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Propaganda Machine 106

"The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread"

In America, John Swinton, then the pre-eminent New York journalist, was the guest of honour at a banquet given him by the leaders of his craft. Someone who knew neither the press nor Swinton offered a toast to the independent press. Swinton outraged his colleagues by replying,

"There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it.

There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with.

Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone.

The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press?

We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes."

Synagogue of Satan

(ZioNazi quotes: Propaganda Machine)

There are quite a few things that could be said about it and that is one of the reasons we did not comment on this before. But Benya keeps insisting and projecting guilt on all those who decided to make his "earthquaking revelations" of quite questionable value and validity, made for the purpose yet to be determined, available in full as soon, as they are published, which does make quite some sense.

Why shouldn't some people have a chance to know what is going on as soon as it comes out, just because they either do not have a computer and have to read it in some public place, or do not have money to spend on it, or may not even have a bank account, or live in some country where the kind of money he charges is comparable to their monthly incomes, not even mentioning the issues of identification of "undesirables" or considering that all his big words and projections are not worth more than a used condom to be thrown into a garbage bin once is usefulness expires?

How corrupt one needs to be to even conceive of an idea to place a prices sticker on nothing less then Truth itself, if there is any to begin with? Is it available only to some "chosen few", and not to mere "mortals" that either can not afford to pay or do not even consider that all these wild stories of Benya are worth a penny?

Is there any evidence that all his concoctions, inventions and "prophecies" are anything more than a plain show for the "fools" and a "herd of sheep", "full of fury, signifying nothing"?

Why does he need to charge money for his grand concoctions and "revelations" of all kinds if not to make something fake look like something really valuable?

There is another interesting question with quite some consequences: Is it, by ANY chance, done in order to IDENTIFY the "undesirables" and potential "troublemakers" in order to add them to what is known as the "Red List" of all those to be exterminated FIRST in the FEMA concentration camps of which there are hundreds in the USA alone?

Let us go through it point by point.

  • First of all, the very essence of the copyright issue is to protect the COMMERCIAL interests of the individuals trying to "make a buck". This is ALL about money, "profits" and gain on purely commercial level and it isn't even a real solution to a problem of supporting the creative people regardless of the "commercial value" of their work.

The copyright law, as it stands, is not even meant to support the creativity. With sufficient marketing hype, nearly anything may be pushed to the levels of mass hysteria resulting in sales of utter garbage, and even utmost evil, in millions of copies. But genuinely creative works are not guaranteed to bring enough income to even support the most basic needs of the authors and there are plenty of examples of it.

  • But the point here is that Benya poses as some kind of a "warrior for Truth", nothing less. So, the question arises:

Is he trying to SELL you the allegedly "inside information" about the evil most profound and all sorts of schemes to take over the world and parasite on everything, which every human Being has the Creator's given RIGHT to know?

Can you imagine Jesus Christ charging you money for the Truth and for entrance into the "Kingdom of God"? How can one even conceive of an idea of charging money for the Truth? Because if we take out the information from the "sources", then what will be left is mostly his wild guesses about some grand schemes, at best.

So, the "beef" in his reports is not his own ideas about it, but the information, allegedly told to him by his extensive network of "sources", and even there, it isn't even clear if those alleged facts are not mere disinformation. So, what is he selling you?

  • What is he doing by charging you money to know the Truth, as soon as it comes out? Is he merely trying to "survive", like any "mortal"? Then why not "go get a job" to earn enough money during the day and do all your great writings and investigation after hours, just to keep your Soul clean and trustworthiness on a proper level?

Just because the media is corrupt to the bone and marrow and sold their souls to the evil, does it mean you can start charging money for nothing less than Truth? What kind of logic is this? Are you insane?

  • The very fact he charges money for someone else's information, first of all, taints that information and makes it not trustworthy. Simply because if one has the monetary interests in the matters, there is no guarantee that the information will be pure enough, undistorted and not exaggerated, or made more colorful, just to make it look more "valuable" and "insightful", simply to attract the customers, which is what you can actually see in every single of his writings, allegedly based on information, provided to him by others or found on some web site.

Essentially, he is no different than a parrot, repeating someone else's words, and arrogant, blind, cunning and dishonest enough to even charge the money for it, as though it was his own original work and creative ideas, which it is not, at least for the most part, beyond some wild exaggerations and inventions of all kinds, very little of which happens to turn out at the end the way he painted it.

  • His writings are not his own genuinely creative work and ideas, beyond some wild exaggerations and all sorts of "prophecies", quite conceivably made for some dubious purposes. Simply because he takes the information, allegedly provided to him by all sorts of "authorities" and those in "power" and influence, and simply tells it to you, as is, or adding some wild interpretations of his own, stretching the original meaning like a condom. So, the substance of information itself is not genuinely HIS.

If telling the Truth is copyrightable in principles, then those who allegedly told him all his "earthquaking revelations" are the authors, but not Benya, by ANY means.

In fact, it can be claimed that his original contribution to the resulting writing mostly consists of vast exaggerations, "blowing flies to the size of a helicopter", and all sorts of wishful thinking, at best. Very little, if anything of substance, of what he told so far, did in fact materialize and could be verified via commonly available information sources.

  • Yes, he does have enough experience in dealing with the corrupt world of money and "power" and he does have some ability to "read" the information "between the lines", simply because he understands the world of cunningness, lies and techniques of deceit quite well, but he is not a Prophet of any kind, by ANY means.

If anything, his very motivations and the way he concocts all sorts of wild ideas and projections are quite suspect. Simply because today white is white and black is black, but tomorrow it is all just the other way around. How much trust can anyone place on it? If you read some of the feedback on various forums and blogs, you will find plenty of people having enough reasons to doubt his sincerity and honesty. Why is that?

Yesterday, the queen is one of the evilest individuals you can find, which she in fact is, but today, boom, she is involved in some negotiations on behalf and for the "bright future of mankind", which is simply impossible, simply because all those people, if you can call them people to begin with, made the contract with Lucifer and "the dark side" and those contracts are not reversible.

As they say, "the hell may sooner get frozen" than for the evil to become good. The same thing applies to the Pentagon, the Pope, P2 masonic lodge, various "leaders", "authorities", agencies and so on.

For example, he keeps talking about the military cooperation between the USA and Russia. But, during the briefing at the Pentagon on Aug. 12, 2015 the U.S. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno called Russia "the most dangerous military threat to the U.S. right now". "... He said the Army has been working to rebuild its ability to fight an adversary like Russia over the past 18 months, mainly training for hybrid warfare, which includes a mix of conventional, counterinsurgency, cyber, space and other military capabilities".

Top general: US should consider embedding troops in Iraq

"In addition, the Committee of chiefs of staffs of the USA was led by General Joseph Dunford, who called the Russian Federation as the biggest threat to the States".

American General explained why Russia is more dangerous for the U.S. and other countries

Isn't this something totally opposite to what Benya keeps singing in his reports? So, who is lying and/or manipulating and fabricating here? How can you possibly reconcile all this? And we can cite quite a list of utter and complete contradictions between what was reported by Benya and what had actually taken place in reality.

Or take this one (March 31, 2015) where he says:

"The battle has now reached the point where the Satanists are negotiating a surrender to the Red and Blue, the White Dragon Society and their allies".

Proposal for world federation has now been passed on to key power centers

Actually, there are quite a few places during the last year, at least, where Benya talks about Cabal's "negotiating a surrender". For example:

September 22, 2014
"That is why cabal representatives have begun negotiating surrender with the White Dragon Society and their allies".

May 5, 2014
"That is why surrender negotiations are continuing under the surface."

March 3, 2014
"This blustering is all a form of cabal table pounding and posturing for better treatment in their ongoing surrender negotiations."

So, keeps talking about these "surrender negotiations" for years on. But, do you see ANY "surrenders" happening even "after all these years"? Naturally, the question arises: So, how many generations need to pass by before this "surrender" takes place in reality? Secondly, how can you even conceive of an idea of negotiations with the satanists and obedient servants of the "dark side"? Because any promises they might give worth absolutely nothing to them.

Their Kol Nidre prayer annuls any promises they have given and any contracts they have made or signed. You can not negotiate ANYTHING with them. About the only language they understand is the language of the ultimatums, power and threats to their very existence and, most of all, all the money they have robbed, stolen, conned out of or acquired via parasitic means. That is about ALL they understand and capable of understanding.

So, what kind of fools can even conceive of an idea of negotiations with the servants of "the dark side"? What is Benya feeding you, people? Do you know?

  • Benya presents himself to be a "WDS spokesperson", and, therefore, their "mouth". Now, these WDS people are allegedly engaged in the "fight against the evil" to "save the mankind". Furthermore, it is alleged that they have extensive network and all sorts of contacts on the highest levels, which, first of all, implies quite some expenses and a certain degree of "authority", "power" and "influence".

You can not be simply a "bum" and expect that anyone of any "authority" or "power" will speak to you or would even bother to know you exist. Those kinds of people do not deal with mere mortals. You simply MUST have some "initial net worth" and "weight" for them to even be interested in knowing you exist.

Now, with all their "Dragon family money", can not they afford to pay the expenses of their own "spokesperson" to be able to "survive" and do the work of being their "mouth"? Or does he have to go somewhere and find some money to pay his bills to do the work for THEM, boosting their image and significance, and being essentially a marketing agent for them? What is this but the lunacy level?

And who ARE them, whom do they represent, who authorized their involvement and who asked for it? What authority do they have to conduct all sorts of behind the curtain negotiations and deal-making of all kinds on behalf of mankind without even asking if anyone wants or appreciate their "help"?

Here is his own words:

"There was also an offer to pay this writer over $30,000 a month in Dragon family money to finance investigative journalism. So far no money has appeared. There have been so many announcements of this type over the years that have failed to materialize that this phone call should be considered more likely an attempt to spread disinformation than a sign of any real breakthrough.

"These people have lied so many times that only their actions, not their words, can be believed."

WDS offer to pay Benya $30k/mo.

And these are the very same people he alleges to be a "spokesman" for! So, he himself admits to be a "spokesperson" for the liars and those who do not keep their word, and yet, making all sorts of claims to be "fighting evil" and having guts to even present the "agenda for the good of mankind"? Upon what authorization and upon what request and by whom?

And WHO are these so-called WDS "family"? WHERE is the full story on them? The thing is, some individuals allege that they are nothing more than the Chinese gambling mafia and that is where their money comes from. Whether it is true or not, you have to investigate yourselves.

In fact, he even claims to have been "initiated" into their clan and even posted a picture of him, hanging upside down during the "initiation ritual", and, therefore, had given some oaths and did become a full-fledged member of their organization, or a "family" or a cult, whichever it is. It would be interesting to see the full text of the oath he has given, at least in order to determine if it differs from any other oaths used during the initiations in all sorts of cults of evil. After all, he has given this oath in his alleged battle against all evil on behalf of mankind, didn't he?

But the thing is that even a plain ordinary mafia "takes care of their family and people" and does not expect that someone is going to do the marketing work for them while not even being paid a penny. Strange, isn't it?

  • The copyright law does not work for 3 days. Either it is copyrighted for life, or there is no notion of a copyright to begin with. Furthermore, there are exceptions in the law, known as "fair use" clause. According to that clause, if no money is charged for the information and it is done for humanitarian or educational purposes, among other things, then the copyright is inapplicable.

See: Fair Use Notice:

Again, the copyright law is meant to protect the COMMERCIAL interests. Religious or humanitarian information, meant to benefit the mankind as such, can not be copyrighted in principle. Simple as that. Else, it is nothing more than perversion and the money "rules" over the needs of mankind.

How can you even conceive of charging money for allegedly vital information of humanitarian nature, to allegedly "save the mankind from evil"? Than what kind of a model Benya proposes?

Making money on fighting the corrupt world of money? Are we in a madhouse?

  • And, finally, Benya has made some claims to be the offspring of one of the wealthiest men, George Taylor Fulford: "at the time of his death he was the largest single shareholder in General Electric and was considering buying a company called General Motors".

George Taylor Fulford

This implies that Benya Fulford is quite a wealthy man. On the scale of being one of the major stock owners of the GE, this translates into millions, if not billions, unless he was disinherited. So, the money isn't even an issue on this level, nothing even worth mentioning, or IS it?

Then why Benya even talks about money? Where is the guarantee that it is not done just to inflate the significance of his concoctions and make it all look like something so real and "valuable" that it is even worth some money to be paid for all sorts of rumors and his own inventions? What else could be the case?

  • Yes, it may be quite interesting and engaging to read, at least as some fairytale, as he keeps pumping it all up and concocts all sorts of promising stories about the "noble knights on a white horse" who allegedly came to "save this world", even though some of those "knights" turn out to be the dragons!

Does this imply that the humanity has lost all its heritage and contacts with the entities from the Light side, serving the Law of "us" vs. "me and my own interests"? Why would some dragons come and chose to "save the mankind from evil", while the "entities of Light" keep silent and, seemingly, have abandoned the mankind? How could this be?

Sure, who knows, there might even be some Truth in his writings, even though you can hardly find any evidence of it. In fact, the actual and verifiable events seem to be happening just the other way around than what Benya claims or foretells in his prophecies. Except there are way too many of them to even begin mentioning here.

  • There is also a question: But WHO is Benya Fulford? Is he, by ANY humble chance, just a disinformation agent, "a wolf in sheep's clothes", selling you all sorts of myths and tales of a "bright future of mankind", just to make you servile and passive, instead of standing up to it, and giving you all sorts of concoctions, if not the outright lies and fabrications, wrapped up in a wrapper of Truth?

Which of his "earthquaking prophecies", revelations and interpretations can be verified? Just review his past reports on this very page and then look and see which ones did correspond to what had actually taken place since then. Surprise, surprise!

  • Some, if not most of his interpretations of a meaning of events simply do not follow from the original source materials in the links he provides. In fact, it is mostly a waste of time to even look at those links because the way he interprets the meaning and significance of it is not even in the picture. OK, fine, you did "see" something that MIGHT be the case, but at least do not wrap it into a wrapper of it IS in fact the case.

Because some of those things might have several alternate meanings, to the point of being just the opposite to what he tells you it means. What he tells you to be the "good news" quite realistically may mean the "bad news" and vice versa.

And in many cases, the meaning is hidden, and if anyone of his "sources" discloses that meaning to ANYONE, he becomes a walking dead. Because there are plenty of ways to find out who leaked the information. So, one has to be simply suicidal to tell Benya anything of real value or meaning, even if they knew it.

The REAL meaning is only known on the topmost level of "the pyramid", and anyone on the levels below it are simply receiving the disinformation and for a specific purpose, and that is to keep everyone confused and deluded. So, the very attempt to see the REAL meaning is an exercise in futility in most cases. Yes, you can guess of some PROBABLE outcomes, but that does not imply you can SEE the real thing.

For example, take one of his favorite themes of BRICS alliance. He keeps singing the song that it constitutes the genuine opposition to the Rothschilds and "banking mafia". But, the BRICS may as well turn out to be just a scheme to create an ILLUSION of some "progress" and "change in the power structure" and control, while deep inside it is simply moving the accent and assets to China, just to change the labels or "to make MORE money", so the humanity keeps hoping for the "bright future of mankind" while being led by their noses into the abyss, and the rope around their neck is simply being tightened.

Could THIS be the case? - Why not? If you look at how easy and quickly the UK exchanges and markets decided to support the Chinese Yuan and consider the impact of such unexpected shift, especially in light of the fact that the most powerful and influential force on the markets and the economy of UK happen to be the same Rothschilds, then what does it tell you?

So, the net result of the whole scam could be just to gain some tactical advantage for the same satanists and the banking mafia and to divert everyone's attention from the "REAL deal". Could THIS be the case by ANY humble chance?

Just review the William C. Van Duyn’s Opening Remarks Bilderberg Meeting 2014, which was openly published by the Illuminati. What does it tell you?

The very fact that British are moving towards China in a heavy way economically means what? Well, the UK is owned by whom, if not the Rothschilds? So, what does it matter to them where to move their money to, BRICS or the puppet theaters of the USA and EU? They still own the whole thing, gun, stock and barrel! So, what IS the REAL "meaning" of it?

  • Or, quite often, if not in most cases, he says things like "according to MI-5, or Pentagon" or some other agency or "authority" such and such a thing had taken place. Now, HOW and where did he obtain the information? Was it a DIRECT contact, person to person, or was it merely found on some web site, which he did not mention? Where is the guarantee that we are not dealing with a "broken telephone" type of situation, while his text implies the direct contact?

According to him, even major intelligence agencies, the Pentagon, the royal families, the Vatican and all sorts of other "big guns" keep contacting him and telling him "the secrets" behind the curtains, as though he is some central coordinating force or "authority" on this planet through which the delivery of "truth" and "secrets" of all kinds to "mere mortals" is to happen. But WHO is Benya "in the scheme of things" waving the WDS flag left and right?

Here is an example, as presented in his July 27, 2015 correction notice:


The July 20th edition of Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis opened with the following quote attributed to a top Pentagon person. “Just Watch is as it unfolds. You will be tempted to get a pitchfork ready here and there but, just leave it in the closet. All should be accomplished without a shot being fired if everything goes according to plan.”

This quote in fact originated from Jerzy Babkwoski who writes using the pen-name ZAP. The source that sent me that quote erroneously claimed it originated with the Pentagon. This source will no longer be trusted. In any case, the quote very accurately describes what multiple sources have been telling me. As one Pentagon source told me “he put words right in my mouth.”

Well, but how come Benya did not tell you that the message came from some ZAP or Zip or Zing, and instead told you that it came from the Pentagon?

Interestingly enough, just a couple of years ago, it was allegedly "the Illuminati grand master", Alexander Romanoff, and a head of the world's martial arts societies Chodoin Daikaku, who allegedly has a 2 million strong army of martial arts warriors, that were ready to fight any moment, just upon his calling, to "save the world". But the WDS were just a bunch of liars, promising things they did not deliver.

And today, do you see even mentioning of those former heroes anywhere? So, what happened? How could the real heroes be converted into nothing even worth mentioning, and are they still interested in "saving the world from evil"? And now, the WDS is the major force to "save the mankind from evil"! Guess what will happen tomorrow...

The way it looks so far, Benya is willing to change his "heroes" and his mind as easy as condoms or "useful idiots" to be blown up out of all proportions and then thrown into a garbage bin once their "usefulness" no longer has any value to be exploited to blow up things even further.

Plans to "save the world from evil"

First of all, it's been said:

Date: 2016-01-14; view: 768

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