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In the past, Americans used to think of the United States as a "melting pot" of immigrants.

Today, Americans realize that the simple "melting pot" theory is less true. Instead, different groups of people keep many of their old customs. Often groups of Americans from the same culture band together. They live together in distinctive communities, such as "Chinatowns" or "Little Italys" - areas populated almost exclusively by Americans of a single ethnic group - which can be found in many large American cities. Living in ethnic neighborhoods gives new Americans the security of sharing a common language and common traditions with people who understand them.

In time, however, people from different backgrounds mix together. They also mix with native-born Americans. Old traditions give way to new customs. The children of immigrants are often eager to adopt new, American ways. They often want to dress in American fashions, to speak English and to follow American social customs. By one estimate, about 80 percent of European immigrants marry outside their own ethnic groups by the time they reach the third generation. Third generation means that their great-grandparents were immigrants. Yet as successive generations become more "Americanized," they often retain significant elements of their ethnic heritage.

Future success in raising the economic level of blacks and other minorities depends largely on the growth of the economy. When economic life falters, group conflict and prejudice increase. This is because people see themselves as competing for the same scarce resources, such as jobs.

The American economy is undergoing an historic transformation. Traditional industrial jobs are being lost to other countries. The recent enormous growth of jobs has been concentrated in service sectors. Many of these jobs require skills beyond the level of many ethnic minority members.

Many people are also trapped by poverty in the central areas of large cities, where few new jobs are being created. The social demoralization of some ethnic minorities is also a barrier that keeps them from taking advantage of actual opportunities that are available to them.

The social drama of the struggle for equality and acceptance will continue as it has for over 300 years. As always, the leading roles in this drama will be played by ethnic groups, old and new.

Although there is sometimes friction and ill-feeling between new immigrants and people whose families have been Americans for generations, most Americans welcome newcomers. There is a popular feeling that immigrants have made America great and that each group has something to contribute. When President Bush signed the 1990 Immigration Act into law, he declared that its liberalized provisions would be "good for America."




1. Advanced Language Practice, M. Vince Heinemsnn ELT

2. An A to Z of the British Life, Dictionary of Britain, Adrian Room, Oxford University Press, 1990

3. Background to Britain, Munro Mackenzie

4. Bottoms Up! Nix-Riederer, Verlag Gehlen

5. Britain Explored, Paul Harvey

6. Britain Today, Richard Musman

7. Britain. The Country and Its Peope, James O’Driscol, Oxford University Press,1996

8. British Customs and Traditions, brochure London, Commercial Color Press, London, 1996

9. Customs and Traditions (booklet)

10.Customs, traditions and festivals of Great Britain, Khimunina T. Leningrad, Prosveshcheniye, 1977

11.English for Technical Schools, Millier (English fur Beruftiche Shulen), Girardet, Essen

12.English for the Teacher, Mary Spratt, Cambridge University Press, 1994

13.Great Britain, brochure, London, 1995

14.Habits and Ways in Great Britain and the United States, T.A. Tenson, G.A. Voitova, Moscow, 1978

15.Headway Advanced, Liz and John Soars, Oxford University Press

16.Headway Intermediate, Liz and John Soars, Oxford University Press

17.Headway Upper-Intermediate, Liz and John Soars, Oxford University Press

18.How to win friends and influence people, Dale Carnegie

19.Just the Job! Ch. Frank, Max Hueber Verlag

20.Keep Going 2 Cornelsen and Oxford University Press

21.More Than Words, J. Harmer and R. Rosner, Politics, Longman

22.Panorama of Great Britain, Baranovsky L.S., Kozikis D.D. Minsk, Vysheishaya Shkola, 1990

23.People in Britain Foreign and Commonwealth Office London

24.Profile UK, Alan C McAllen

25.Speaking Personally, G.P.Ladusse

26.The World of English, Mark Farrel, Longman, 1995

27.Understanding Ideas. Advanced Reading Skills, M> Swan

28.Welcome to Britain, brochure Longman, London, 1994,

29.Welcome to Britain, Commercial Colour Press, London E7, England

30.Погода изменчива не только в Лондоне, Г. Туголукова, Москва, 1998


31. Across the United States of America,Tomakhin, Moscow, `Prosveshcheniye', 1980

32. America, G.B. Tindal, D.E. Shi, Norton & Gompany, Inc., USA, 1993

33. American Public Policy, Annual Edition, 96/97

34. An Outline of America History, Howard Cincotta, USlA, USA, 1994

35. An Outline of American Government, Richard C. Schroeder, USIA, USA, 1989

36. Conversation,Rob Nolasko and Lois Arthur, Oxford University Press

37. Glimpses of the History of America, Картинки истории Америки Э.Я. Баг, Высшая школа, 1972 (42 К27)

38. Habits and Ways in Great Britain and the United States, Tenson, Moscow, Mezhdunarodnye Otnosheniya, 1978

39. Hello, America L.S. Baranovsky, D.D. Kozikis, Minsk, `Vysheishaya Shkola', 1997

40. History of the American Nation, John Patrick, Carol Berkin, Macmillan Publishing Company, USA, 1984

41. Legacy of freedom, Glenn M. Linden, Laidlaw Brothers, Publishers, River Forest, Illinois, 1986

42. Portraits in Words, Thomas Kral, USIA, Washington, USA, 1992

43. Readings in Geography of the USA, M.Borovik, Moscow, Higher School Publishing House, 1971

44. The 1960s, Time of Change, City High Time Magazine, May, 1995

45. The Constitution of the United States of America, Peltason, USIA, USA, 1987

46. The Drama of Democracy, George McKenna (American Government and Politics), The Dushkin Publishing Group; Guilford, Connecticut, 1994

47. The United States Constitution, Charles W. Seifert, USIA, Washington, USA, 1987

48. The USA and the Americans, Nesterchuk, V.M. Ivanova, Minsk, Vysheyshaya Shkola, 1998

49. This is America USIA

50. Twelve Famous Americans, Thomsa Kral, USIA, Washington, USA, 1994

51. Two Centuries of Progress, Carlton L.Jackson, Vito Perrone, GLENCOE MacmillanlMcGraw-Hill, USA, 1995

52. USA A reader, Книга для чтения по страноведению, США, Агеева. З.Д., Высшая школа, 1976 (42 А23)

53. World Book, CD

54. Познакомьтесь - Великобритания и США, Парахина..., М, Высшая школа, 1988

55. Пособие по географии, экономике США, Канады, Наука, 1969 (42 К78)

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