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For those who need a visa, as well as other additional information please contact in advance

Open International Martial Arts Championship

March 2013


Open International Martial Arts Championship 2013

For children, cadet, junior, senior.


Date: 23.03.13. Place: Ukraine, Kiev, Area Sports, 1, Palace of Sports.

Beginning at 09.00Competition from 16 years and older

Date: 24.03.13. Place: Ukraine, Kiev, street. Lisna, 28, a sports complex of school ¹ 104.

Beginning at 09.00Competition from 6 to 15 years

Registration and seminar for judges: 22.03.13. Place: Ukraine, Kiev, street. Lisna, 28, a sports complex of school ¹ 104. Beginning at 10.00-18.00

Pre-registration till 28.02.2013

e-mail: senseianaumenko@ukr.net, Anatoliy Naumenko cell phone no: +38 050 3139379

site: www.wammco.com.ua

Competition rules

FORM/KATA: open form/kata (point system rules)

FORM/KATA KOBUDO: weapon form (point system rules)

KUMITE: shobu ippon (traditional karate rules)

KUMITE: sougu budo (contact martial arts rules)

All sportsmen are responsinle for their health insurance and medical allowance to participate in the tournament.

Registration fee: 1 category – 15 EUR

2 categories – 25 EUR

3 categories – 30 EUR

4 categories – 35 EUR

Team kata, kumite – 30 EUR

Participation for the Seminar for judges – 20 EUR

Categories :


¹ Classes, years ¹ Classes, years
Boy 6-7 Boy 8-9 Girl 6-7 Girl 8-9
Boy 10-11 Boy 12-13 Girl 10-11 Girl 12-13
Boy 14-15 Boy 16-17 Girl 14-15 Girl 16-17
Men 18-35 Men 36 + Women 18-35 Women 36 +


Boys 6 - 9 Boys 10-13 Boys 14-17 Men 18 +   Girls 6-13 Women 14+  


Boy 6-9 Girl 6-9
Boy 10-13 Girl 10-13
Boy 14-17 Girl 14-17
Men 18 + Women 18 +


Boys 6-13 Men 14 + Girls 6-13 Women 14 +


Boy 6-7 Boy 8-9 Girl 6-7 Girl 8-9
Boy 10-11 Boy 12-13 Girl 10-11 Girl 12-13
Boy 14-15 Boy 16-17 Girl 14-15 Girl 16-17
Men 18-35 Men 36+ Women 18-35 Women 36+


Boys 10-11 (3 persons) Boys 12-13 (3 persons) Boys 14-15 (3 persons) Boys 16-17 (3 persons) Men 18+ (3 persons) Girls 10-11 (3 persons) Girls 12-13 (3 persons) Girls 14-15 (3 persons) Girls16-17 (3 persons) Women 18 + (3 persons)


Boy 6-7 Boy 8-9 /-35 kg / Boy 8-9 /+35 kg / Girl 6-7 Girl 8-9 /-30 kg / Girl 8-9 /+30 kg /
Boy 10-11 /-40 kg / Boy 10-11 /+40 kg / Boy 12-13 /-45 kg / Boy 12-13 /-45 kg / Girl 10-11 /-35 kg / Girl 10-11 /+35 kg / Girl 12-13 /-40 kg / Girl 12-13 /+40 kg /
Boy 14-15 /-50 kg / Boy 14-15 /-60 kg / Boy 14-15 /+60 kg / Boy 16-17 /-55 kg / Boy 16-17 /-65 kg / Boy 16-17 /+65 kg / Girl 14-15 /-45 kg / Girl 14-15 /+45 kg / Girl 16-17 /-55 kg / Girl 16-17 /+55 kg /
Men 18-35 /- 60 kg / Men 18-35 /- 70 kg / Men 18-35 /- 80 kg / Men 18-35 /+80 kg / Men 36 + /- 65 kg / Men 36 + /- 75 kg / Men 36 + /- 80 kg / Men 36 + /+80 kg / Women 18-35 /- 50 kg / Women 18-35 /- 60 kg / Women 18-35 /+ 60 kg / Women 36 + /- 55 kg / Women 36 + /- 65 kg / Women 36 + /+ 65 kg /


Boy 10-11 (3 persons) Boys 12-13 (3 persons) Boys 14-15 (3 persons) Boys 16-17 (3 persons) Men 18 + (3 persons) Girls 10-11 (3 persons) Girls 12-13 (3 persons) Girls 14-15 (3 persons) Girls16-17 (3 persons) Women 18 + (3 persons)

Competence:All questions that are not included in this restriction are answered according to organazing and referee’s commitees.

Awards:1st place winners, 2nd and 3rd places are awarded with medals and diplomas. Team kata and kumite are awarded with medals and diplomas.

Offered to accommodate participants several options, all of which are located near the event site (school ¹ 104):


1. Economy version - dispensary "Yalinka" 2 ,3-x, 4, and 6-bed rooms, the price is 10 euros per night. You can also order food:


breakfast-lunch-dinner all at 3 euros for every euro - 9.


2. Sanatorium "Dubek" Room rate: standard - 20 Euros, junior - EUR 25, Suite - 30 euros.


3. Also has an agreement with the carrier buses. You can arrange a meeting at the airport, etc.

For those who need a visa, as well as other additional information please contact in advance

Entry form :   WAMMCO in UKRAINE Pasterivska 102, 18000 Cherkasy Ukraine E-mail: senseianaumenko@ukr.net Website: www.wammco.com.ua



Best Regards


Anatoliy Naumenko

6.Dan FSKA

President of WAMMCO in Ukraine

Date: 2016-01-14; view: 794

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