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Talking of the British

Stogov’s stay in London is coming to an end. Before leaving the country he visits Mr. Brown with whom he has been doing business.


Stogov: Well, Mr. Brown. I’ve come to say good-bye. This time on Monday I’ll be in Moscow.

Brown: I’m sure you’ll be glad to get back; I hope you are not disappointed with your stay here.

Stogov: On the contrary. I did enjoy it. On the whole, business went well.

Brown: Lots of people think that the British are cold and reserved. Many foreigners say: “Oh, you English are unsociable!”

Stogov: Yes, I’ve heard that said. But after meeting British people I realized that they could be as friendly and helpful as people anywhere else.

Brown: And what do you think of English cooking? I’m afraid it doesn’t enjoy the best of reputations.

Stogov: Why? It may be plain but it’s wholesome1 and healthy. What did strike me is your love of tea. It seems to be your national drink.

Brown: I couldn’t agree with you more. We are great tea-drinkers. We even drink it while watching television.

Stogov: That reminds me! The other day I saw an advertisement for tea which said: “Join the Tea-V set!”

Brown: Speaking of advertising I’d say things are changing in this country. There was a time when our industries resisted advertising strongly. Now it’s considered respectable and industry invests heavily in advertising.

Stogov: I’ve noticed that your advertisements are not wordy but to the point and very expressive. The ads are witty, too.

Brown: Yes, they are. A lot of skill and humour goes into the ads.

Stogov: But it’s not easy for foreigners to understand the English sense of humour.

Brown: That may be true to a certain extent. English humour is ironical and is often directed against the person himself who tells the joke.

Stogov: You’re fond of verbal battles, too, aren’t you? It’s quite common to find good friends insulting each other. Of course, they both realize that they are just pulling each other’s legs2.

Brown: As English people say: “We always try to find something outside ourselves. It restores our sense of proportion.”


Memorize and reproduce Dialogue 3.

Make up and act dialogues considering the following assignments.

1. You talk to your groupmate about a typical image of an Englishman.

2. You discuss English love for traditions.


23. Listen to the Text “Wales” about one of the parts of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

a) Answer the questions that follow:

1. How long has Wales been united with England?

2. What title is given to the son and heir of the monarch?

3. What is the capital of Wales?

4. What is the capital of Wales like?

5. What language do people of Wales speak?

6. Is the language spoken by people of Wales similar to English?

7. What is the only distinctive feature left in Wales?

8. What are the Welsh famous for?

b) Check your answers with Tapescript 7A of the Text.

c) Retell the story about Wales.

d) Tell your groupmates about the other parts of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland).


24. Listen to the Text “William Shakespeare’s Birthplace” about Stratford-on-Avon.

a) Fill in the chart.


The location of Stratford-on-Avon  
The house Shakespeare lived in  
Shakespeare’s parents  
Shakespeare’s London life  
The theatre where Shakespeare’s plays were staged  
The church where Shakespeare was buried  
The Shakespeare Memorial Theatre  
Shakespeare’s plays I know or read  

b) Check your answers with your groupmates.

c) Read Tapescript 7B of the Text.

d) Retell the story.





Date: 2016-01-14; view: 1149

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