Aú cartwheel
Base a low, horse-ridding-like stance with hands in front to protect your face
Ginga basic movement of capoeira which through continous motion allows an easy entrance to either offensive or defensive action
Eu ia defensive movement, similar to a negativa (see below)
Esquiva escape movement
Cocorinha squatting movement used to evade high kicks
Negativa variations on the cocorinha, with the upper body moving to the front, side or back
Troca changing sides while in the negativa
Rolé rotating from negativa to the base position
Meia-lua de frente outside to inside front crescent kick (half moon kick)
Meia-lua de compasso spinning heel kick with one hand on the ground
Rabo-de-arraia spinning heel kick with both hands on the ground
Armada spinning crescent kick
Queixada inside to outside crescent kick
Benção front heel kick
Ponteira front snap kick with the ball of the foot
Joelhada knee strike
Escorão side kick
Chapiado spinning back kick
Martelo roundhouse kick
Gancho reverse hook kick
Pião-de-mão hand spin
Pião-de-cabeça head spin
Au Batido (Beija-flor) half cartwheel, with one hand on the ground
Queda-de-rins fall to ground, resting on one elbow into the kidneys
Macaco close to the ground back handspring
Xango back flip handspring
Mortal backwards somersault
Mortal de frente front somersault
Au sem mão cartwheel without hands
S-dobrado kicking from negativa into cartwheel
Martelo Cruzado armada going into a spinning martelo in the air
Parafuso similar to the martelo cruzado, landing on both feet
Armada Dupla (Envergado) similar to the parafuso, taking off and landing with both legs straight and parallel
Folha Seca similar to the mortal, with legs split
Relógio spinning on queda-de-rins like the hands of a clock
Aú Esquisito inverted aú with an open chest
Aú Cortado forward walkover
Macaco em Pe backward walkover
Raiz side walkover
Raiz sem mão side walkover without hands
Rasteira sweep
Banda hooking kick to the ankles. similar to rasteira
Vingativa shoulder tackle and hip throw takedown
Arrastão shoulder tackle and grapple takedown
Tesoura double leg scissor takedown
Tesoura de frente front scissor
Tesoura de costa back scissor
Montada mount position
Raspagem inverting the mount position using both legs
Guarda guard position on the floor
Triângulo triangle choke
Chave-de-braço arm lock
Galopante open hand blow to the side of the head
Cotovelada elbow strike
Asfixciante/escala palm strike, similar to a jab
Dedo finger strike to the eyes
Direto hook
Gancho upper cut
Cruzado crossed hook
Mata-leão choking the opponent using both arms hooked into the opponent's head
Cabeçada head butt
Date: 2016-01-03; view: 1131