8. The maximum and minimum tolerable value of factor - is: optimum
9. Find out the correct definition of “Ecology”: the branch of biology dealing with the relations and interactionsbetween organisms and their environment, including other organisms.
10. The term development is understood as: growth
11. The term sustainable is understood as: stability
12. In which reserve of Kazakhstan does pink flamingos occur, listed in the Red Book of the RK: korgalzhyn ?
The basics of scientific systematic and the sciences of morphology and physiology in 16-17th centuries were developed by: Äæîâàííè Áàòèñòó Ìîðãàíüè
14. The branch of ecology that studies the individuals, called: autecology
15. The sum of influences of one organism on others is related to group of: adaptation or heredity
16. How the indicators of sustainable development include document published in 1996:
17. International organizations can:
18. Which conference adopted a document "Agenda for the XXI Century": Earth Summit (UN Conference on Environment and Development) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992
19. Species, preferring cold conditions, are:
20. In a year, the Commission on Sustainable Development, the United Nations published a document, including indicators of sustainable development: ñì 163
21. Water shortage in Kazakhstan caused by: ñì 73
22. When was Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer accepted: 22 march 1985
23. The role of predators in communities: ñì92
24. The sum of influences of one organism on others is related to group of: look at 15)
25.Physical pollution of the environment is noise, vibration , electromagnetic fields , ionizing radiation from radioactive substances , thermal radiation resulting from human activities .
26 What is the object of the Ecological Code in RK:
27 Edaphic factors are: ecological influences properties of the soil brought about by its physical and chemical characteristics
28 "Plague of the 20th century" is called: ÑÏÈÄ
29 The high level of water pollution by metals is registered in/at:
30 Science that studies the relations of human society with natural environment: ecology
31 The branch of ecology that studies the individuals, called: AUTECOLOGY
32 The ability to read, to understand and to write the short text related to the human’s everyday life: LITERACY
33 The combination of natural factors, positively influencing on the spiritual wealth of human:
34 In a year, the Commission on Sustainable Development, the United Nations published a document, including indicators of sustainable development:
35 "To think globally, to work locally" belongs to:
36 Global occurrence of soil degradation:
37 Amount of the main biochemical functions of living matter, described by V.Vernadskyi:
38 What area of the territory of the RK has to be taken for the protected areas:
39 The world of minded, scientifically –based actions in global scale:
40 When was the first World conference on climate: 1979 on Geneva
41 Ratio of light and dark periods of day: photoperiodism
42 What factors do influence on decreasing in population dynamics ? Natural and biological factors, Demographic factors
43 What does it mean succession? the progressive replacement of one community by another until a climax community isestablished.
44 The relationships on the basis of food chains, where one partner benefits from second one but for second one the benefit is indifferent: commensalism
45 Organization, established in 1957; field of activity – provideness of nuclear safety and the environment from radioactive contamination: International Atomic Energy Agency, ñîêð.IAEA
46 The ecological law “Energy does not occur and does not disappear, it transforms from one form to other one”: look at 3
47 Organization of the United Nations; established in 1945; sphere of activity - agriculture and world food supplies: FIAT PANIS
48 The phenomenon caused by natural processes: volcanic activity, weathering of rocks, wind erosion, mass flowering plants, smoke from forest and steppe fires, etc .: air pollution
49 The ability to read, to understand and to write the short text related to the human’s everyday life: literacy
50 The highest rate of decomposition of organic matter is observed in the: rainforests
51 Physical pollution of the environment is: look at 25
52 Organization, established in 1957; field of activity – provideness of nuclear safety and the environment from radioactive contamination: look at 44
53 The combination of all forms of exploitation of the natural resources potential and conservation measures:
54 Development that meets the needs of the present, but does not compromise the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, ie, it is assumed that the impact on the environment will not go beyond natural features nature: sustainable
55 What is the criterion for the environmental safety of the population: quality of life and human health
56 What is the measure aimed at improving the properties of the land:
57 Organization of the United Nations; established in 1945; sphere of activity - agriculture and world food supplies: LOOK AT 46
58 The sum of influences of one organism on others is related to group of: LOOK AT 15
59 Science about relationships between natural environment and social environment: ECOLOGY
60 Reserve in Kazakhstan, established in 2004: Karatau
61 Reduction of global anthropogenic impact on the biosphere and ensuring restoration of its regulatory potential:
62 "To think globally, to work locally" belongs to: David Brower
Organization, established in 1957; field of activity – provideness of nuclear safety and the environment from radioactive contamination: Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs
The term "sustainable development" in relation to development of the cities, agriculture, industrial and other spheres of human activity offered: Sustainability can be defined as the practice of reserving resources for future generation without any harm to the nature and other components of it