Lecture 27 The main goals and objectives of Kazakhstan organizations in the field of standardization and certification
Lecture plan:
1 System of the Republic of Kazakhstan", which includes the following key documents:
2 Activity standardization technical committees should be directed to:
In the development of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Standardization" has developed the State Standardization System of the Republic of Kazakhstan ( RK GSS ) , which is a combination of government , individuals and entities engaged in the field of standardization , including in the field of cataloging products within their competence regulations establishing procedures for standardization work in the Republic of Kazakhstan .
The main tasks of the GSS RK. To achieve standardization objectives established by the legislation of RK GSS should address the following main tasks:
• establishing requirements for optimal range and quality of products, processes (works) services for the consumer and the state , including ensuring their safety;
• establishing requirements for compatibility (structural, electrical, electromagnetic, information, software, etc.), interchangeability and unification products to technological processes , metrology regulations:
• regulatory support production processes (operations) and services, monitoring (testing, analysis, measurements) , certification and evaluation of product quality;
• development and maintenance of systems of classification and coding of technical, economic information , cataloging and barcoding products;
• improvement of existing legislation and the transition to other forms of regulation of product quality and safety through the formation of the Republic of Kazakhstan system of technical regulations, including technical legislation harmonized with the legislation of the countries with developed market economies;
• providing direct application of international standards and norms in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the harmonization of existing regulations and standardization system with international standards and systems;
• improvement of information security and regulatory work on standardization , metrology and certification , and the formation of the State Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan standards;
• state supervision of compliance with mandatory regulatory requirements , quality and safety certified products, processes (works) services.
Methodological issues of the organization and functioning of the State Standardization System set out in the complex state of fundamental standards "State Standardization System of the Republic of Kazakhstan", which includes the following key documents:
1. ST RK 1.0-2000 "SCA RK. General Provisions".
2. ST RK 1.1-2000 "SCA RK. Standardization and related activities . Terms and definitions"
3. ST RK 1.2-2002 "SCA RK. The order of development of state standards"
4. ST RK 1.3-2000 "SCA RK. Procedure development, coordination , approval and state registration of the rules"
5. ST RK 1.4-99 "SCA RK. Standard firm. General Provisions " .
6 ST RK 1.5-2000 "SCA RK. General requirements for the construction, statement , design and maintenance standards. "
7. ST RK 1.6-96 "SCA RK. Procedure for registration , storage and retrieval of original and duplicate state standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan . "
8. ST RK 1.7-98 "SCA RK. Planning procedure of standardization . "
9. 1.9-99 ST RK "SCA RK. Procedure for the application of international , regional and national normative documents on standardization , metrology and certification . "
10. ST RK 1.12-2000 "SCA RK. Regulatory text documents . "
11. ST RK 1.14-2000 "SCA RK. Standards of scientific , technical, engineering, and other associations".
The organization works on standardization in the Republic of Kazakhstan
The organizational structure of the State Standardization System of the Republic of Kazakhstan consists of :
1) The authorized body on standardization , metrology and certification , its territorial departments and subordinate enterprises;
2) The government of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the limits of their competence in the field of standardization;
3) individuals and entities , including technical committees , expert auditors for Standardization;
4) State Fund standards of Kazakhstan. State management of standardization work in the Republic of Kazakhstan by the authorized body on standardization, metrology and certification - Committee on Standardization, Metrology and Certification of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan ( hereinafter - the Committee on Standardization, Metrology and Certification ) .
Committee for Standardization , Metrology and Certification is a government agency under the executive branch cross-sectoral coordination and functional regulation in the field of standardization, metrology, certification and accreditation.
In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Standardization" Committee for Standardization, Metrology and Certification operates directly or through a subordinate organization of the following functions:
• creates and implements a unified state policy in the field of standardization;
• coordinates the activities of government agencies, individuals and legal entities in this area ;
• participates in the work on the interstate , international, regional standardization;
• organizes and carries out the state supervision over compliance with the mandatory requirements of normative documents on standardization ;
• create a national system of standardization;
• provides training and retraining in the field of standardization;
• establishes the procedure for the application of international , regional, national standards, rules and recommendations on standardization ;
• interacts with individuals and legal entities , technical committees for standardization;
• establishes state standards , rules and recommendations of the State Standardization System general organizational , methodological and general technical rules for standardization works , forms and methods of interaction of individuals and entities with each other, with the government ;
• provides for the transfer of normative documents on standardization state and Russian language and their confirmation ;
• sets out the procedure for examination of normative documents on standardization in compliance with standards , international and regional standards.
In standardization work also involved government bodies, legal entities and individuals who organize and carry out standardization work within their competence and may expose these works relevant departments and services standardization , as well as experts - auditors standardization certified in the manner prescribed by the Committee on standardization, metrology and Certification .
Service standardization in enterprises and organizations carry out organizational and methodical , scientific and technical leadership in the field of standardization within their competence , performing research , developmental and other work on the standardization and harmonization of products, services , production processes, including management production through the introduction of quality systems and environmental management .
For the organization and implementation of state standardization of certain products , processes ( operations) and services , as well as to participate in the inter-sectoral and inter-state workers established standardization bodies for standardization - standardization technical committees (TCs) .
Activity standardization technical committees should be directed to:
• improving the quality of state standards;
• ensuring the competitiveness of domestic products in the domestic and foreign markets;
• removal of technical barriers to trade exchange products ( technologies, services ) with other countries.
In the state of standardization technical committees on standardization organize and carry out the following work :
• develop proposals on the main directions of development of the state standardization on fixed objects;
• Develop , review , approval and preparation for approval of projects of state standards (ST RK ) and other normative documents on standardization and technical regulations;
• review and the preparation of amendments to the existing regulations , including the State and International standards ;
• preparation of proposals for repealing the existing regulations in the country for objects that are assigned to the Technical Committee ;
• preparation of proposals and work on unification and harmonization of applicable regulations in the country with the interstate , international, regional and national standards and documents of foreign countries;
• assessment of the technical level and the achieved level of standardization on the objects assigned to the Technical Committee ;
• Participation in the development and (or) the consideration of draft technical regulations, interstate, international and regional standards , state standards and classifications of technical and economic information developed market economies and the like (or) objects related standardization with a view to their application in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
• identification of the need and the preparation of proposals for the standardization state plans to develop new , revision and amendments to existing standards in Kazakhstan and standardization documents ;
• preparation and submission to the Committee on Standardization, Metrology and Certification of current and future plans of TC and annual reports on the work carried out by them .
Technical standardization committees are created in a particular area of the economy on the basis of relevant entities. As a rule, the TC formed on the basis of research , design and technical institutes, design bureaus , businesses and organizations with the highest scientific and technical potential in their respective fields .
Members of the technical committee on standardization can be legal and natural persons of the number of customers (consumers) and product manufacturers, providers of services, representatives of organizations for standardization, metrology and certification, government, educational institutions, scientific, technical, engineering, and other public organizations, and leading academics and highly skilled professionals with specialization technical Committee.
Participate in technical committees for standardization of all interested parties is voluntary.
The list of objects standardization belonging to a technical committee on standardization, provision of technical committee, its structure and composition of the list of members and list structure must be agreed with the Committee on Standardization, Metrology and Certification .
Technical standardization committees, as well as a chairman, his deputy, and are approved by the executive secretary of the Committee on Standardization, Metrology and Certification and entered into the register of the State Standardization System "Technical standardization committees"
In the structure of the technical committee on standardization can be created subcommittees ( PC) for a certain part of the work of individual objects State Standardization ( areas of activity), assigned to the Technical Committee, with appropriate differentiation competence.
In Kazakhstan has 45 technical committees on standardization , the establishment of standards , including the TC for standardization in the food , textile and coal industries , non-ferrous metals, oil and others.
Lecture 28 Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Certification (KazInSt)
Lecture plan:
1 List of issues such kinds Institute in this direction :
2 International and regional standards :
3 In the field of standardization
It is known that standardization has long been recognized internationally and is one of the levers of economic management , as well as a key factor in supporting a number of government policies , such as competition, innovation , removal of trade barriers , expanding trade, consumer protection , environmental protection , public supply etc.
With the transition of Kazakhstan to the international system of technical regulation and the adoption in 2005 of the Law " On Technical Regulation" significantly expanded the scope of application of international standards.
Reform of the existing system of technical regulation , as reflected in this law is to create a two-tier system : normative legal acts adopted on the level of the Government and the Parliament in which concentrated all the mandatory requirements of the state security services and voluntary standards , including standards of competitiveness .
Evidence base to meet the requirements of normative legal acts in the field of technical regulations are the standards .
Republican State Enterprise ( RSE ) "Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Certification " was founded in 2000 on the basis of RSE " State Information Center standards."
To give a new status has enabled the Institute in a short time to make a significant contribution to the development of the standardization , certification and quality management in order to create favorable conditions for improving the competitiveness of domestic products, as well as the integration of Kazakhstan into the world economic community . Today, these issues are particularly relevant when Kazakhstan is preparing for a new qualitative market in its development, in a bid to enter the top 50 most competitive countries of the world. It is the task set in his address to the people of Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev . This problem has become a truly national task , given that Kazakhstan is preparing to join the World Trade Organization.
At the present stage, the institute is directly related to the development and examination standards , improvement of the Clearing House on technical barriers , sanitary and phytosanitary measures , the conduct of the State Fund of regulations in the field of technical regulations and standards.
One of the priorities of the Institute is the organization of work on the interaction with the WTO Technical Barriers to Trade, Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures , conducting applied research work in the field of quality management , provide training of specialists in the field of technical regulations , international and inter-state cooperation on standardization.
The success of the Institute received numerous international awards and certificates of quality management system based on the international standard ISO 9000.
In 2005, the Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Certification has implemented and maintains a Quality Management System ISO 9001 . this achievement was preceded by two years of hard and painstaking work of all employees of the Institute , which promoting international standards for quality management systems started in the first place , with myself , by example , demonstrating its necessity and benefits.
On the basis of the Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Certification , which is subordinated to the structure of the Committee for Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the framework of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On technical regulation", which operates the State Fund regulations in the field of technical regulations and standards, and to create Kazakhstan operating conditions to produce competitive products through the provision of timely and accurate information and regulations.
RSE "KazInSt" is the only institution with a wide range of works in the field of technical regulations and directly affects the processes associated with the further reform of the system.
This work is due , above all , the need to harmonize domestic national standards with international, that will open the way to domestic producers in the world market.
The main activities of the Institute in the field of international cooperation are the questions of a technical regulation , which include - cooperation with international and regional standards organizations , the WTO member countries ;
Information provision allows the Institute to support and promote the integration of Kazakhstan into the international and regional space and through the Information Network , to foreign bases and data banks ;
Currently, the Institute is actively working to promote Kazakhstan's accession to the World Trade Organization.
List of issues such kinds Institute in this direction :
1 interaction with the Secretariat of the World Trade Organization, WTO member countries , international, regional and national organizations , ministries departments, technical committees and other legal entities and individuals;
2 Bringing to the WTO Secretariat notifications ( notifications) about current or proposed regulations in the field of technical regulations, sanitary and phytosanitary measures , standards , measurements for and conformity assessment procedures for products and services in accordance with the World Trade Organization Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade , sanitary and phytosanitary measures.
State Fund for technical regulations and standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan is more than 56 thousand items of regulatory documents , including 20,000 interstate standards over 2tys names of state standards of Kazakhstan , more than 8000 international standards and about 12,000 national standards of foreign countries.
International and regional standards :
- International Organization for Standardization ( ISO) ;
- The International Electrotechnical Commission ( IEC) ;
- European standard EN ;
- The ECE ;
- Directive of the European Union ( EU).
National standards of the CIS :
, The Republic of Kazakhstan (ST RK ) ;
- Russian Federation ( GOST R ) ;
- Ukraine ( DSTU ) ;
- Republic of Moldova (SM);
- Kyrgyz Republic ( MMR) ;
- RA ( AST ) ;
- Republic of Uzbekistan ( TSTU ) ;
, The Republic of Belarus ( STB ) ;
- Turkmenistan ( TDZ ) .
National standards of foreign countries :
- Germany (DIN);
- UK (BS);
- Korean Standards (KS) , and others.
International and regional standards :
- International Organization for Standardization ( ISO) ;
- The International Electrotechnical Commission ( IEC) ;
- European standard EN ;
- The ECE ;
- Directive of the European Union ( EU).
National standards of the CIS :
, The Republic of Kazakhstan (ST RK ) ;
- Russian Federation ( GOST R ) ;
- Ukraine ( DSTU ) ;
- Republic of Moldova (SM);
- Kyrgyz Republic ( MMR) ;
- RA ( AST ) ;
- Republic of Uzbekistan ( TSTU ) ;
, The Republic of Belarus ( STB ) ;
- Turkmenistan ( TDZ ) .
National standards of foreign countries :
- Germany (DIN);
- UK (BS);
- Korean Standards (KS) , and others.
The tasks of the Institute for Kazakhstan's accession to the World Trade Organization
Kazakhstan's accession to the World Trade Organization, involves bringing the whole foreign policy of the country in line with the agreements of the organization. One of the important and essential in the process of reform is the reform of the system of technical regulation. The WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade establishes requirements aimed at balancing the interests of trade and eliminating unnecessary barriers on the one hand and the protection of life and health of people , animals, plants and the environment on the other. Ensuring this balance is achieved by adhering to the principles of the scientific validity of the measures , risk assessment , transparency in decision regulations and standards. Compliance with these principles requires substantial reform of the system of standardization and certification, the rest of us as a legacy after the Soviet era. It is obvious that the old system is well served planned economy does not meet the requirements of the market and are often a hindrance to the development of trade and technological progress.
"I am convinced that our country's accession to this international economic organization offers great opportunities for strengthening Kazakhstan's competitiveness in international markets " - the message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan. Strategy of Kazakhstan in the 50 most competitive countries .
In the area of legislation
The entry into force of the Law on Technical Regulation in May 2005 made it necessary to revise and align a large number of regulations and standards. Revolutionary change was the separation of the mandatory requirements of the voluntary safety standards requirements . All mandatory requirements to ensure the safety and health of people, animals and plants can only be taken by regulatory legal acts , whereas all of the standards are reclassified as voluntary . Big task now consists in establishing the legal framework for mandatory requirements , that is, the development and adoption of a large number of regulations that establish requirements for the safety or the so-called technical regulations. In this regard have recently been developed and adopted 33 amendments to the existing laws , aimed at creating a legal framework for the development of technical regulations.
Also introduced to Parliament 5 new laws relating to electromagnetic compatibility , safety of machinery and equipment, toy safety , food safety and the safety of chemical products. these changes will create a legal framework for the development of more detailed technical products. These changes will create a legal framework for the development of more detailed technical regulations.
In the field of standardization
Despite the fact that the standards are transferred to the voluntary , they continue to play an important role. Under the new system of technical regulation standards , in addition to traditional tasks of his playing the role of technical solutions giving ways to perform the mandatory requirements of technical regulations. Under the new approach, a technical regulation is supported by a list of voluntary standards that provide a presumption of conformity . For example, in support of the law on safety of machines and equipment will need a list of standards , consisting of more than thousands of standards .
This task requires the standards of a major revision . Ancient standards should be abolished or harmonized with international standards . Given the large number of standards, the tens of thousands , it is a difficult task that requires a lot of effort and time. Mere translations of international standards for the task is not just one or two years.
For all the greater harmonization of Kazakhstan began to intensify , participation in international standard iso . Currently, Kazakhstan is a member of ISO technical committees 6 .
In the field of accreditation
After the establishment of safety requirements and appropriate standards should also ensure conformity of the product with these requirements . This is carried out conformity assessment bodies : testing centers , laboratories , etc. In turn, conformity assessment bodies , carrying out audit should be competent . Their expertise is confirmed through a system of accreditation . To promote domestic exports is important that the certificates of conformity issued by our conformity assessment bodies have been recognized in other countries. This will prevent the re-certification in Kazakhstan and then abroad, exporters and save money . For these purposes, the task of joining international organizations in the field of accreditation.
The benefits of WTO members :
1. out of the trade isolation
2 . participate on an equal footing in the global trading system
3 . attracting foreign investors
4 . upgrading and improving the competitiveness of the export potential of the country
5 . the formation of an independent policy in international trade
Lecture 29 Kazakhstan Institute of Metrology (KazInMetr)
Lecture plan:
1 Representatives of the RSE "KazInMetr" take part in the 12- TC in the following areas :
2 Accession of the Republic of Kazakhstan in MOMV as an associate member will:
The Kazakhstan Institute of Metrology ( KazInMetr ) RGP "Kazakhstan Institute of Metrology" is today a beacon of Kazakhstan metrology out the major tasks in the area of traceability , development of international and national standards and research in this direction.
Since 1994 he has been a full member of the International Organization of Legal Metrology ( OIML) , since 1998 a member of the Euro- Asian Cooperation of National Metrological Institutions COOMET since 1992 - the Interstate Council for Standardization , Metrology and Certification ISC since 1992 - Inter-regional Association for Standardization MAC since 2003 - the Central Asian cooperation in metrology , accreditation, standardization and quality CAC - MAS-Q , with the September 2005 - an associate member of the General Conference on Weights and Measures ( CGPM ) .
September 6, 2007 at the 50th meeting of the General Council of the International Organization of measurements ( IMEKO ) in Paris RSE "KazInMetr" was taken as the 38th member of IMEKO . In the framework of this organization is to develop interstate standards and regulations , the development and use of reference materials , regional comparisons of standards of measurement units .
January 6, 2007 at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures was signed the "Agreement on the mutual recognition of national measurement standards and calibration and measurement certificates issued by national metrology institutes » (CIPM MRA), which is by far the most important international instrument under which the international comparisons of measurement standards and created an international base of recognition measurement and calibration capabilities of different countries of the world. Kazakhstan's participation in the activities of international organizations in the field of traceability .
The Republic of Kazakhstan is a member of OIML since 1994 (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers on 19 April 1994 " On joining the International Organization of Legal Metrology "). A member of the Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan the OIML is the head of the authorized body for technical regulation and metrology.
Memberships OIML allows you to:
participate in the meetings of the International Conference of Legal Metrology and CIML , with the right to a voice in decision -making;
consider projects of international recommendations , documents, and other types of OIML publications to submit their comments and suggestions , to vote on the adoption , modification or cancellation of the MR and MD OIML ;
use the international OIML as a basis for the harmonization of national regulations on metrology with international requirements;
participate in seminars , projects and studies conducted in the framework of the organization. Kazakhstan September 14, 2005 was accepted as an associate member of the CGPM , and January 6, 2006 signed an agreement MRA.
Accession of the Republic of Kazakhstan in MOMV as an associate member will:
- To participate in the international comparisons of standards and demonstrate the degree of equivalence of national standards with international , data calibration and measurement capabilities of the republic at the international level, through participation in the Agreement MRA;
- To participate in the meetings of the General Conference ( non-voting ) , the meetings of the CGPM for the associated countries , seminars and other events organized within the framework of MOMV ;
- To take part in research projects on the BIPM measurements.
Currently RSE "KazInMetr" works on participation in the MRA
- The institute has developed and implemented a quality management system ( QMS) certificates of conformity to ISO 9001:2000 certification issued by the Association " Russian Register" and the international organization "IQNET".
- Preparations for accreditation of calibration laboratories of the institute in accordance with the requirements of ISO / IEC 17025 ;
- Institute specialists are trained for the title of " scientist - keeper" standards;
taken part in the international seminar "The Role of MRA CIPM in international cooperation in metrology and the development of trade and economic relations ", held in Minsk, Belarus, May 11, 2005 ;
planned to participate in the comparisons of standards within the framework of regional metrology organization - COOMET . Kazakhstan joined the COOMET in November 1998 . COOMET Committee member from Kazakhstan is the CEO of RSE "KazInMetr ."
The work is carried out in COOMET by participating in the meetings of COOMET Committee and Technical Committees. Representatives of the RSE "KazInMetr" take part in the 12- TC in the following areas :
1 ) TC 1.1, " General Metrology "
2) TC 1.3 "Electricity and Magnetism"
3) TC 1.4 "Flow "
4) TC 1.5 " Length and angle "
5 ) TC 1.6 "Mass and Related Quantities "
6) TC 1.8 "Physical Chemistry "
7) TC 1.10 "Thermometry and thermal physics "
8) TC 1.11 "Time and frequency"
9 ) TC 1.12 " Reference Materials "
10) TC 2 " Legal Metrology "
11) TC 3.1 "TC Quality Forum »
12) TK4 "Information and Training"
In every direction are fixed correspondents from specialists RSE " KazInMetr ." The Republic of Kazakhstan takes part in the meetings of the IGU work NTCMetr, NTCMetr working groups : WG evaluation of measurement uncertainty , the WG on Non-Destructive Testing . Kazakhstan joined the MAC in 1992. Member of the General Council of the MAC from Kazakhstan is the Chairman of the Committee for Technical Regulation and Metrology . Experts RSE " KazInMetr " took part in the 12th meeting of the Technical Committee of the IAU , held in October 2002 , and a seminar on " Metrology and Calibration ", organized by the MAC to its members.
As part of the Sub-Committee on Metrology MAC in 2003 was considered and approved the " Regulations on the sub-committee of the Technical Committee on Metrology MAC ", in 2005 sent proposals for a " Work Programme TC Metrology MAC ." Other work has not yet been provided .
The Republic of Kazakhstan in the CAC MAS-Q is the Chairman of the Committee for Technical Regulation and Metrology .
As part of this organization shall participate in the meetings of the General Assembly are considered translations of international and national standards of foreign countries.
Control questions:
1 Tell us about the history of the development of accreditation systems in the world
2 Define the term "accreditation" , "technical barriers"
3 What types of technical barriers exist
4 Relationship Certification and Accreditation
5 The main goals and objectives of mutual recognition agreements