Figure A-7 Conformal Dielectric Syntax
· expandedFrom layer
Specifies the layer from which the conformal dielectric is expanded or derived. Layer must be a previously defined conducting layer or dielectric layer. It must also be an immediately lower conducting layer or conformal dielectric layer.
· topThickness value
Specifies the thickness of the conformal dielectric expanded from the top of the layer specified by expandedFrom.
· sideExpand value
Specifies the thickness of the conformal dielectric expanded laterally from the upper and lower corners of the layer specified by expandedFrom.
The required fields in the specification for conformal dielectrics are conformal, expandedFrom, topThickness, sideExpand, dielectric_constant, and two of the following three parameters:
· height (or {delta_height and delta_layer})
· thickness
· upto
Figure A-8 gives examples of different types of conformal dielectrics.
Figure A-8 Conformal Dielectric Syntax When Thickness Equals Zero

In Figure A-9, the sideExpand and thickness parameters equal zero in the conformal dielectric.
Figure A-9 Conformal Dielectric Syntax When Thickness and SideExpand Equal Zero

In Figure A-10, the sideExpand parameter equals zero in the conformal dielectric.
Figure A-10 Conformal Dielectric Syntax When SideExpand Equals Zero

In Figure A-11, the topThickness parameter equals zero in the conformal dielectric.
Figure A-11 Conformal Dielectric Syntax When TopThickness Equals Zero

The passivation command defines passivation layers. The passivation layers are usually placed on top of the last metal layer and should be placed higher than the dielectric layers.
The syntax of this command is the same as that of the dielectric command, except that name specifies the name of the passivation layer. See "Dielectric" for information on this syntax. The passivation layers are usually placed on top of the last metal layer and should be placed higher than the dielectric layers.
Figure A-12 illustrates the defining of the passivation layer.
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