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Shri Ganesha Puja, Cabella 2002

Shri Ganesha puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 20 September 2002.

Today we have gathered here to worship Shri Ganesha. Shri Ganesha is the deity of innocence. When we are born as children, it is Shri Ganesha who is acting and we are very innocent, and it is such a powerful thing – that with this innocence children survive under many circumstances. And we love them, because they are innocent. We enjoy them, because they are innocent.

Once we start growing, our Sahastrara also gets closed and we develop all kinds of funny things that enters into us and doesn’t go out. It’s just there, it doesn’t go out. Innocence has a great effect on our character and on our sense of chastity. Actually, when you are innocent, you don’t know what is not chastity, what is being unchaste, what is being cunning. You are innocent and you are looked after by Shri Ganesha Himself. Anybody who tries to harm a innocent person, Shri Ganesha looks after you and manages. Many people who are innocent in this world – of course they are very few -, but they become so detached from all worldly problems, like lust and greed, and many other. Because they are so pure that nothing can spoil them and malign them. This is such a great blessings we have – that innocence is actually created in us, and it was created much before. All the innocence, everything was created much, much before we were created. It’s such a great quality for us – to become innocent.

The greatest quality of Shri Ganesha is Joy. It gives you joy, as small children, they may not speak even, but they give us so much joy. Joy giving quality comes from Shri Ganesha. Even after coming to Sahaja Yoga, I have seen people are not full of joy. Are very serious, they don’t know how to laugh, how to enjoy anything. That’s the sign that they are still lacking in innocence. So it’s important to understand that if you are sahaja yogis, you should be joyous and give joy to others. Just like children, how sweet they are. They may be newly born, but how much joy they give you. But supposing you do not have that capacity to enjoy the innocence of children, then nobody can help you. Ganesha cannot help you. Because that’s the innate quality human beings have and if you don’t have that quality, no use having any other sense. Like some people like food, they like colours, they like all other things. But if you don’t have Shri Ganesh, you cannot purely enjoy anything.

So it is only Shri Ganesha’s blessings that will really enjoy everything in its full measure. Otherwise, we start judging it, we start criticizing it, people raise so many things, questions. If you see something and it gives you joy, then you are supposed to give the explanation for that. As we have many critics in this world, and they are all the time criticizing one another. Now the critics are criticizing critics, that’s the biggest problem. That’s their job. Because Ganesha is not there. And they go on criticizing others, never criticizing themselves, and thinking no end of themselves. And with that, they create a very bad kind of a community, which is actually very harmful, it’s very dangerous. It’s like having some sort of a boil, or some sort of a septic thing in your body, in your being. So, if you cannot appreciate it, and if you cannot enjoy it, then Shri Ganesha is missing from you.

You should be able to enjoy everything, and to enjoy your children, enjoy children of others people. That’s the sign of your being completely blessed by Shri Ganesha.

Now the beauty(?) of Shri Ganesha is this, that it looks after your Kundalini. It guards your Kundalini, it guides your Kundalini, and throughout and all the chakras he had to bless you. If you don’t have the blessings of Shri Ganesh, you’ll be completely useless fellow as a sahaja yogi, because all the time you are seeing the bad points of others, all the time you are dividing, I should say, you are getting into a problem, by which you cannot enjoy anything. By temperament you think you are very serious, you are very mature, you are very developed, but you are not innocent. Such a person gives such a headache to everyone, and if there’s one like that in the family, people want to get rid of him. So you should have the quality of Shri Ganesha, which is of giving joy to others.

Depends on how much joy you can give it to others. It doesn’t want anything. Such a person won’t say that “I must get this, I must have this position, I should be leader, I should be this and that”, no. He just enjoys giving joy, joy to others and being humorous, and kind, and never, never tries to insult anyone and hurt anyone. If such a person hurts, by mistake also, he goes on repenting about it. And a hundred times he’ll beg your pardon if he has hurt you. Such a happy person is a real sahaja yogi. That’s the one we want to have all around. Those who have no hatred for anyone, no malice for anyone, and not finding faults with another, but trying to find what is the good point of that person, what is so special about that person. He’s not bothered as to what colour you are, whether you are black or white, whether you are tall or short, it makes no difference. Because it is absolute, absolute joy. And for this absolute joy, you don’t criticize, and you don’t try to find faults with others.

Now, the problem is that people are getting very much advanced in this modern era, very advanced, and they are very much more advanced in criticizing others, I think. That’s the maximum they have: is to criticize others. And, also, they have another very bad quality: to identify themselves with the country in which they live or with the family which they are. I have seen it creates such a problem. Also they identify themselves with the different religions they follow. Or, imagine, from this how many problems have come out – that you start differentiating between one and another. For example, now supposing who is born say, in one place, so he says he’s the best, his country is the best, his people are the best, and there’s nothing wrong with them. On the contrary, if a person is a real sahaja yogi, who has Ganesha within him, enlightened, then he sees it and enjoys the humour behind it, the humour of all these people, what they are mad after, how they behave, I mean the way he understands the jokes behind it, jokes which is avoiding reality. And reality is only possible if you are in the realm of joy. Otherwise, all the time you find something wrong, something upsetting, so something disturb you. But if you see the humour behind everything, then you are perfectly alright.

For example, I would say, that I have had many such experiences, that people have told me: “Mother, such and such fellow is like that, such and such fellow is like that.” So, I would ask that person: ”Are you like that?” Direct. He said: “No, I’m not like that”. “But, I said, why everybody sees that in you?” “They must be wrong!” “All of them must be wrong or you are wrong?” Then he would say: “Maybe, myself.” And that’s how you see, you can mould also such people, who think that they are correct and the rest of the world is all bad, and they have every right to hate them and to think in the wrong direction. What happens with that is that you loose the essence of joy. Essence of joy is in seeing in everything, seeing in everything the source of joy. Supposing you see something here: now, if it is odd, it should give you also a great sense of humour; if it is beautiful, it should give you another sense, of appreciation. But I can’t understand people who go on harping on some sort of a thing, that has no meaning in their lives nor in the lives of others.

I would say my father had a great capacity to do that. Once, I went home, so I said this… my brother was praising this man for his music, “What do you think…” He said: “He is a musician, no doubt, but he is very courageous”. I said: ”Why?” “Because you hear, he may go on singing anything, he never feels bad about it. Everybody might be nervous, or everybody might be laughing at it, but he is not at all bothered, he goes on singing is his own ways. So, that is the beauty of understanding: every defect in a person can be enjoyed. Is very much a sense, I should say, a very subtle sense, by which you can enjoy every person: if he has defects, then you enjoy them as humorous thing, and if he has something very good, then also you can enjoy. So why you shun people, why should you get out of people, criticize them for nothing at all?

Now, under this, people have built up big organisations, you see. For examples, the Catholics will help (hate) the Protestants, the Protestants will also help (hate), I mean not “help” I’m saying, they will also sort of “hate” the people who are Catholic. What’s the use of that? What’s the use of hating each other, from that point that somebody is a Protestant and somebody is a Catholic? Just see yourself, see what is wrong with you! Why do you think like that? Why do you look at those things and always think that another person – something wrong with him. And then you form groups and then you fight, you can have even wars with this kind of an idea – that the another person is not all right and you are absolutely perfect.

This is also with the country, I’ve seen. For example, even in Sahaja Yoga I’ve seen: if somebody is coming, say, from India or from another country anywhere, the leader will be anxious that he should or she should put her candidate before. Is such an identification, which they are not still conscious of it. But then I play my tricks you see: all such thing when they do, when they try to support one party, one type of people, from one…, we should say not religion now, but countries. So, this country identification is so much still in Sahaja Yoga – that you come from one country, then you want to support that mind from that country. You’ll never appreciate that who so ever is good and coming from any country, is a sahaja yogi. We are a global community, we are not to be identified with one country – that our people should be married, that we should get our people there. All this kind of things I’ve noticed, and I feel very sorry that you have not understood the nature of Sahaja Yoga.

Sahaja Yoga is a global thing. Absolutely global. It has nothing to do with one country or with one person. It’s such a global thing that if you see the subtle side of it, it’s very joy-giving. God Allmighty has created this world as one. They might have United Nations, they might have this, they might have that, but still they are so much identified with their country. That they cannot correct also that country. Now, for example, something is wrong with your country, they cannot. For them, everything is all right, first of all. Because they are born in that particular country. Or they appreciate some other country, so they’ll go on praising that country, to such an extent that they are destroyed and their ideals also destroy people.

So best thing is to see the joke behind being identified with one country. There is a big joke about it. I enjoyed it very much: among sahaja yogis also I’ve seen, is very common, that they are identified with one country.

If you are identified, then you should try to correct that country. You should try to correct those countrymen who are following a particular type of ideologies. They never see that, because they are so much involved with them, that they don’t see what’s wrong with them. They’ll allways see what’s wrong with others.

But I’ve seen those who are real sahaja yogis are very good. They tell me what’s wrong in their own country. What’s going wrong in their own country. What’s the trouble in their own country. How the countrymen are. You see, very surprising! I was surprised how people told me that how some people who are in their country are so missidentified, and they are so against Sahaja Yoga in a subtle manner. I was surprised, how they felt it that way. They say: „Mother, see, they are not at all global.” Once you become global, all your problems of provincies and things are finished. But that doesn’t come into their head: that we have to be global, we are sahaja yogis, we cannot identify ourselves with one country or another country. If you do that, then you are still lacking in our universal personality. And this universal personality comes to us from Shri Ganesh. He’s a universal personality, whether He is in India, whether He is in Italy or in England. What is that personality: is innocence. Very innocence, very much innocent, and not only that, but he is a joy giving personality.

All such people, who are joy giving, are recognized. It’s not that the world doesn’t recognize. They may not be knowing that they are global, but those who are global people, they write books on global ways, thinking about global things. And they can criticize also people of their own country, they can criticize people of their own clan, they can go on like that.

But they can be slavish also to some other country and try to praise them too much. So, you are not to be slavish. You have to not to be identified. But you should be identified with your Self. And whatever your Self enjoys, that should be expressed. That is the sign that your Ganesha is there and that Ganesha’s working on.

Is very important for leaders to understand this. Because I have seen the way they are identified with their countrymen is sometimes shocking to Me. I’m really shocked, how could they be!

They are not belonging to any country. They are no more. They are in the country of Shri Ganesha, which is the country of Love and Joy. If you cannot give joy and love, then there’s something wrong with you. With this only – his quality – people become chaste. Because chastity is a very joy-giving thing, very joy-giving.

It is not a thing that you have to tell somebody, or to force somebody, or to restrict somebody, but it is to enjoy it. To enjoy yourself and enjoy the chastity of another person. Is such a great blessing of Shri Ganesha, such a great blessing that you enjoy your own chastity. You are not bothered about the another person: he’s chaste or not, if he’s doing bad things, if he’s a ruined person, doesn’t matter. You don’t get spoiled with that: you have your own chastity, your own life of very chaste moments.

It is nowadays such a modern style of thinking there’s a throwing doors, unchaste life and all kinds of wrong ideas about chastity. If somebody now talks of chastity, people think that this must be mad: how can that be? Everything is done these days, if you see, all the fashions are there. Now, once the fashion starts, it goes on spreading. Then, everybody will dress up in the same manner: they have no personality of their own. Everybody will be going round in the same manner, especially the women have lost their sense of chastity. They have lost their sense of chastity. Because, the way they dress up sometimes, shocks. What is the need to dress up like this? Why can’t you dress up properly? But it is just, just… Shows that they have no character of their own. Actually, they may say: “I am this, I am that”, but they are not, they are nothing. Because they take to all kinds of forces that run around.

But look at the children! Children are not like that. They do not have all these funny ideas of impressing people with their unchaste life. None of them. On the contrary, children are very conscious and they want to become very chaste people.

This has an effect on the eyes, I must say. Shri Ganesha acts through your eyes: how you look at a person is very important.

I have seen people loosing complete control over their eyes, they’ll go on looking at this person, looking at another person, looking at another person. Just for nothing at all, but it’s a matter of no Ganesha control. And with this the eyes are spoiled. Spoiled means that you cannot look at anything concentratedly. Then, how can you penetrate into anything? Any penetration is possible only if you can really adjust your eyes in such a manner, that you see something at that time for that time, and not go on shifting your eyes from one to another. It can mean anything, it can come from anything.

That means Ganesha is the One who is a detector of our faults. For example, people have greed. So they will start seeing who’s wearing what clothes, what clothes they should wear. If they have greed, then they’ll see somebody has a nice house: “I should also have a nice house.” But they never see the beauty of that house. They never see the actual essence of that house. But, just, they go on saying that: “I should have this house, this kind, I should have that.” They have no sense of beauty, I should say, they have only sense of possession. And that is such a bad thing to say, because sense of beauty is something so deep, and sense of possession is so rotted, so aggressive. So, one should look at things from Ganesha’s angle: “How will He do it, how will He use it?”

We will learn from children: how they watch things, and how they work it out, how they think. You will be amazed, how sensible they are, and the very sensible things they talk. Like I met a child, so the child told me: “I love the moon.” I said: “All right. Now, what’s wrong with the moon?” “Nothing, but it hides itself under the clouds all the time.” So, I said: “Why does he do that?” “Because he walks too much. So, he’s tired and he has to rest all right. And that’s why he does it. If he doesn’t walk so much, if he keeps steady, he won’t have to do it.” Just imagine! A little child watching all these things! And, I mean, I was amazed how the little child knows what is right, what is wrong or how to behave, how to understand the proper way of doing things.

They are not taught anything, they are not conditioned, nothing. But they know how to behave. And they are always looked after by the Divine. I have known children, who have fallen from great heights. Nothing happened to them! And also, no snakes and all these things don’t bite children.

Even, they say, that tigers never try to eat children. What is it? What is so powerful about it, that children are so safe and allowed to grow? But then they grow into such horrible creatures who are unchaste! Who are running after women or women running after men, is a common play these days. And it is unbelievable how can people who are even sahaja yogis do this. Of course, they don’t. But some of them they are still in this kind of a mess.

So, when you have your Ganesha already established… Just before creating the whole Universe, the Mother created Shri Ganesha. If He’s there, then life is very easy. Such a society is very easy to live. Such a friendship also is so easy. Because there’s nothing that is possessiveness or any kind of a, you can call, perversity. When you have bad eyes for women, bad eyes for money, bad eyes for possessions, Ganesha is fallen.

He just knows how to enjoy. Enjoy everything! If it belongs to him, it doesn’t matter. It belongs to me, it doesn’t matter. But you should know how to enjoy the beauty of it. And that’s enjoyment when you have within yourself, you don’t grow old, because all the time you are enjoying!

What is there to grow old? But normally, it doesn’t happen. You are very critical, you are very, I should say, selfish, and stupid sometimes, very much stupid.

All that you loose, all that grip over your Self, which is joy…What is your Self? Self is nothing but joy! A joyous person is definitely a person who has got his Self expressing through his joy. Such a person is so joy-giving, so humorous. And never degrading anyone. In every small thing it sees a beauty. And nature of every creation is so beautiful! I’m really surprised – how is it that poetry comes to very few people…

Because they go on describing love affairs, this, that, all nonsensical things, and what things make you unhappy. Unhappy is not the sign of a person who is a realised soul. So, if you have that problem and you are unhappy, just be on the watch out and see: why, why have you developed this kind of a funny attitude towards everything? Why can’t you enjoy everything?

You go on watching this person, that person, you’ll never enjoy. While if you watch the children, it’s very interesting. They look at… Like I saw one joke. There was a joke about a child. They had a guest in their house for food. And he was eating, so this child saw that man eating. He said: “Mama, he doesn’t eat like a horse, you said he eats like a horse.”(laughter) So, that’s what they are: very simple, very simple – hearted, and that’s how they correct people, correct.

What you should talk to children, what you should tell them about is very important. Because if you tell them something: “Don’t do it!” So, they will do it in such a manner, that it will be ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous and they are so obedient, to begin with. They think that: “We are children, we should obey.” And this obedience comes out of their simple nature. But we should not try to tell them too many things. And we should not try to control them with: “Don’t do this, don’t do that!” All the time if you do it like that, the children won’t understand. You don’t have to tell them. But if they are chaste children, if they are brought up in a chaste society… That’s why I always say: “Baba, send your children to our school.” Because children have to be chaste. They must understand the value of chastity. And this modern societies in the western area especially are very destroying our children ‘s innocence.

We should have learned so much from the children: how innocent they are, how simple they are. Their way is very generous, and children will give away everything they have, everything. They don’t understand possession of things. Just imagine. If somebody likes something, all right, have it. And they’ll keep something for a person who likes something, you know. They are wonderful people.

And we have to learn a lot from children. And their smiling faces and their joy should teach us how to behave. Because Ganesha shines through them very clearly. All the intelligence, all the beautiful things they say, I would say, you should all write it down – what your children talk, say. Because it would be such a book of interesting episodes, instead of writing about wars and horrible things that they have done in this world, better write what good things there are, which children can tell you.

Children don’t believe in all this kind of a mass nonsense of a fashion. They don’t. See, they are properly dressed always, they are not bothered about behaving in the mass way. So, that means they are very independent on their own. They are not slaves of any society. And they do not want to follow anything that is just generally followed, no. They follow their own pattern, and live in very dignified way, that extremely dignified. And their sense of chastity is very well developed: they would not wear something that will expose their body, or will show that there’s something wrong with them.

Sometimes we neglect our children, very much. Because of money problems, maybe, or I don’t know what husband-wife problems there are, and the children are neglected. And once they are neglected, anything can happen to them and I think it’s a very great sin on the part of people to produce children and to neglect them.

Children should be given the first, the primary place in the household, in the family. And they should be looked after by everyone. They are the most important thing. Not somebody, he’s the head of the family, he can shout at the children, nothing of the kind. Moreover, I have seen that the way we take to old odd things and bad habits, children never take. They know that it is bad, it should not be done. By their innocence they know it should not be done.

They may sometimes, you know, play with fire, do something like that. But once they are beaten by it, they’ll never touch it. They are extremely fast in learning, because that is the age they are: they’re growing. But actually, what is needed now, is that the elders must grow.

The children are growing, they learn. What about the elders? They have to learn also how to be nice and kind to everyone. And to be compassionate with all the rest of them. This idea of criticism comes from where, I don’t know. But like they’ll go anywhere, they’ll start criticising. Children never criticize. They never see these things, never. They’ll just get into that house, or any place, and just enjoy it and see the good points of that house. Always I have seen they’ll comment it: “See, they had one very nice Shri Ganesha, this thing.” The house would be dirty, there might be smell, anything, doesn’t matter. See, so their eyes are towards nice things, and good things. They don’t sort of, take to all these things.

Then, also, because of modern life, children have developed a kind of a funny characters, when they grow up: “I don’t like this, I don’t like that”, and they fall into funny, funny, I should say, ideas about life, which we must try to guard, because these days the society is growing so fast: there are televisions, there are so many, I should say, propagated things which are not good for children. And they should not see them also. And if the children are realised souls, they don’t like to see. They don’t like to see violence. They don’t like to see nonsense, I have seen it. They don’t like. But the parents are sitting and enjoying nonsense, so they are also sitting: gradually, it might crawl into their heads. But normally, children don’t like any violence, and beating, any kind of thing.

So, we have to learn a lot from them, because they are innocent, because they have the quality of innocence, so they are to be respected.

I don’t like people beating their children or hitting them and fulfilling their ambitions through the children. It’s very, very wrong. You should leave them alone, they are perfect. Only thing is: they should be given proper ideas at a time, appreciation for their chastity, for their well behaviour. That should be done. But should not be given a kind of idea of the society in which they live, where the children get spoiled. And I was surprised that I’ve met one child, the other day, and the child said: “I want to have a car.” “Which car?” “Mercedes.” I said: “Why don’t you go for a Ferrari?” (laughter). So you see, this money orientation also comes from childhood. From childhood if you talk of all these things, money orientation, children also know this and they talk like that. There are many other things for children, you should just avoid. Don’t allow them to go near all such things, which are creating money orientation.

Because that is the problem of today: that everywhere you find people who have made money, illegally. So much money has been made. And there is no need to do that. But still, you see, they go, this money orientation is funny thing. It’s a greed, it’s a madness, I tell you, real madness. A person wants to have, say, 25 cars. Is he going to sit in the 25 cars? He wants to have 25 aeroplanes. What is he going to do with that? For that, he is cheating everyone, troubling everyone, taking the money of others. Is better to be poor, than to be like that.

So, this is what is happening today: is that people have gone a track is wrong. In the right side track, right side track.

I should say that we start our Sahaja Yoga from Shri Ganesha, who is on the left side. Not on the right side. First, you develop your left side, then you come to right, you are all alright. That’s why we have our Sahaja Yoga completely built in, on Shri Ganesh. Once he’s there, you are completely alright and no problem, there’s no lack of wisdom. Once you are with Shri Ganesh, you see the point absolutely, clearly: how to behave, how to live, and you don’t take to stupid things like lust, greed and nonsense.

But people are mad, you know, they take to any kind of thing when they grow up.

But as children, if they have an influence, very beautiful influence of proper family life, proper school life, proper guidance, proper love and help in every way, in their growth, then children become extremely, extremely good, beautiful. And I bless all the Sahaja Yogis to have children of that nature, and to look after your children. That’s very important, because they are tomorrow’s sahaja yogis. And they should be of better quality. Because you are coming from another lot (laughter).

They are coming from the innocence, so they are very pure, and their purity must be respected and must be guarded. Maybe that we’ll understand the importance of children and develop Ganesha qualities in them.

Thank you very much!


Date: 2016-01-03; view: 984

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