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Adverbs of Manner and Degree

vel -- well;

illa -- badly;

þannig -- thus;

hvernig -- how;

svona -- thus;

svo -- so;

mjög -- very;

alveg -- quite.

Adverbs of Cause

hversvegna -- why;

þessvegna -- therefore.

Adverbs of Adversity

þö -- however;

samt -- yet;

þar á möt/i -- on the other hand;

annars -- or else, otherwise.

Affirmative Adverbs

já, jú -- yes ( is used to deny negative statements or questions);

sannlega, sannarlega -- indeed, really;

vissulega, vist -- certainly;

raundar, raunar -- really.

Negative Adverbs

nei -- no;

ekki, eigi -- not.




  • Numerals
    • Declension of Einn
    • Declension of Tveir
    • Declension of Þrír
    • Declension of Fjórir
    • Declension of Hundrað, Þúsund, and Milljón
  • Ordinal Numbers
    • All Ordinal Numbers except Annar are declined as weak adjectives
    • Declension of Annar
  • Fractions
  • Group Numerals (einir, tvennir...)
  • Numeral Nouns (einning, tvenning...)
  • Adjectives of age, height, etc.


  • Declension of Einn
  • Declension of Tveir
  • Declension of Þír
  • Declension of Fjörir
  • Declension of Hundrað, Þúsund, and Milljón
  • Back to the Numbers Menu

Einn (One)

Singular M F N N einn ein eittA einn einna eittD einum einni einuG eins einnar eins Plural M F N N einir einar einA eina einar einD einum einum einumG einna einna einna

Note: Einn may also be declined like a weak adjective: hinn eini, hin eina, hið eina, etc.

Tveir (Two)

M F N N tveir tvær tvöA tvo tvær tvöD tveim/ur tveim/ur tveim/urG tveggja tveggja tveggja

Þír (Three)

M F N N þrír þrjár þrjúA þrjá þrjár þrjúD þrem/ur þrem/ur þrem/urG þriggja þriggja þriggja

Fjórir (Four)

M F N N fjórir fjórar fjögurA fjóra fjórar fjögurD fjórum fjórum fjórumG fjögra fjögra fjögra

Hundrað (a hundred), Þúsund (a thousand), and Milljón (a million)

  1. When used as adjectives, these numbers are not declined except that the plural of hundrað is hundruð;
  2. When used as nouns:
    • Hundrað is declined neuter;
    • Þusund may be declined feminine like tíð or neuter like skip;
    • Milljón is always feminine.

Ordinal Numbers

All Ordinal Numbers except Annar are declined as weak adjectives.

Declension of Annar(the second, the other)

Singular M F N N annar önnur annaðA annan aðra annaðD öðrum annarri öðruG annars annarrar annars Plural M F N N aðrir aðrar önnurA aðra aðrar önnurD öðrum öðrum öðrumG annarrar annarra annarra


Nouns denoting fractions are formed, in general, by replacing the -i ending of the ordinal number with -ungur. Half is the exception.

So, þriðji gives þriðjungur.

  • helmingur (-s, -ar) - a half;
  • þriðjungur - a third;
  • fjörðungur - a quarter;
  • fimtungur - a fifth, etc.

Adjectives are formed from the numerals by adding -faldur (-fold).

E.g. einfaldur - single; tvöfaldur - double, etc.

Some examples of quantities involving fractions:

  • hálfur - half;
  • einn þriðji - one third;
  • einn tíundi - one tenth;
  • hálfur þriðji eða tveir og hálfur - two and a half;
  • tveir sjöundu - two sevenths;
  • þrír fjórðu - three quarters;
  • sjö heilir og einn fjórði - seven and a quarter;

Group Numerals

Group numerals refer to things associated in twos, threes, etc. Examples of such words include:

  • einir - a pair;
  • tvennir - two pairs;
  • þrennir - three pairs;
  • fernir - four pairs.

These words are declined like adjectives, e.g.:

einir sokkar - a pair of socks;

tvennir skór - two pairs of shoes.

Numeral Nouns

These are akin to the English couple, dozen, score, etc., signifying certain quantities. Most are feminine in gender.

  • eining or eind - one of something;
  • tvenning or tvend - two of something;
  • þrenning - three of something;
  • fimt - five of something;
  • sjöund - seven of something;
  • áttund - eight of something;
  • níund - nine of something;
  • tíund or tugur - ten of something;
  • tylft - twelve of something.

To multiply, the word sinn is used: eitt sinn, tveim sinnum, and so on. Note the terms tvisvar (twice) and þrisvar (thrice).

Date: 2016-01-03; view: 1050

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