The Mississippi River is the ... water way in the United States.A) Smallest;
B) Great;
C) Greatest;
D) Livelier;
E) Highest.
Вопрос 666
What is the capital of Georgia?
A) Atlanta;
B) Chicago;
C) California;
D) Los Angeles;
E) Washington.
Вопрос 667
Washington, D.C. is a ... .
A) Town;
B) City;
C) State;
D) District;
E) Country.
Вопрос 668
Which ocean separates Europe from the States?
A) The Indian Ocean;
B) The Atlantic Ocean;
C) The Pacific Ocean;
D) The Northern Ocean;
E) The Arctic Ocean.
Вопрос 669
“An American Tragedy” was written by ...
A) Robert Stevenson;
B) Jack London;
C) Robert Burns;
D) Theodore Dreiser;
E) Mark Twain.
Вопрос 670
Who discovered America?
A) America Vespucci;
B) The pilgrims;
C) Christopher Columbus;
D) George Washington;
E) David Livingstone.
Вопрос 671
How many states are there in America?
A) 50;
B) 25;
C) 13;
D) 51;
E) 70;
Вопрос 672
What is the national symbol of America?
A) The sun;
B) The moon;
C) The rose;
D) The bald eagle;
E) The shamrock..
Вопрос 673
The Statue of Liberty was a gift from....
A) Greece;
B) Ireland;
C) England;
D) France;
E) Turkey.
Вопрос 674
Which beautiful waterfall is situated in the USA?
A) Sutherlands;
B) Anchel;
C) Niagara;
D) Victoria;
E) Boyoma.
Вопрос 675
Which is the biggest state of the USA?
A) Arizona;
B) Florida;
C) Alaska;
D) California;
E) Texas.
Вопрос 676
Where does the President of the USA live and work?
A) In the White House;
B) In Congress;
C) In the Pentagon;
D) In the Supreme Court;
E) In the Empire State Building.
Вопрос 676
What is Disneyland?
A) Name of the Square;
B) Memorial;
C) Children’s Park of Wonder;
D) Name of the town;
E) Industrial town.
Вопрос 677
Who is the main figure in the emblem of the USA?
A) Swan;
B) Owl;
C) Cuckoo;
D) Eagle;
E) Hen.
Вопрос 678
The colours of American flag are ...
A) Red, white, dark-blue;
B) Red, brown, green;
C) Red, white, blue;
D) Red and blue;
E) White and blue.
Вопрос 679
When did the United States win its independence?
A) 1680;
B) 1881;
C) 1776;
D) 1784;
E) 1888.
Вопрос 680
Bald Eagle, which is the national symbol of US, is a bird of ...
A) Wisdom;
B) Strength and courage;
C) Generosity and boldness;
D) Dominance and power;
E) Victory and independence.
Вопрос 681
Who is the sculptor of the Statue of Liberty?
A) Michelangelo;
B) Monet;
C) Bartholdi;
D) Eiffel;
E) Lincoln.
Вопрос 682
What are the last two states to join the United States?
A) Alaska, Hawaii;
B) Texas, Arizona;
C) California, Kansas;
D) Georgia, Florida;
E) Missouri, Alabama.
Вопрос 683
July 4th is …
A) Halloween;
B) Friendship Day;
C) Victory Day;
D) Independence Day;
E) Father’s Day.
Вопрос 684
Which of the US President served the longest of all other presidents?
A) George Washington;
B) George Bush;
C) Franklin D. Roosevelt;
D) Abraham Lincoln;
E) Bill Clinton.
Вопрос 685
What is the largest city in the US?
A) Washington;
B) New York;
C) Atlanta;
D) Los Angeles;
E) Denver.
Вопрос 686
The US centre for art and business is …
A) New York;
B) Washington;
C) Colorado;
D) Los Angeles;
E) Las Vegas.
Вопрос 687
The world’s oldest and largest national park is …
A) Idaho Park;
B) Yellowstone Park;
C) Rhode Park;
D) Queen Park;
E) Disneyland.
Вопрос 688
Who is officially the head of the state and the government of the USA?
A) Congress;
B) Republicans Party;
C) Democratic Party;
D) President;
E) Communist Party.
Вопрос 689
What is the tallest sight in Washington, D.C.?
A) US Capitol;
B) The Statue of Liberty;
C) The White House;
D) Fenwick Gallery;
E) The National Mall.
Вопрос 690
Oscar is a prize given for …
A) Achievement in motion-picture production;
B) Achievements in journalism and literature;
C) Achievements in music;
D) Achievements in science;
E) Achievements in education.
Вопрос 691
What is the White House?
A) University;
B) Monument;
C) Sky-scraper;
D) The residence of President;
E) Park.
Вопрос 692
The anthem of the USA is ….
A) America, The Beautiful;
B) America;
C) God Save The Queen;
D) In God we trust;
E) The Star-Spangled Banner.
Вопрос 693
The National flag of the USA is called …
A) Uncle Sam;
B) The Union Jack;
C) The Stars and Stripes;
D) The yellow page;
E) The bald eagle.
Вопрос 694
Where does the capital of the USA belong to?
A) The District of Columbia;
B) The State of Alaska;
C) The State of Maryland;
D) The State of Pennsylvania;
E) The State of Georgia.
Вопрос 695
The nickname for the American Government is …
A) Union Jack;
B) Uncle Sam;
C) Uncle Sir;
D) A.G;
E) UK.
Вопрос 696
What is the lowest spot in the USA?
A) Death Valley;
B) Hollywood;
C) Yellowstone;
D) Rhode Park;
E) Charleston.
Вопрос 697
What is the capital of Massachusetts?
A) Houston;
B) Atlanta;
C) Boston;
D) Dallas;
E) Chicago.
Вопрос 698
What is the capital of the state of Washington?
A) Denver;
B) Columbus;
C) Olympia;
D) Salt Lake City;
E) Carson City.
Вопрос 699
Salt Lake City is the capital of …
A) Utah;
B) Virginia;
C) Colorado;
D) Nevada;
E) Idaho.
Вопрос 700
What is the most profitable deal in the history of America?
A) The purchase of the Island of Manhattan for $24;
B) The purchase of Alaska from Russia;
C) The choice of bald eagle as a national symbol;
D) The establishment of the corporation with China;
E) The establishment of the corporation with Russia.
Вопрос 701
What is the highest spot in the USA?
A) Mt. McKinley;
B) Mt. Rushmore;
C) Death Valley;
D) Honolulu;
E) The Appalachian.
Вопрос 702
Astana is situated on the bank of the river … .
A) Irtysh;
B) Ishim;
C) Syrdarija;
D) Tobyl;
E) Tenteksu.
Вопрос 703
Pavlodar is situated on the bank of the river …
A) Irtysh;
B) Ishim;
C) Syrdarija;
D) Tobyl;
E) Tenteksu.
Вопрос 704
What countries does Kazakhstan border on?
A) Russia, China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan;
B) Russia, China, Georgia, Mongolia;
C) Russia, China, Pakistan, Turkmenistan;
D) Russia, China, Pakistan, Mongolia;
E) Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Turkmenistan;
Вопрос 705
When is the Independence Day of Kazakhstan?
A) September 5;
B) August 30;
C) February 14;
D) Nauryz 22;
E) December 16.
Вопрос 706
What chambers does Kazakhstani Parliament consist of?
A) The Senate and the House of Representatives;
B) The House of Lords and the House of Commons;
C) The Senate and the Mazhilis;
D) The House of Lords and the House of Representatives;
E) The House of Lords and the Mazhilis.
Вопрос 707
What is the capital of Kazakhstan?
A) Astana;
B) Almaty;
C) Kyzylorda;
D) Taldykorgan;
E) Tashkent.
Вопрос 708
When did Kazakhstan become independent?
A) 1992;
B) 1997;
C) 1991;
D) 1917;
E) 2000.
Вопрос 709
Who wrote “The Path of Abai”?
A) Abai Kunanbaev;
B) Mukhtar Auezov;
C) Mukhtar Maghauin;
D) Sultanmakhmut Toraighyrov;
E) Mukhtar Shakhanov.
Вопрос 710
What part of Kazakhstan is densely populated?
A) The south part;
B) The north part;
C) The west part;
D) The north-west part;
E) The east part.
Вопрос 711
The Tobol river flows through the territory of …
A) South Kazakhstan;
B) West Kazakhstan;
C) North Kazakhstan;
D) Saryarka;
E) Zhetisu.
Вопрос 712
When was the Constitution of Kazakhstan adopted?
A) August 30, 1991;
B) August 30, 1995;
C) September 5, 2000;
D) September 5, 1995;
E) January 13, 1993.
Вопрос 713
When was Pavlodar founded?
A) 1900;
B) 1720;
C) 1820;
D) 1880;
E) 1770;
Вопрос 714
Date: 2016-01-03; view: 1978