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True/False Questions


1. Problem-solving research is undertaken to help identify problems that are not necessarily apparent on the surface and yet exist or are likely to arise in the future.

False (moderate, page 8)


2. Problem-identification research involves going below the surface to identify the true underlying problem that the marketing manager is facing.

True (moderate, page 8)


3. Problem-identification research is typically used to address pricing issues.

False (moderate, page 8)


4. Problem-identification research is the more common of the forms of research and is undertaken by virtually all marketing firms.

True (moderate, page 8)


5. According to the text, problem-solving research is typically used to assess the environment and diagnose problems.

False (moderate, page 8)


6. Research undertaken to help solve specific marketing problems is called problem-solving research.

True (moderate, page 8)


7. Market share is an example of a topic typically addressed by problem-solving research.

False (moderate, page 8)


8. The first step in any marketing research project is to formulate the research design.

False (moderate, page 9)

9. Formulating an analytical framework along with models, research questions, hypotheses, and the information needed are included in developing an approach to the problem.

True (moderate, page 10)


10. Telephone, mail, and electronic communication are forms of interviewing in the data collection stage of the research process.

True (easy, page 10)


11. Collecting and analyzing are steps involved in the data-processing stage of collected data.

False (moderate, page 10)


12. Promotion is considered an uncontrollable environmental factor.

False (moderate, page 12)


13. Pricing, promotion, and distribution are all considered controllable marketing variables.

True (moderate, page 12)

14. The information value chain consists of five parts.

True (easy, page 14)


15, "Data" is one of the parts of the information value chain.

True (easy, page 14)


16. The final part of the information value chain is "knowledge."

False (moderate, page 14)


17. Making a recommendation to a decision maker is the final link in the information value chain.

False (moderate, page 14)


18. Marketing research departments located within a firm are called internal suppliers.

True (easy, page 15)


19. Outside marketing research companies hired to supply marketing research data are called external suppliers.

True (easy, page 16)


20. According to the text, most of the research suppliers are Fortune 500 operations.

False (moderate, page 16)


21. The services of full-service suppliers can be categorized into syndicated, customized, and Internet services.

True (difficult, page 16)


22. Companies that collect and sell common pools of data designed to serve information needs that a number of clients share are called syndicated services.

True (easy, page 16)


23. Focus groups represent the main method for which data for syndicated services are collected.

False (moderate, page 16)


24. According to the text, VNU N.V. was recognized as the largest global research firm based on year 2003 global research revenues.

True (easy, page 17)


25. Synovate, TNS, and Burke, Inc. are examples of marketing research firms that offer customized services.

True (moderate, page 18)


26. Companies whose primary service offering is their expertise in collecting data for research projects are called coding and data entry services.

False (moderate, page 18)


27. Data analysis services perform services that include editing competing questionnaires, developing a coding scheme, and transcribing the data onto diskettes or magnetic tapes for input into the computer.

False (moderate, page 18)


28. Selecting an outside supplier is always done with a formal "request for proposal."

False (difficult, page 18)


29. According to the text, the most common entry-level position in the marketing research industry for people with bachelor's degrees is assistant project director.

False (moderate, page 20)


30. A formalized set of procedures for generating, analyzing, storing, and distributing pertinent information to marketing decision makers on an ongoing basis is called a marketing information system.

True (moderate, page 21)


31. An information system that enables decision makers to interact directly with both databases and analysis models is called a decision support system.

True (moderate, page 21)


32. Hardware and a communication network are recognized as important components of a decision support system.

True (moderate, page 21)


33. The ability to improve decision making by using "what if" analysis is a characteristic of a marketing information system.

False (moderate, page 22)


34. Unstructured problems and the use of models are characteristics that describe a decision support system.

True (moderate, page 22)


35. An advanced form of decision support system, called expert systems, uses artificial intelligence procedures to incorporate expert judgment.

True (moderate, page 22)


36. The US accounts for 60 percent of the marketing research expenditures worldwide.

False (difficult, page 23)



Multiple Choice


37. Marketing research involves all of the following regarding information EXCEPT:

a. identification.

b. collection.

c. analysis.

d. manipulation. (moderate, page 5)

e. dissemination

38. Which of the following statements is most TRUE about marketing research?

a. Marketing research follows an unpredictable path.

b. Marketing research is systematic. (difficult, page 6)

c. Marketing research cannot be planned.

d. All of the answer selections are FALSE.

e. a and c are both true.


39. _______________ research is undertaken to help identify problems that are not necessarily apparent on the surface and yet exist or are likely to arise in the future.

a. Problem-solving

b. Problem-identification (moderate, page 8)

c. Problem-manipulation

d. Problem-correction

e. Problem exception


40. Which of the following classifications of marketing research involves going below the surface to identify the true underlying problem that the marketing manager is facing?

a. problem-solving

b. problem-manipulation

c. problem-correction

d. problem-identification (moderate, page 8)

e. problem exception


41. Problem-identification research is typically used to address all of the following topics EXCEPT:

a. market share.

b. short-range forecasting.

c. long-range forecasting.

d. pricing. (difficult, page 8)

e. market potential.


42. Which of the following is the more common of the forms of research and is undertaken by virtually all marketing firms?

a. problem-solving research

b. problem-identification research (moderate, page 8)

c. problem-manipulation research

d. problem-correction research

e. problem exception


43. According to the text, ______________ research is typically used to assess the environment and diagnose problems.

a. problem-solving research

b. problem-manipulation research

c. problem-identification research (moderate, page 8)

d. problem-correction research

e. problem exception


44. Research undertaken to help solve specific marketing problems is called ______________.

a. problem-solving research (easy, page 8)

b. problem-manipulation research

c. problem-identification research

d. problem-correction research

e. problem exception


45. All of the following are examples of topics typically addressed by problem-solving research EXCEPT:

a. segmentation.

b. product.

c. promotion.

d. market share. (difficult, page 8)

e. pricing.


46. Which of the following is NOT a step in the marketing research process?

a. problem definition

b. problem correction (moderate, page 9)

c. research design formulation

d. report generation and presentation

e. report binding and shelving


47. The first step in any marketing research project is to ______________.

a. define the problem (moderate, page 9)

b. develop an approach to the problem

c. formulate the research design

d. correct the problem

e. excise the problem


48. If an outside agency was brought in to conduct work for a research project after the first three steps in the marketing research process were completed, which step would the agency conduct?

a. define the problem (moderate, page 9)

b. develop an approach to the problem

c. formulate the research design

d. correct the problem

e. doing field work or collecting data


49. The marketing chief of Fossil is considering the introduction of a super functional, fashionable wristwatch for men and women priced at $99. For this, he decided on 30 telephonic interviews from their customer database, 50 valid survey responses from individuals whose income is greater than $60,000 and 2 focus- groups. To which of the six steps of the marketing research process do the actions of the marketing chief for Fossil fall into?

a. defining the problem

b. developing an approach to the problem

c. doing analysis

d. doing field work or collecting data

e. formulating the research design (moderate, page 9)


50. Which of the following is NOT a form of interviewing in the data collection stage of the research process?

a. telephone interviewing

b. mail interviewing

c. electronic interviewing

d. observational interviewing (moderate, page 10)

e. personal interviewing


51. All of the following are steps involved in the data-processing stage of collected data EXCEPT:

a. editing.

b. coding.

c. transcribing.

d. collecting. (moderate, page 10)

e. initial inspection.


52. Which of the following is NOT considered an uncontrollable environmental factor?

a. competition

b. social and cultural factors

c. political factors

d. promotion (moderate, page 12)

e. economy


53. All of the following are considered to be controllable marketing variables EXCEPT:

a. competition. (moderate, page 12)

b. pricing.

c. promotion.

d. distribution.

e. product


54. Which of the following are links in the information value chain?

a. segmentation

b. targeting

c. research agency

d. research design

e. knowledge (easy, page 14)


55. Researchers enter the realm of the decision maker when they ______________.

a. make an appointment no less than 2 weeks in advance

b. state the facts

c. send an invoice for professional services they have redeemed

d. explain the research design

e. give justification for a recommended course of action over others (moderate, page 14)


56. Marketing research departments located within a firm are called ______________.

a. internal suppliers (moderate, page 15)

b. horizontal suppliers

c. virtual suppliers

d. external suppliers

e. smart zones


57. A marketing research project is warranted when______________.

a. the required information is already in the organization

b. the decision which the research addresses has already been made

c. the research will be used for gaining political ends

d. time or money are not available in adequate amounts

e. the cost of the research is less than its eventual benefits (easy page 15)


58. ABC is a company which is involved in selling data that is designed to serve information needs to company's like PepsiCo and Coco-cola. The data is primarily collected through surveys, purchase and media panels and scanners. What kind of service does ABC provide in the marketing research industry?

a. internet service

b. data analysis service

c. limited-service suppliers

d. coding and data entry services

e. syndicated services (moderate, page 16)


59. Outside marketing research companies hired to supply marketing research data are called ______________.

a. horizontal suppliers

b. vertical suppliers

c. external suppliers (moderate, page 16)

d. internal suppliers

e. full-service suppliers


60. According to the text, most of the research suppliers are _______________.

a. multinational operations

b. Fortune 500 operations

c. foreign operations

d. small operations (difficult, page 16)

e. 501(c)(3) organizations


61. The services of full-service suppliers can be categorized into all of the following types of services EXCEPT:

a. syndicated services.

b. environmental services. (moderate, page 16)

c. customized services.

d. Internet services.

e. b and d



62. Companies that collect and sell common pools of data designed to serve information needs that a number of clients share are called ______________.

a. environmental services

b. customized services

c. syndicated services (moderate, page 16)

d. Internet services

e. field services


63. All of the following represent main methods for which data for syndicated services are collected EXCEPT:

a. focus groups. (difficult, page 16)

b. surveys.

c. dairy panels.

d. scanners.

e. Audits.


64. According to the text, which of the following organizations was recognized as the largest global research firm based on year 2000 global research revenues?

a. NFO WorldGroup Inc.

b. Arbitron Inc.

c. VNU N.V. (moderate, page 17)

d. Roper Starch Worldwide Inc.

e. Decision Analyst, Inc.


65. Which of the following marketing research firms does NOT offer customized services?

a. Synovate

b. TNS

c. Burke, Inc.

d. Field Work Chicago, Inc. (difficult, page 17)

e. both b and d


66. Companies whose primary service offering is their expertise in collecting data for research projects are called ______________.

a. field services (moderate, page 18)

b. Internet services

c. coding and data entry services

d. data analysis services

e. research directorates


67. Which of the following types of research suppliers perform services that include editing competing questionnaires, developing a coding scheme, and transcribing the data onto diskettes or magnetic tapes for input into the computer?

a. field services

b. Internet services

c. coding and data entry services (moderate, page 18)

d. data analysis services

e. research directorates


68. According to the text, the most common entry-level position in the marketing research industry for people with bachelor's degrees is ______________.

a. assistant project director

b. project director

c. operational supervisor (moderate, page 20)

d. research analyst

e. account executive


69. All of the following are mentioned in the text as steps to take to prepare for a career in marketing research EXCEPT:

a. acquire computer and Internet skills.

b. obtain any work experience. (easy, page 20)

c. take courses in statistics and quantitative methods.

d. acquire effective written and verbal communication skills.

e. think creatively.


70. A formalized set of procedures for generating, analyzing, storing, and distributing pertinent information to marketing decision makers on an ongoing basis is called a(n) ______________.

a. transactions processing system

b. decision support system

c. marketing information system (moderate, page 21)

d. expert system

e. research directorate


71. In order to compare the national retailers' success in selling its brands of digital cameras with the national retailers' success in selling traditional camera equipment, the marketing manager for Sony decided to use the billing information Sony has for these national retailers. This information is fed into spreadsheets formatted in tabular form and updated continuously as accounts change. In doing so, the marketing manager for Sony utilized which one of the following?:

a. a rolling audit

b. a functional system

c. an expert system

d. a decision support system

e. a marketing information system (moderate, page 21)


72. An information system that enables decision makers to interact directly with both databases and analysis models is called a(n) _____________.

a. transaction processing system

b. decision support system (moderate, page 21)

c. expert system

d. marketing information system

e. information load


73. All of the following are important components of a decision support system EXCEPT:

a. hardware and a communication network.

b. model base.

c. software base.

d. data entry procedures. (moderate, page 21)

e. DSS user


74. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a marketing information system?

a. structured problems

b. use of reports

c. information displaying restricted

d. can improve decision making by using "what if" analysis (difficult, page 22)

e. can improve decision making by clarifying new data.


75. All of the following are characteristics that describe a decision support system EXCEPT:

a. can improve decision making by clarifying new data. (difficult, page 22)

b. unstructured problems.

c. use of models.

d. adaptability.

e. a and b


76. An advanced form of decision support system, called ______________, uses artificial intelligence procedures to incorporate expert judgment.

a. management information systems

b. transaction processing systems

c. expert systems (moderate, page 22)

d. marketing information systems

e. total quality management


77. According to Alvin Toffler's book The Third Wave, the third wave features

a. supporting management decision with action

b. summarizing underlying patterns in data

c. seat of the pants decision making

d. no data needed

e. using decision support systems and expert systems (moderate, page 24)


78. Which of the following stakeholders is NOT mentioned as being affected by marketing research activities?

a. the government (moderate, page 25)

b. the client

c. the respondent

d. the public

e. the marketing researcher



Essay Questions


79. In a short essay, discuss the differences between problem-identification research and problem-solving research. Include a description of situations in which each type of research would be most appropriate.



Problem-identification research involves going below the surface to identify the true underlying problem that the marketing manager is facing. It may be designed to estimate market potential, market share, brand or company image, market characteristics, sales analysis, short-range forecasting, long-range forecasting, or to uncover business trends. Problem identification is the more common of the two forms of research and is undertaken by virtually all marketing firms. This type of research is used to assess the environment and diagnose problems. Once a problem or opportunity has been identified, a firm undertakes problem-solving research to address the problem. Problem-solving research addresses many topics, including segmentation, product, pricing, promotion, and distribution. Problem-identification research and problem-solving research go hand in hand, and a given marketing research project may combine both types.

(moderate, page 8)


80. In a short essay, list and discuss the six steps in the marketing research process.



a. Step 1: Defining the Problem – the first step in any marketing research project is to define the problem. Researchers accomplish problem definition through discussions with the decision makers, interviews with industry experts, analysis of secondary data, and some qualitative research, such as focus groups.

b. Step 2: Developing an approach to the problem – this includes formulating an analytical framework and models, research questions, and hypotheses. This process is guided by the same tasks performed to define the problem.

c. Step 3: Formulating a research design – a research design is a framework or blueprint for conducting the marketing research project. It details the procedures needed to obtain the required information. A study may be designed to test hypotheses of interest or determine possible answers to the research questions, both of which contribute to decision making.

d. Step 4: Doing field work or collecting data – data collection is accomplished using a staff that operates in the field. Field work involves personal, telephone, mail, or electronic interviewing. Proper selection, training, supervision, and evaluation of the field force are essential to ensure high-quality data collection.

e. Step 5: Preparing an analyzing data – data preparation involves data-processing steps leading up to analysis. This includes the editing, coding, and transcribing of collected data. This entire process must then be verified for accuracy. The results are interpreted in order to find conclusions related to the marketing research problem.

f. Step 6: Preparing and presenting the report – the entire project should be documented in a written report that addresses the specific research questions; describes the approach, the research design, data collection, and data analysis procedures; and presents the results and the major findings.

(difficult, pages 9-10)


81. In a short essay, discuss the characteristics of full-service marketing research suppliers and describe three types of these full service suppliers. Include a description of the various services offered by each type of supplier to support your answer.



Full-service marketing research suppliers offer the entire range of marketing research services, from problem definition to report preparation and presentation. The services of these suppliers can be further broken down into syndicated services, customized services, and Internet services.

a. Syndicated services – these companies collect and sell common pools of data designed to serve information needs that a number of clients share. Surveys, diary panels, scanners, and audits are the main means by which these data are collected.

b. Customized services – these companies offer a variety of marketing research services customized to suit a client's needs. Each research project is designed to meet the unique needs of the client.

c. Internet services – these services are offered by several marketing research firms including some who have specialized in conducting marketing research on the Internet, for example, Greenfield Online.

(moderate, page 16)


82. In a short essay, describe the stages of developing a career in the marketing research industry. List at least four steps a student should take in order to properly prepare for a career in the marketing research industry.



a. A career in research often begins with a supervisory position in field work or data analysis. With experience, the researcher moves up to project management positions, resulting in director and eventually in a vice president-level position. The most common entry-level position in the research industry for people with bachelor's degrees is operational supervisor. Those with MBA or equivalent degrees are likely to be employed as project managers. A researcher entering the profession on the client side would typically begin as a junior research analyst (BBAs) or research analyst (MBAs).

b. To prepare for a career in marketing research, a student should do the following:

· take as many marketing courses as possible

· take courses in statistics and quantitative methods

· acquire computer and Internet skills

· take courses in psychology and consumer behavior

· acquire effective written and verbal communication skills

· think creatively

(easy, pages 19-20)


83. In a short essay, describe the characteristics of a marketing information system and discuss how it differs from a decision support system.



a. A marketing information system (MIS) is a formalized set of procedures for generating, analyzing, storing, and distributing information to marketing decision makers on an ongoing basis. MIS is differentiated from marketing research in that it is continuously available. MIS is designed to complement the decision maker's responsibilities, style, and information needs. The power of MIS is in the access it gives managers to vast amounts of information, combining production, invoice, and billing information with marketing intelligence, including marketing research.

b. Developed to overcome the limitation of MIS, decision support systems have built-in flexibility that allows decision makers to interact directly with databases and analysis models. A decision support system (DSS) is an integrated system including hardware, a communications network, database, model base, software base, and the DSS user who collects and interprets information for decision making. DSSs differ from MISs in that they combine the models and analytic techniques of traditional marketing research with each access and retrieval of MISs. Well-designed DSSs adapt to the decision-making needs of the user with easy interactive processes. In addition to providing easy access to data, DSSs can also enhance decision-making effectiveness by using "what-if" analysis.

(moderate, pages 21-22)

84. Referencing the structure of a spreadsheet, explain by analogy the first three links in the information value chain.



The gist of the information value chain is this: there is a progression in value for the user as data is rendered into information, and then into knowledge and implementation. An example using the entries in a spreadsheet can help illuminate the information value chain concept. Imagine a one-page spreadsheet with single-digit entries in each cell. In this spreadsheet, each row contains a different customer's answers to a satisfaction survey given by a firm. Each column of the spreadsheet corresponds to a separate question on this satisfaction survey. Keeping such a spreadsheet in mind, "data" would be the individual cell entries of the spreadsheet. "Information" would result from analysis of a more aggregated form of the cell entries, such as inserting a new row at the bottom of the spreadsheet and computing averages for each corresponding column. Now, the user would have data with structure - a measure of central tendency - for the responses to each question. "Knowledge" would result from comparing these average values among themselves. Now, the information would be endowed with meaning, as the generally lowest rating and the highest rating could be identified. Richer knowledge would result from comparing the firm's average ratings with the same ratings for a competing firm.

(moderate, pages 14-15)


Chapter 2 – Defining the Marketing Research Problem

and Developing an Approach


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