7. Which statement is closest to your own way of thinking about a religion?
A.I consider myself a devout follower of a religion, and I follow its teachings rather strictly.
B.My religious views are a kind of philosophy that gives me strength in some situations and helps me to understand life better. I don’t follow it strictly.
C.I’m an atheist, but don’t mind if people around me have another point of view on this issue.
D.I oppose the idea of religion.
8. If you had to refuse one thing you are already used to in everyday life, what would it be?
A.communication in social networks;
B.usage of smart phone (return to using simple devices);
C.moving on own automobile (return to using public transport);
D.eating out (return to cooking meals for yourself).
9. Whichproblems below are personal difficulties for you (2-3 choices)?
A.lack of free time;
B.inability to achieve a success in studies/work;
C.plenty of free time;
D.the absence of private accommodation;
E.lack of money;
F.problems with private life;
G.bad relationships with parents and relatives;
H.lack of communication.
10. Which daily events mentioned below can make you happy?(1-3 choices)
A.good news that comes from work;
B.not much – just good weather outside;
C.meeting good people;
D.talking to your sweetheart;
C.nothing can cheer me up if I’ve woken up in a bad mood;
12. Have you or any of your friends ever had suicidal tendencies? If yes, how many times/cases can you mention?(Even if suicide wasn’t attempted, but only thought about seriously, it counts).
_________________________________________________________________ (yes/no, if yes – point out the frequency)