Technology of food productionsTechnology of processing productions
Technology of food productions
Exam questions on discipline “Biochemistry”
1. Steady biochemistry studies:
a) chemical composition of organism
b) change of the chemical join as a result of processes, running in
the organism
c) change of the chemical join under different types of physical loading
d) chemical function of separate organs and tissues
e) biological role of organic joinings
2. Biological chemistry - a science studying:
a) chemical composition, structure, conversion of material in the organism
b) construction of chemical joins in organism
c) construction and composition of celluar organoids
d) functions of celluar organoids
e) metabolism in organism
3. The dynamic biochemistry studies:
a) change of the chemical join as a result of fraudulent processes, running in organism
b) chemical composition of organism in process of vital activity
c) functions of ìàêðîìîëåêóë and ferment in process of vital activity
d) functions of separate tissues in alive organisms
e) biological role of ferment and nucleic acids
4. The Functional biochemistry studies:
a) the chemical functions of separate organs and tissues
b) chemical composition of organism
c) the chemical functions of the organic join
d) the biochemical functions of celluar organoids
e) the functions of ferments and vitamins
5. The proteins are:
a) high molecularic organic join, consisting of the remainder of the amino acid
b) low molecularic organic join, consisting of the remainder of the acid
c) high molecularic join, consisting of fat acids
d) high molecularic join, consisting of monoucleotides
e) low molecularic inorganic join
6. The Main structured units of protein are:
a) amino acids
b) fat acids and glycerine
c) glucose and fructose
d) dicarbonic acids
e) nitrous basis
7. The Methods of the separation and peelings of proteins are:
a) extraction, chromatography, dialise
b) dialise, distillation and denaturation
c) chromatography, termal processing
d) dialise, high temperatural processing
e) dialise, extraction and denaturation
8. The Separation of proteins from solution salt called:
a) salting out
b) extraction
c) dialise
d) electrodialise
e) denaturation
9. Ionic power of the solution:
a) half-sum product of concentrations on square charge ion
b) product of concentrations on square charge ion
c) making the volume on mass of material
d) product of concentrations on volume of the solution
e) half-sum product of concentrations on volume of the solution
10. The Electrophoresis of proteins is:
a) movement of proteins in electric field
b) movement of proteins through row with sorbent
c) carrying of proteins under the action of gradient of the concentrations
d) carrying of proteins under the action of the temperature
e) movement of proteins when change pH
11. Each of amino acids has in its composition of the group:
a) COOH and NH2
b) COOH ,H2O and CH
c) NH2 , >C=O and P
d) H2 , O2 and P
e) >C=0, P and H2
12. Amino acids in tart ambience have a charge:
a) positive
b) negative
c) neutral
d) have not
e) positive and negative
13. Oxi amino acids include:
a) serine
b) alanine
c) tirosine
D) arginine
E) triptofan
14. To sulphur containing amino acid pertains:
a) methionine
b) asparaghine
c) glutamin
d) triptofan
e) gistidin
15. Round-robin amino acid is:
a) tirosine
b) leicine
c) methionine
d) lisine
e) valin
16. Diaminomonocarbonic acids are:
a) lisine
b) triptofan
c) serine
d) treonin
e) glicin
17. Monoaminodicarbonic acids are:
a) asparaginovic acid
b) alanine
c) serine
d) ghistidine
e) tirozin
18 Diaminomonocarbonic acids are:
a) arghinine
b) triptofan
c) alanine
d) glicine
e) gistidin
19. To group of oxiamino acids refer:
a) serine
b) glutaminovic acid
c) triptofan
d) arghinine
e) leycin
20. Amino acid in molecule of protein are bound between itself by means of:
a) peptidic bond
b) hydrogen relationship
c) ion relationship
d) kovalent relationship
e) disulphudic relationship
21. Indicate peptidic group:
a) –CO-NH-
b) -COOH-
c) -NH2
d) -CH-
e) -CH2OH -
22. Disulphidic footbridges are formed between the remainder of the molecules:
a) of cisteine
b) of glicine
c) of valine
d) of leycin
e) of triptofan
23. The Broughted formula H2N-CH2 - COOH:
Refer to
a) glicine
b) alanine
c) triptofan
d) gisthidine
e) leycin
24.To irreplaceable amino acid pertains:
a) valine
b) glicine
c) thirosine
d) arghinine
e) serine
25. Globural proteins have a form:
a) become round
b) thread like
c) square-wave
d) spiral
e) double spiralic
26. Proteins are built from:
a) amino acids
b) the fat acids
c) carbohydrate
d) alcohol
e) hydrocarbon
27.To colour reaction on protein pertains:
a) beuareltic reaction
b) reaction of Vagner
c) reaction with bromine water
D) reaction of "silver mirrors"
E) reaction with iodine
28. Is not amino acid:
a) choline
b) lisine
c) alanine
d) valine
e) triptofan
29. Under primary structure of protein understand:
a) the sequence locations of amino acidic remainder
b) the sequence locations of nucleotides
c) the sequence of amino acid at disulphidic footbridge
d) spiral like organization of the molecule of protein
e) double spiralic molecule of protein
30. Secondary structure of protein is:
a) formation and spirals of polypeptidic chain by hydrogen bonds
b) formation of peptidic relationships between two polipeptids
c) ion relationship between amino acid
d) formation determined desksides of the molecule disulphidic footbridge
e) formation of desksides of the molecule of protein with kovalent relationships
31. The Reagent to qualitative reaction aldose:
a) Felingovic liquid
b) reagent of Folin
c) reagent of Adamkevich
d) alkaline reagent
e) acid reagent
32. The Mixture of solution of sulphate coppers and segnetic salts in alkaline ambience:
a) Felingovic liquid
b) reagent of Folin
c) reagent of Adamkevich
d) alkaline reagent
e) acid reagent
33. Denaturation of protein is:
a) modification of protein molecule under influence of the external ambience
b) change of the protein molecule at influence pH, of the temperature
c) precipitation of protein at action of the acids
d) change of the specific rotation of the solution
e) change of the charge of protein molecule
34. Proteins, possessing acid characteristic, contains mainly amino acid:
a) glutaminovic and asparaghinovic acids
b) apple and valerian acids
c) lisine and phosphoric acid
d) serine and treonine
e) arghinine and lisine
35. Isoelectric protein is characterized:
a) by neutrals charge
b) by positive charge
c) by negative charge
d) by mobility in electric field
e) by tart characteristic
36. Hydratation of protein -is:
a) ability to link water
b) ability to link NH2 group
c) precipitation by change of pH ambiences
d) ability to link = C=O group
e) ability to rub the water
37. The Lactose pertains to:
a) carbohydrates
b) proteins
c) lipids
d) ferments
e) vitamins
38. Simple proteins are materials consisting of:
a) only from protein part
b) from protein and vitamin
c) from protein and nucleoidic of the acids
d) from metal proteids
e) from glyukoproteids
39. Complex proteins are materials consisting of:
a) protein and nonprotein of a part
b) only protein
c) of amino acid
d) coferments
e) carbohydrate and fats
40. Fermentatic function of proteins are:
a) speed up chemical reactions in organism
b) participation in building of membrane
c) participation in transport of materials
d) regulation of metabolism
e) participation in forming the difference of electric charges
41. To amino acid is not refer:
a) ascorutine
b) valine
c) leycine
d) glutaminovic acid
e) asparaghinovic acid
42. Is not amino acid:
a) levocitine
b) glutaminovic acid
c) leycine
d) isoleycine
e) asparaghine
43. Nucleic acids are materials presented by:
a) polymers of nucleotildes
b) polymers of carbohydrate
c) polymers of nucleozides
d) dimmers of nitrous bases
e) polymers of nucleoproteids
44. To purine nitrous bases refers:
a) adrenine
b) arghinine
c) cytosine
d) thymine
e) valine
45. To purine nitrous bases pertain:
a) guanine
b) cytosine
c) lisine
d) leycin
e) thymine
46. To pyrimidinovic nitrous bases pertain:
a) thymine
b) valine
c) alanine
d) lisine
e) leycin
47. To pyrimidinovic nitrous bases refers:
a) cytosine
b) valine
c) alanine
d) lisine
e) leycin
48. To pyrimidinovic nitrous bases pertain:
a) uracil
b) valine
c) alanine
d) lisine
e) leycin
49. To nitrous bases pertain:
a) thymine
b) valine
c) glycerine
d) dioxiacetone
e) glicine
50. To nitrous bases do not pertain:
a) ribose
b) thymine
c) adenine
d) cytosine
e) guanine
51. Functions of transport RNA (tRNA) are:
a) transport of amino acid to ribosome
b) transport of amino acid to mytochondrie
c) transport of gemoglebine
d) transport of carbohydrate to ribosome
e) transport of amino acid in nucleus
52. Ferments are:
a) proteins catalysing chemical reactions in organism
b) materials, adjusting metabolism
c) materials, participating in carrying the molecules
d) materials, necessary to organism in scant fews
e) materials, participating in syntheses of proteins
53. Ferments on chemical nature are:
a) proteins
b) carbohydrates
c) lipids
d) vitamins
e) polinucleotides
54. Ferments are active at the temperature:
a) 35 - 40 0C;
b) 20 - 30 0C;
c) 40 - 60 0C;
d) 60 - 80 0C;
e) 80 - 100 0Ñ;
55.Stereo chemical substratic specificity:
a) ferment catalyze the conversion of one isomer
b) ferment catalyze the conversion of a group of materials
c) ferment catalyze the conversion of rightrevolving isomers
d) ferment catalyze the conversion of leftrevolving isomers
e) ferment catalyze the conversion of optical inactive joinings
56. The potato tarch pertains to:
a) carbohydrates
b) proteins
c) lipids
d) ferments
e) vitamins
57. Activators of ferments - are substances:
a) raising activity of the action of ferments
b) reducing activity of the action of ferments
c) enter with ferments in chemical reaction
d) do not act on activity of ferments
e) inhibirate the activity of the action of ferments
58. Oxidoreductases - ferments:
a) catalyzing oxidation-preconstruction processes
b) catalyzing syntetic processes, under the action of O2
c) catalyzing reactions of the carrying the separate groups
d) catalyzing processes of recarboxyliration
e) catalyzing processes of rehydroxyliration
Date: 2016-01-03; view: 1359