A single "world government" and single "world empire" vs distributed communes
Basically, the very idea of a "single world" with a "single government" is likely to eventually be corrupted, just like the "old world" was. It seems that a more beneficial model would be like a "distributed system", just like the Internet itself. That means TOTALLY independent communes, governed by their local "governments" or the "committees", but not of some mythical "elders", but by those, who can SEE. Because that is the MAIN key, also known as awareness.
For one thing, how can something "global" accommodate for the needs that are specific to some locality and its traditions, culture or heritage? How can you "standardize" the needs of local communities to some "global goals" and needs? What will happen to your diversity?
Interestingly enough, Jacque Fresco also argues for his model of something based on the idea of local communities or small cities. Actually, it won't hurt to look at his work to see if some of it does make sense to you. Most of it is self-evident to those, who have a certain degree of awareness and did a sufficient study of the issues.
One just needs to be careful to not get caught in some of the NWO traps that will be visible to those, who can see the very essence of it and studied the NWO related issues sufficiently. Because, basically, his models and his ideas may be classified as some sort of "benevolent" version of the NWO, even though it is not as "benevolent" as it might look.
Because, essentially, it is a model of a dead world, controlled by dead mega-machines and the architectural design and the city layouts of his small cities or the housing structures look more like utterly uninteresting versions of the concentration camps for the robots, even though, at least from the standpoint of "convenience", efficiency and utilization of resources, you could hardly find a single argument against it. Basically, it is an idea of a "resource based economy".
For example, the street and housing layouts of his cities are such that you will rather feel like being in some sort of a labyrinth, if not a prison. Because it is so repetitive and so boring. Again, simply because there is no diversity in it. Any street you walk and any house or anything else you see, is pretty much exactly the same thing.
So, how can it be argued that this model was designed for humans and not for some "standardized" biorobots, who do not and can not possibly FEEL anything beyond their "job requirements" and the necessities of their physical bodies? It looks like his "vision" of a "new man" is a vision of a biorobot, which is essentially a functional machine, rather than a human being that actually has a Soul.
Designing the future
Yes, there might be a need for some "global fund" to assist the local communities in case of emergency or "bad year" from the standpoint of agricultural production or natural disasters, or to provide them with temporary assistance, so they could develop something in their particular case. The models for such funding could be developed without much problems, just by everyone on this planet "chipping in" for the "global fund", to be drawn by local communities in case of need.
One needs to ask a simple question: what is the NEED for some "global government" and "global empire", even if it is not of the NWO kind, but something benevolent? Do we NEED to "standardize" anything and measure everything and everyone with a single stick? Do we all need to THINK alike, along the same lines? Do we need to IMPOSE something "global" on some local community with its own specific and quite local needs? Who knows better about your local needs and problems? - Someone in the "capitol of the world", or someone in your local community council?
The thing is that probably over 90% of all the needs and activity could be accommodated for locally, without any external assistance. The main issue seems to be related to funding for some unusual situations or assistance for some local projects. You can still access the global technologies, scientific achievements, global information base and all sorts of other things of "global" nature, but only if there is a NEED for it, and that need is known better on the local levels.
So, the "global" things and aspects exist by mere implication, but not like some rigid stage setting in a theater.
Again and again: "blind leading the blind shalt fall into a ditch", which is pretty much inevitable.
But one needs to proceed with cautiousness and awareness, trying to stay away from all sorts of blind beliefs in some mythical "bright future", without even knowing what it is and how to describe it. That idea of "bright future" is nothing more than a "trap-door" for enslavement of mankind.
Awareness is the KEY, that opens all the doors there are. And meditation is the method of achieving that state of awareness, and so is the prayer, if done not as a result of some ritualistic belief in some mythical "powers", but as a direct attunement to the "wavelength" of direct access to the levels of Existence beyond physical, beyond desires or begging for something from God.
Because it is like walking on a mine field. All it takes is just one wrong step and the game is over.
And now let us get back to Benya's report.
There was a lot of controversy generated over the report on this newsletter last week that the Federal Reserve Board had been nationalized. This claim was not just based on the (disputed by some) notion that the Federal Reserve Board had changed its home page to .gov from .org indicating it was now part of the government. The report was based on information provided by US military intelligence.
Is there any EVIDENCE that Benya's report is really based on the information, allegedly provided by the US military intelligence? How and where can you check and verify it?
In any case, the fact is that in analogue paper phone books, that cannot be altered (as the internet can), the Fed is not listed as a government institution. In future phone books in the United States at least, it now will be.
Well, Benya can rationalize his fabrications as to .org vs. .gov domain for Fed Reserve, but it changes nothing of the essence. One simply has to admit to himself that it was lies and fabrications and nothing more than that, instead of rationalizing, twisting and turning things, trying to prove that he is not a liar or merely a disinformation agent. Because a lie is just a lie and a fabrication is just a fabrication, no matter how you cut it. And it does not matter what are we going to see in some book somewhere in some abstract future.
But the fact is that Benya used this utterly meaningless .org vs. .gov domain name as some kind of proof that the FRS has been indeed taken over by the "government". But how can you use the domain names as a proof of ANYTHING whatsoever? Anyone can purchase himself a domain with any name he likes. The domain name does not tie up to any particular types of activity. So, it is utterly meaningless, especially as ANY kind of proof of anything whatsoever.
The fact is that the Fed Reserve had a .gov domain for at least 12 years and has never been the .org domain, and, actually, it could not be. Yes, the most appropriate domain for it is .com, simply because it is purely commercial operation, "doing business" of robbing the world and printing the fake paper called the US dollar, backed by nothing more than thin air, the REAL worth of which is the cost of printing and paper.
Sources at the Pentagon say that since the Fed has now fallen under government control it will soon start issuing funds to the government at 0% interest rate to finance a massive rebuilding program for decrepit US infrastructure. Other nationalized Fed funds will pay for university scholarships, scientific research, nature conservation, the domestic operations of the US military and much more. This can now be done with zero debt and zero taxation. There will also be asset backed money made available to rebuild US industry.
First of all, where and in what form is there any evidence that the Fed has indeed "fallen" under the "government" control, and even if it were, what is the real power of the US puppet so-called government? Just look at Obama and see all the puppet tricks he is throwing around all day long, lying his teeth out and perverting the things and events to the point of turning it all upside down.
Look at the US Congress and the House. What do you see there but a bunch of ZioNazi satanists' puppets? What REAL power do they have? What can they actually do outside of what is written and slipped to them by their puppet masters? Just about all you have to do is to declare the "national emergency" and proclaim the martial law and that will shut their mouths really tight. They won't be able to even squeak.
Even today, as is, they do not even have any access to some of the most important and critical information regarding the NSA, the "black books" and "black budget" as such and all sorts of other NWO related things, such as "red list" of all those to be exterminated in the concentration camps first. With all the executive directives, passed by now, the US president can simply lock them up in a bunker, allegedly for their "safety", and that is the end of their "power", if you ever hear about any of them again.
The battle inside the United States is still not completely over because the members of the Bush/Clinton crime syndicate are still acting as if they are above the law. This could be seen in their intimidation last week of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for implying that George Bush Jr. was responsible for 911.
What "battle" is not completely over? Do you see ANY "battle" in the USA, at least the kind Benya talks about? WHERE?
Yes, there are ALL sorts "battles" going on in the USA, and for ages on. But all of it, pretty much, is nothing more than "business as usual". The point here is that the REAL "battle" could only be carried out under total control of the "ruling Family", and, regardless of what country are you talking about, all their "battles" are nothing more than squabbles in their attempts to grab a bigger piece of the pie or in attempts to create a more favorable image of themselves so that they could continue their parasitic activities, utterly meaningless in the scheme of things.
The REAL battles are decided by the "Family", or "social memory complex" Lucifer. All others are to simply do what they are told, and do it obediently, unquestionably and in full submission. Else they are disposed of just like used rubber condoms.
We'll skip Benyas concoctions about the "massive campaign to cut off all remaining sources of Nazionist finance is continuing" as something that can not be verified. All of it, pretty much, is to create a false sense of "progress" in the minds of the "sheep", so that they remain docile and inactive, hoping that some "noble knight on a white horse" will come and save them, just like Benya keeps talking about on and on and on. What are you to do in such a situation but to "wait and see what happens", not even moving a finger to do something you CAN actually do, regardless of who you are?
Once the illegal drug money laundering is shut down, drugs will be legalized, regulated and taxed. The false and doomed “war on drugs” will thus be wound down.
Well, legalizing the drugs is one of the objectives in the NWO scheme, and it is done largely for the purposes of the population reduction in the plan for reduction of population of this planet to 500 million, as recorded on the "American Stonehenge" in Georgia, paid for by the unknown individual, which says "Hold a population not exceeding 500,000,000 in constant balance with nature".
Invisible Khazaria
We'll skip Benya's wishful thinking, at best, if not the outright disinformation, about the Middle Eastern affairs, not supported by the evidence of fact, even though they are quite important, but to show this:
Here is some good advice for the Saud royal family: invest in camels because that is all you are going to be left with unless you surrender.
Again and again and again, Benya poses as some kind of a "prophet", who can predict the future, if not the outright "emperor of the world", who knows with certainty what is to happen in the the world in some abstract future. And all of it, pretty much, is nothing more than yet another evidence of his degenerate megalomaniacal tendencies and obsessions with his own self-image, usually caused by the plain and simple inferiority complex, which compels one to forever magnify ones own significance to the stratospheric levels.
We'll skip the Benya's usual "evil Benyamin Netanyahu" and Israel bluff and fabrications as something utterly meaningless, unless proven to be a fact.
That is not all, unless the Israeli government starts arresting the rogue Zealots running amok in their midst, Israel itself will cease to be protected by the world community.
Well, but those "rogue Zealots" are not merely "rogue". They RUN the country, and they are financed by no one less than the banking empire of Baruch with net worth of $500 TRILLION. And their name is not some "rogue Zealots", but the "Chabad mafia", which RUNS and rules the world in quite practical terms, at least on the levels below Lucifer "ruling family" of this planet.
The Rothschild family, the original founders of the misbegotten project to send brainwashed Europeans to the Middle East, have already jumped ship and are busy currying favour with the Chinese.
The Rothschild family had ALREADY "jumped ship". Are you nuts? How could they possibly "jump ship" if they are sitting not far below the "social memory complex" Lucifer? WHO is as powerful and as mighty on the face of this planet but precisely the Rothschild and Baruch families and a handful of other bloodlines controlling the banking systems worldwide and all sorts of other things?
And precisely the money is a ticket to "rule". The bankrupt can rule nothing, not even his own bank account. Money and power come hand-in-hand, like a hand-in-glove. Because to "rule" you need to have enough money to purchase the human souls and that takes quite a bit of money, at least in some cases. And unless you you have the resources, you can not purchase those votes and that support. Above money stands only gold in terms of "values", and that is why they are obsessed in quite a mad way about the gold as some kind of "ultimate value" of the physical world, besides the blood, of course.
Secondly, jumped ship to WHERE? To do WHAT? - To "surrender", as Benya keeps promising again and again in his concoctions about some mythical "surrender negotiations"? And "surrender" to WHOM? - To some Benya? Or the mythical "WDS", about which there are more questions so far than the answers?
And here comes the final bit, and it has to do with some mythical "committee of village elders" to rule the world.
With the Vatican, the Chinese, the British Empire and the Pentagon united in opposition to the continued Nazionist control of the internationally traded US dollar, what now remains to be determined is what it will be replaced with.
...What has yet to be determined is who will have the right to issue and control this global currency. The most likely answer is that it will be a committee of village elders overseeing global communal problems like poverty, environmental destruction and war. The question to be answered now is “who will decide humanity’s future?”
Well, the world is ALREADY run by the "learned elders", and it has been that way for centuries. Simply because they have been preparing for it since 1410 BC, just as described in Deuteronomy.
And that is the most ancient scheme of taking over the world by the ZioNaxi satanists, just as promised by their "god", "benevolent dictator" Yahweh. These ideas were given to them and were being implemented from then on for at least 3000 years. Simple as that.
The thing here to understand is the very idea of the "NWO", the very foundation of which is their central idea that those, who are known not as "god chosen", or, simply stated, "the rest of us" are not even considered to be human. There are numerous quotes by the topmost ZioNaxi "leaders" and "religious authorities", including the Rothschilds, that clearly state that "all others" are nothing more than "sheep" to be culled periodically, just like a herd, or even the "excrements", and precisely that is the central idea of this satanic NWO thing. For example:
NWO 403
When death approached, old Amschel Rothschild called together his children, in Frankfort, and having read the satanic Talmud, he proclaimed: