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Quot;Lord I Call..." Tone 4


Fifth Sunday of Pascha: The Samaritan Woman


(The service to Apostle Simon the Zealot is transferred to Tuesday)

quot;Lord I Call..." Tone 4


Lord, I call upon You, hear me!

Hear me, O Lord!

Lord, I call upon You, hear me!

Receive the voice of my prayer,

when I call upon You!//

Hearme, O Lord!


Let my prayer arise

in Your sight as incense,

and let the lifting up of my hands

be an evening sacrifice!//

Hearme, O Lord!


v. (10) Bring my soul out of prison, that I may give thanks to Your name!


Tone 4 (for the Resurrection)


We glorify Your Resurrection on the third day, O Christ God,

by always honoring Your life-creating Cross;

by it You have renewed the corrupted nature of mankind, O almighty One.

By it You have renewed our entrance to heaven,//

for You are good and the Lover of mankind.


v. (9) The righteous will surround me; for You will deal bountifully with me.


You loosed the Tree's verdict of disobedience, O Savior,

by being voluntarily nailed to the tree of the Cross.

By descending to hell, O almighty God,

You broke the bonds of death.

Therefore, we adore Your Resurrection from the dead, singing in joy://

“Glory to You, O all powerful Lord!”


v. (8) Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord. Lord, hear my voice!


You smashed the gates of hell, O Lord,

and by Your death You demolished the kingdom of death.

You delivered the human race from corruption,//

granting the world life, incorruption and great mercy.


v. (7) Let Your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications!

(for the Resurrection, by Anatolios)


Come, O people,

let us sing of the Savior's Resurrection on the third day!

By it, we have been freed from the unbreakable bonds of hell.

By it, we have received life and incorruption.

Save us by Your Resurrection!//

Life-creating and almighty Savior, glory to You!

v. (6) If You, O Lord, should mark iniquities, Lord, who could stand? But there is forgiveness with You.


Tone 4(from the Pentecostarion)(You ascended the Cross)


The middle of the days has come,

beginning with the Savior's Resurrection,

and sealed by the holy Pentecost.

The first and the last glisten with splendor.

We rejoice in the union of both feasts,

as we draw near to the Lord's Ascension://

the sign of our coming glorification.


v. (5) For Your name's sake I have waited for You, O Lord, my soul has waited for Your word; my soul has hoped on the Lord.

Be glad, O Zion!

Hear the announcement of Christ's Resurrection!

Let her faithful sons rejoice!

The filth of the daughter of Zion is washed away.

Jerusalem, stained with the blood of God's murder, is cleansed by the


With songs of joy she celebrates the middle of the feast.


v. (4) From the morning watch until night, from the morning watch, let Israel hope on the Lord!

As it is written,

the abundant outpouring of divine gifts is drawing near.

The chosen day of the Spirit is halfway come.

The true promise of Christ to the Disciples

after His death, burial, and Resurrection,//

heralds the coming of the Comforter.


v. (3) For with the Lord there is mercy and with Him is plenteous redemption, and He will deliver Israel from all his iniquities.


Tone 1Idiomela(from the Pentecostarion)


The Fountain of miracles came to the well at noon

to ensnare the daughter of Eve.

Once, Eve had been driven out of Paradise by the serpent's guile;

now a woman of Samaria came to drawwater.

The Savior saw her and said to her:

“Give me water to drink,

and I will fill you with the waters of eternal life!”

She ran to the town and proclaimed to the crowd:

Come and see Christ the Lord!//

He is the Savior of our souls!”


v. (2) Praise the Lord, all nations! Praise Him, all peoples!


Tone 2(by Romanos)


The Lord of compassion came to the well

and conversed with a woman of Samaria.

She said: “Give me Your water that I may never thirst again!

I will drink from the fountain of joy and redemption.//

O Life-giving Lord, glory to You!”


v. (1) For His mercy is abundant towards us; and the truth of the Lord endures for ever.


The Word of the Father,

the co-eternal Son without beginning,

came and sat by the well, though He is the Fountain of healing.

A Samaritan woman came to draw water;

when the Savior saw her, He said to her:

“Give me water to drink! Go, call your husband!”

She thought she was speaking not to God, but to a man.

Trying to evade Him, she said: “I have no husband.”

But the Teacher replied: “You speak the truth,

for you have had five husbands,

and the one living with you now is not your husband.”

She was amazed by His words and ran back to the town.//

She said to the crowd: “Come and see Christ, Who grants the world great



Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit;


Tone 6(from the Pentecostarion)


Jesus met the Samaritan woman by Jacob's well.

He wraps the earth in clouds, yet He asks for water from her.

Oh, wonder! He Who rides on the cherubim speaks with an adulterous


He Who suspended the earth on the waters asks for a drink.

He Who causes the lakes and springs to overflow is weary with thirst.

Truly He desires to set the woman free from the Enemy's snares.

He drowns her sins in the waters of life,//

for He alone is the compassionate Lover of mankind.


now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.


Tone 4 (Theotokion – Dogmatikon)


The Prophet David was a Father of the Lord through you,

O Virgin.

He foretold in songs the One Who worked wonders in you:

“At Your right hand stood the Queen,”

Your Mother, the mediatrix of life,

since God was freely born of her without a father.

He wanted to renew His fallen image, made corrupt in passion,

so He took the lost sheep upon His shoulder

and brought it to His Father, joining it to the heavenly pow’rs.//

Christ who has great and rich mercy has saved the world, O Theotokos.

Date: 2016-01-14; view: 1017

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