminati Stonehenge in the state of Georgia, USA, where, among other things, it is written maintain the world's population at no more than 500 million.And "Vatican officials took part in the drafting of the Earth Charter and international support for environmental initiatives" Do you see what are we talking about?