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1. Read text 7 about the purposes of recruiting and fill each gap with one of these words.


diverse qualified few many less processing position purposes applications applicants



The Purposes of Recruiting


Recruiting is the process of attracting potential new employees to the organization. This HR program is closely related to selection, which we will discuss next, because it supplies a pool of qualified (a) ______ from which the organization can choose those best suited for its needs.

Recruiting serves three (b) ______. The first is to provide enough applicants from which to select future employees. If there are too (c) ______ applicants, the company’s chances of hiring the best employees will be limited. The worst case takes place when the number of applicants is equal to or (d) ______ than the number of available positions, possibly causing the organization to hire all the applicants regardless of their level of skills and abilities or not to fill all the open positions. The opposite problem can also occur – too (e) ______ applicants are recruited. This happened at a paper mill in Duluth, Minnesota, when 10,000 individuals applied for 300 operator positions. In such cases, the time and cost involved in gathering (f) ______ and reviewing applicants are considerable and may delay the schedule of hiring. Generally, selection specialists think that five to ten applicants for each available (g) ______ is appropriate. This number is small enough to process easily and yet it should provide a large enough pool to identify potentially excellent employees.

The second purpose, really an extension of the first, is to attract at least minimally (h) ______ applicants. It does little good to have a number of applicants if most are not suited for the open positions. The (i) ______ of such applicants wastes time and resources.

The third purpose of recruiting is to attract a demographically and culturally (j) ______ applicant pool. For example, it is difficult to achieve a diverse work force in the organization if the recruitment process uses sources such as schools, media, or mailing lists that are dominated by one or a few demographic groups.

2. Comprehension check.


Say if the following sentences are true or false. Correct the false ones.


a) Thanks to a recruiting program, the organization can have a group of appropriate candidates for existing vacancies.

b) The company is forced to employ all the applicants regardless of their level of skills and abilities if the number of applicants exceeds the number of available vacancies.

c) The company is in the best situation when exceptionally large numbers of applicants are recruited.

d) To be able to find potentially first-rate workforce, the company should have not less than ten candidates for each vacant position.

e) Not to waste time and resources in processing applications, the company should recruit applicants who are skilled enough for the open positions.

f) To have demographically and culturally diverse employees, the company cannot use sources in which one demographic group dominates.



3. There are four paragraphs in the text. Think of suitable headings to each of them. Make a list of key words from each paragraph.





Work in pairs.

Using the key vocabulary that you have made in the previous task, discuss what you have learned about the purposes of recruiting.




1. Skim through text 8 and think of the suitable title.



The company controls three ways of fulfilling the purposes of recruiting: the sources through which potential applicants are contacted, the information given to applicants, and the contacts between the applicants and the company. Although all three affect the number and types of applicants, companies cannot totally control recruiting. Individuals often contact companies on their own, especially well-known ones such as the Coca-Cola Company and General Electric. However, some firms refuse to respond to such applications because of the cost in staff time and resources that such responses would require.

HR managers may recruit externally or internally. External sources include newspapers, broadcast media, employment agencies, educational institutions, and brochures, flyers, and signs. Internal sources include posted notices within the organization as well as formal programs that encourage current employees to recommend that friends and family members in the job market apply to the organization. These various external and internal sources differ greatly in terms of the number of individuals and the demographic groups they attract and the costs involved. For example, AMP Incorporated, the world’s largest manufacturer of electronic interconnection products, installed a telephone-based job-posting system that decreased recruiting costs from $311,000 in 1991 to $87,000 in 1992.

The second factor, the information conveyed to applicants during the recruiting process, is important because applicants use this information to decide whether to pursue further contact with the company. Research has shown that, at the initial stage of recruiting, lengthy ads providing relatively large amounts of information attract more applicants than do shorter ads. Announcements that describe specific job tasks and necessary KSAs also increase the percentage of appropriately qualified applicants while reducing the total number who apply. Another recruiting tactic is providing applicants with realistic job previews (RJPs), accurate descriptions about the job and the organization, positive points as well as negative ones. This gives any applicants who do not think the position is appropriate for them a chance to drop out of the process on their own. Utilising RJPs benefits the company because it is better to lose such individuals before the company has invested considerable time and effort in them.

Several aspects of contact between the organization and applicants are important. One is the promptness with which the firm gives information to the applicant, such as how quickly it schedules interviews after initial contact, when it provides information promised by recruiters, and how soon it gives evaluation messages after interviews. Another aspect is the attention given to arranging for on-site visits. Sometimes applicants are expected to find the hotel or the company’s office with very little instruction, or the details of schedules are not provided or are changed without notice. A third aspect is the interaction between recruiters and applicants. Applicants generally react favourably to the organization when there are frequent contacts, the company is receptive to visits, and recruiters are viewed as being representative of the employees of the company.


2. Read text 8 more carefully. Try to guess the words underlined from the context. Then use your dictionary to check the words.


2. Comprehension check.


Working in pairs, take turns answering the questions.


a) Why can’t companies completely control recruiting?

b) Do companies react to all applications? Why?

c) What is the key difference between external and internal sources of recruiting?

d) Is the telephone-based job-posting system installed by AMP Incorporated an external or internal source of recruiting?

e) What facts in the text prove the importance of information that applicants receive at the early stage of recruiting process?

f) What practice helps any applicants who do not think that the position is appropriate for them to leave the process on their own?

g) Why is such a procedure beneficial to companies?

h) Which aspect of contact between the organization and applicants do you think is the most important? Why?



Write the summary of text 8.


Vocabulary 1

Do you know these English words and word combinations? Match up them to their Ukrainian equivalents. Use your dictionary if necessary.

a) to look for f) advertisement k) top
b) software g) degree in … l) age limit
c) desirable h) computing m) applicant
d) draft i) preferably n) to be fluent in …
e) to draft j) to afford o) assignment



1. Joe Andrews is Staff Manager and Pilar Soto is Data Manager at Industrias Montresor in Spain. They meet to discuss the qualifications and experience they are looking for in the new software manager. Listen to what Joe and Pilar say and make notes of what they want, under the headings ‘essential’ and ‘desirable’.


2. Comprehension check.


Read the advertisement that appeared in several daily newspapers and specialist journals. Which of the items discussed by Joe Andrews and Pilar Soto appear in the advertisement?


ĨNDUSTRIAS MONTRESOR   ******************************************************************************************************** *************************************************************************** ***************************************   IM IM IM IM IM DIVISIONAL SOFTWARE ENGENEERING MANAGER   rapid career development for a high-flier INDUSTRIAS MONTRESOR is an expanding multinational corporation, active in chemical engineering and marketing its products and services to the petro-chemical industry. Our West European Division, located in Zaragoza, Spain, is urgently seeking an ambitious Software Engineer to build and take charge of an enthusiastic team.   The successful applicant is likely to be under 35 and to have an outstanding track record in the field of software engineering (not necessarily relating to the chemical industry). He or she currently holds a post of responsibility at middle management level and is fluent in Spanish and English. A postgraduate qualification will be an advantage.   Salary negotiable. Expense allowance, company car, generous fringe benefits.   Apply with c.v. and names of two referees to: Dept. F, Industrias Montresor SA, Apdo 234, Zaragoza, Spain, before 15 January 2006.
division – â³ää³ë, high-flier – óñï³øíà ëþäèíà, expanding – ùî ðîçøèðþºòüñÿ, petro-chemical – íàôòîõ³ì³÷íèé, urgently – òåðì³íîâî, to seek – øóêàòè, ambitious – ÷åñòîëþáíèé, to take charge of – âçÿòè ï³ä óïðàâë³ííÿ, enthusiastic – ñïîâíåíèé åíòóç³àçìó, outstanding – âèäàòíèé, track record – ðåïóòàö³ÿ, salary negotiable – çàðîá³òíà ïëàòà çà äîìîâëåí³ñòþ, expense allowance – ñïëà÷åííÿ ïîòî÷íèõ âèòðàò, generous fringe benefits – çíà÷í³ äîäàòêîâ³ âèãîäè, c.v. (curriculum vitae) – ðåçþìå (äîêóìåíò ïðî îñâ³òó, êâàë³ô³êàö³þ òà ïîïåðåäí³ ïîñàäè ïðåòåíäåíòà íà ðîáîòó), referee – ðåêîìåíäóþ÷à îñîáà.  



Date: 2015-01-02; view: 1814

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