Hold a debate on the best place to live. The motion for your debateis: It’s better to live in a period home than in a modern fl at.
1. Work in two groups. One should be proposing the motion;
the other should be opposing it. a) Brainstorm the main points
of your speech. Think of facts to support your ideas. b) Choose
a speaker for your group. The speaker should say what they are
going to say; make three points about the motion; support each
point with facts; say what they have said.
2. Vote in favour or against the motion.
The teacher chairs the debate. For the introduction the
teacher states the motion and introduces the teams. Speaker 1
proposes the motion. Speaker 2 opposes the motion. The chair
(teacher) invites the speakers to summarise their argument
with one sentence each. Then students take a vote in favour or
against the motion. The chair announces the results.
Communicative area:asking for and giving information, describing
a house
Active vocabulary:to move house, an estate agent, to restore, to
look onto, suitable
Receptive grammar:the Present Continuous Passive Tense
Look at the cartoon. Explain the humour.
2._a) Listen to an interview with an estate agent. Put the photos
Of the cottage he is talking about in the order in which they are
Described in the interview.
_b) Listen again. Look at the leafl et provided by the estate
agent. Be ready to say which information he didn’t mention in
The interview.
After reading this
description you’ve done
of our house, we’ve
deñided not to move.
Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 1.5 Building:Listed
Cooking:electric Available:in a month Sq. metres:181
Parking:bor rowed Looks onto:the 12th Restored:in 1976
from the chur chyard century church
Back garden Suitable for pets Near shops
Balcony Fireplace Quiet location
Match the words from the interview with their defi nitions.
1. to move house a) a person who works for an estate
agency selling or renting houses,
land and buildings for their owners
2. an estate agent b) to go with all your possessions to
live in a different place
3. to res tore c) right for a particular person,
situation or occasion
4. to look onto d) able to be used
5. suitable e) to return (something or someone) to
an earlier condition or position
6. available f) to provide a view, to overlook
A) Mark the statements True, False or No Information Available.
Prove your point of view.
1. People usually move house because they can’t afford the
2. Jon Campbell-Walker is moving house.
3. Church Cottage was built in 1976.
4. It was restored by its owner.
5. Church Cottage is a listed building.
6. There are no modern conveniences in the house.
7. The location is picturesque.
8. The fireplace is a disadvantage.
9. The house is suitable for pets and tall people.
10. The house is available for sale now.
_b) Listen and check.
A) Look at the underlined grammar forms in the sentences
below. Answer the questions on pages 275–276.
Currently my daughter Gwen’s room and the bathroom are
being completely renovated. Both attics and the basement are
being repaired.
It will be available in a month. Now the owner is preparing
it for sale. It is being repaired and repainted.
Date: 2016-01-03; view: 1404