Substances which allow organisms to transfer genetic information from one generation to the next.a) RNA and DNA
b) Fats
c) Carbohydrates
d) Vitamins
e) Ferments
60. The nicotinamid pertains to vitamin:
a) PP
b) B2
c) B1
d) B6
e) B12
61. Hydrolases - a ferments, accelerating reactions:
a) of the fission of complex material on more simple
b) carrying the hydrogen on molecule of the oxygen
c) of the decomposition hydrogen peroxide
d) carrying the separate groups of the join
e) oxidational-reconstructionable processes
62. Liazes - the ferments catalyzing:
a) chipping off from substrdatum of nonhydrolitical way of the certain groups
b) hydrolitic fission of carbohydrate
c) hydrolitic fission of proteins and lipids
d) hydrolitic fission of peptidic relationship
e) chipping off from substratum of hydrogen
63. Isomerases – ferments catalyzing:
a) reversible conversion of some material in their isomers
b) carrying the groups from isomers
c) oxidational-reconstruction processes
d) fission of peptidic relationship
e) chipping off the hydrogen from substrata
64. Ligazes - ferments, catalyzing:
a) synthesis of complex molecules from more simple
b) fission of peptidic relationship
c) nonhydrolitic fission of complex molecules
d) chipping off the oxygen from substrata
e) oxidational- reconstruction processes
65. We call vitamins the material:
a) providing normal metabolizsm in organism
b) being polymers of amino acid
c) being polymers of nucleotides
d) providing transport of the oxygen to fabrics
e) being polymers of monosacharides
66. Provitamin of retinol is:
a) carotine
b) vikasol
c) rilloghinon
d) tiamine
e) riboflavin
67. Deficient of vitamin D brings:
a) to rickets
b) to scurvy
c) to night blindness
d) to increasing of sugar to shelters
e) to sterility
68. Deficient of vitamin K brings:
a) to insuffiscient rolling up shelters
b) to cinga
c) to increasing of sugar in shelters
d) to palsy of the limbs
e) to deterioration of vision
69. Under deficient of the vitamin PP exists:
a) pellagra (becoming rough skin)
b) deterioration of visions
c) bleeding of gums
d) breach exchange of calcium
e) breach exchange of phosphorus
70. Carbohydrates on chemical nature are:
a) aldegids and ketons much atomic alcohol
b) complex airwaves of the amino acids
c) polymer of the amino acids
d) polymer of amino acid
e) amins of round-robin alcohols
71. To monosacharides refer:
a) glucose
b) sucrose
c) cellulose
d) starch
e) maltose
72. To oligosaccharides refer:
a) maltose
b) glucose
c) galactose
d) ribose
e) desoxiribose
73. To pentoses refer:
a) ribose, desohxiribose
b) glucose, fructose
c) starch, glikogen
d) sucrose, maltose
e) cellulose, eritrose
74. To polysacharides refer:
a) starch, cellulose
b) glucose, fructose
c) xilose, ribose
d) cellulose, sucrose
e) lactose, maltose
75. Cellulose form the mass of a plant till:
a) 80 - 90 %
b) 10 - 15 %
c) 35 - 40 %
d) 1 - 2 %;
e) 5 - 10
76. Monomeric unit of the cellulose is:
a) - glucose
b) - glucose
c) ribose
d) - galactose
e) - galactose
77. t RNA realize the process of:
a) transport of amino acid
b) fermentation
c) breaking of the sucrose
d) synthesis of the maltose
e) synthesis of the lactose
78. To group of monosacharides do not pertain:
a) sucrose
b) glucose
c) ribose
d) desoxiribose
e) fructose
79. To monosacharides do not pertain:
a) cellulose
b) desoxiribose
c) fructose
d) xilose
e) ribose
80. Monomeric unit of the starch is:
a) α- glucose
b) α- fructose
c) - mannose
d) D - ribose
e) D- xilose
81. To pentoses pertains:
a) fructose
b) glucose
c) lactose
d) xilose
e) sorbose
82. The noncarbohydrate part of glucozides is called:
a) agliucone
b) glucone
c) sterin
d) glucagen
e) steron
83. In glycogen remainder molecules of the glucose are bound on place:
a) C1 - C4 and C1 - C6
b) C1 - C2 and C1 – C5
c) C1 - C4 and C4 – C5
d) C1 - C5 and C1 – C3
e) C2 - C4 and C1 - C4.
84. Monomeric unit of the maltose is:
a) α- glucose;
b) - galactose;
c) D - ribose;
d) D - desoxiribose;
e) D - sugar.
85. To saturated fat acid pertains:
a) palmitinovic
b) olein acid
c) linoleftic acid
d) linoleftic acid
e) araxidic acid
86. In the organism of the person are not synthesized acids:
a) linoletric
b) palmitinovic
c) stearinovic
d) vinegar
e) oxalic vinegar
87. Vegetable fat are rich with:
a) unsaturated fat acid
b) saturated fat acid
c) palmitinovic acid
d) stearinovic acid
e) oil acid
88. Hormone tiroxin participates in regulation:
a) of the iodine
b) of the calcium
c) of the magnesium
d) of the phosphorus
e) of the potassium
89. Hormone insulin adjusts the exchange:
a) of the sugar
b) of the iodine
c) of the magnesium
d) of the phosphorus
e) of the potassium
90. To protein hormone pertains:
a) insulin
b) cortisone
c) estradiole
d) testosterone
e) andresterone
91. Proteitic ferments split:
a) the proteins
b) carbohydrates
c) fats
d) carbohydrates
e) vitamins
92. Activation of amino acids is realized to account ATP group:
a) - COOH
b) - NO
c) - CONH2
d) - OH -
e) - S - S
93. Biosynthesis of proteins runs:
a) on ribosome
b) in kernel
c) on mitochondrias
d) on endoplasmic of the network
e) in celluar membrane
94. Activation of amino acid (formation of adenilates) is realized by ferments:
a) aminoacil-tRNA-synthetase
b) piruvate of decarboxilase
c) isomerase
d) furmarat of hydratase
e) maltose
95.The transcription is process:
a) of the synthesis RNA on DNA
b) of the syntheses protein on ribosome
c) of the syntheses DNA on RNA
d) carrying and RNA in cytoplasm
e) carrying amino acid on ribosome
96. Transport of amino acid is realized with the help of:
a) t RNA
b) and RNA
c) r RNA
d) DNA
e) hormones
97. Genetic code name:
a) area of circuit DNA, consisting of third nucleotides
b) area of circuit RNA, consisting of five nucleotides
c) area of circuit RNA, consisting of four nucleotides
d) area of circuit DNA, consisting of poles nucleotides
e) area of circuit DNA, consisting of ten nucleotides
Date: 2016-01-03; view: 1076