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The component structure

On the basic parameters (suspended solids, ammonium ions, nitrites, nitrates, phosphates), the maximum contamination was noted in the Amur River area of ​​influence. Songhua River, especially near the right of Chinese banks. With a sink p. Songhua River in the ecosystem of the Amur River receives heavy metal ions such as iron, copper, lead, manganese, nickel and cobalt. [2, page2, para3]

Effects on wildlife

Khabarovsk ichthyologists in shock, in the Amur fish swim without eyes, tail and fins, soma with chemical burns. Contents of nitrosamine are above permissible limits in each six fish. The townspeople went on a fishing trip is not for sport. But the inhabitants of river organisms accumulate harmful substances. This has already led to mutations in the gene level. The comprehensive study showed that fish in the district. Cupid in the area of the city of Khabarovsk to Komsomolsk - on - Amur contaminated with pesticides and heavy metal ions. These toxicants were found in 11 species of fish. [2,page3, para9]

In fish, discovered a group of low molecular weight alcohols, aldehydes and esters of butyric acid. These substances are involved in the formation of sharp odor of fish caught in the mainstream p. Cupid on the section from the estuary. Songhua River to the town of Nikolaevsk-on-Amur. Many of them have not been well studied toxicologically, and therefore pose a risk to human health.

In the fish-intensive "chemical" smell of trimethylamine was found, its content in the winter ranged from 2.4 to 6.2 mg / kg. Trimethylamine is not only a source of noxious fumes, it serves as a precursor of carcinogenic nitrosamines, especially with excess nitrite in an aqueous medium. In accordance with regulatory requirements allowable amount of nitrosamines in fish products must not exceed 0.003 mg / kg.

Based on these data was justified politoksikoz Amur fish due to contamination of fish multicomponent low concentrations of various substances. Change the organoleptic properties of fish is usually during the freeze-up when it is integrated pollution chlorinated pesticides and heavy metal ions, which can cause disturbances in the metabolism and reduce the protective functions of the fish fauna. The penetration of microorganisms into the muscle tissue in the presence of pesticides and heavy metals is accompanied by formation of volatile compounds, some of them have not been identified, so their content is not standardized or controlled. Multicomponent contamination of fish, even low concentrations of toxicants may lead to distant environmental impacts and reduce fish stocks ecosystems of Amur.

Health problems

ÏÀÓ - polyaromatic hydrocarbons

ÏÕÁ - polychlorinated


ÍÀ - nitrosamines

ÕÎÏ - organochlorine pesticides

ÌÀ - methylamines

ÒÌ - ions of heavy metals (cadmium, mercury, lead)

In samples from the Amur water sampled near the right coast and in the middle rivers in the area of 4 km below the confluence of the River. Songhua antigens detected enteroviruses and rotoviruses, as well as high numbers of opportunistic enterobacteria. [2, page2, para7]

Date: 2016-01-03; view: 884

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