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True/False Questions


1. In sampling, an incident is the object or person about which or from which the information is desired.

False (moderate, page 322)


2. Objects that possess the information the researcher seeks and about which the researcher will make inferences is called an element.

True (moderate, page 322)


3. According to the text, in survey research, the element is usually the interviewer.

False (easy, page 322)


4. A population is the total of all the elements that share some common set of characteristics.

True (moderate, page 323)


5. The aggregate of all elements, sharing some common set of characteristics, which comprises the universe for the purpose of the marketing research problem, is called the sample.

False (moderate, page 323)


6. A census involves a complete count of each element in a population.

True (moderate, page 323)


7. A complete enumeration of the elements of a population or study object is called a sample.

False (moderate, page 323)


8. An incident is a subgroup of the elements of the population selected for participation in the study.

False (moderate, page 323)


9. If a great deal of the company's product would need to be consumed as part of the study, then a census would be appropriate.

False (easy, page 325)


10. According to the text, the first step in the sampling design process is to determine the sample size.

False (difficult, page 325)


11. The collection of elements or objects that possess the information the researcher seeks and about which the researcher will make inferences is called the target population.

True (moderate, page 326)


12. The target population should be defined in terms of elements, sample units, and time frame.

True (moderate, page 326)


13. A sampling unit is the basic unit containing the elements of the population to be sampled.

True (moderate, page 326)


14. A sampling frame is a representation of the elements of the target population, which consists of a list, or set of directions for identifying the target population.

True (moderate, page 326)


15. Probability sampling relies on the personal judgment of the researcher, rather than chance, in selecting sampling elements.

False (moderate, page 328)


16. Sampling techniques that do not use chance selection procedures and rely on the personal judgment of the researcher are called nonprobability sampling techniques.

True (moderate, page 327)


17. An example of nonprobability sampling is interviewing people in malls.

True (moderate, page 327)


18. According to the text, precision refers to the level of uncertainty about the characteristic being measured.

True (moderate, page 327)


19. In nonprobability sampling, sampling elements are selected by chance, that is, randomly.

False (moderate, page 327)


20. A sampling procedure in which each element of the population has a fixed probabilistic chance of being selected for the sample is called probability sampling.

True (moderate, page 328)


21. The number of units to be included in a study is called the sample size.

True (easy, page 328)


22. The typical range for sample size in problem solving research, product tests and test marketing studies is 300-500 respondents.

True (moderate, page 329)


23. Cluster sampling is a commonly used nonprobability sampling technique.

False (moderate, page 330)


24. Quota sampling is an example of a commonly used probability sampling technique.

False (moderate, page 330)


25. Convenience sampling is a nonprobability sampling technique that attempts to obtain a sample of convenient elements and leaves the selection of sampling units primarily to the interviewer.

True (easy, page 330)


26. Interviewing students, church groups, and members of social organizations are examples of convenience sampling.

True (moderate, page 330)


27. Convenience samples are appropriate to use with exploratory research.

False (moderate, pages 330-331)


28. A form of convenience sampling in which the population elements are selected based on the researcher's discretion is called judgmental sampling.

True (moderate, page 331)


29. Judgmental sampling is a probability sampling technique in which each element in the population has a known and equal probability of selection.

False (moderate, page 331)


30. Quota sampling is a nonprobability sampling technique that is a two-stage restricted judgmental sampling. The first stage consists of developing control categories of population elements. In the second stage, sample elements are selected based on convenience or judgment.

True (moderate, page 332)


31. A nonprobability sampling technique in which an initial group of respondents is selected randomly and subsequent respondents are selected based on the referrals or information provided by the initial respondents is called snowball sampling.

True (moderate, page 333)


32. The major advantage of snowball sampling is that it substantially increases the likelihood of locating respondents in the population with the desired characteristic(s).

True (moderate, page 334)


33. Sampling efficiency refers to the trade-off between sampling cost and precision.

True (moderate, page 334)


34. A probability sampling technique in which the sample is chosen by selecting a random starting point and then picking every ith element in succession from the sampling frame is called systematic sampling.

True (moderate, page 336)


35. Area sampling relies on clustering based on geographic areas such as counties, housing tracts or blocks.

True (moderate, page 339)



Multiple Choice


36. Which of the following is NOT one of the five basic questions that is addressed in the sample design phase?

a. "Should a sample be taken?"

b. "What kind of sample should be taken?"

c. "How much should the sample cost?" (difficult, Page 322)

d. "How large should the sample be?"

e. "What process should be followed?"


37. In sampling, a(n) ______________ is the object or person about which or from which the information is desired.

a. element (moderate, page 322)

b. incident

c. hypothesis

d. census

e. information unit


38. Objects that possess the information the researcher seeks and about which the researcher will make inferences is called a(n) ______________.

a. incident

b. element (moderate, page 322)

c. hypothesis

d. census

e. inference unit


39. According to the text, in survey research, the element is usually the ______________.

a. questionnaire

b. interviewer

c. respondent (easy, page 322)

d. product

e. Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)


40. A(n) ______________ is the total of all the elements that share some common set of characteristics.

a. sample

b. population (moderate, page 322)

c. inference

d. hypothesis

e. sum of the elements


41. The aggregate of all elements, sharing some common set of characteristics, which comprise the universe for the purpose of the marketing research problem, is called the _______________.

a. sample

b. inference

c. hypothesis

d. population (moderate, page 322)

e. element aggregate


42. A(n) ______________ involves a complete count of each element in a population.

a. census (moderate, page 323)

b. sample

c. element

d. sampling unit

e. count


43. A complete enumeration of the elements of a population or study objects is called a(n) ______________.

a. sample

b. element

c. census (moderate, page 323)

d. sampling unit

e. count


44. A(n) ______________ is a subgroup of the elements of the population selected for participation in the study.

a. census

b. element

c. incident

d. sample (moderate, page 323)

e. segment


45. Conditions favoring the choice of using a sample over a census include all of the following EXCEPT:

a. small budget

b. time available is short

c. population size is large

d. variance in the characteristic of interest is low

e. cost of sampling error is high (difficult, page 324)


46. According to the text, which of the following is the first step in the sampling design process?

a. define the population (difficult, page 325)

b. determine the sampling frame

c. select sampling technique(s)

d. determine the sample size

e. count your resources available


47. The collection of elements or objects that possess the information the researcher seeks and about which the researcher will make inferences is called the ______________.

a. target population (moderate, page 326)

b. census

c. element

d. incident

e. intended abstract


48. The target population should be defined in terms of all of the following EXCEPT:

a. elements.

b. cost. (moderate, page 326)

c. sampling units.

d. time frame.

e. Extent.


49. A(n) _____________ is the basic unit containing the elements of the population to be sampled.

a. hypothesis

b. theory

c. sampling unit (moderate, page 326)

d. coefficient alpha

e. household


50. A(n) ______________ is a representation of the elements of the target population, which consists of a list or set of directions for identifying the target population.

a. sampling frame (moderate, page 326)

b. census tract

c. sampling unit

d. hypothesis

e. geodemographic template


51. According to the text, which of the following is NOT one of the three sources of sampling frame error that is present in the telephone book?

a. It does not contain unlisted numbers.

b. It does not contain zip codes for the listed numbers. (difficult, page 327)

c. It does not contain the telephone numbers of the people who have moved into the area after the telephone book was published.

d. It lists the inactive telephone number of people who have moved out of the area since the telephone book was published.

e. c and d


52. All of the following are options in which to treat sampling frame error EXCEPT:

a. the population can be redefined in terms of the sampling frame.

b. the representativeness of the research frame can be verified during the data collection process.

c. the data can be statistically adjusted by weighing under- or overrepresented segments to achieve a more representative sample.

d. Any combination of a, b, or c.

e. all of the selections above represent options in which to treat sampling frame error. (difficult, page 326)


53. ______________ relies on the personal judgment of the researcher, rather than chance, in selecting sampling elements.

a. Nonprobability sampling (moderate, page 327)

b. Probability sampling

c. Simple random sampling

d. Systematic sampling

e. Umpire sampling


54. Sampling techniques that do not use chance selection procedures and rely on the personal judgment of the researcher are called ______________.

a. probability sampling techniques

b. nonprobability sampling techniques (moderate, page 327)

c. stratified sampling

d. cluster sampling

e. semantic differential sampling


55. Examples of nonprobability sampling includes all of the following EXCEPT:

a. interviewing people at street corners.

b. interviewing people in retail stores.

c. interviewing people in malls.

d. All of the selections are examples of nonprobability sampling. (difficult, page 327)

e. a and b


56. According to the text, ______________ refers to the level of uncertainty about the characteristic being measured.

a. precision (moderate, page 327)

b. reliability

c. validity

d. efficiency

e. technical doubt


57. In ______________, sampling elements are selected by chance, that is, randomly.

a. nonprobability sampling

b. convenience sampling

c. judgmental sampling

d. probability sampling (moderate, page 328)

e. lotto sampling


58. A sampling procedure in which each element of the population has a fixed probabilistic chance of being selected for the sample is called ______________.

a. probability sampling (moderate, page 328)

b. nonprobability sampling

c. quota sampling

d. snowball sampling

e. window sampling


59. The number of units to be included in a study is called the ______________.

a. census

b. sampling frame

c. sample size (moderate, page 328)

d. incident

e. company roster


60. All of the following are examples of commonly used nonprobability sampling techniques EXCEPT:

a. judgmental sampling.

b. quota sampling.

c. snowball sampling.

d. cluster sampling. (moderate, page 330)

e. convenience sampling


61. Which of the following is NOT an example of a commonly used probability sampling technique?

a. quota sampling (moderate, page 332)

b. systematic sampling

c. stratified sampling

d. cluster sampling

e. simple random sampling


62. ______________ is a nonprobability sampling technique that attempts to obtain a sample of convenient elements and leaves the selection of sampling units primarily to the interviewer.

a. Convenience sampling (moderate, page 330)

b. Snowball sampling

c. Simple random sampling

d. Systematic sampling

e. Window sampling


63. All of the following are examples of convenience sampling EXCEPT:

a. expert witnesses used in court. (difficult, page 330)

b. use of students, church groups, and members of social organizations.

c. department stores using charge account lists.

d. tear-out questionnaires included in a magazine.

e. mall intercept interviews conducted without qualifying respondents


64. In which of the following types of research are convenience samples appropriate to use?

a. descriptive research

b. causal research

c. exploratory research (moderate, page 331)

d. survey research

e. any research where the goal is to draw population inferences


65. A form of convenience sampling in which the population elements are selected based on the researcher's discretion is called ______________.

a. quota sampling.

b. snowball sampling.

c. judgmental sampling. (moderate, page 331)

d. sampling.

e. simple random sampling.


66. All of the following are common examples of judgmental sampling EXCEPT:

a. test markets selected to determine the potential of a new product.

b. purchase engineers selected in industrial marketing research because they are considered to be representative of the company.

c. department stores selected in voting behavior research.

d. mall intercept interviews conducted without qualifying the respondents. (difficult, page 332)

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