The monument of miners is the symbol of ...A) Astana;
B) Ekibastuz;
C) Temirtau;
D) Karagandy;
E) Atyrau.
Вопрос 715
What is the national currency of Kazakhstan?
A) Tenge;
B) Rouble;
C) Dollar;
D) Pound;
E) Euro.
Вопрос 716
How many zones is Kazakhstan divided into according to climatic and economic conditions?
A) 5;
B) 4;
C) 3;
D) 2;
E) 8.
Вопрос 717
The territory of the RK is ...
A) 2.7 mln. square km.;
B) 3 mln. square km.;
C) 3.7 mln. square km.;
D) 1 mln. square km.;
E) 1.7 mln. square km.
Вопрос 718
What part of the RK is the granary of the country?
A) Northern Kazakhstan;
B) Eastern Kazakhstan;
C) Central Kazakhstan;
D) Western Kazakhstan;
E) Southern Kazakhstan.
Вопрос 719
What year does the history of Akmolinsk start from?
A) 1830;
B) 1930;
C) 1800;
D) 1730;
E) 1700.
Вопрос 720
When was the capital transferred from Almaty to Akmola?
A) 1997;
B) 1991;
C) 2000;
D) 1999;
E) 1995.
Вопрос 721
When did Akmola get a new symbolic name – Astana?
A) 1992;
B) 1998;
C) 1997;
D) 2000;
E) 2005.
Вопрос 722
Who are the famous painters of Kazakhstan?
A) A.Galymbaeva, A.Kasteev;
B) R.Rymbaeva, B.Tolegenova;
C) K.Satpaev, A.Margulan;
D) S.Toraighyrov, Sh.Kudaiberdiev;
E) M. Auezov, M.Maghauin;
Вопрос 723
How is the milk of the camel called?
A) Kymyz;
B) Shubat;
C) Milk;
D) Airan;
E) Kurt.
Вопрос 724
What was K.Satpaev?
A) A scientist;
B) A painter;
C) A chemist;
D) Doctor of Philosophy;
E) A writer.
Вопрос 725
What lakes are in Bayanaul?
A) Toraighyr, Sabyndykol, Zhasybai;
B) Alakol, Balkhash;
C) Toraighyr, Balkhash;
D) Alakol, Sabyndykol;
E) Tengiz, Zaisan, Issykkol.
Вопрос 726
Where is “Baiterek” situated?
A) In Almaty;
B) In Astana;
C) In Pavlodar;
D) In Karagandy;
E) In Kostonai.
Вопрос 727
What are the national games of Kazakhstan?
A) Football, Baseball;
B) Kyzkuu, Audaryspak;
C) Tennis, Soccer;
D) Kyzkuu, Soccer;
E) Football, Tennis.
Вопрос 728
When was introduced national currency of Kazakhstan?
A) 1993;
B) 1991;
C) 1999;
D) 2000;
E) 2005.
Вопрос 729
When did Kazakhstan enter the UNO?
A) 1991;
B) 1992;
C) 1995;
D) 1999;
E) 2000.
Вопрос 730
What great event started in 1960?
A) The development of the virgin lands;
B) The development of the oil fields;
C) The development of the coal mines;
D) The development of the cinematography;
E) The development of the gold.
Вопрос 731
The national food served during Nauryz is ...
A) Nauryz milk;
B) Nauryz kozhe;
C) Kurt;
D) Beshbarmak;
E) Manty.
Вопрос 732
Kazakhstan is a ... republic.
A) Parliamentary;
B) Presidential;
C) Constitutional monarchy;
D) Autocratic;
E) Federal.
Вопрос 733
Western Kazakhstan is famous for its mineral resources such as ...
A) Oil, gas, chromate, copper;
B) Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy;
C) Iron, hard coal, limestone;
D) Polymetal ores, coal;
E) Zink, copper, gold, silver.
Вопрос 734
Southern Kazakhstan is the main center of ...
A) Agriculture;
B) Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy;
C) Machine-building;
D) Production of heavy machinery;
E) Hard coal deposits.
Вопрос 735
Is the first Kazakh spaceman.
A) Yuri Gagarin;
B) Talgat Bigeldinov;
C) Nurken Abdirov;
D) Kanysh Satpaev;
E) Tokhtar Aubakirov.
Вопрос 736
Kazakhstan borders on ... in the East.
A) Russia;
B) Kirghizia;
C) Uzbekistan;
D) China;
E) Turkmenistan.
Вопрос 737
Kazakhstan borders on ... in the North.
A) Russia;
B) Kirghizia;
C) Uzbekistan;
D) China;
E) Turkmenistan.
Вопрос 738
Date: 2016-01-03; view: 1245