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Ex.19 Complete the sentences. To help you, the first letter of each word is given.

1. He is running a f_________, with a t_________ of over 40. Look at the t__________, and you can see for yourself.

2. In the old days a lot of soldiers who were w_____ in battle died because the w_____ became i_____.

3. – I feel s_______. I shouldn't have eaten so much. - You should be more careful. You’ve only just recovered from a serious i_________.

4. - What s_______s have you noticed? - My j_____s are always stiff when I wake up, and sometimes I have b______ and p________s in my legs. I've got a s_____ throat too, but I don't suppose that's connected. - Let me see. Yes, some i______ in your throat, and a little s________ on both sides of the jaw. That's a touch of t______. There isn't really à ñ______ for the other problem, which is r________. You could try heat t______.

5. He gets these terrible f_____s of d_______ because things are going so badly at work. If he's not careful, he'll have a n________ b________.

6. Fortunately, we haven't had any serious accidents at the school, just the usual cuts and b_______s when children fall down. But we keep a stock of a_______ to clean the w______, and b_____s to bind them and keep out i_____ .


Specialists – vocabulary.

Ex.20 Where can you find these patients? Match the patients with the correct words or departments.

1. Intensive Care Unit

2. Casualty and Emergency Department

3. Pediatric Ward

4. Maternity Unit

5. Orthopaedic Ward

6. Surgical Ward

7. Geriatric Ward

8. Ophthalmic Ward

9. Gynaecological Ward


a. Mary who has just had a baby

b. John who has broken his leg

c. My grandmother who is suffering from pneumonia complications

d. Peter who will have his appendix removed

e. Betty’s mother who is suffering from women’s disease

f. My mother who will be operated on for an eye cataract

g. Samuel who is unconscious

h. Paul who has just been in a car crash

i. Your son who has measles


Ex.21 Give the name of the persons defined below.

1. a family doctor g _ _ _ _ _ _ p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ er

2. someone who looks after people in hospital _ _ _ s _

3. sick person who has to stay in hospital i _-_ _ _ _ _ _ _

4. sick person who has to visit hospital regularly for treatment o _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _

5. someone who operates on sick people _ _ _ _ _ o _

6. person badly injured in an accident, fire, war _ a _ _ _ _ _ _

7. person who helps at the birth of a baby m _ _ _ _ _ _

8. person who specializes in one area of medicine _ p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Ex.22 Some of these words look so much alike that we often confuse them. See if you can get them straight. Here are some specialists with brief descriptions of their specialties. Check the one correct title that fits the description in each case.

1. He treats children’s diseases.

a. He is an orthopaedist.

b. He is a paediatrician.

c. He is a pathologist.

2. He corrects deformities of the body.

a. He is a gynaecologist.

b. He is an orthopaedist.

c. He is a pathologist.

3. He straightens crooked teeth.

a. He is an orthodontist.

b. He is an orthopaedist.

c. He is a pathologist.

4. He is a medical doctor who specializes in the diseases of the eyes.

a. He is an oculist.

b. He is an optician.

c. He is an orthopaedist.

5. He makes your eyeglasses.

a. He is an oculist.

b. He is an orthopaedist.

c. He is an optician.

6. He specializes in the disorders of the mind.

a. He is an internist.

b. He is a psychiatrist.

c. He is a physiotherapist.

7. He treats diseases by electricity.

a. He is a pathologist.

b. He is a physiotherapist.

c. He is a psychologist.

8. His specialty is taking and interpreting X rays.

a. He is a gynaecologist.

b. He is a neurologist.

c. He is a radiologist.

9. He specializes in diseases of the nervous system.

a. He is a cardiologist.

b. He is a dermatologist.

c. He is a neurologist.

10. He treats diseases of old age.

a. He is a cardiologist.

b. He is a geriatrician.

c. He is a pediatrician.

11. He specializes in skin diseases.

a. He is a dermatologist.

b. He is a geriatrician.

c. He is a pathologist.

12. He treats women’s diseases.

a. He is a dermatologist.

b. He is a geriatrician.

c. He is a gynecologist.

13. He brings children into the world.

a. He is a gynecologist.

b. He is an obstetrician.

c. He is a pediatrician.


Ex.23 Which of the professionals would you consult in each of the following cases?

1. To operate on an eye cataract _ c _ _ _ _ _

2. To cure your son’s measles _ _ d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3. To make your new glasses _ _ _ i _ _ _ _

4. To deliver a baby ob _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

5. To test your eyesight _ _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

6. To cure a rash on the skin d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

7. To treat a sick mind p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

8. To operate on your appendix _ _ r _ _ _ _

9. To examine the old-age complaints of your grandmother g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

10. To treat Peter’s deformed hip _ _ _ _ _ p _ _ _ _ _

11. To analyze your dreams _s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

12. To treat the ailments of your wife _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Ex.24 Who's who in medicine? Match the people below (1-14) with the correct definitions (a-n).

1. A casualty; 2. A consultant; 3. A general practi­tioner (GP); 4. A midwife; 5. A nurse; 6. An optician; 7. An out-patient; 8. A pathologist; 9. A paediatrician; 10. A pharmacist; 11. A physiotherapist; 12. A psychiatrist; 13. A specialist; 14. A surgeon.

a) is a person, usually a woman, who has been trained to advise pregnant women and to help them when they are giving birth. b) is a person who is trained to treat patients by giving them exer­cise or massage, often to help them walk again after an acci­dent or operation. c) is a doctor whose job is to perform operations. d) is a person who has been injured or killed in an accident, a fire or a war. e) is a person who tests people's eyesight and provides glasses and contact lenses. f) is a doctor who examines a dead body to find out how the per­son died. g) is a doctor who treats people suffering from mental illnesses. h) is a doctor trained in general medicine who treats people in a certain local area for all kinds of illnesses. He or she is usually the first doctor people go to when they are ill. i) is a doctor who specializes in one area of medical treatment, e.g. an eye. j) is a person who is qualified to prepare and sell medicines. k) is a high-ranking and very experienced hospital doctor who gives special advice in one particular area of medicine. l) is a person who has to visit a hospital regularly for treatment while still living at home. m) is a person who looks after patients in hospital. n) is a doctor who specializes in treating sick children.

Ex.25 In each of the situations listed below, the doctor is telling a child's mother what he or she is going to do to cure the trouble. Decide which advice refers to which situation.

a) Sally is in bed with a heavy cold and temperature.

b) Johnny has been stung by a bee.

c) Alan has cut his forehead badly.

d) Paula has broken her leg.

e) Mark has broken his arm.

f) Laura is very pale and anaemic.

g) Sandra has pulled a muscle.

1. Obviously, she'll have to go to hospital for an X-ray. With luck, it is a clean break, and young bones set quickly, but she'll have to have it in plaster for a time; she can go to school, though, but naturally she'll have to go round on crutches until the plaster comes off.

2. I'll give you a diet sheet that she must follow, but apart from that I'd better give her these vitamin pills. She must take the tablets three times a day after meals.

3. You can get this ointment from the chemist's. I'll write out a prescription for you. Rub it gently into the skin every night before she goes to bed. Some people recommend sprays for this kind of thing, but my view is that the ointment gives more relief.

4. It's nothing serious. But this medicine will be better than the patent cough mixtures and syrups they sell in the chemist's. If she has a headache as well, give her half an aspirin.

5. That is nasty. I'm going to clean the wound with antiseptic, and it may sting. Now, here's the cotton wool. We'll just put a little antiseptic on it. Well done, that's a brave boy. Now we'll protect it from the air and put a bandage over it, and you'll look like a little soldier after a battle.

6. There's quite a lot of swelling, but I see you've taken the sting out. He must take these tablets to reduce the inflammation, but be very careful not to exceed the dose, not more than two a day, every twelve hours, for three days.

7. Once the plaster comes off, he'll still have it in a sling for a time to rest it.


Ex.26 Study the vocabulary given above each paragraph of the text. Read the paragraphs and note down the following points:types of cells; names of the main bones and muscles; blood circulation; the main function of the heart; the structure of a tooth; the layers of our skin; the structure of a hair; the way of the food into the stomach; the functions of the lungs; the information the nervous system gathers; the functions of the brain and the main senses.


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