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From Miss Barrett’s Wastebasket


Scratch Paper English 33 SS

by Chas. H. Robbins Miss Barrett

My Best Friend

Chapter 1


My "best friend" is considered by what we do for each other. Of all the "friends" that I have only one (1) is my best friend and his name is "Tony" but I call him "Corkey". When we go somewheres we are all ways together no matter where the place is. There are many things between he and I. If ever I would loose this "friend" I wouldn't know what to do. Many boys and girls call us "brother" meaning that we never part with each other and are all ways together. That is why he is my "best friend". (100 words exacly)


* * *


My Best Friend. Scrap paper, don't count!

I have many best friend. One of who is Johnny. Johnny is 15 yrs. of age, about 5 ft. 41/4 in. has a character which consists as follows, he is smart, a fair player, never fights with his best friends. He wears glasses and is a rather cleancut boy. By cleancut I mean dresses very neat. Why I like him is because we're great friends.




FROM: B. Schachter

TO: S. Barrett


Dear Syl—Let's go out to lunch and splurge at Schraffts! Forget your Super-Slows and shake the chalk dust off for half an hour. I'm tired of coffee that tastes of paper. Here I sit in this draft, like Cerberus at the Gates of Hell—guarding what? And from whom? I'll swap my Lobby Duty for your Hall Patrol any time! Say yes to the cherub who delivers this note, and let's eat like ladies!

(I understand you may be observed this morning—Give them something to write, like "My Favorite Sport," or "Sea Thoughts," and relax!)



* * *


Dear Bea—Can't make it today—sorry. Parent arriving lunch per. to ask why son got 35% on spelling test. Must answer him. How?



* * *


Dear Syl—Don't try. There's no communication; no one really listens. Every man is an island. Give him a container of coffee instead.



* * *


Scr. Paper Outline


e i

Hi there, "the sound echod mysterously in the


crowded street", as my hand was grabbed by


the familar hand of My Best Friend Mike", how

is every old thing Bill? Fine, "I replied in answer.


I was suprized, for I didn't expect it. It was a

clear winter day with sparkeling snow sparkeling on


* * *


Lesson Plan

Eng. 33 SS

Comps. wr. in class; approx. 100 wds; My Bst.


Emph. brevity & clarity

First draft on scrap paper; hand in cl. cpy

Remind: Topic Sent. & Concluding Sent.

On Blackbd: Impt. of Friendship:

I. Personal enrich.

A. Give & Take

B. Another's pt. of view

C. Vs. loneliness
II. Social

(Man — gregarious animal)

III. Biz.



* * *


My Best Friend

Friendship is important. It gives us personal enrichment and it gives us the give and take of another persons point of view. Friendship is also vs. loneliness and social. Friendship is important because man is an animal in our society and in biz.

only 43 words, need 57 more


My best friend is Me, Myself and I. I say this because you can't trust any one. They tell you they're your best friend and behind your back they call you names like fatso. That is why I have Me, Myself and I and I don't care. I lost 4 lps. and I don't even bother with the other girls because they're all catty. I love Me, Myself and I for a friend.


* * *



Man is a gregious animal.


* * *


Dear Sylvia—

The Ghost Walks today! Quick—put something on board & make sure there are no paper scraps on floor & that windows are open 4 inches from top! He's just been in to observe me—I started a Punctuation TV Panel but it got out of hand. And I forgot to put assignment on board. Why don't you let them write a composition in class? He gets bored & leaves. Pass the word. Remember windows & enrichment!



* * *


Composition. Should Cap. Punishment Be Abollished?

Scrap P.

I will write on this topic we discussed very much in Soc. Studies and I think it should because what good is an El. Chair after the mur-


der is lready too late to do any good and sets a good example for other crooks.


* * *


Pass to Lavatory—10:08 a.m.


Returned to class: Only wooden passes honored.



* * *


Memo: Due before 3: (Gen. Office)

Attendance repts, Truant slps, Absentee cards

Alph. List homeroom stdnts

Health cds (Vaccin. & Dental)

(Eng. Dept)

Number F’s last term

% Repeating Eng.

Raising standards (means of)

Switch Macbeth???


* * *





Nbsp; In Memory of Those Who Died Waiting for the Bell   * * *   Did you do Math? Stop it, Stupid! Drop Dead! You to!   * * * Dear Dr. Clarke so justly As you have pointed out, teaching here should be a dedic It seems to me that the burden of the clerical much valuable teaching time is wasted on   * * *   Admit to class—9:01 a.m. Lateness Unexcused Claims books fell on subway tracks. JJ McH   * * *   SCRAP PAPER MY FAVORITE COMPANION. FIRST DRAFT. 103 WORDS. I wish to state that my favorite companion is Munro. The real reason why I have attemted to choose him as my favorite companion is he knows how to conduct his self. He has no propensity to fight and he is the type of boy I can take over my house and not be ashamed of him. Every avarage boy has a propensity for a companion which he prefers and he will always try and get one well I have just finished writing about. P.S. In my opinion I think we should have less composition and more lunchroom. Also go home earlier.   CIRCULAR # 28   PLEASE KEEP ALL CIRCULARS ON FILE, IN THEIR ORDER   TOPIC: MAXIMAL GOALS   TO DEVELOP DEEPER UNDERSTANDING OF THE SPECIAL FUNCTIONS OF SECONDARY EDUCATION AND TO ENLARGE THE TEACHER'S CONCEPT OF THE MEANING OF EDUCATION IN OUR DEMOCRACY; TO ASCERTAIN AND BRING ABOUT NEEDED CHANGES THAT WILL FACILITATE THE IMPROVEMENT OF TECHNIQUES OF TEACHING AND COORDINATION OF INSTRUCTION; TO DIRECT EXPERIMENTATION IN PURPOSEFUL AND CONCOMITANT LEARNINGS; TO MAKE USE OF ALL ANCILLARY AGENCIES AVAILABLE TO SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY; TO MEASURE THE RESULTS OF TEACHERS' ACTIVITIES IN TERMS OF PUPIL GROWTH TOWARD APPROVED GOALS   * * *   My best friend is my dog. A dog is a man's best friend. They are loyal and devoted all his life through thick and thin even though he can't talk. No more ink in my fou   * * * Dear Dr. Clarke, I don’t wish to sound As a member of a profession which As you know, most of our students are underprivileged and deprived, they desperately need   * * *   My best friend is a TV and if it every gets out of order I don't know what to do with myself. Like all normal teenagers I have my specialities but I have so many different programs I can't begin to talk about them all. They are too many but all are my best. When I sit around the house I am never lonely with TV.   Motivate Comp. Lesson: Impt. of Communication A. Need to express selves and be understood B. Language as a tool of communication Put on blackbd: "What oft was thought but ne'er so well expressed" (Pope?) "Le style est l'homme." Carfare ..................... . .15 Newsp....................... . .10 Coffee ...................... . .10 Tuna sand................. . .60 Coffee ...................... . .10 Teachers' Interest Com. 1.50 2.55 (so far)   * * *   Admit to class—8:39 a.m. Disciplined by me for whistling in the hall. JJ McH   * * *   Dear Miss Barrett, Remember me? I was in your class the first week of school and tho I never came back due to moving I think I will never forget you and the time you talked to me on the subway. Altho english was not my best subject everything we did was nice and you were the only one who took an interest. You never made any bad remarks. How's the old Alma Mater? How's Dr. Clarke? Is he still a Dr? Well, lots of luck. Say hello to everybody for me and take care of yourself. Your former loving pupil, Iris Lefferts   The ghost walks! He's in Rm. 301 now. Heading due north. Looks grim. Open your windows!   * * *   CIRCULAR # 27   PLEASE KEEP ALL CIRCULARS ON FILE, IN THEIR ORDER   TOPIC: ADDENDUM TO PUPIL PERSONALITY PROFILES   TO SECURE A MORE COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION OF PUPIL ORIENTATION TO HIS ENVIRONMENT, ADDITIONAL SPACE HAS BEEN PROVIDED ON THE ENCLOSED CHARACTER-ATTENDANCE RATING SHEETS IN ORDER TO INCLUDE   * * *   My best friend. Well, well! Right of the bat, as soon as we sit down, our teacher Miss Baret gives us a composition to write! Well, well! to be frank with you, I do not like it. I do not like to write compositions when we could be discussing. Or dramatize or a speling bee, but not so much composition! It's not fair to the Union! Ha-ha, joke!   * * *   MY BEST FRIEND   Last summer I visited my Ant on the beach. My ant has a cottach on the beach and every summer she invites me to visit her and I did. I had fun on the beach swiming and handball and getting the healthy benefit of the sun and broadwalk. I gained and went on the loop. I hope my Ant invites me again next summer.   Late Pass: Admit to class—8:32 a.m. Unexcused—Claims alarm didn't go off. JJ McH   * * *   TO: Custodian Dear Mr. Grayson— My window-pole seems to be missing. Room 304. Urgent! 2nd request. S. Barrett   No one down here. Try after lunch.   * * *   ENGLISH DEPARTMENT MEETING AT 3 P.M. IN SCIENCE LAB 309 ON:   SELECTION OF MATERIALS OF INSTRUCTION FOR ENRICHING THE TOTAL EXPERIENCE OF THE PUPIL:   SHOULD MACBETH BE TAUGHT IN THE 6TH TERM INSTEAD OF THE 4TH?   * * *   Dear Mrs. Barnett, Please excuse my son Arnold for not doing his English homework. He got in trouble with the Police last night and they kept him in the Station House. Hoping you will excuse him, I remain Mrs. Rose A.   * * *   Scrape paper A) My B. Freind 1. Name adress   2. What we do togeather 3. Why I like my b. freind 4. Why my b. freind likes me 5. Hobies 6. Concluding sent. 7. Man—gregrous animal   * * *     Dear Dr. Clarke, I know how busy you are, but I feel You are, undoubtedly, aware of the discrepancy existing   * * *   My best friend is my imaginary twin sister. She does everything I tell her. She is beautifull and obeys me freely. We share and share alike (beautifull dresses, etc) Her name is Roseanne. We are closer than any body even if she is only in my mind. She is my twin and she never talks back.   * * *   BOOK ROOM REQUISITION SLIP   Need 40 Syntax & Style for Eng. 33 SS (Register—46 (Chronic truant—7 79 Romeo & Juliet for Eng. 52 & 56 S. Barrett—Rm 304   We have only 4 Syntaxes & 26 Romeos in Bookroom. Can you use Ivanhoes instead? There are 160 copies here.   major, and won my Master's degree with 'first honors for my thesis on THE FRENCH INFLUENCE IN THE OCTOSYLLABIC COUPLET OF CHAUCER"S "BOKE OF THE DUCHESSE." I hold a license in English in the New York City Secondary Schools and am at present teaching at Calvin Coolidge High School. In order to supplement my If there is a teaching vacancy in your evening or summer session, I should appreciate hearing from you. Sincerely yours, Sylvia Barrett   * * *   My best friend is my boy-friend and he is tall, rich and handsome, he has a twotone Caddy con-vertable with white leather seats of genuine white leather and takes me danceing every night in nightclubs ect. He gives me orhcids and jewlry ect. and has a big yahct. He lives on Park ave with servants of which I will be mistress of and a ranch type house in Bev. Hills with a swimming pool ect. That is why I hope to meet him.   * * *   TO: Miss Sylvia Barrett FROM: Samuel Bester, Chairman, Language Arts Department   Please announce to your students the New York Chamber of Commerce Essay on: PRESERVING HISTORIC BUILDINGS IN NEW YORK. Encourage all students to participate. S. Bester   * * *   May I borrow your window-pole? Please give to bearer. S.B.   Dear Syl— Someone has swiped mine. There's a run on window-poles today. And on pole-bearers! Bea   Late Pass: Admit to class: 8:36 a.m. Unexcused: Claims IRT stuck. JJ McH   * * *   My Best Friend My best friend is Miss Barrett, our English teacher. Although this is the first term I have met Miss Barrett, she is pretty, a good dresser, a good marker, and fair in her attitude. She is the type teacher every student likes. For the reasons above mentioned I choose Miss Barrett.   * * *   DEAR (SIR (MADAM I AM (PLEASED TO INFORM YOU THAT (SORRY YOUR (SON'S WORK HAS SO FAR (DAUGHTER'S   * * *   My best friend is a good book. I enjoy good books that are educational very much. Books help your grammer and spelling. Also increase your vocabulary. I am a great reader of books. My best favorite is "Antony and Cleopatra" by Shakespear. In this book I like the part where the author tries to show love. Where Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton make love which I like. I like other good books too, mostly classical.   * * *   Memo: Return English as a Communications Art.   I have some best friends and also some worst friends but its hard to write down, its hard to explain what I really want to say about friends and others its hard to explain to anybody I often wisht I had a friend thats understanding. But its very hard.   * * *   Dear Dr. Clarke, Since I began teaching, I have felt a lack of   * * *   Please admit bearer to class— Detained by me for going Up the Down stair- case and subsequent insolence. JJ McH   * * *   My best friend I believe my Mother to be my best friend because. She always listens to my troubles and trys to comfort me. She has been sacraficing all her life so I could be a credit to her and not a bum and all I did since born is cause her trouble by shooting pools and doing such things. I am apoligizing in this letter. Very truly yours.   * * *   Dear Dr. Clarke,  

JJ’s Lament




FROM: Paul Barringer, Room 309

TO: Sylvia Barrett, Room 304



Where did you disappear after dinner last night?

Was I that blotto?

Must be the latest rejection slip. The tone is not only polite but patronizing: Why don't I write of something familiar to me?

The school system is familiar to me.

Am I to write of kids sprawling in classrooms? Yawning in assembly? Pushing through the halls? (You know I never venture forth in hall traffic.)

Am I to write of teachers marking papers? Of McHabe's circulars? (You know I have a low boredom-threshold.)

The only thing I can do with him is give him a song to sing. I call it J.J.'s Lament:


The ceiling fell? The ink ran dry? A student dared to smile?

Of every new disaster

I prove myself the master

By sending out more circulars, more circulars to file!

A missing kid? A kissing kid? A paper on the floor?

For every major crisis


One remedy suffices:

More circulars, more circulars to put into a drawer!


A crowded cafeteria?

A substitute's hysteria?

A visitor from Syria?

A missing Book Receipt?


I merely send out circulars

To add to other circulars

To add to other circulars

Numerical and neat!


I want him to star in the Faculty Show, but he has another commitment. I'd like to write him a splendid aria, entitled: "It Has Come to my Attention That."

Why do you refuse to be in the Show? You are wasting yourself in the classroom.


Why do you refuse? You are wasting yourself.


A girl who is patient like patient Griselda

Will find all she's getting is elder and elder.


Meet me for lunch?

Meet me at three?

Meet me this evening? I promise to stay sober.



Date: 2016-01-03; view: 1013

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