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Blind leading the blind shalt fall into a ditch.

Simple as that. And that is precisely what we are dealing with here - some blind fools, not necessarily SEEING anything of real value, are trying to "save the world", for whatever reasons or interests they might have.

In order "to be able save the world", the first thing that is required is "SEEING" the essence of it, which translates into a degree of consciousness or awareness as some call it. Because if you do not have enough awareness to "SEE", no matter how sincere you are and your efforts, you will simply end up in a pit, and pretty much inevitably so.

Because the events in the world don't just happen "out of the blue". It is all a result of immensely complex processes of growth of Intelligence on this planet. There are some things and aspects of it that lay well beyond comprehension of nearly everyone on this planet and some of it may turn out not as it APPEARS to be, as seen by most.

Some of those events or aspects may have the consequences just opposite to what many were lead to believe. In order to "save the world from evil", you need to understand the mechanisms and principles of the Infinite Multidimensional Intelligence, ALL-pervading, ALL-engulfing and forever expanding.

The events and appearances are not just some random and "undesirable" acts in a performance in some mad house. It is all precisely sculpted and structured to facilitate those very mechanisms of "SEEING", that lay at the foundation of growth of Intelligence and are the results of certain experiments, conducted on this planet, the intents of which is to facilitate the most rapid growth of the Infinite Multidimensional Intelligence and its manifestations on this planet, or "All There Is", as some classify it.

Yes, there are different versions and the interpretations of what is going on with this planet. Some claim that we are dealing with an attempt of takeover of this planet by "the dark side", specifically by the Orion Group and as a result of the so-called "negative approach" of the "ruling family" or "social memory complex" Lucifer. This essentially means that what we are dealing with is an attempt to sabotage "the original plan" for development of Intelligence on this planet.

This, in turn, means that the issues we are dealing with are immensely complex and so are the possible "solutions", and could not be solved merely by force, with a gun or violence of all kinds. Furthermore, they are multidimensional and multifaceted. Considering the fact that the knowledge on what is known as the 3rd density, or the level of development of self-awareness of human Beings is not available, the complexity magnifies drastically.

What is available on this level is theories, guesses, creative search, intuitive flashes and things of that nature, but not the KNOWLEDGE, simply because of what is known as the "Law of Confusion" which is meant to facilitate the genuinely NEW and creative ideas and aspects. But all of this is too complex to even begin to discuss here.

One needs to study these things to even begin to comprehend the REAL issues of what we are dealing with and what opportunities are presented to us and what REAL problems do we face as Humanity, some of which are immense in their complexity.

Yes, the time has come to draw "the bottom line", and REAL things ARE happening, some of which may even be visible. But they are happening in such a way as to minimize the probabilities of catastrophic consequences of some probable events and actions. The "future" is not determinable from the present, like in some deterministic machine. It is not mapped as some "inevitability" from the "present". There are what is known "probable alternatives" to what may happen "in the future". And the number of those alternatives is virtually infinite. It all depends on the point of view. From one point of view, doing so and so might look to be the most beneficial or most "efficient" course of action. But from a different point of view, it may turn out to be nothing but disaster and destruction of all kinds.

So, how could the "blind", not "seeing" even the skin-deep levels for what they are, "lead the mankind" to anything other than "hell", as it is commonly known? How many people are there on this planet who are able to SEE some of those mechanisms and necessities, created and facilitated on the HIGHEST levels of Being and Existence as such?

So, let us look as some elements of "the plan to save this planet" as proposed by Benya Fulford and the WDS.

  • Yes, indeed, saving the environment and bringing an end to poverty ARE some of the most important issues. But these things take generations to accomplish. In order to save the environment from collapse, you need to change the entire industrial base, energy generation technologies and so on. Because with current energy generation technologies and use of oil and fossil fuels, all you can hope to improve is reduction of pollution by 10-30%, at best.

As to the poverty, again, it might take generations and massive amounts of all sorts of help, assistance in agricultural production techniques and methods, irrigation techniques and so on, not even mentioning the transformation of the entire societies and social organization in the "underdeveloped" part of the world, which by itself is quite a risky proposition, at least from the standpoint of a "reserve genotype" to be activated in case the "developed" part of the mankind becomes hopelessly corrupt and/or zombified "to the point of no return".

Because the "underdeveloped" part of the mankind is precisely that part that has not been corrupted by the world of money and "industrialization" techniques and methods of merciless exploitation of everything that moves or does not, for that matter. It is precisely this genotype still has the necessary purity and humaneness to continue the processes, at least from the standpoint of the "positive approach" or "service to US" vs. "me and my own interests".

So, the result of "rapid elimination of poverty" might lead to utter corruption of the original and pure genotype of "primitive" societies, as the same techniques of ruthless exploitation and "industrialization" are introduced into those, still relatively pure and uncorrupted societies, even though much corruption has already entered even into the most remote and "uncivilized" parts of this planet. So, the issues are way much more complex than most could even begin to comprehend.

Interestingly enough, the supporting evidence of the "reserve genetic pool" may be seen in the results of a study conducted to see what those "uncivilized" people will tell us once they see our great values with their own eyes. So, the group of "primitive", "uncivilized" people were brought to the UK, dressed in plain clothes of the "civilized" people and were taken to all sorts of places to see how our great "civilization" works. At the end, they were asked what they think about our "democratized" society. The shocking part of that final interview was that they asked: but why are you people so insensitive, and why there exists so little care and respect for each other, why are you so inhuman, violent and so on? And that IS a shock, which directly implies that these "primitive" people are MORE "developed" as far as real human values go than our mentalized and egocentric society.

The net result is that you won't see any visible changes possibly for generations. But, even if you succeed, does it change the world of money, power and influence and will it cause the powers of evil to subside and stop parasiting on this world and creating all this global violence, wars, revolutions, not even mentioning of mercilessly robbing the people on this planet and creating vast imbalances of wealth? How so?

But what COULD be done, and almost immediately, is to, first of all, take back the control of the media and stop creation of all sorts of lies, deceit and manipulation in the media so that people of this planet will be able to learn the TRUE information, instead of being lied to, morning to night, every single day on nearly every single channel of media any place you look.

Because the REAL force that is capable to bring up the real changes are the PEOPLE, and not some puppets and not even "noble knights on a white horse". Because no knights will be able to bring out radical changes required. The system is just too big, too sophisticated, too powerful and all-pervasive. It exists for thousands of years and has been perfected to the point that it is simply impossible to stand against it, unless ALL the people get involved, at least to some degree.

They own ALL the governments, legislature, courts, media, major industries and on and on and on. They have their agents on ALL the levels of significance of anything, down to your local city offices. It is the most extensive network of evil ever existing on this planet. And it is built upon the networking structure and architecture. Meaning that you can not destroy it as a whole. All you can do is to take out some nodes. But it will still function, even if half of the network is destroyed, just like Internet itself. So, HOW are you going to fight it?

Here's an outstanding, and yet simple and clear "must read" book by one of the top experts in the world about the NWO and forces of evil, their techniques, methods, "principles of operation", ideology, goals and so on, Tatyana Gracheva, a head of department at one of the major military academies in Moscow, which "for many will be a revelation, overturning the established notions of the modern world of big politics and in a sense a sensation":

Network of interconnected organizations
(Invisible Khazaria by Tatyana Gracheva,
Algorithms and geopolitical strategy of secret wars of the world behind the scenes

But, at least not blocking the truthful information could be done pretty quickly and relatively easily, at least by those, who make the type of big-time claims Benya makes. But this great Benya, with all his great wisdom and insight, until his last posts, never even mentioned one of the FIRST things to be done "to save the world from evil", and that is to take care of the information channels first.

Once true information starts coming out with the force and power with which the lies are now peddled everywhere, and it becomes a FLOOD of true information, than the whole system will simply collapse upon itself. Because it can only work if people are deluded and do not have any access to true and reliable information.

So, they have no clue of what is really going on. How and what can they possibly do if they are simply confused as to what is what and who is who and have no clue of what are the REAL issues of the day, who stands behind it all, what are their techniques and methods and so on? In order to fight the enemy, you need to KNOW him and his resources and techniques first.

Yes, indeed, to assure that people receive truthful information is easier said than done. Because most of the journalists, as it stands right now, are basically prostitutes and puppets who, willingly or unwillingly sold their Souls to anyone who is interested enough to pay for it, just as John Swinton said.

But it is doable. All you need is honest, intelligent and competent editors and there are enough of those capable of doing such a work. From then on, those editors need to explain to the journalists and reporters that the times of lies are done with and so are the times of hype, hysteria, perversions and prostitution journalism. So, any crappy work that is not insightful and does not carry some substance that opens up some real issues to resolve will be simply thrown out into a garbage bin, and if those reporters keep producing all sorts of meaningless crap they will simply be fired on the basis of incompetence and/or dishonesty. Simple as that.

Yes, it will take some time to change things from the mode of fabrications, perversions and deceit to honesty and insight. The thing is that many journalists and reporters are not as dumb and dishonest as they look. They simply HAD to prostitute themselves because of "objective realities", but it does not necessarily mean that they are hopelessly corrupt and/or dumb as a piece of wood even though there are plenty of those around.

Basically, the very profession of journalism needs to be cleaned of the roots of corruption and it does take some time. But what are the options you have?

Also, the journalists need to learn the principles of humanism and Life affirmation instead of all sorts of tricks of exploitation, manipulation, deceit, parasitism and glorification of death and destruction. Basically, if a journalist isn't even interested in the issues of awareness, consciousness and Being, he is basically a "hopeless case". Yes, vast majority of people are substantially immature, primarily because of delusions of the materialistic view of reality where the matter and "objectivism rule". But much of it is simply related to fear, fear to even come close to that which is known as Truth.

Because in the world of corruption, Truth becomes one of the most "dangerous" things from the standpoint of being able to "survive". When one is dealing with Truth, it is pretty risky. It requires the intelligence, courage and a certain degree of awareness. Then the fear has not much space to operate within. The "good news" is that the Intelligence and Creativity will always find a solution. So, there is really not much basis for fear. Most of it is nothing more than fictions of all kinds, the artificial limitations created by the world of corruption and exploitation. But it is not something natural and inherent. Truth is "natural". Lies are not. They are nothing more than temporary delusions, created as a result of all sorts of distortions, perpetuated by the parasitic forces and their agenda of "taking over the world", which is an absurd and impossibility.

The second thing that could be done is to make it a policy that ANY and ALL negotiations, at least between the world powers, are to be made in PUBLIC and full transcripts of their speeches are to be published on the web and made searchable. No secret negotiations and deals and wheels behind the curtains may be allowed, allegedly on behalf of people.

If it is REALLY done on behalf and for the benefit of ALL the people, and not just some clans and "powers" of all kinds, then how come the politicians meet behind the closed doors and people have no idea of what had actually taken place and/or done on their behalf with their implicit authorization? Because what is told to you in the media is a totally different and totally distorted picture of what had taken place in reality.

All this secrecy, animosity and warfare mentality exist only in the world of adversity, an artificial world of exploitation and parasitism. But what is the basis for the nations to maintain the warlike stance and keep piling weapons, tools and means of destructions if there is no "enemy"? And those "enemies" are artificially created to maintain and promote the world and principles of evil. It is not something natural or inherent in Life.

It is much more productive and beneficial for the nations to maintain the mutual respect and appreciation for different cultures and traditions. Because all of them are complimentary, expanding the scope of That Which Is. The more colors you have, the better, the more ways and means to look at things you have, the more variety of methods and solutions become available and so on.

Because what we have on this planet right now is all these wars, artificially created, in order to maintain the unnecessary animosity to take away the attention of the people from the real things, and that is parasitism and exploitation. Just to keep everyone busy with artificial and utterly unnecessary "problems", that do not exist and are utterly unnatural. Why does one crave for fighting when things can be resolved without any fights? Who keeps winding everyone's tails, just to keep them frustrated and angry all the time? What does anger and fight resolve beyond boosting the egos, arrogance and all sorts of other tricks of control and parasitism, created by the "dark side"?

The third thing to be done is to prohibit any politicians or "authorities" of all kinds to read their speeches from some paper. Yes, they can refer to some numbers or quote things or remind themselves of the points to cover, but not just read it all literally as a text of their speeches. Because if one opens his mouth, then he needs to have enough intelligence to speak of his own and to show his own abilities to solve things. Otherwise, why did he even open his mouth to speak? His pre-constructed blabber, written by someone else could be simply played by the speech synthesizer, just to remove all his tricks to IMPRESS and magnify ones own significance, and all his hand-waving, chest-pumping and all other tricks of lies and fabrication, just to convince all others that his lies are actually true.

Furthermore, the text of any speeches has to be published first and made available to all, before they can even open their mouths, and it needs to be published in easily accessible form, such as blogs or forums, which anyone can comment on or bring up some questions or substantive issues for discussion. From then on, it could be sorted, prioritized and analyzed by the assistants and analysts to be responded to or acted upon.

How do you know WHO wrote those papers and for what purpose? What if they are simply reading the scripts prepared by the same forces of evil that exploit and parasite on you? How could you possibly know if this is not in fact going on?

And that is precisely how you activate the Creative potential of all the people, and not just some "elite" of mostly perverts and evildoers. In order to solve the problems of the world, you need to engage everyone, who has enough interest and creative abilities to contribute. Then it can be looked at, discussed, improved upon and, finally, implemented.

Because any "elite" or or even the so-called "scientists" have only their own limited views and "interests" or "carriers to worry about", and much of it is merely a result of corruption and vested interests. But the problems of today are so many and so big, that you need to engage anyone who is willing to contribute in a constructive way and have enough interest in doing so.

Because the politicians and those "in power" are inherently corrupt, and so are most of the "scientists", simply because we are dealing with the same issue as in case with Benya - the monetary interests, which immediately brings in the mechanisms of corruption. Basically, it is only those, who do not depend on some income for "survival", could be trusted to be neutral or sincere enough. The mechanisms of assuring the "survival" need to be totally revised, just to remove any possibility of corruption and self-interest, which is easier said than done.

In the world of money and "survival" you can not trust even in purely creative areas, such as music, arts and even science, just like with Benya. Because in order to "make more money" or to "survive", they will be exaggerating the meaning and significance and adding all sorts of artificial embellishments into otherwise potentially creative work.

If you look at the "modern" music, arts and science, you will mostly find the pure grade hype and even utmost evil. Because it is done by those, who are either concerned with "survival" or are interested in magnifying their own significance, if not craving for promotion of the outright evil, for their own interests, just as the "negative approach" of Lucifer states, not even mentioning the so-called "Orion Group" and the issues of takeover of this planet by the "dark side" and its innumerable agents and puppets of all kinds you see in the so-called governments, media, the so-called international organizations and so on.

And if even the arts and science have been corrupted, pretty much to the bone and marrow, then what do you expect to achieve at the end, but not the utmost lies, perversions, deceit, manipulation, just to "gain" something for oneself without any concern for others or "us" as a whole?

Moreover, the modern so-called science is basically the system of utter delusion. Most of it could hardly be even called science, first of all, because of the total distortion of the so-called "materialistic model" and so-called "objective reality", which is UTTER myth. Because whatever you look for has to be inevitably and unquestionably "verified" by the MATERIALISTIC means and methods.

But those are some of the grossest illusions and distortions. The "matter" does NOT "rule", as commonly believed. Even in Yoga and Easter systems of thought, such as Tao or Zen, it is one of the most fundamental principles. Matter or Tamas, as it is known from Gunas, is considered to be the grossest and utterly unconscious state of Being, which is not quite correct because of the very concept of matter.

But, nevertheless, "matter" is considered to be the grossest and the most unconscious state of Being and Intelligence, necessary to obtain and experience the initial states of self-awareness. And yet, it "rules" even in the so-called science. The concept of "matter" is, therefore, "supreme", which is utter and complete absurd and even a delusion, and of the most profound kind. Because matter is a "medium", a vastly slowed down energy, like a bullet, filmed with a high speed camera allowing one to see it, with the help of which, nevertheless, the CONSCIOUSNESS and AWARENESS may grow, and it is available in form of something rigid or tangible only on the lowest "densities" of Being.

It is a profound "distortion" of that which is known as the Infinite Multidimensional Intelligence. Yes, necessary indeed, as via "matter" you are able to experience the initial and quite primitive manifestations of consciousness or awareness. But a "matter", as such, does not "rule" anything, and can not possibly be defined as the highest measure of validity of ANYTHING whatsoever. It is just the other way around.

And it is precisely this grossest distortion of "materialism" and "objective reality", that has been elevated above all, is "the cause of all calamities" on this planet. Matter is probably one of the most unreal concepts there are. Even physicists know it and that is precisely how the quantum physics was born. Because matter is nothing more than the energy at a particular "state" or "rotational speed" of photons. It is basically, the Light, slowed down to the grossest level where processes are so slow that they APPEAR to be something "tangible".

Yes, it is difficult, if not nearly impossible to talk about it here and there are things one must study on his own. But, nevertheless, matter, as we know it, is nothing but a lie, and a DELIBERATE lie, just to remove the very possibility of some "higher" states of CONSCIOUSNESS and to convert the existence and Intelligence into a conglomeration and interaction of some primitive, mechanistic objects, that are, nevertheless, considered to be "the only thing that is real". And that is precisely why you see these robots everywhere nowadays, presented as some kind of "bright future of humanity" that will invitably bring all sorts of "benefits", at least as far as greed of the material world goes.

Furthermore, the politicians, as such, are mostly totally uncreative liars and fabricators, forever giving you the promises of some undefined and amorphous "bright future", while not meaning a word of it. Very few of them have the necessary background and technical skills and enough talent to solve ANY problems. Because, in the "higher education" institutions, they are mostly taught to argue, manipulate, lie better than others and to memorize mountains of tricks of manipulation, exploitation and "gain". The creativity requires courage and risk, vision and trust that Intelligence and Life do "make sense", in order to really improve upon things.

So, there is plenty that could be done, and pretty much nearly instantly and without much fuss. WHO is going to object these things and on what grounds the "secrecy rules" the affairs of the world?

Sure, there is plenty to be done and not everything is as simple, as it might look "on paper". But what options or alternatives do you have?

  • There is another question to consider: Where is the guarantee that all those quite wild stories of Benya are nothing more than a trick to keep the people totally inactive in hope that some "noble knight on a white horse" will do THEIR work for them and will "save them" from the all-pervading evil, which they themselves have allowed and even supported, at least in some cases and to some degree, purely out of their blindness and utter absence of care for each other and even Life as such?

Why and how could "the evil rule" if you CARE, and not only about the ways and means to stuff your own bellies, but for the Life as such? Yes, it is true that the machine of mass zombification and robotization of mankind is immensely powerful and totally controlled by the forces of evil. Yes, it is true that Truth has been heavily suppressed and any "dangerous" information has been either destroyed or perverted.

But today you have access to nearly any kind of information imaginable to see the roots and mechanisms of evil, so there is no longer any excuse for not knowing the mechanisms an roots of it, even though very few people even bother to investigate the Truth of how they have been "had", exploited, parasited on and lied to, and yet, they want some "happiness", not even knowing what it means, beyond stuffing their bellies and shaking their rear ends at some "parties" of promotion of all sorts of idiocy, if not the outright insanity, where the very notion of happiness has been reduced to purely animalistic levels of Being.

Yes, the time of evil is up as people began to wake up in numbers. But you can not expect some Benya to do the work for you in defending Life and Truth, and not the ideology of death, destruction, parasitism, violence and perversions of all kinds.

  • So, "the bottom line" is: how does one know that with all his "earthquaking revelations" he isn't simply luring the unsuspecting "sheep" into his traps and painting all sorts of grand schemes, invented by himself, if not his puppet-masters, and blowing his own image and significance to the size of a helicopter, like some central coordinating figure on this planet to disclose the secrets of evil, to the point that some people are even willing to pay some money for it, not even suspecting that money might have NOTHING to do with this whole scheme?

Yes, it is at least conceivable that Benya is genuinely trying to do his best to assist as many people in understanding the mechanisms of evil. Yes, it can not be excluded that even his wild exaggerations and inventions are merely an attempt to look at probable outcomes of the world's major events. Yes, it is at least conceivable that he is "running out of his skin" trying to help as many people to SEE what is going on behind the curtains and he deserves the "thank you" for that, if that is the case.

But the question still remains: But What does money have to do with this? The thing is that those who are honest and are not merely interested in parasiting on the fruits of someone's labor, and who are genuinely interested in his writing will pay for it, merely out of appreciation, respect for the work he has done and in support of his efforts.

But the parasites or those in doubt or those, who are concerned with the issues of "identification of undesirables", not even mentioning all those, who simply can not afford to pay, will not pay no matter what you do. All, that has to be done is to tell the parasites that the Laws and principles of Life state: You will pay, one way of the other, sooner or later. For this is the Law, Law of Life, nothing less.

Furthermore, it is utterly futile, if not idiotic, to extrapolate "how much money I COULD make if everyone paid for my writings". Because those are nothing but the pipe dreams and wishful thinking or mere manipulations of reality.

Finally, here's one last word for Benya and his likes, of which there are plenty on the net nowadays, with all sorts of "revelations" and "messages" of all kinds, also charging money on a subscription basis for allegedly telling you the Truth, presenting themselves as all sorts of "channels" and "messengers" for the Light Side:

The Truth is not for sale. It can not be bought, no matter how much money you throw at it and how much "power" and "influence" you have and how much blood you had to spill in your never ending thirst for "dust, falling into dust".

This is the word from the spheres beyond visible.

Date: 2016-01-14; view: 833

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