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Shri Pallas Athena Puja 1989

Shri Pallas Athena Puja. Greece, 24 May 1989.

Everything in Sahaja Yoga is very scientific, is all pre-planned I think, and is all significant. For example, today is Wednesday and we have never had any Puja on a Wednesday because I was born on Wednesday.

So I was thinking if the Puja starts before twelve o’clock we’ll be able to manage it because I was born at twelve. So every child has to sleep after twelve o’clock, you see, and so I couldn’t, I had to sleep. So it’s so significant, you see. It’s the first time we are having a Puja on Wednesday, normally I don’t even travel on Wednesdays. So, you can imagine that it’s such a breakthrough, and I’m very happy that you all are ready for a Puja and that we could break this rule also, after such a long time, because it was impossible for Me to keep awake after twelve, you see, I was trying, trying, trying and I knew that you all, also, were feeling very sleepy. So it’s so mutual and it’s so simple.

All right. So today we have gathered, really, remarkably, in the really center of the Nabhi of the universe, and I don’t know how far I can go with the description of this great country which we call as Greece. Also, in the Puranas it is described as Manipura Dweep. The Manipur is the Nabhi Chakra – Manipur, and a “dweep” is a island. Island of the Manipura stays the Athena, and there is a temple of Athena, all been described about Her temple, about Her jewelry, dress and everything. So it’s already in the Puranas described, this Athena. As I’ve told you before, ‘Athena’ means the Primordial Mother.

So now, one may say that, “Why the Primordial Mother, Adi Shakti, should be on the Nabhi Chakra of the universe?” One may ask a question like that, that, “Why She’s placed on the Nabhi Chakra?” Because in the – I don’t know in English – before the Creation was created in the material form, where it was planned, then there was something of the – what we call is the Vishnuloka, is the loka, or the area where Vishnu ruled, and in that Vishnuloka it was decided that Adi Shakti should first come in the form as a cow, and then She should descend in the area called as Gokul, which is Vishuddhi Chakra, first and create vibrations there. Now in the material form the Gokul was where Shri Krishna lived in His childhood.

So in the material form, Athena itself lived – in the material form, I’m not saying in the formation before – in this area, to create the vibrations. So it is not only She was a Goddess but She lived in this area to create the vibrations for the Nabhi, to create the universal compassion and love and all Her qualities.

Now as you know, every aspect of the Goddess has different qualities, and as you can see that Mahakali has the aspect of comforting, and Mahasaraswati is counseling, and the Mahalakshmi has got for the redemption, for the awakening.

But the Adi Shakti’s work is to unite everything, to integrate everything; and to integrate all those qualities, the Adi Shakti Herself was… in material form, came on this earth, in this part, and that’s why they knew about Athena. But as it is, I don’t know what are the stories they have – they must be having some mythological stories about Athena that She lived like this or whatever it was. And this is the… where She created the Devaloka. Devaloka is the area where devas existed. Like She created Indra – you have heard the name of Indra – then Varuna; all these devalokas She created in this area, not in India. Devaloka was created on this side, and ganas and all these people were created on the side of Nepal and all those places, on the left-hand side.

Now unfortunately after Socrates, who came here in such a condition when people were really, absolutely ignorant, in the complete darkness of ignorance, they could not understand Him, they could not understand Socrates at all and so like any other Primordial Master was treated by the people who were surrounding Him, He was also very much ill-treated and nobody listened to Him.

But of course, as you know, He was Primordial Master and His wisdom is well-known, and He created out of Him disciples, but none of them could go anywhere near His wisdom, and they started their own theories, own styles, and that’s how we find the accent from philosophy that was Socrates’ aim, gradually came into political and then into economic side.

So the attention was moved from philosophy to economics today, not towards the philosophy which was established by Socrates.

We can say Socrates was the one Primordial Master, after Abraham and Moses, who really made it very clear-cut understanding about spirituality. Of course Moses and Mohammad… Abraham had different problems. Like Abraham had problems of talking to people who were really very, very ignorant, and Moses had problem with people who were very indulgent people, so He had to pass laws of Shariat.

Moses passed the law of Shariat, and if you read Bible, in the – I think – in the first verse only it is written about Shariat in the Jeremiah [? IT’S POSSIBLE SHRI MATAJI MEANS LEVITICUS] – third book of Bible – that Moses had to pass these laws, different, different laws to make the people follow religion precisely. So He did not argue, He did not say why you should do it, didn’t give any explanation. “You do it!” Like that. Because He thought that these people are so ignorant that you cannot leave it to their freedom that you understand this or that you see the point; He could not do that way. So He just said, “All right. These are the laws, these are the things and you have to follow. If you don’t follow then you will be killed, your hands will be cut, this will happen, that will happen.” Because the people were of that type.

Now then you see how gradually, at the time of Socrates people had evolved, they were a much better people so He could talk to them about something of wisdom, of honesty, of righteousness, of peace. Of so many things He talked, and He could talk because people were worthy of that. Otherwise He could have said, “Alright. You do this, you do that, you do that.” But see the difference, also in the circumstances, how what has happened: in the first circumstances when Abraham had problems then the people were absolutely good-for-nothing, absolutely good for nothing, so He didn’t know what to do with them. So only, you can see it, in the time of Abraham that His own lifestyle… I mean, that was just a system when the family was building up and the relationships were building up, and He tried to work it on that level.

Then at the time of Moses people evolved much more. They evolved. But still very ignorant. So they evolved to this point that He did not have to talk the things that Abraham talked. So He talked to them about getting out of Egypt, taking their freedom, getting out from there and going to a place of more tranquility. But when they did that, He found these people on the way – when He went to get the Ten Commandments, when He came back – what He finds… [TALKS ASIDE]

So the people who were at the time of Moses, when He had gone to get the Ten Commandments, started indulging into very, very immoral character, extremely immoral character. They were very immoral and were doing such horrible things that nobody can believe that anybody who tried to escape from the Egyptians were worse than the Egyptians themselves. So He gave this Shariat to them, to change.

Now then came the time when people were… I mean, despite all that people were not so good, we can say at the time of Christ, but they were not so immoral; they also could not understand Christ.

So you see, despite all the human evolution, the human awareness evolving, the understanding about spirituality was very poor and you could not talk to them. Now you can also see the circumstances of things. When the circumstances are such, like at the time of, say Moses, that people are extremely immoral, they are doing all kinds of bad things, they are not bothered about their own destruction, the Incarnations had to move absolutely to the right because they were so left-sided: So the Incarnations had to move absolutely to the right and say that, “If you do like this, this We’ll have to do” the violence part. So they took to violence.

So the circumstances made the reactions of the people. Also the awareness of human beings. So many things worked it out. Say, for example, when Athena came on this earth, Her job was to create a integrated force which will have the whole Chaitanya spread like an integrated force. So that when it will be all disintegrated later on, it can integrate.

So the Greeks have a job, special job, is to integrate. You have to integrate people which are left-sided and right-sided. And that’s what I asked him, “What happened to Hitler?” So they said that when they saw Hitler, though Hitler respected them, they resisted Hitler. You can see the significance, how he respected the Greeks and despite that they resisted him because they were given this special capacity. Something with Greeks, they went to… I mean, except Alexander, only the one who tried to invade India, and because of the Greek nature he receded back. You see it’s a Greek nature that they can go so far and then not, because they have an integrating force.

The same thing as I was asking him about what happened with the Turks. They had gone into Turkey but they receded back. So this power of receding back is the integrating power, by you integrate within yourself both the qualities of the left and right and you balance it, and you see now that’s all right. If you have to be in the center we should go up to a point and come back. And this is a very basic quality of Greeks in every respect.

If you take their shipping, they were very aggressive in shipping to begin with, extremely aggressive people, and Greek ships were known for not maintaining at all.

They were not very law-abiding so they were never used to maintain their ships, you see, and always under trouble – the Greeks – that in the shipping they were known to be, the Greeks have ships which are all falling off and rattling. So perhaps, perhaps, they were aware that now the shipping is going to go down, so no use maintaining these ships, you see. Then when the shipping went down – you see, this is on an economic level I’m saying, how they worked it out – they sunk their ships and got the money out of insurance. That is a typical Greek style of behavior is that they know already. It’s a kind of a wisdom, they know that how far to go.

Like, we can see now, Onassis also married this mad woman, Kennedy’s wife, because he must have realized that Kennedy never gave her any security so he married her. All right. He married her up to a point, but most of his property went to his daughter, not to Mrs. Kennedy.

This balance and this wisdom is a special Greek style of life; that’s why you might say that they are not over-developed like Americans are. But now Americans have realized that they are idiots, but Greeks can never become idiots, whatever you may try. They are very sharp and very intelligent but they know how far to go with everything.

And what is the reason for this? The Athena. So Athena is the one, Adi Shakti, and She created Ganesha here. And the balance of the universe, or all the dharmas, is in the Nabhi Chakra, and so the people over here are very balanced. You can find them very… in their language, in their styles, very deep. One may say because they are traditional people, they have long traditions. But Egypt had also long traditions. Of course Egyptians are, in a way, wiser than all other Islamic countries, but not like Greeks, not like Greeks.

We have Chinese also who are very wise, and they are known to be people of deep understanding, but they are not like Indians. So what is lacking in all these people is the depth of awareness because, though in China also Mother of Mercy came and She really bestowed blessings upon them, and China rose also, afterwards, into her own glory and became quite a good industrial, I mean developed country, we can say, very powerful; but still, that kind of regimentation could not be borne because, after all, Mother Mercy was there.

Do you know last… you have one Mother Mercy you have given Me – Kuan Yin, same thing, Kuan Yin. And She’s the same thing called as Mother of Mercy – and the second one was given by Gregoire recently, and you see what’s happening in China. So the effects of these Deities which existed in different countries at different times, are felt only in Kali Yuga in the best way.

Now you may say that, “Why should Mother come last to Greece?” Because now Athena is in the Sahasrara, so you have to go not in the Nabhi. So I had to bring Sahasrara here, isn’t it? Sahasrara is the last chakra one has to achieve, so I thought that let Greeks grow up to the Sahasrara point. So we have to establish Sahasrara in Greece and thus it’s a very powerful work we have to do in Greece because actually, at the time when Athena came here, it was not Sahasrara, it was Nabhi, because She was actually on the Himalayas, came from Himalayas. So now to bring Himalaya here, or to bring that purity in Greece, is a tremendous task and we have very few sahaja yogis.

But you see the reaction of the gentleman who came? And we have formidable job because of these Orthodox… most unorthodox, they have no orthodoxy about anything. So we have a problem, big problem, how we’ll establish here.

The Devaloka was formed here and devas were here; they ruled here, no doubt; but in the human awareness they were brought down to the human level. Like Zeus was Parashurama, Parashurama – the one who was an Incarnation to announce the advent of Shri Rama, and He came before Shri Ram, died also very much before Shri Ram; but they painted Zeus as a man who was a womanizer.

So all Gods were brought to the level of human beings, bestowed with all the weaknesses, you see, actually decorated with all the weaknesses. And that is responsible for the downfall because this part of the country is on the pattern of Devaloka, reflection of that, but this Devaloka is now, we see it has become just the opposite because Deities have been brought down to such a low level, to such degrading things.

Even in the mythology also, in India talks about Them like this. Not to such an extent; like Zeus, they don’t talk but about Indra they talk. And like Indra’s description comes like this: that the king Hiranyakashipu’s wife was living… his wife… Hiranyakashipu’s wife was a saintly lady and Hiranyakashipu was ruling in the area of you can say Kandahar and Afghanistan and all these places, and from here Indra went down and took away the wife. I mean They incarnated, the Gods incarnated here, and Indra went down, He took away the wife of Hiranyakashipu with Him, to save Her, and He went down and stayed in an ashram in Maharashtra where there’s a river flowing with My name – Nira. So now the… see how the combinations are, the Shandilya Muni who was the guru of My family – that’s why My gotra is Shandilya – it was in his ashram He stayed. So the Muni Shandilya told that, “See, this lady is a very pure lady, don’t disturb her, and out of her will come a very great saint who will, by his own devotion, make the Incarnation of Narasimha – this is the god Vishnu which comes as the half-cat – and He will kill this asura.

Now, part of the Egypt was also ruled by this Hiranyakashipu, part of the Egypt – see how significant everything is. So this Narasimha came when… and you know about Prahlada’s story, all right, so this little boy played there around and he made some things and there’s a temple very near – you have seen Narasimha’s temple – and that you have seen the statue made out of sand? That was made by Prahlad, and he came into the dreams of someone and said that, “In your temple you please put the statue I have made”, and they went around the Nira river and found it and put it there.

So see the relationship, how it is. Now this Hiranyakashipu was killed by Narasimha. Narasimha, as you know, is the Incarnation of Shri Vishnu, because he had, this Hiranyakashipu had, a blessing of Brahmadeva that not any animal can kill him, not any human being can kill him, not on the land or in the sky, and not with any weapon – all so many blessings he had taken! He had closed all the lines, you see, so that nobody should kill him, but actually he did not know there are ways and methods. So Shri Vishnu took the form of Narasimha, is that He became the simha, means the ‘lion’, and the lower portion of a man. And it so happened that Hiranyakashipu asked Prahlada, “Where is your God?” He said, “He’s everywhere.” So he said, “All right, is He in this pillar?” He said, “Yes, He’s in this pillar also.”

So he hit the pillar – see, the pillar must have been the same style as you make, Greek style, pillar of stone, so he knew that in the pillar how can anybody be, it’s a stone – he hit it and the pillar broke, out of which came out Narasimha with long hands and claws, and He took that Hiranyakashipu and put him on His lap, because ‘neither on the sky nor on the ground’, and with His claws, because they were not weapons, He opened his stomach and killed him.

So, because he was also ruling in Egypt, the people of Egypt made their… they were Assyrians – Assyrians are asuras, they were the ones who were asuras, that’s why they were called Assyrians – so they made the statue of their god Sphinx the other way round than Narasimha. So the upper part of the Sphinx is that of man, and the lower part of that statue is that of lion.

This is very ancient story I’m telling. So how the Greeks went to India long time back, because all these devas were Greeks – and these devas were, like Indra, what He did, and Varuna and all these things.

But I think there… because the whole idea got perverted, whole thing, they could not see the proper image of their faces in their meditation because they perverted them so they could not see, and they saw perverted faces. They saw them nude and that kind of thing, which was all their own imagination working, because they were indulging into all kinds of immoral things, so they made it absolutely, what you call a very immoral type of relationships and things among them. So that was their own ideas and they put it. But also, as a result of that, they could never see the body or the faces of these devatas properly. So they made them more like… I mean quite ugly-looking faces they made.

Like I have some Poseidon they have made here which they gave it to My husband also – it’s not at all like Varuna, I can tell you. So… and absolutely nude, you know; it’s so embarrassing. They gave it to My husband and he didn’t know where to look, and I just started laughing because he’s a very shy man, My husband. And he had to put it in his office, you see, hidden somewhere and it looks very funny. And he was saying, “Why not we use a kind of a covering with some silver?” I said, “It’s an antique they have reproduced; you can’t do it to an antique.” He said, “All right; where should I put it?” I said, “Put it in some corridor there.”

So with such expense they gave it but My husband was quite upset about it, you see, and every time he sees this gentleman he says, “You know, this gentleman is no good.”

All right. So then, this part of the history is there. On that history stands the modern Greek. So, if you see from Socrates to Christ, people had evolved we think, but they also crucified Christ, so what was their evolution? Though, if you see what Christ preached and what… I’m sorry, what Christ preached and Socrates preached, there is much difference because Socrates [SHRI MATAJI PROBABLY MEANS CHRIST] talked in parables, not openly, while Socrates talked in a very open way, in an open discussion, in open understanding. That shows only that the people could understand what He was saying. But still He was also killed; Socrates also was given poison and He was also killed. So that shows that, at that time also, the people in charge, or at the helm of affairs, didn’t know what was reality.

So now, from Christ to Socrates and from Socrates to Me, we can say this way that we are talking about it, though Socrates came in the year – how much B.C. He was?

(SAHAJA YOGI ANSWERS: “About 500 years before Christ”)

Shri Mataji: 500 before Christ; so might be that Christ must have felt that Socrates, He talked so openly, so nicely to people as because He was Primordial Master. He realized it, so He talked in parables. He thought that, “No use talking straight like Socrates” because… you see they are very straightforward people; the Primordial Masters have to be very, very… they are by nature extremely straightforward. Even today’s… those who were real gurus, they would not accept any person, they would throw away, they would beat people.

Even musicians in India, those who are great masters, they would beat their disciples if they played something wrong; like very harsh people. So it was all right for Socrates also to tell things very plain and simple and all that, but still He was killed.

And then Christ, who was 500 years later came. See, He saw the point that no use talking – because He came at Agnya – talking in that way. If you tell somebody, “Don’t do like this”, even reason it out like Socrates did, He is the master of logic, you can call Him; the whole logic system comes from Him, He’s a master of logic.

But despite that, it did not appeal to the logic of the people who were at the helm of affairs. So they have no logic in their heads, you see, they are just rationalist. Rationality is blindness but there’s no logic. So because there is no logic they killed Him. And Christ understood that there is no logic with these people so better talk to them in parables. So He talked to them in parables, but still they killed Him. [ Helm! ] The authorities, they couldn’t bear, they thought He’s becoming very powerful, or whatever it was. The Jews themselves were very funny, and they did it.

So in Sahaja Yoga, what I decided that at least I should give Realization to people first, and then I can talk to them whatever I like. Now, I’m talking to you everything and you are understanding it because you are Realized souls, but I cannot talk this to an ordinary person.

So we have two types of people: one who are Sahaja Yogis, and one who are not. Of course there are some Sahaja Yogis who are not very worthy of this, I agree, and they may just go back or something, but you can become worthy of understanding all this knowledge because your Kundalini can make you so capable and your Sahasrara so good that you can absorb what I’m saying, and can logically see what I’m saying is true, and you can also verify it, whether it is true or not.

So this stage of yours, I think, is the highest stage of awareness where collectively you are understanding Me. The situation is not so bad as that was even at the time of Christ. Before that, at Socrates’ time, I think, He was the only wise man going around. There was nobody else, seems to Me, had any wisdom. Even His disciples, you see, like Plato – he went off his head, then Aristotle went off his head. Both of them, really, tried to have their own arbitrary additions which were all absolutely. But He talked absolutely… Socrates talked absolutely about gods and everything, and talked so openly.

Then, in the same way, we can say, the Primordial Master state is that we have Mohammad Sahib. He was also killed; He was also killed because He told the truth. Then came Nanaka; He was not killed but nobody bothered about Him, and the people who really follow Him are just in the opposite direction. Supposing He was saying, “Come this way”; so they are going in that way. You find even same thing with Christ; if Christ said, “Come this way” the Christians are going that way. Every religion is just the same. Same with Krishna’s Gita. Those who preach Gita are just… if Krishna is standing here and saying, “Come this way” Gita is saying, they are preaching Gita going down, taking people down.

So it is common with all religions that they have always used the name of prophets and of all the Incarnations just to make money and to take everybody to hell; straightforward march to hell, you see. So, now those who are alert about it, and those who have seen that this is all nonsense, are in Sahaja Yoga, and sahaja yogis can’t do that because they have come quite a long way now on this side, so they are going to pull out many others to that side instead of going themselves down.

So this is the situation today, and that’s why I say Greece is a very wonderful area where we can work it out. If Athena could be awakened here, this place could be of very great help to us.

Now there are very balanced Greek people, they have great sense of art because of Right-side Swadisthana; also they have lots of qualities of understanding the worthlessness of too much indulgences and all that. It is so. But the immorality grew, now, because they started copying Westerners; otherwise the women here were very moral women. This is only in these twenty years this change has come.

Before that the women were very moral, very good women lived here, and some of them are now in India as I told you, they came with Alexander, and they were very good husbands and wives and very good families. This is only – I don’t know why – about twenty years or twenty-five years at the most, you can say, the Kali Yuga is showing its effects here also, but it’s a very solid country and still they respect, respect a woman who has character; respect her. They may use a woman who has no character but they respect the woman who has character and also respect the mother. So there are lots of qualities in this country which are still existing, in some places lingering, and some places effective. So the job of Sahaja Yogis is to, somehow or other, evoke that integrating force in them of the Athena, and I’m sure you can purify this country.

May God bless you!

Alexander was two hundred before Christ… a hundred, two hundred before Christ. He was very much respected in India, always, Alexander was very much respected in India, and because he went away and he didn’t take away anything from India. Like any other invaders who came, who just looted us, he did not. First. I think he got quite detached after coming to India. Anybody who has come to invade India, and has really gained something out of the spirituality of India, was Alexander; otherwise the English lived for three hundred in India, three hundred years. Nothing went into their heads, nothing. Three hundred years! Can you believe it? They used to laugh at everything, they used to make fun of everything, nothing went into their heads. But so many Greeks stayed on because they liked India very much, so they stayed back, they wouldn’t come back. So many are there even now living in the forests. So, this is something, is the sensitivity, the awareness, which has grown through times in the Greek people. You can see in the character of Alexander, how he was. There’s a poet in India called Chandav Rai, who was at the time of Alexander. Alexander brought him here, honored him, kept him here, he was here, and he wrote poems about Alexander, about his greatness and things, praised him so well. I mean, I can’t think of English people carrying any Indian as a poet to England; there’s no question. I mean, they didn’t… and the sign of awareness is this, that you don’t respect anybody else, you say, “Oh, I am the greatest”. Then you cannot see the goodness of other people. Same with Portuguese. Of course, Vasco de Gama was a simple man and when he came first to India, he saw Indians and he went to Goa and he saw the temple of the Goddess there, is the Shanta Durga’s, so he went back and told his king that, “They are all Christians because they follow the Mother. They are not Muslims”. So simple he was. “There’s no need to make them Christians. They are already Christians because they follow Mother”. He was a nice man.

But Portuguese also never learned anything much, but still certain respect they showed, like the name of Bombay is Mumbai. They still call it Mumbai, many words… Mumbai, is the Mumba. Mumba-ai is the name. Means she is the Mother of Mumba. Like ‘Ai’ is the Mother, so they call it Mumbai – is the name of the Goddess. So they didn’t want to change it. And in Portugal, when I went, they were saying “Mumbai”. So I said, “Why do you call it Mumbai?” They said, “After all, it’s the name of the Goddess; isn’t it?” I said, “It is.” But the English came, called it “Bombay”- finished.

So you see the… see the awareness, you can see the awareness of people because they were so aware about the serenity, about the holiness, about the auspiciousness and all that, so they said, “How can we call it Bombay because it is the name of the Goddess?” Just think- the depth, no? “We cannot call.”

But the English could have gone and found out what is this place called, why is it called Mumbai. But they did not. But even if they had found, I don’t think they would have kept it as Mumbai. They would not have because, you see, that respect for serenity and all these things, somehow or other, in these people who ruled us, it was not there.

Now the children of Britain are better, are very different, very different. But those who ruled us had no respect at all. They would only go to church, I don’t know what… and nothing, no respect.

While the Greeks had always respect for Indians, they came with respect. Now the respect also is a kind of an awareness within us. And now as the time has passed, I find Britishers have respect for others, they’re respecting. Many; I mean, I would not say all, but quite a lot, isn’t it?

Well, what do you say? He has not met any.

Yes, that’s the part lacking- respect. That is the part lacking in England. And imagine in the heart, if there is no respect, then what sort of a heart it must be? The whole world can get ruined by that heart.

So that’s the thing – one has to create respect: respecting others, respecting their culture, respecting their lifestyle. But, I mean whatever you may say, but theoretically it is there; may not be in practice. Theoretically it is working, because you’re not supposed to insult anybody who is from the ethnic group and all that is there legally, theoretically; but in practice it is not, I agree; but theoretically it is working. You can’t insult somebody because he’s a black man or he’s an ethnic group, you cannot, under law, you cannot do it. So that is there but just theory.

But still, awareness-wise also, people are aware. I know of so many of them who were sitting in the sun and fasting for South Africa. So between the South African awareness and British awareness, we must say, we should be proud that in British awareness there is lot of sense, and that sense, once it comes to the point of respecting others, I think it can transform the whole world.

But I don’t know how I have to do it, I’ve tried. It has to be respect. It is not insulting now, but it is not positive respect. So one has to learn how to positively respect, at least Sahaja Yogis, must be positively respected.

This is what I have been talking about, about Buddha, about truth, about respect. But once you know that they are Sahaja Yogis, one has to respect. And this one has to learn from the Greeks because still they have a sense of respect. They know how to respect, isn’t it? That part is there. That, one has to learn.

Even the Egyptians are, and also the Chinese, because out of all these years of traditional growth, they have realized one thing: that if you have to really exist in this world you have to learn how to respect others. And respect is something from your heart. Like the Japanese have no respect for anyone but they’ll go and bow ten times, don’t know when to stop if they bow, and if you bow they’ll go on, permanently, so it’s best if you stop.

But it’s artificial; it’s not real. So it should come from your innate being to respect others, and when that works out then your awareness has definitely reached a very high state, high state of understanding of Divinity.

So then you come to a point of respecting the Adi Shakti and then, when you have respect, it’s not artificial respect, it’s not artificial, it should be from your heart. And once you start doing that your awareness will improve.

And that it’s not what you get, it’s not what you have, but what you give to yourself by respecting. And this respect in which transform you completely, I can tell you, because there’s a big understanding now between you and the Divine, and I’m sure everything will work out very well. The way the Deities respect the Adi Shakti, if you also learn that respect, then things will work out. And I think Greeks will lead us very well, the whole of Europe, in this respect; I’m sure about it.

May God bless you!

Now, what we can do is to have some… we have musicians luckily. You helped Me so much in… I must say I’m very thankful to you for helping Me in Spain. They all got Realization because of their music. And today also started.

All right. Respect gives you thoughtless awareness, I tell you. Just the idea of respect; isn’t it? You all have become thoughtless because respect is thoughtless. Agnya stops.

You know what is the stuthi? ‘Stuthi’ means praise.

You should not touch the water. [DURING PUJA]


Date: 2016-01-03; view: 895

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Shri Ganesha Puja, Cabella 2002 | Oil reserves of South America
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