ISO 9001:2008
| ISO 14001:2004
Introduction (title only) General Process approach Relationship with ISO 9004 Compatibility with other management systems
| 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
| Introduction
Scope (title only) General Application
| 1 1.1 1.2
| Scope
Normative references
| Normative references
Terms and definitions
| Terms and definitions
Quality management system (title only)
| Environmental management system requirements (title only)
General requirements
| 4.1
| 4.1
| General requirements
Documentation requirements (title only)
| 4.2
| 4.2.1
| 4.4.4
| Documentation
Quality manual
| 4.2.2
Control of documents
| 4.2.3
| 4.4.5
| Control of documents
Control of records
| 4.2.4
| 4.5.4
| Control of records
Management responsibility (title only)
Management commitment
| 5.1
| 4.2 4.4.1
| Environmental policy Resources, roles, responsibility and authority
Customer focus
| 5.2
| 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.6
| Environmental aspects Legal and other requirements Management review
Quality policy
| 5.3
| 4.2
| Environmental policy
Planning (title only)
| 5.4
| 4.3
| Planning (title only)
Quality objectives
| 5.4.1
| 4.3.3
| Objectives, targets and programme(s)
Quality management system planning
| 5.4.2
| 4.3.3
| Objectives, targets and programme(s)
Responsibility, authority and communication (title only)
| 5.5
Responsibility and authority
| 5.5.1
| 4.1 4.4.1
| General requirements Resources, roles, responsibility and authority
Management representative
| 5.5.2
| 4.4.1
| Resources, roles, responsibility and authority
Internal communication
| 5.5.3
| 4.4.3
| Communication
Management review (title only)
| 5.6
| 4.6
| Management review
| 5.6.1
| 4.6
| Management review
Review input
| 5.6.2
| 4.6
| Management review
Review output
| 5.6.3
| 4.6
| Management review
ISO 9001:2008
| ISO 14001:2004
Resource management (title only)
Provision of resources
| 6.1
| 4.4.1
| Resources, roles, responsibility and authority
Human resources (title only)
| 6.2
| 6.2.1
| 4.4.2
| Competence, training and awareness
Competence, training and awareness
| 6.2.2
| 4.4.2
| Competence, training and awareness
| 6.3
| 4.4.1
| Resources, roles, responsibility and authority
Work environment
| 6.4
Product realization (title only)
| 4.4
| Implementation and operation (title only)
Planning of product realization
| 7.1
| 4.4.6
| Operational control
Customer-related processes (title only)
| 7.2
Determination of requirements related to the product
| 7.2.1
| 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.4.6
| Environmental aspects Legal and other requirements Operational control
Review of requirements related to the product
| 7.2.2
| 4.3.1 4.4.6
| Environmental aspects Operational control
Customer communication
| 7.2.3
| 4.4.3
| Communication
Design and development (title only)
| 7.3
Design and development planning
| 7.3.1
| 4.4.6
| Operational control
Design and development inputs
| 7.3.2
| 4.4.6
| Operational control
Design and development outputs
| 7.3.3
| 4.4.6
| Operational control
Design and development review
| 7.3.4
| 4.4.6
| Operational control
Design and development verification
| 7.3.5
| 4.4.6
| Operational control
Design and development validation
| 7.3.6
| 4.4.6
| Operational control
Control of design and development changes
| 7.3.7
| 4.4.6
| Operational control
Purchasing (title only)
| 7.4
Purchasing process
| 7.4.1
| 4.4.6
| Operational control
Purchasing information
| 7.4.2
| 4.4.6
| Operational control
Verification of purchased product
| 7.4.3
| 4.4.6
| Operational control
Production and service provision (title only)
| 7.5
Control of production and service provision
| 7.5.1
| 4.4.6
| Operational control
Validation of processes for production and service provision
| 7.5.2
| 4.4.6
| Operational control
Identification and traceability
| 7.5.3
Customer property
| 7.5.4
Preservation of product
| 7.5.5
| 4.4.6
| Operational control
Control of monitoring and measuring equipment
| 7.6
| 4.5.1
| Monitoring and measurement
Measurement, analysis and improvement (title only)
| 4.5
| Checking (title only)
| 8.1
| 4.5.1
| Monitoring and measurement
Monitoring and measurement (title only)
| 8.2
Customer satisfaction
| 8.2.1
Internal audit
| 8.2.2
| 4.5.5
| Internal audit
Monitoring and measurement of processes
| 8.2.3
| 4.5.1 4.5.2
| Monitoring and measurement Evaluation of compliance
ISO 9001:2008
| ISO 14001:2004
Monitoring and measurement of product
| 8.2.4
| 4.5.1 4.5.2
| Monitoring and measurement Evaluation of compliance
Control of nonconforming product
| 8.3
| 4.4.7 4.5.3
| Emergency preparedness and response Nonconformity, corrective action and preventive action
Analysis of data
| 8.4
| 4.5.1
| Monitoring and measurement
Improvement (title only)
| 8.5
Continual improvement
| 8.5.1
| 4.2 4.3.3 4.6
| Environmental policy Objectives, targets and programme(s) Management review
Corrective action
| 8.5.2
| 4.5.3
| Nonconformity, corrective action and preventive action
Preventive action
| 8.5.3
| 4.5.3
| Nonconformity, corrective action and preventive action