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Khazarian mafia takedown is accelerating, making them dangerously desperate

November 24, 2015

Author: Benjamin Fulford

It is no longer good enough to passively blog about the mass murdering fascist cabal that is seizing power in the West, it is time to take direct action. This writer is going to put his life where his word is by going at noon, Japan Standard Time on November 24th, 2015 [*], to confront senior Khazarian cabalist mass murderers Richard Armitage, Michael Green and Kurt Campbell.

These murderers will be showing up at the Nikkei Hall in downtown Tokyo where they will be giving orders to their Japanese slave politicians and fomenting war. We will be live streaming on the internet as we try to force these criminals to answer for their crimes to the world public. It is time to make it impossible for members of the Khazarian mafia to appear in public without being confronted about their crimes and lies.

Campbell, Green and Armitage are all accessories to the murder of over 15,786 innocent Japanese citizens on March 11th, 2011. As this writer has previously written, Armitage is a heroin dealer who is also responsible for the murderer of numerous heads of state, including Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines and Noboru Takeshita of Japan.

Kurt Campbell was tape recorded trying to bribe Japanese politician Ichiro Ozawa with a monopoly on xeolite, a radiation clean up agent, immediately before the 311 nuclear and tsunami mass murder terror attack. Campbell was head of Asian affairs for the US State Department at the time. Michael Green, head of Mossad in Japan, has slandered this writer and forced Japanese politicians to publish essays saying the Japanese people had to obey Jews.

These people are now offering multi-billion dollar bribes to opposition politician Tooru Hashimoto in an attempt to co-opt an opposition alliance that is likely to overthrow the slave regime of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Sources close to Abe meanwhile say there has been a systematic assassination campaign going on against people in Abe’s immediate circle who are beginning to chafe at the orders given by Armitage and his fellow Khazarian gangsters.

We encourage all readers to phone the following places and demand the arrest of these criminals since we know an exact time and place where they will be appearing:

US White House: 1-202-456-1414
Japanese Embassy in Washington: 1-202-238-6700
US Department of Defense: 1-703-571-3343
US Justice Deparment: 1-202-514-2000
FBI: 1-202- 324-3000.

In addition, we ask non-US readers to phone their governments and ask them to also demand the arrest of these criminals.

All readers are further encouraged to organize similar such action whenever senior cabalists and known war criminals like Henry Kissinger, George Bush Sr., George Bush Jr., Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Nicholas Sarkozy, Tony Blair etc. show up in a public place. Public enablers of these criminals like Janet Yellen of the Federal Reserve Board, Mario Draghi of the European Central Bank and Haruhiko Kuroda of the Bank of Japan also need to be confronted about their printing money for gangsters every time they appear in public.

These people need to be named, shamed and arrested. Enough is enough. Remember nobody is above the law and these are all proven mass murderers. They need to be removed from public view and placed in jail where they belong.

OK, and now for the rest of the news. The world power struggle is intensifying with a now public and undeniable military blockade of Israel and its proxies in the Middle East. This is being admitted even on websites like DEBKA that are linked to Israeli Mossad intelligence. DEBKA is saying Iranian planes are attacking near the Syrian/Israeli border while the grounded Israeli air-force looks helplessly on.


A Russian, French and American fleet is now operating off the coast of Israel as part of a campaign to force that rogue state to cease is incessant promotion of terrorism and war. The Russians and their allies, including the US Pentagon and now the French are also targeting the large corporations such as Exxon Mobil, Haliburton and BP plus their owners the Rockefeller, Rothschild, Bush etc. families, Pentagon sources say.

In particular, Exxon Mobil and BP have been identified as the real controllers of Qatar and Saudi Arabia which are, in turn, the chief sponsors of ISIS, Pentagon, French and Russian sources agree.

The Russians deliberately leaked information about a nuclear torpedo recently. They also fired cruise missiles from a submarine in the Mediterranean. Russian nuclear armed bombers are also patrolling the airspace around Israeli borders escorted by Iranian fighter jets. The message being sent is that the oil company colony of brainwashed Europeans known as Israel can be “nuked, tsunamied and EMPed into oblivion at a moment’s notice,” Pentagon officials noted.

War criminal and mass murderer Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, fearing retribution, called Russian President Vladimir Putin to beg for mercy in response to these moves, the Pentagon officials said.

However, the Russians, French and US military are in no mood for appeasement. The United Nations Security Council unanimously passed a resolution condemning ISIS meaning that all major powers, including China, are moving against it.

Since ISIS is a front for the Khazarian mafia this means all their proxies are now being shut down. In particular, Mossad linked companies are being removed from jobs related to security at airports, power plants etc.

Companies like BP and Exxon that have been buying oil from ISIS are also likely to face sanctions even as their senior shareholders are hunted down, Pentagon and CIA sources said.

In addition, measures are being taken to prevent the manufactured Syrian refugee crisis from being used to infiltrate saboteurs and agents into Europe and the US from the Middle East and elsewhere.

French Journalist Thierry Meysson, the man who first reported lies in the official 911 story, has also identified the hedge fund KKR and of course the mercenary company Academi as key players in the fake Islamic terror racket. Hero Meysson has recently published a ground breaking report on what really happened with the Paris Friday the 13th “massacre.”


Whatever the true motives of the French attack, French authorities are using it as an excuse to declare martial law and crack down on all fifth columnists in their country.

In any case, the French government has other reasons to wish for martial law. The head of a large French corporation supplying the French army contacted this writer last week to say he had not been paid by the French government for his services in over 8 months. As a result of that he had to lay off 400 employees, he says.

If we recall, the original Friday the 13th massacre in October of 1307 was used as a pretext by the bankrupt French king to seize the assets of the Knights Templars. In this case, the Templars would be the Rothschilds and their banker buddies.

Other European countries, notably the PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain) are also facing bankruptcy so there is growing pressure there as well to seize funds fraudulently taken from the people by privately owned central banks. The gnostic illuminati view this as a golden opportunity to make their move against inbred European bloodline banking families.

The United States is also bankrupt so there is a strong incentive there as well to seize assets earned fraudulently by the families that own the Federal Reserve Board. One recent sign of US bankruptcy is a 70% drop in freight charges from the US to Asia in the past three weeks.


This is a good indication the Americans are unable to pay for their Christmas goodies from China this year.

Another recent sign is the publicly admitted bankruptcy of the US semi-state of Puerto Rico.


Then there is the fact that tax accountants are reporting their clients income is falling, making it obvious to all the government is lying about the state of the economy.


The answer, for many, especially honest low paid members of the law enforcement and military professions, is to legally seek the return of funds stolen by the families that own the Federal Reserve Board.

Already, senior Khazarian agents like George Soros, Hillary Clinton, John McCain and others are also facing “serious consequences” in the US for their anti-social activities. Pentagon sources are saying Hillary Clinton will soon face criminal charges and the assets of the Clinton Foundation may soon be seized.

In what is probably a related move, a Senior Chinese agent in Japan offered this week to donate $100 billion worth of Clinton issued “Kennedy bonds,” to the White Dragon Foundation, presumably as a way to get around expected asset forfeiture.

The White Dragon Society prefers that forensic accountants identify the people behind the foundations that control most of the world’s stock markets and force them to return funds they stole through fraudulent fiat (money out of thin air) bank crime.

The White Dragon Foundation is also willing to accept funds dedicated towards setting up a meritocratically staffed, transparently run future planning agency dedicated towards creating paradise on earth.

It is time to end forever the mass murdering Khazarian mafia tyranny.

Also, because we were hacked last week by Khazarian agents, we ask our subscribers to please ignore the usual Thursday embargo and post this weeks’ entire report on as many sites as possible.

[Comment: First of all, what can we say but "Thanks, oh Benya the Great for allowing us to publish your earthquaking report for this week. We are simply humbled by your generosity.

Secondly, this mythical "hacking" incident simply looks like the typical hysterical exclamations of Benya.

As far as we are aware, there was no "hacking" incident of any kind. Some people have complained that they were unable to access his site for a couple of days, and the paranoia pumping campaign had begun.

But this happened not as a result of some "hacking", but simply because Benya's domain subscription had expired and he did not renew it in time, which triggered the automatic termination of subscription, and some DNS servers, but not all, stopped serving the DNS requests for his domain. The subscription have expired on November 17, 2015. But this domain started functioning again when its subscription had been renewed. Simple as that.

But, certainly, Benya's information is SO valuable to the Good of Mankind that all the "powers of darkness" are after him on a non-stop basis, and, as he had noticed on numerous occasions, his very life is in danger, which makes him look as "important" "in the scheme of things", as one can not even BEGIN to imagine.

Hail Benya The Great!!!]

[*] 10 PM, November 23rd Eastern Standard Time USA. 2 PM November 23rd, Greenwich Mean Time.

Date: 2016-01-14; view: 720

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