B) Complete the formula for the Present Continuous PassiveTense: is / are + … + V3.
Ñ) Read the article on rising housing prices in Sochi and reasons
For that. Find Present Continuous Passive forms.
The Russian city of Sochi is becoming very popular with estate
agents. The prices for the apartment buildings have already
reached $2000 per square metre. Do you wonder why?
Sochi will be hosting the 2014 Winter Olympics, officially
known as the XXII Olympic Winter Games. The Motto of the
Olympics is Gateway to the Future. The Sochi Olympic Park is
being built and Bolshoi and Maly Ice Palaces are being constructed.
The Sochi Olympic Skating Centre, The Sochi Olympic
Stadium and other venues are being erected. Old hotels are
being repaired and renovated and some of them will be rebuilt
to be available for the guests in 2014.
The Olympic infrastructure is being created according to a
special programme. Two electric stations are being completed.
The transportation structure is being prepared to support the
Olympics including roads, tunnels, bridges, railroads and stations
in and around Sochi. The railroad to Adler is being reconstructed.
A new terminal has been built at Sochi Airport to
make it suitable for the occasion.
A lot of money is being spent and will be spent on the construction
and renovation. No wonder the houses and flats in
Sochi have become so expensive – the area will be very comfortable
to live in and convenient to get to.
d) Would you like to buy a house in or around Sochi? Why?
Imagine you are selling a house. Complete a chart similar to the
One in ex. 2b. Hang your leafl et up in the classroom along with
your classmates’ leafl ets. Go round and choose a house to buy.
Explain why you want to buy it.
1. a) How many rooms are there in your house / fl at? What are
they? Do you have a room of your own?
Communicative area:describing a room
Active vocabulary:treasured, cluttered, an item, a haven
Active grammar:plural nouns
B) Look through the photos. Which of these things do you think
you can fi nd in a girl’s room and which in a boy’s room?
A) Look through two descriptions of rooms. Which of them was
written by a boy, and which by a girl? Why do you think so?
My Room, My Haven
Over the years I have bought and collected all sorts of silly
itemsto decorate my room. There are posters as tall as you
stand, several black lights, and a bumping stereo that all give
my room its unique style. Although my room is very small, it
easily holds all the stuff I need to relax and feel right at home.
The black lights add a lot of character to the room. A light blue
lava lamp is the only light that remains on while I sleep.
A small variety of posters that represent my interests fill
every wall. These pictures were collected over time from magazines,
and some were given to me by my friends. You can easily
tell what type of music I listen to by looking at the posters on
black light
lava lamp
hope chest
curio cabinet dresser
Green Day poster
my walls. Artists like Kurt Cobain from Nirvana, the whole
crew of Metallica, and an almost life size picture of Billy Joe
from Green Day give the room a nice touch of style. You can see
a few pictures of cars on the walls. Although my favourite car
is not shown, several cars that I find appealing are displayed.
I must mention my computer. I do lots of things on it: surf
the Internet, chat with my mates and listen to music. With its
four separate speakers it provides perfect surround sound. The
system sounds great at volume. Yet I rarely use it to anywhere
near its potential. There are several cacti on my computer desk.
My friends keep giving them to me because they say I’m like a cactus
myself, not very friendly outside, but full of nice surprises.
My room is my haven.I have everything I could need in it.
Many have complimented me on my lighting effects and on my
choice of posters. I look forward to the day when I move into
my own house. There, my room will be more than twice as large
as it is now. Who knows what I’ll do then…
My Bedroom
I live by the motto ‘My bedroom is my castle’. My bedroom
is a place where I can relax and be comfortable and I think, that
is why it is important to me. I have a double bed with four pillows
and my favourite comforter. It is a Little Mermaid comforter,
I know it is childish but it is soft and warm. And of
course my Tickle Me Elmo sits on my bed and keeps me company.
A lot of times I just lie down and close my eyes and daydream
about places I’d like to see or think about things that
make me happy. Another reason why my room is so dear to my
heart is that I can go there when I want to be on my own.I can
just shut my door and tell everyone in my household not to
bother me. Whenever I’m stressed out with school, I like to go
into my room and just be myself. When I’m there, I know everything
is going to be all right. It may be hard to have some
privacy if you share a room. Also my room holds most of my
personal belongings, which have sentimental value and I do not
want anyone else to touch them. My bedroom is kind of cluttered,
but that is the way I like it and I don’t care what anyone
says. As you first come into my room, to the right is my dress50
er. It is full of things like perfume, jewellery, hair ties and other
things that come out of my pockets at the end of the day. Diagonally
across from my dresser is my curio cabinet. In it there
is my collection of porcelain dolls, which are my most treasured
items. Next to my bed, which is in the middle of the room is my
computer and my entertainment centre. I’m sort of a hoarder.
I think everything is worth keeping so I do keep everything
from old clothes to my childhood stuffed animals which are all
neatly sitting on my hope chest in my room. My hope chest is
filled with things I will need in the future like towels, old picture
frames and other little things. These things mean a lot to
me because a lot of these objects belonged to my late grandmother
and I am honoured to own them.
My bedroom is always there for me.
Date: 2016-01-03; view: 1849