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Lecture 7 The inter-Scandinavian Organization for Standardization


Lecture plan:

1 The inter-Scandinavian Organization for Standardization (INSTA )

2 Regulations and standards INSTA

3 INSTA objectives


Organization created in 1988 to accelerate the harmonization of standards in the field of telecommunications.

The main goal - to develop common standards -based , which creates a comprehensive telecommunications infrastructure .

The inter-Scandinavian Organization for Standardization (INSTA )

Established in 1952, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Sweden.

The main objectives - the promotion of harmonized national standards Scandinavian countries , harmonization of technical requirements of national regulations , the organization of exchange of information.

Rule «4F» - principles of inst.

Historically established between the Nordic countries common political , economic and cultural interests led to the establishment of close contacts between them in various fields of activity, and in particular in the field of standardization. As the economy of the Scandinavian countries largely depends on the level of foreign trade, and the development of standardization of these countries is in the international area . In particular , Denmark at the end of 1972 refused to work on the establishment of national standards , fully adopting international and regional instruments . At present, apart from the national standardization bodies of northern countries Denmark, Iceland , Norway, Sweden, and Finland are members of INSTA another 10 organizations involved in the development of standards in the Nordic countries.

INSTA - an organization for cooperation between the countries of the region in the field of standardization, which is expressed in the exchange of information and the results of work in order to eliminate duplication and make full use of shared resources . Own standards obscheskandinavskih INSTA not issue , but has been the unification of the technical content of the national standards of countries that cooperate in it .

Regulations and standards INSTA

The basis of regulatory documents developed accepted international standards of ISO , IEC, CEN European standards and CEN ELEC , and other organizations . Developed documents are accepted as national after their projects are approved by all member countries inst.

There are two types of standards INSTA :

- Agreed standards ;

- Harmonized standards .

Harmonized standards developed by unifying the technical content of the national standards of different countries. The development of standards for the requirements of the four INSTA «F»: a consumer -Forbruker, manufacturer -Fobrikant, safety rules -Forskrifter, the results of research -Forsksning.

To introduce a special numbering standards for judging the number of developed standards , the extent of their use, the level of practicality. The text of the standards are supplemented by a list of countries that have adopted the standard to use.

INSTA harmonized standards - standards agreed with the standards of CEN. CEN - closed organization , which are included in the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium , Britain, Denmark, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy , Luxembourg , Norway, Netherlands , Portugal, Finland, Germany , France, Sweden , and Switzerland. The organization expanded with the entry of new members into the EEC .

The main objective of CEN - promotion of trade in goods and services through the development of European standards ( Euronorm EN). The official languages ​​are French, English and German. The supreme body of CEN General Assembly , the executive body - the Governing Body . Its functions include :

- Coordination of national standardization ;

- Identification of national standards, which without treatment can be used as the common standards :

- Definition of the use of common standards.

Within the CEN developed the following regulations :

- European standards ;

- Documents on harmonization;

- Provisional standards .

Each European standard is published in two versions:

- In the form in which it was approved by the Governing Council after the vote in the three official languages;

- In the form of a national standard of individual countries , which in addition to the text of the European standard , provides additional information in the form of applications necessary for the understanding and application of European standards in the member countries of CEN.

Documents on the harmonization of the most simple form of technical barriers to trade between countries. They are different from European standards that reflect the administrative and legal rules that may hinder the development of trade relations. Approval of the document on harmonization or vote for the adoption of European standards means that the country concerned shall start its application six months after approval as a national and not use the other national standards that differ from the standard.

Preliminary standards are developed in the following cases:

- A high level of innovation in the industry ( production);

- Rapid changes in technology (eg , computer equipment )

- Reduction of terms of agreement and approval standards.

In the latter case, the standards are time limited - up to three years. During this period, the possibility of preparing a long-term European standard.

The need to develop harmonized standards due to heavy dependence of the economy on the level of the Scandinavian countries of foreign trade, so the development of standardization in them is mainly in the international area, in particular , Europe .

The result of these activities are harmonized standards that are cataloged .

Its main task INSTA sees the harmonization of national standards for the Scandinavian countries.

INSTA objectives are:

- Promote a consistent national standards Scandinavian countries.

- Dissemination of experience in the field of standardization

- Development of coordinated positions of the Scandinavian countries in ISO , IEC, CEN , and other international organizations.

An important area of its activities the organization considers the achievement of mutual understanding between the Nordic countries. This involves annual conventions to discuss all issues . By mutual agreement, the work of national standards bodies involved representatives of inst.

INSTA developed a special program to remove barriers to regional trade agreement under which establishes automatic recognition of test results and control of the goods if they are on the corresponding harmonized standards. INSTA almost no prints. About her work is reported in national magazines and standardization COPAN newsletter .

The priority areas for harmonization of national standards recognized : Machine and machine tools, workplace safety , operational reliability and safety of fire-fighting equipment .


Control questions:

1 . History and development of inter-Scandinavian Organization for Standardization (Institute ).

2. How many and which countries it includes. What is Rule «4F».


Lecture 8 European Free Trade Association (EFTA)


Lecture plan:

1 The main objectives of the EFTA are:

2 EFTA has the following structure :


As any regional organization INSTA focuses its efforts on the removal of technical barriers to trade in the Nordic region as well as with the EU . The main way to solve this problem - the harmonization of standards and mutual recognition of test results , the creation of a unified system of certification of conformity . A significant role in this play Denmark , Norway and Sweden as members of EFTA .

The agreement on the establishment of EFTA (European Free Trade Association, EFTA) was signed on November 20 1959 . in Stockholm and entered into force on 3 May 1960. The structure of the EFTA includes Norway , Switzerland , Iceland ( March 1, 1970 . ) . In accordance with a special protocol on January 4, 1960 Liechtenstein is an associate member of EFTA in connection with the fact that since 1923 . is in a customs union with Switzerland. Liechtenstein will associate members of EFTA , as long as there is its customs union with Switzerland and while Switzerland is in EFTA . Austria (1995 ), UK (1972 ), Denmark (1972 ) , Portugal (1985 ), Finland (1995 ) and Sweden (1995 ) came out in the EFTA and became members of the EU. Location - Geneva ( Switzerland) .

The main objectives of the EFTA are:

- Promote the continued growth of economic activity , full employment , productivity , resource management , financial stability and continuous improvement of living standards in the Member States:

- Provision of bona fide competition conditions on trade between the Member States;

- The elimination of disparities in conditions of supply of raw materials manufactured in the free trade zone ;

- Promoting the harmonious development and growth of world trade through the gradual elimination of trade barriers.

EFTA has the following structure :

- EFTA Council ;

- committees

- secretariat

The Council , composed of representatives of Member States , manages Free Trade Association , as a forum for discussion and joint decision-making on various issues.

The decisions and recommendations are usually unanimous. Decisions are binding on all Member States , the recommendations - those nations to whom they are addressed . The Council meets twice a month at the level of ministers or permanent representatives. In his career, he relies on a number of committees : the customs experts and trade experts , Economic Committee , Advisory Committee ( representatives of employers and trade unions , and five people from each Member State) , a committee of MPs , the Budget Committee , and others from time to time convened by expert groups consider specific issues .

The Secretariat, headed by the Secretary -General , provides support to the Board committees and expert groups . Six divisions of the secretariat responsible for trade , economy, integration , media and information, etc.

In the middle of 1959 . (after creating EEC) Scandinavian countries have proposed to create a free trade union of the Western European countries not in the EU. The agreement was signed by seven countries : Austria , Britain, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Portugal , Sweden and Switzerland .

To achieve the goals intended EFTA : phase out between the participating countries customs duties and quantitative restrictions on imports and exports of manufactured goods , to ban the export subsidies and conduct other activities aimed at the creation of the participating countries a privileged position for their companies , etc.

According to the Treaty establishing the EFTA is not intended to establish common customs duties in respect of third countries. This complicates the trade exchange between the participating countries , there is a risk of penetration into the territory of any country - EFTA member of goods from third countries via another Member State . To prevent this, a special system of control of the origin of goods. Products originating in member countries, are considered those in which the cost of raw materials and semi-finished products imported from third countries shall not exceed 50 %. The Treaty establishing the EFTA also includes a joint economic policy , free movement of capital and labor. All of its provisions are limited to foreign trade.

Most of the EFTA member countries , led by Britain regarded the Association as a temporary organization that will strengthen their position in future negotiations on accession to the EU. In August of 1961 . such a request made ​​by the United Kingdom and Denmark , and later - in Austria, Switzerland , Sweden and Norway . UK held talks with the EEC in the interests of other countries participating EFTA countries. As a result of the negative position of France, those talks ended in failure in January 1963. , Which led to a revitalization of the EFTA . By January 1, 1967 . were abolished all customs duties and quantitative restrictions on trade in manufactured goods between member countries (except Portugal). A year later, were eliminated tariffs between EFTA and Finland.

Output from the UK and Denmark EFTA in 1972 . significantly weakened the organization and forced the remaining members to seek ways of regulating economic relations with the EU, which is the main trading partner of the member countries of the Association. As a result of difficult negotiations, all the members of EFTA and Finland signed an agreement with the EEC on free trade in industrial goods , which came into force in 1973. On this basis, it was realized the mutual reduction of customs duties, which had been abolished from 1 July 1977. As a result, Western Europe was established a free trade area , which included the EU and EFTA countries.

After that, the EFTA continued to oversee the full implementation of the Stockholm Agreement . EFTA member states have concluded free trade agreements with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, including Bulgaria , Poland, Romania, Slovakia and the Czech Republic . Similar declarations were signed with the Baltic states. Agreement concerning trade in manufactured goods and products of agricultural processing . Their purpose is to support reforms in this part of Europe by promoting trade relations.

The activities of the EFTA positive impact on the development of the national economy of each Member State : increased trade between them , increase productivity and economic growth , strengthen the position of the member countries of the Association on the markets of third countries.

The existence of EFTA significantly reduced structure after 1995 . calls into question the long-term viability of the organization, although , as before , it can act as a " waiting room " for countries wishing to join the EU. As a result of the signing in 1992 . the states - members of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Area (European Economic Area, EEA) market was created , bringing together 18 countries with a population of about 37 - million people.

Switzerland , according to the result of the referendum , has not ratified the treaty , which entered into force in 1994 . The Agreement provides for : the free movement of goods services , capital and people , and cooperation in areas such as science, education , environmental policy , social policy , the creation of the legal system to ensure the implementation of common rules and standards. The contract supplement : Bilateral agreement between the EFTA States and the European Union on imports of certain agricultural products; bilateral agreements between the European Union and Norway and Iceland free trade in fish.



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