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Critical Digest: November 24, 2015

The critical digest, of the entire report for November 24, 2015 will be available soon, somewhere within 24 hrs. after publication of original report, hopefully we'll get some of it done by the Monday's midnight GMT.

Well, this is just another example of a "prophet of goodness", Benya, telling us about more "good news", even though you won't be able to verify most of it, if anything at all. So, the main "value" we can find in his report is located in the entertainment department, to see how "creative" does he manage to get this time around in terms of myths and tales of all kinds.

(Benya's text is boxed.)

It is no longer good enough to passively blog about the mass murdering fascist cabal that is seizing power in the West, it is time to take direct action. This writer is going to put his life where his word is by going at noon, Japan Standard Time on November 24th, 2015* to confront senior Khazarian cabalist mass murderers Richard Armitage, Michael Green and Kurt Campbell.

These murderers will be showing up at the Nikkei Hall in downtown Tokyo where they will be giving orders to their Japanese slave politicians and fomenting war. We will be live streaming on the internet as we try to force these criminals to answer for their crimes to the world public. It is time to make it impossible for members of the Khazarian mafia to appear in public without being confronted about their crimes and lies.

Well, somehow we see this picture of Benya, shouting all sorts of slogans from a distance and the whole thing ends with him being led away, like a lunatic or some "conspiracy theorist", as they like to call these kinds of people.

Not clear what he thinks of himself, but it is doubtful that he will even have a chance to "confront" them, which means to us either having a dialog with them or standing face to face with them. Otherwise, it is nothing more than slogans.

As far as "this writer is going to put his life where his word is", this sounds a bit laughable. What kind of "danger" there could possibly be to him if he shouts some foolish things from a distance, no one is likely to reply to, or even pay attention to? Is he simply being paranoid, thinking that someone is going to SHOOT him in a public place? For what? What kind of "danger" might some Benya represent to these satanists with his shouting of some slogans? Can you visualize this picture of a "true hero", Benya, being shot dead in front of the crowd?

Yes, he does have to remind everyone about his own self-significance "in the scheme of things". Otherwise, how can you manage to keep your "paying subscriber" herd stable and, preferably, enlarging all the time? So, the notions of "danger" to his life and pumping up the notion of self-importance certainly help "to stay on the top of it".

Campbell, Green and Armitage are all accessories to the murder of over 15,786 innocent Japanese citizens on March 11th, 2011. As this writer has previously written, Armitage is a heroin dealer who is also responsible for the murderer of numerous heads of state, including Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines and Noboru Takeshita of Japan.

Kurt Campbell was tape recorded trying to bribe Japanese politician Ichiro Ozawa with a monopoly on xeolite, a radiation clean up agent, immediately before the 311 nuclear and tsunami mass murder terror attack. Campbell was head of Asian affairs for the US State Department at the time. Michael Green, head of Mossad in Japan, has slandered this writer and forced Japanese politicians to publish essays saying the Japanese people had to obey Jews.

These people are now offering multi-billion dollar bribes to opposition politician Tooru Hashimoto in an attempt to co-opt an opposition alliance that is likely to overthrow the slave regime of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Sources close to Abe meanwhile say there has been a systematic assassination campaign going on against people in Abe’s immediate circle who are beginning to chafe at the orders given by Armitage and his fellow Khazarian gangsters.

Well, what can we comment on here beyond saying: then why don't you file a court case against them? If what you assert is true and you can PROVE it, then what seems to be the problem suing them?

Sure, they are real criminals, and of the worst kind, which nearly everyone knows nowadays. Sure, they are satanists, or, more precisely, the satanist puppets. But, nevertheless, they are nothing more but puppets. The REAL players are not even in the picture. Even if you go after throats of these puppets and even manage to kill them, how much of any difference will it make as to the real problems the mankind is facing at this junction? What will it change?

We encourage all readers to phone the following places and demand the arrest of these criminals since we know an exact time and place where they will be appearing:

US White House: 1-202-456-1414
Japanese Embassy in Washington: 1-202-238-6700
US Department of Defense: 1-703-571-3343
US Justice Deparment: 1-202-514-2000
FBI: 1-202- 324-3000.

In addition, we ask non-US readers to phone their governments and ask them to also demand the arrest of these criminals.

Well, certainly, you can demand all you want, but to demand their arrest is a totally different matter. Does anyone in his clear mind think that he can simply demand the arrest of anyone? Based on what evidence of fact are you going to arrest them? It remains to be seen that you can manage to find enough of real evidence, if any, that will create enough grounds for the arrests.

The hard evidence is always destroyed and so are the witnesses or even the potential whistle-blowers. That is one of their main rules and that is precisely why they keep walking around free, to the point of simply laughing at the accusers and their foolish slogans. What does it matter? What does it change, at least as far as "the real deal" is concerned?

All readers are further encouraged to organize similar such action whenever senior cabalists and known war criminals like Henry Kissinger, George Bush Sr., George Bush Jr., Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Nicholas Sarkozy, Tony Blair etc. show up in a public place. Public enablers of these criminals like Janet Yellen of the Federal Reserve Board, Mario Draghi of the European Central Bank and Haruhiko Kuroda of the Bank of Japan also need to be confronted about their printing money for gangsters every time they appear in public.

These people need to be named, shamed and arrested. Enough is enough. Remember nobody is above the law and these are all proven mass murderers. They need to be removed from public view and placed in jail where they belong.

Well, certainly, if you manage to gather thousands of people, of even a few hundred, who shout some things, like "Arrest the criminals against the mankind" or "Down with ZioNazi satanists' puppets", or "Stop bleeding us to death with your fake money", or "Return the stolen money" then it is another matter.

Interestingly enough, the "anti-globalists" were able to get plenty of attention a few years ago by demonstrating around the "top level" gatherings, such as yearly Bilderbergers' meetings, and once even managed to dump a truckload of crap nearby. But, for some reason, during the last few years we do not even hear about them any longer, for whatever reason.

One of the problems with the protests of all kinds is that no one is obliged to respond, or even pay any attention to it, as all this hand-waving does not constitute the sufficient reason for ANY kind of action against those criminals. So, unless these demonstrations are continuing non-stop and their force is increasing, and for YEARS ON, there is very little one can reasonably expect as a result, even if they manage to get some media coverage for a couple of days.

For example, just look at what happened in Greece a couple of years ago when they were forced to tighten up their belts, to the point that they did not even have enough money to pay for their heating bills at home. They have demonstrated for several days and it seemed to be like a lot of action around it, but what is the RESULT? Did it actually CHANGE anything, as far as satisfaction of their concerns and demands? Well, nothing really worth even mentioning, and Greece today is even deeper in the "debt pit" than it was at that time.

So... Unless lots of people are willing to go on, and for months and years, and grow in their strength of opposition, very few of the real criminals would even bother about all that noise, and, as far as the arrests go, they have more grounds to arrest the demonstrators than those have to demand the arrests of the criminals.

As we have already covered previously in various places, in order to do something of real impact, not even talking about creating some kind of a revolution, you need quite an organization, the plan, some leadership and a coordinating committee, and you need to keep gathering on all sorts of meetings, print and distribute tons of leaflets, propose changes in the legislature and do all sorts of other things, if you have any hopes of achieving the real, tangible results, just as any revolutions historically show.

If you take as an example the "colored revolutions" around the world, then what you will be able to notice is the appearance of some broad revolt, something that looks like "the will and voice of the people". And it has to go on every single day, non-stop, and, in case of Ukraine, 24 hrs./day, and for months on, for it to have any real impact.

And you also need to ACTIVELY oppose the police or "special forces" and start some kind of violence, just like it was done in Ukraine, for example. And, even in that case, the whole thing was not having much of real impact until the snipers began to actually shoot the demonstrators to make it look like the police and the government is using the lethal force against "us, the people".

And you also need to have the access to the mass media and it has to keep trumpeting all sorts of horrifying things all over the screen and keep concocting all sorts of lies to make it look like we have no choice but to bring down "the evil ones" by force, and so on and so forth. And you need to have a bunch of "leaders of the opposition" shouting their heads off with all sorts of slogans, full of promises of some mythical "bright future".

OK, and now for the rest of the news. The world power struggle is intensifying with a now public and undeniable military blockade of Israel and its proxies in the Middle East. This is being admitted even on websites like DEBKA that are linked to Israeli Mossad intelligence. DEBKA is saying Iranian planes are attacking near the Syrian/Israeli border while the grounded Israeli air-force looks helplessly on.


Well, if DEBKA is the only one to report this and they are really linked to the Mossad, then how much of a credit does this information deserve? How do you know that this is nothing more than a disinformation plant? What is Mossad? Whose interests do they serve and are trying to protect? Where is the evidence to prove that whatever they publish corresponds to reality and for what purpose it has been done?

A Russian, French and American fleet is now operating off the coast of Israel as part of a campaign to force that rogue state to cease is incessant promotion of terrorism and war. The Russians and their allies, including the US Pentagon and now the French are also targeting the large corporations such as Exxon Mobil, Haliburton and BP plus their owners the Rockefeller, Rothschild, Bush etc. families, Pentagon sources say.

Well, "one has to see it in order to believe it" they say. We'll skip some other mythical statements of Benya on this subject.

War criminal and mass murderer Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, fearing retribution, called Russian President Vladimir Putin to beg for mercy in response to these moves, the Pentagon officials said.

Well, who knows? But how would Benya know such a level of detail? Did Putin call the Pentagon to tell them to get in touch with Benya and tell him that these evil monsters are "begging for mercy", so he could publish it? And, even if they did, how does it help the situation? What does it improve and rectify? What does it change beyond painting a picture of some mythical "bright future" in the minds of "goyim", while absolutely nothing has actually changed in the "real world"?

However, the Russians, French and US military are in no mood for appeasement.

Well, sure, our "prophet" Benya can even read their "moods", just like some "channeler".

The United Nations Security Council unanimously passed a resolution condemning ISIS meaning that all major powers, including China, are moving against it.

Since ISIS is a front for the Khazarian mafia this means all their proxies are now being shut down. In particular, Mossad linked companies are being removed from jobs related to security at airports, power plants etc.

Well, the resolutions of the Security Council have any real effect ONLY if they authorize some specific actions. But any kind of declarative resolutions have very little effect, if any. Yes, it creates some kind of a "joint opinion" in general sense. But, unless a specific resolution is passed and not blocked by the same powers of evil, it does not matter much. How many declarative resolutions have been passed by the UN in the past regarding the viciousness and barbarity of Israel towards the Palestine and its people? So, what did they change in REALITY?

Had a "single hair" fallen from the head of the ZioNazi satanists?

We'll skip some of Benya's slogans about it.

Whatever the true motives of the French attack, French authorities are using it as an excuse to declare martial law and crack down on all fifth columnists in their country.

Well, but is this all "good news", or "bad"? How does declaration of the martial law HELP "us, the people"? Isn't this EXACTLY one of the goals in the NWO scheme and yet another attempt to create mass paranoia and a sense of chilling fear in the minds of people in order to paralyze them?

What is the "martial law" and what "horizons" does it open for "us, the people" beyond giving the same satanists the power to arrest anyone and even shoot them and then place the "Terrorist suspect" sticker on their heads?

Because the next step in this "martial law" scheme is mass arrests and sending lots of people to the concentration camps. Interestingly enough, the so-called "red" and "yellow" lists have already been compiled. Everyone on the "red list" is subject to arrest and imprisonment in a concentration camp. And anyone who ended up in the concentration camp can be gassed to death and his body burned in the efficient body burning furnaces.

And you can find plenty of information about it on the net just by looking at things like "FEMA concentration camps" or "millions of caskets, manufactured for FEMA" and things like that. For example, in the USA alone, the lists are as big, as to include MILLIONS of people by now.

So, what's the "good news" about this "martial law" scheme?

We'll skip some Benya's pumping it up on this subject and his attempts to create the "mountains out of mole hills" and his talk about the alleged efforts by the governments to "to seize funds" of ZioNazi satanists and the "banking mafia".

The thing is that, first of all, the governments themselves are nothing more than a bunch of puppets, utterly corrupt, who sold their souls to the evil. Now, once the Soul has been sold, there are no provisions to get it back in the contracts with the "dark side". So, you can talk about it all you want, but it changes nothing.

Then there is the fact that tax accountants are reporting their clients income is falling, making it obvious to all the government is lying about the state of the economy.


Well, ALL the "governments", at least of the "free world", are lying, and not just about the state of the economy, but about anything you can imagine. Because they consist of the most professional liars to begin with. We don't need to look at the Benya's link to see that. In all likelihood, what Benya makes it look like is not even in the picture in the source article.

We used to look at the links he regularly provides but what we usually see there is not the same thing as what Benya seem to see in it. By now, it is nothing but a waste of time to even bother to look at any of it. So, sorry, "not interested" seeing yet another myth, concocted "out of the mole hills" is our position on it. We simply do not have time to waste on "chasing the shadows in the valley of darkness". Simple as that.

The answer, for many, especially honest low paid members of the law enforcement and military professions, is to legally seek the return of funds stolen by the families that own the Federal Reserve Board.

Well, but how do you do that? On what basis? According to what evidence, you are willing to provide to prove your case, unless you are a plain, ordinary "lunatic" and a "conspiracy theorist", which is their favorite label to place on "big mouths" of all kinds? Interestingly enough, in the Protocols of the Leaned Elders of Zion" they call them the "talking heads" (who talk their mouths off, while not having even a CLUE of "the REAL deal").

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion in modern English
(A much easier to comprehend version, compared to the original, Victor Marsden version)

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, Victor E. Marsden version

Note: Both versions above contain the audio version, which you can play anywhere, even while driving your car. Well, what can we say here but these protocols better be STUDIED by anyone, who is really interested to understand "how it all works".

We'll skip Benya' talk about the alleged attempts to "seize the funds" of some of these puppets. There is nothing much to comment on, since "we have to see it to believe it". You can read about in his full report on Thursday.

What we can say, but "good luck with that".

Actually, just as Christian Rackovsky, one of those, known as "The committee of 300", during his interrogation, upon direct order of Stalin, stated, you don't actually need to read any "reports" with "shocking news" about anything.

Red Symphony
(Revelations of Trotskyist Rakovsky [about the global conspiracy or the "Hidden Hand"])

NWO - The Committee of 300 - Rulers of This World

Just as "Bobby the Brain" Heannan said:

"You can trust NOBODY, NOBODY!!!" [not even your own mother].

But what WILL you certainly see in the unfolding events in the world is that it represents the REAL position of those, who stand behind it all, "The hidden hand". That was a reply of Rakovsky to the question of the interrogator: "But how will Stalin know that what you told us is truth and represents their REAL position on things?"

Date: 2016-01-14; view: 697

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Khazarian mafia takedown is accelerating, making them dangerously desperate | Paris psy-ops is part of ongoing moves towards world government
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