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Task 10. Choose the correct answer.

1. What is the smallest unit of life that can still replicate?

a) Proteins c) Cells

b) Quarks d) Organelles


2. How many different types of cells has the average human body?

a) 20 c) 400

b) 200 d) 1000


3. What are the parts of cells called?

a) Cellular parts c) Organs

b) Organelles d) Celluoplasts


4. What part of a plant cell is involved in photosynthesis?

a) Mitochondria c) Smooth Reticulum

b) Nucleus d) Chloroplast


5. What is mitosis?

a) Cell death c) Cell division

b) Cellular respiration d) Cellular communication


6. Who was the first person to use the term "cell?"

a) Aristotle c) Robert Hooke

b) Captain Hooke d) James Watson


7. During which phase do the chromatids separate and move to the poles?

a) Metaphase c) Telophase

b) Anaphase d) Prophase

Task 11. Challenge question.

The four most common elements in the human body and in all living things are oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen. What is the most common molecule in the body?


Task 1. Study the information below and answer the following questions.

1. Where is a business letter usually used?

2. How many typical parts of a business letter do you know? Name them.

3. Which word do you usually use when greeting a person?

4. What does Enc.mean at the end of the letter?


A business letteris a letter written in formal language, usually used when writing from one business organization to another, or for correspondence between such organizations and their customers, clients and other external parties. There are nine typical parts of a business letter:

1) Return Address

Your address (or the address of the company you represent). If you are using preprinted stationary, there is no need to retype the information.

2) Date

Leave two blank lines after the return address. Always spell out the month and include the day, a comma, and the year.

3) Inside Address

Leave two blank lines after the date. Then type the address of the person or company to whom you are writing.

4) Salutation

Type Dear, followed by the person's name. If you don’t know the name of the person, use a title instead (e.g.: Dear Editor, Dear Madam).

5) Body

Align your message on the left margin. Skip a line before starting a new paragraph, but do not indent the paragraph's first line. Make sure that each paragraph is clear and concise.

6) Closing

Leave two lines of space after your last body paragraph, then use a

conventional closing, followed by a comma (i.e., Sincerely, Sincerely Yours, Respectfully).

7) Signature

Your signature should appear below your closing. Unless you have established a personal relationship with the person you are writing, use both your first and last name.

8) Name and Position

Four lines after the closing, type your full name. Do not include a title (Mr. or Mrs.).

9) Abbreviations at the end of a letter

If you send a copy of a letter to someone other than the person addressed, use cc: and the person’s name. Use Enc. or Enclosure if you enclose something with the letter.

Date: 2016-01-05; view: 1874

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Building blocks of life | Task 7. Choose the correct answer.
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