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Adjectives with no Normal Forms

Certain adjectives exist only in the Comparative and Superlative Forms. Non-existent Normal forms are given in brackets.

Normal Comparative Superlative (norður) nyðri nyrstur (North) (suður) syðri syðstur (South)(austur) eystri austastur (East)(vestur) vestri vestastur (West) (aftur) aftari aftastur (back)(fram) fremri fremstur (front)(fjarri) firri firstur (far)(nær) nærri næstur (near) (for,fyrir) fyrri fyrstur (for/former/first)(síð) síðari síðastur (latest)(síð) síðri sístur (worst) (handan) handari handastur (far off)(heim) heimari heimastur (near home)(heldur) heldri helstur (good) (hægur) hægri - (right)( - ) vinstri - (left) (inn) innri innstur (inner/innermost)(út) ytri ystur (outer/outermost)(niður) neðri neðstur (low)(of) efri efstur (up) (sjaldan) sjaldnari sjaldnastur (rare) hindri histur (late) skárri skástur (bearable) æðri æðtur (superior/supreme)

Non-Declinable Adjectives

A small number of adjectives are not declinable, most end in "-a":

  • aflvana (impotent)
  • dauðvona (moribund)
  • einmana (alone, lonely)
  • farlama (decrepit)
  • hugsi (meditative)
  • rávita (insane, crazy)



  • Adverbs Derived from Adjectives
  • Neuter Adjectives Used As Adverbs
  • Irregular Comparison
  • Adverbs of Time
  • Adverbs of Place
  • Adverbs of Manner and Degree
  • Adverbs of Cause
  • Adverbs of Adversity
  • Affirmative Adverbs
  • Negative Adverbs

Adverbs Derived From Adjectives

Many adverbs are formed from the stem of the corresponding adjective by adding the -a suffix.


regluleg/ur (regular) gives regluleg/a (regularly);

drengileg/ur (brave) gives drengileg/a (bravely), etc.

Such adverbs have degrees of comparison:

prýðilega -- prýðilegar -- prýðilegast

Some have different suffixes:

lengi -- lengur -- lengst -- for a long while;

fram -- fremur -- fremst -- forward/preferably/most of all;

nærri -- nær -- næst -- nearly/almost/next. Back to the Top.

Neuter Adjectives Used As Adverbs

Some adjectives in the neuter form are used directly as adverbs. Examples are given below, together with methods of comparison.

bágt - bágar/a - bágast (difficult)hart - harðar/a - harðast (hard)hátt - hærra - hæst (highly)langt - lengra - lengst (long, far)seint - seinna - seinast (late)

Irregular Comparison of Adverbs

gjarna/n - heldur - helst (gladly/willingly)illa - verr - verst (badly)lítt - midur - minnst (little)lítið - minna - minst (little)mjög - meir - mest (very)snemma - fyrr - fyrst (soon/early)vel - betur - best (well)


Adverbs of Time

nú/þá/lengri -- now/then/for a long time;

aldrei/sjaldan/stundum/oft/(alltaf/ávalt) -- never/seldom/sometimes/often/always.

Adverbs of Place

hingað -- hér/na -- héðan -- to here/here/from here;

þangað -- þar/na -- þaðan -- to there/there/from there;

hvert -- hvar -- hvaðan -- where to/where/where from;.

úti -- inni -- out(side)/in(side);

ofan -- undan -- fyrir -- heima -- down(from above)/before/in front of/at home.

Date: 2016-01-03; view: 923

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