139. what the eye didn’t see the heart didn’t grieve over ( syn. Out of sight, out of mind )
140. a devastating passion
141. to long to
142. to irritate sb to frenzy
143. to run (awful) risks
144. an obstacle
145. to be pregnant
146. confinement
147. to send word
148. to splash about in the water
149. prying eyes
150. the bliss of their reunion
151. the agony of their separation
152. to be unconscious of time and place
153. a divine fire
154. a brutal shock
155. a deafening noise
156. his grip on her was spasmodic
157. to gasp
158. to sputter over
159. to push sb aside
160. to have a miscarriage
161. to alley suspicion
162. to look fishy
163. nervous affliction
164. on a freakish impulse
165. to daub
166. To hell with life !
Flotsam - wreckage found floating; jetsam - goods thrown overboard to lighten a ship
tapping (here) - drawing off a milky juice out of a rubber tree
electro-plate - silver-plated tableware (dishes, spoons, knives, etc. covered with silver by the use of electricity)
Dyak - a member of one of aboriginal tribes of Borneo
Chink - Chinese (vulgar term indicating a contemptuous attitude)
prahu - a native boat
Tuan - Master
Bacon, Francis (1561-1626) - an English writer and philosopher
baju - a kind of short jacket in Malay countries
Boswell, James (1740-1794) - Scottish writer, biographer of Dr Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), English writer, critic and lexicographer
Borrow, George (1803-1881) - English traveler and linguist
Lamb, Charles (1775-1834) - English essayist, poet and critic
we’re broke to the wide - we are completely ruined
Penang - an island in S.E. Asia, off the West Coast of the Malay Peninsula
arak - a kind of alcoholic drink
a long-house - a communal home or council hall among the native tribes
were for it (here) - were dying
Worcester Sauce - a piquant sauce made with soy, vinegar, spices, etc., orig. from Worcester, England
the Granges could ill afford the small expense he must be putting them to - even the small amount of money they were spending on him was too much for them
D. O. - District Officer
sparkler - siphon
the only way I can get back on him - the only way for me to take my revenge
for two pins - for a trifle; pin (here) - sth worthless or insignificant
she had hankered after for donkey’s years - she had longed for during many years
That would need a bit of handling - She’d have to think carefully how to explain that
neither of them was of a texture to sustain its exorbitant compulsion - neither of them could bear its excessive force