Please submit your application to by February 15th.
Counselor Application
Camp Model United Nations (MUN) is a seven-day summer camp for Ukrainian youth in 9th form to 1st year university students. Our camp’s main topics include: international cooperation, the structure and processes of the United Nations, and other pressing international issues. While we conduct the United Nations simulation, we’ll also offer opportunities to have fun and improve upon skills such as critical thinking or English. Additionally, there will be trainings on a variety of topics such as human trafficking. Our camp this August will be the second annual Peace Corps Ukraine MUN.
Campers will represent a pre-selected country, take positions on the topics based on that country's interests, and collaborate on creating resolutions. They will also participate in camp activities to build teamwork skills and make the camp an unforgettable experience.
Camp MUN needs motivated and experienced PCVs and FLEX alumni who want to share their energy, interest in international relations, and cooperation. Prior MUN experience is highly desired; however, not required. Prior to the camp, counselors will be assigned two countries to research and create country profiles. PCVs and FLEX alumni will work together as mentors to facilitate the UN simulation, conduct training, and organize camp activities.
The camp will be held for 7 days, from August 11-17, 2014 in Odessa Oblast. Counselors will be expected to arrive one day early.The exact dates and location may be subject to slight changes. If you are interested in being a counselor at Camp MUN, please complete the application below by February 15th and send it to: All applicants will be notified by email by March 18th.
Peace Corps Volunteers (Group Number/ Project (TEFL, CD, YD):
FLEX Alumni (Year and location in the USA):
Phone Number:
Are you a returning counselor from last year? If yes, please note that you are exempt from filling out questions: 2, 3, 4, and 5.
What prior experience do you have with Model United Nations? Please include countries represented, committees worked on and conferences attended.
What academic training or experience do you have with international relations/development/cooperation (excluding Peace Corps)?
Why do you want to be a counselor at Camp MUN?
What qualities would make you a good camp counselor?
What three topics/questions do you think campers should discuss/solve through resolutions? Why?
What are the top five countries that must be represented at Camp MUN?
8. Describe some ideas you have for camp activities? (Leadership, teambuilding, competitions, etc.)
Will you help fundraise for Camp MUN? In what ways? How much exactly do you think you can raise online from your network?
Are you willing to help create Camp MUN protocol, lessons and materials?
Are you willing to conduct research prior to the camp and create country profiles?
Are you available to attend a training meeting for all counselors in the spring?
Please submit your application to by February 15th.