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WXR System Alert Messages and Display


Alert messages show on the ND when the R/T processes data that is not satisfactory. The WXR display will continue to show with an alert message.

Only one alert message shows on the ND. When the R/T processes unsatisfactory data from more than one source only the highest priority message shows. These are the alert messages and priority from highest to lowest:

· WXR WEAK shows for an R/T gain calibration failure

· WXR ATT shows when the selected attitude input fails

· WXR STAB shows when stabilization is off.


The alert messages show on these alert lines:

· Line 1 shows WXR in amber

· Line 2 shows WEAK, ATT, or STAB in amber.


WXR System Fail Messages and Display

A failure of these components causes a WXR failure:

· R/T

· WXR control panel

· WXR antenna.

A WXR failure causes these conditions:

· WXR FAIL message shows on ND

· Mode, tilt, and gain messages go out of view

· WXR display goes out of view.


The fail message shows on these alert lines:

· Line 1 shows WXR in amber

· Line 2 shows FAIL in amber.


A failure of these components will cause a PWS failure:

· Loss of any RA

· Loss of ADR data

· Loss of IR data

· Scan and tilt antenna faults

· Internal WXR system faults

· Loss of CAS and TAS.


A failure of the predictive windshear causes an amber PWS FAIL message on the ND.




The DEUs compare the ND ranges from these components:



· Flight management computer (FMC).

A difference between any of these ranges causes an amber range disagreement message on alert line 3.

These WXR range disagreement messages are possible:

· WXR RANGE DISAGREE; shows when there is a difference between the EFIS CP range and the WXR R/T range

· MAP/WXR RANGE DISAGREE; shows when there is a difference between the EFIS CP range, the WXR R/T range, and the FMC range.


WXR RANGE DISAGREE will show in these modes:

· Expanded approach

· Expanded VOR

· Expanded map

· Centered map.


MAP/WXR RANGE DISAGREE will show in these modes:

· Expanded map

· Centered map.


This happens during a range disagreement:

· WXR display goes out of view

· mode, tilt, and gain messages show

· FMC range shows.






The WXR R/T makes RF pulses and sends them to the antenna. The antenna transmits pulses and receives the return signals and sends them to the WXR R/T. The R/T processes the return signals to make display data that shows on the NDs. The WXR data on the ND shows the weather patterns in front of the airplane.

The WXR R/T also comes on automatically during take off and approach to detect windshear events in front of the airplane. If a windshear event is detected, the WXR sends cautions or warnings to the flight compartment.

Control Inputs

The EFIS control panel (EFIS CP) sends the WXR system ON/ OFF discrete on a digital bus to the display electronics unit (DEU). The DEU sends a discrete to the WXR R/T to turn ON the weather radar. The discrete goes through the WXR control panel to ensure the panel is in the airplane. The DEUs only send the ON discrete if the navigation display is in the correct mode. The EFIS CP sends range data to the WXR R/T.

The WXR control panel sends control data on a bus to the WXR R/T. The WXR CP sends these signals:

· Gain

· Tilt

· Mode of operation.


Date: 2016-01-14; view: 3112

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