2) Have you ever been to countries neighboring Kazakhstan? a) No b) Yes
If your answer is NO please proceed to question number 5
If your answer is YES
3) What countries have you visited? (more than 1 answer could be marked)
a) Russia
b) Kyrgyzstan c) Uzbekistan
d) China e) other (please define) ________________________________
4) What differentiates Kazakhstan from neighboring countries in your opinion? (e.g. what are unique features of Kazakhstan) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
! Next block of questions will be concerning with your LAST VISIT to Kazakhstan !
5) What was your main motivation to visit Kazakhstan?
Please choose ONE answer ONLY
a) leisure/recreation b) business c) visiting friends and relatives
d) by chance occurrence/on the way to another destination e) other (please specify) ________________________________
6) What did you expect to experience in Kazakhstan? Please choose ONE answer ONLY
a) post-soviet culture b) nomadic culture c) beautiful nature
d) sport activities (skiing, skating, etc) e) other (please specify) _______________________________
7) What were the main difficulties that you’ve faced prior your visit? (more than 1 answer can be marked)
a) visa b) lack of information about tourists’ sights c) lack of organized tour offers
d) not comfortable transport connection e)problems with accommodation f) other (please specify) ________________________________
8) What was your way of travelling?
a) self-organized trip b) organized tour (by tour operator)
c) organized by employer
d) other (please specify) _______________________________
9) Who did you travel with?
a) alone b) family/friends c) group of other tourists (not known before) d) business partner(s) e) other (please specify) _______________________________
10) Where did you stay during your trip to Kazakhstan?
a) hotel
b) hostel
c) bed and breakfast
d) camping site
e) health resort f) family’s/friends’ home place g) other (please specify) ________________________________
How did the accommodation you’ve stayed in match your expectations? (if it was not your friends’/relatives’ home place)
Would you like to add something specific about the accommodation and services related to it?______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
11) What kind of transportation did you use during your stay in Kazakhstan? (within Kazakhstani borders) (More than 1 answer could be marked)
a) car b) train c) plane d) intercity bus
e) excursion bus f) municipal bus/tram/trolleybus (inside the city)
g) other (please specify) ________________________________
How did the transportation and related services experienced during your stay match your expectations? (inside Kazakhstan borders in general)
Would you like to add something specific about transportation and services related to travelling within Kazakhstan? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
12) Please indicate your opinion concerning following tourist attractions (put any symbol inside the appropriate cell)
Name of Attraction
Have visited
Evaluate your experience using scale from 1 to 5 (where 1 is poor and
5 is excellent)