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Critical Digest: October 20, 2015

No need to get identified with negativity

This week, critical digest will be released by the end of the day on Tuesday GMT because of complexity and far reaching effects and meaning of some central concepts presented by Benya, such as the inevitability of some form of the NWO "world government" and Benya's ideas about some "village elders" as a form of world government. These issues are quite complex and can not be easily covered by a couple of paragraphs, especially if one did not study the issues extensively.

Basically, these are two main issues to discuss. Benya's report is full of all sorts of his typical "prophecies", quite meaningless, simply because there is no way to verify any of it, and most of it is either some form of threatening or dictatorial proclamations on what "will" happen in the world regarding some major issues, reported by Benya, as though he is some kind of a "world ruler" who knows the future with certainty, or because he presents some statements, allegedly from his "sources", which you won't be able to verify, and, if one decides to blindly accept any of it on its face value, well, good luck with that.

This digest, just like anything we write, may be updated several times before we cover the issues of significance, in our opinion, to a sufficient level of detail. Just refresh this page periodically to see "what's new under the sun", if you are interested in it.

It isn't even clear at the moment whether most of his report even deserves to be presented in the form of a digest, as most of it consists of totally unverifiable blabber or the alleged information from the "sources" in the Pentagon, intelligence agencies, governments, etc., none of which should have been even reported by any semi-descent reporter, at least from the standpoint that it simply quite contradicts those things and events that you can actually observe and/or verify.

Watch out for disinformation! and responsibilities of a reporter

At this time, we will just mention one of the most significant issues of all in his report. Here's what Benya says:

The political events of the past several years are pointing inexorably towards the formation of some sort of world government.

What? Which "political events" point to what is known as the NWO? We can see some NWO related ideas back in the 90's of the 20th century. One of those ideas, heavily promoted in the media and even in the "entertainment industry" and music "business" was the idea of a "global village", which is essentially the NWO propaganda. Furthermore, the political "leaders" have been advocating all sorts of "global cooperation" going back to the beginning of the 20th century.

And you can see it even today when you look at quite unusual support by many world states regarding the events related to ZioNazi takeover of the Ukraine and related First Economic World War against Russia, supported by nearly every single state, at least of the EU, even though all of allegations you see in the media are nothing but the lies and fabrications.

But does it mean that their seeming agreements mean that they think that there is a need for a single world government, and even if they do, what does it matter as far as the "real deal" is concerned? WHO are they, but a bunch of totally obedient puppets, which they better be, "or else"?

Furthermore, these are all just words, and when politicians say something it does not necessary mean that they mean it or are ready to follow through on it, or even believe a single word they themselves say. Moreover, those who decide the fate of this planet are not the governments or even the biggest and baddest ZioNazi bankers, but the "Family", just as it has been described by the Hidden_Hand in the Third Revelation of the Insider and in several other places. Whether it makes some sense to you or not is another matter. But quite a few things said there do align with what is going on in the world pretty well.

What proof do you have that "ruling elite families" exist?
(Window of Opportunity - Hidden Hand)

Basically, it all boils down to the "negative approach" of Lucifer, or the "self-serving" approach, or what is commonly known as satanism. This is quite a long subject to cover here.

This was made even more clear as most world leaders gathered at the United Nations for the September 28th Tetrad blood moon 70th UN anniversary appeared to be, with a few quibbles, mostly reading from the same script. There is now a consensus among world leaders that world government is the only way to prevent corporate crime syndicates from murdering and plundering this planet into destruction.

The fact that they all sing the same song nowadays is largely related to the last stages of implementation of the NWO. Now they can go blatantly open air and their quite unusual agreement on the events in Ukraine and, as a result, the economic war against Russia is simply to tell the world that there is nothing they can do. At this junction, the control of the world is total, unquestionable and unbending, just as stated by William Van Duyn, one of the topmost level representatives of the Illuminati "bloodlines".

"No president, no king, no dictator, nor prime minister dares to criticize my name nor the Bilderbergers, and they know they are the puppets of the powerful Illuminati working from behind the scenes".

"No president, no king, no dictator, nor prime minister dares to criticize..."

It is a certain way to show to the world that they simply MUST accept these "new realities". And it is also to show to the world the might of "the Family", as all the media openly lies, perverts and turns the meaning of events upside down. That is done in order to "whip the people" into "new realities" and show them that there is absolutely nothing they can do against it all, even though all of it is nothing but yet another set of myths, just like Benya peddles here.

So, basically, what we are seeing, at least related to the events in Ukraine, Russia and creation of massive migration crisis is a necessary step to make people "get used to it". The NWO can not be announced and implemented at least until ALL the people of the planet are introduced to the "new concepts" and, consciously or unconsciously, willingly or unwillingly, accept it all as some kind of "new realities".

The battle now is over what sort of government that will be.

The Nazionists are still pushing for a totalitarian, fascist new world order controlled by the same old bloodlines.

Well, first of all, it implies that some sort of an "agreement" has already been made behind the closed doors by the "leading world powers". But the problem we have is that unless any kind of "agreement" is accepted by the world at large, and, most importantly, by the PEOPLE, and not just by some "committees" in fake "international organizations", it can not be implemented, at least "legally". Simply because this issue is so huge that it affects the fate and the future of the entire planet.

And, for any kind of "agreement" to become legal and made in compliance with "democratic values", it has to be accepted by the world at large and that can be currently done ONLY via some sort of a resolution of the UN Security Council, as that is the ONLY committee in the UN which has the necessary powers to make something legally binding.

Secondly, even if there was already some "agreement" made between the most powerful "world leaders" what does it actually mean? WHO ARE they all but the puppets of the same Illuminati, seemingly playing even the opposing roles on the stage of this grand theater? Which means that ALL their "agreements" in reality represent the agreement within the "Family" of the same forces of evil.

Thirdly, not only "The Nazionists", or, more precisely ZioNazi satanists are pushing for it. The control of the world has ALWAYS been in the hands of the bloodlines, even before the times of the Atlantis, just as described by the Hidden_Hand.

Everything you see, as far as the ideas of "freedom", "democracy", "fairness" and even the "green movement" and so on, is nothing more than empty words, signifying nothing, to delude "the herd" and make them to forever believe in some mythical "bright future", while being led to the slaughter house. That is the way it has been since ancient times, at least during the last 3400 years.

The White Dragon Society and its allies are insisting that it be more like a benevolent council of village elders.

First of all, the idea of some mythical "council of village elders" looks like a hint and a derivative of the "learned elders of Zion", as described in "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" or "benevolent dictatorship" of Yahweh, as described in various "Revelations of the Insider" and other places.

Basically, this "council of village elders" is like the Sanhedrin, a Supreme Court of sorts of ZioNazi satanists, which has the absolute, unquestionable and not even arguable powers of totalitarian dictatorship. You can read about it in the Talmud, which contains over 60 volumes. The entire book/volume is dedicated to the Sanhedrin alone.


The question here to ask is but WHO will select those "village elders" and who has the REAL power, might and financial and global informational support to do that? Secondly, what specific criteria will be used to select them besides the idea of "meritocracy", as pushed by Benya? But "meritocracy" is not the same thing as "learned" or "wise" elders, even though the very idea of some "elders" is used precisely because of their wisdom criteria, as that is how any "elders" are selected by the tribes or villages.

But a "merit" is a specific set of achievements in particular area of activity, such as sports or science and so on, recognized by the others, that can be measured in some "objective values". But the "wisdom" of the elders can not be measured.

Otherwise, how do you measure or evaluate nothing less than "wisdom"? How do you define an "elder"? Is it merely an issue of age, which is meaningless by itself, unless it implies some form of "wisdom"? How old one is does not necessarily translate into "wisdom" or the ability to govern or resolve some conflicts.

You can not measure or even evaluate the Truth, without which the very term "wisdom" simply looses all its luster. Unless that "wisdom" in based and rooted in Truth, it is not the real wisdom of ANY kind, and, even though you can not even describe it, does that mean it does not EXIST? According to what kind of logic?

The illuminati, the Pentagon and the Italian P2 lodge are, for their part, offering a third alternative, which they call a Star Trek future.

Well, this "Star Trek" future can be seen everywhere nowadays, in things like nano technologies, robotics and even the 3D printing. For example, Jacque Fresco describes the megarobotic machines doing the 3d printing even of the houses or other structures, buildings and even other machines.

Designing the future

But the Illuminati and their 13 "ruling bloodlines" of this planet, above whom sits no one else but the "Lucifer ruling family", are the ones who have the real power, might, financing, total control of the media and so on, to actually "do something about it". Even the Vatican and its satanic P2 masonic lodge are more like symbolic figureheads who use the power of "faith", which is unarguable, by definition, to control the "herd" and parasite on the fruits of its labor.

Yes, they make grand speeches of all kinds and wave their hands in symbolic gestures of "power" and "godly authority". But those are just words, utterly empty, signifying nothing, at least as far as Truth goes.

Their mythical "power" and "authority" is nothing but fiction, just to delude the people and lead them directly into hell in the name of "heaven", like those "wolves in sheep's clothes", as stated in the New Testament. Because they are servants not of Truth, but of evil, most profound. They have sold their souls, as that is about the only way nowadays to become some "pope" or a "cardinal". And if "They can not make a single hair black or white", as stated in the same book, than what kind of "power" do they have and what kind of "godly authority" can they possibly claim?

Yes, they do have the immense resources, robbed and pillaged throughout the ages, and they do have at least the ideological framework and might to have a pretty substantial impact on what is going on, and yes, they are ruled by all sorts of "sacred" beliefs and symbology of the occult and satanism, but they are not the ones to decide such things as the future of this planet. That is done by the "ruling bloodlines", sitting directly and following the direct instructions of no one less than the "Lucifer ruling Family" or the "dark side" of the Orion group.

And the Pentagon means nothing in the scheme of things. They are nothing more than just a bunch of butchers to do the "dirty work" of murder and destruction, but not of creation of anything. They have no real power or real say in the matters simply because they have never been educated according to the principles of governing, not murder and destruction. So, at least from the standpoint of "meritocracy", they have no merits or abilities or necessary knowledge and background to govern and rule the states, regardless of how much Benya elevates their status to stratospheric levels.

This vision is of a world headed by a large meritocratic organization run something along the lines of the Pentagon, the Vatican or the Chinese Communist Government.

Dear Benya, all of these are completely different things and not necessarily even compatible, and their size does not matter much. As to the Chinese Communist Government, yes, at least according to the former regional head of the Illuminati, Svali, China stands above all in the world, except of the "ancient European bloodlines". She says that the 1st mightiest country in the world will be China, then Russia and the USA is allocated only the 3rd place in terms of power and might in the world, again, outside of the European "Black nobility" and all "old money" of Europe.

Svali Interview Interview on Illuminati Bloodlines

Illuminati In America - Svali Interview with HJ Springer

Those who argue against a world government are either naïve or else work for corporate handlers who wish to have the right to continue to plunder the planet without such impediments as human rights, the protection of nature or the rule of law.

Well, yes, indeed, there are quite a few quotes by the most powerful and influential ZioNazi representatives regarding this NWO thing. For example, here is what one of the most influential ZioNazi bankers, Paul Warburg, has said back in 1950 right in the face of the U.S. Senate, which is unprecedented in its arrogance and dictatorial and even threatening tone:

NWO 501

"We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent."

(Jewish Banker Paul Warburg, February 17, 1950, as he testified before the U.S. Senate).

Paul Warburg on NWO
ZioNazi quotes - NWO

NWO 410

"The New World Order under the UN will reduce everything to one common denominator. The system will be made up of a single currency, single centrally financed government, single tax system, single language, single political system, single world court of justice, single state religion...

"Each person will have a registered number, without which he will not be able to buy of sell; and there will be one universal church.

"Anyone who refuses to take part in this universal system will have no right to exist."

-- Dr. Kurk E. Koch, a university professor who has lectured at over 100 universities in 65 countries.

The New World Order under the UN
ZioNazi quotes - NWO

It wouldn't be such a bad idea to study that page as it contains lots of quotes by "powerful" and influential individuals and "authorities" of all kinds on this NWO thing. That'll get you going on the whole scheme if you haven't studied it enough until now.


Date: 2016-01-14; view: 968

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