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Negatives and short answers

Statement Question Answer
She isn’t married You aren’t English I’m not a doctor. Is Melissa English? Is her surname Wright? Are you a doctor? Yes, she is.(she = Melissa) No, it isn’t.(it = surname) No, I’m not.


1. Ask and answer Yes/No questions about Melissa and Mark.

About Melissa Example: Is she French? No, she isn’t

French? German? English?

a doctor? a teacher? a journalist?

eighteen? twenty-one? forty-three?


About Mark Smith? Jones? Brown?

American? English? Scottish?

a taxi driver? a shop assistant?

a policeman?

2. Ask Yes/No questions about the students in the class.

1. Is your teacher married?

2. Is it summer now?

3. Is English difficult?

4. Are you hot?

5. Are you at school?

6. Are your parents at home?


3. Read about these people.






4. Correct the sentences.

1. Brad Pitt is Canadian.

He’s American. He isn’t Canadian.

2. Elizabeth II is the President.

3. Maria Sharapova is Italian.

4. Nicole Kidman and Brad Pitt are tennis players.

5. Vladimir Putin is an MP.

6. Nicole Kidman is a singer.

7. Vladimir Putin and Nicolai Baskov are Polish.



one chair

a pen

two chairs

three pens


Singular(one) Plural(more than one)


























man woman child person men women children people tooth foot mouse fish teeth feet mice fish


1. Write the plurals of these words.

1) chair …chairs…

2) cup …cups…

3) glass…glasses…

4) book …

5) watch …

6) flat …

7) pen …

8) bed …

9) dog …

10) room …

11) knife …

12) dish …

13) city …

14) office …

15) desk …

16) box …

Describing people

Looks: positive (+) negative (-)

good-looking (+); pretty (+++); beautiful (++++); handsome (++++);

ordinary/plain-looking (+-); ugly (-)

My sister is quite pretty.

She is a very beautiful girl.

Jim’s a very handsome man.

Bob’s a rather ugly man.

I’m not ugly or beautiful, I’m just ordinary-looking.


Good sort




intelligent (clever, bright)

Bad sort






well-bred/mannered ill-bred/mannered

hard-working lazy

cheerful gloomy

confident shy


General appearance : fair dark pretty good-looking handsome plain ugly Height : tall medium-height short Size : big small fat thin slim Hair colour : blonde fair dark red grey brown Hair style : short long straight wavy curly Eyes : blue brown grey green Other features : beard moustache glasses


1. Complete the texts:


Katia Novoselova … twenty two. She … a medical student. Judy … intelligent and very pretty, with a good sense of humour. She … a nice girl. Her boyfriend's name … Igor Shevchenko. Igor … twenty-six. He works in a bankas an assistant manager. He … good-looking, but he is not a very nice man. He … rather selfish.



Iceland … a large island in the north of the Atlantic Ocean. The population of Iceland … about 250,000 and the capital city … Reykjavik, on the south-west coast of the island. It … a small city with an international airport and a university. This city … also an important fishing port.


2. Read the text and speak about your friend.

My friend’s name is Marina. She is tall and not bad built. She has an oval face and large green eyes and long straight black hair. Speaking about her character, I can say that she is friendly, kind, generous and honest. She doesn’t like falsehood. She is modest and sometimes shy, but I do not advice someone tricking or kidding her. But in spite of all these characteristics, she can keep secrets. She usually says, what she thinks, that is why people around her often take offence. She thinks it is very difficult to cope with people who have such features of character as egoism and dishonesty.



A An  
a house an office  
a student an engineer  
a bicycle an actor  
a film an old man  
a dog an ice cream  
a glass an umbrella  
a computer an envelope  


1. Complete the sentences with one word from each column as in the example:

Example: A Cadillac is an American car.

Russian confectionery

  American camera
  International City
  French Car
a Swiss university
an English language
  Japanese Car
  German watch
  Italian drink

1. Champagne is

2. A Rolex is

3. Oxford is

4. English is

5. Milan is

6. A Mercedes is

7. A Cannon is

8. Korkunov is


2. Put in am; isor are.

1. The weather nice. 2. I not tired. 3. This bag heavy. 4. These bags heavy. 5. Look! There Carol. 6. My brother and I good tennis players. 7. Ann at home. Her children at school. 8. I a taxi driver. My sister a nurse.

3. Read about Rachel Hunter and …





JOB Journalist

ADDRESS 35, North Street, Bristol

PHONE NUMBER 0272 478 2209

AGE 23



… complete the questions.

a What’s _____ surname? Hunter

b _____ her first name? Rachel

c _____ she _____ ? England

d _____ ______ job? She’s a journalist.

e What’s _____ _____ ? 35, North Street, Bristol

f _____ _____ phone number? 0272 478 2209

g How old _____ _____ ? Twenty-three.

h Is she _____ ? No, she isn’t.

4. Ask and answer questions about the man.



COUNTRY Scotland


ADDRESS 62, Church street, Glasgow


AGE 37


5. Do you know the colours of the rainbow? Check yourself.

Red –the colour of blood;

orange –the colour of a delicious citrus fruit;

yellow –the colour of the sun;

green –the colour of grass;

blue –the colour of the sky in good weather;

dark blue –the colour of sea

purple –the colour of red and blue mixed together.

Some additional colours: white –the colour of snow;

black –the colour of coal;

brown –the colour of wood;

grey[1] -the colour of mice


6. Give the colours of flags of

1. Russia; 2. the UK; 3. the USA; 4. Japan; 5. Brazil;

1. Study the table

Noun Adjective
Sun Sunny
Rain Rainy
Wind Windy
Cloud Cloudy
Snow Snowy
Fog Foggy
Thunder Thundery
Lightning -

2. Read the sentences and work the dialogues out.


It’s a sunny day in Tokyo today, but it’s cloudy in Hong Kong.

It’s foggy in Sydney and it’s snowing / it’s snowy in Moscow.

It’s raining in Krasnodar but the sun is shining in Sochi.

It’s lovely weather today, isn’t it?

It’s a horrible day, isn’t it!

- It’s a lovely day today, isn’t it?

- Oh, yes, but isn’t it too hot?

- What is the weather like in Rostov today?

- It’s cloudy with scattered showers.

If it's dry – Weather is clear.

If it's wet – It's raining.

If it's white – It's snowing.

If it's gone – Tornado

Words of wisdom

Get a rock from somewhere and place it somewhere in your yard. That’s all you have to do for forecasting!!!

A joke is a very serious thing. (W. Churchill)






Study the following.

Frank’s sister is a student. (= The sister that Frank has)

Where is your friend’s house? (=The house where your friend lives)

This isn’t my camera. It’s Mike’s. (= Mike’s camera)


Compare My father’s coat. My parents’ coats. The men’s coats

My brother’s room (= one brother)

My brothers’ room (= more then one brother)

My parents’ holiday

The dog’s head

Nick’s room

The corner of the room

The end of the holiday

The top of my head

NB We use the when we know what we are talking about. For example:

- Where’s Bob?

- He’s in the kitchen.

- I see a girl. Thegirl is beautiful.

- It’s stuffy here. Open the door, please.

How do we normally say these things in English?

the car of my sister - my sister’s car

the mother of Sveta - Sveta’s mother

the family of Liz –

the school of Mike –

the office of Kurt –

the TV of Doris –

the book of Bruce –

the wife of Andrei –

the beds of children –

the house of my parents –


Put the words from ex.1 into three groups.





my sister’s





· We use this/ thesefor things near us.

· We use that/ those for things far from us.


  Singular Plural
Near This is a clock These are clocks
Far That is a chair Those are chairs

1,Write sentences, as in the examples.


2Write whose things these are.

1. That is Sherlock Holmes’s pipe.

2. Those are Charlie Chaplin’s shoes.

3. That is ……

4. That is ……

5. That is ……

6. Those are ……

3. Lookat the pictures and guess whose things these are.




1. It’s …Stanley’s 2.

4. Read and say about the Richardsons.

Gordon and Daphne are husband and wife. Their children are Barbara and Bob.

Barbara is their daughter, Bob is their son.

Gordon is Barbara’s father and Daphne is Barbara’s mother.

Barbara is Bob’s sister, Bob is Barbara’s brother.

Gordon is Colin’s father-in low. Daphne is his mother-in-low.

Colin is Gordon’s son-in-low. Monica is his daughter-in-low.

Colin is Bob’s brother-in-low and Monica is Barbara’s sister-in-low.

Daniel is David and Ann’s cousin. Barbara is Daniel’s aunt and Colin is hisuncle.

David and Daniel are Gordon and Daphne’s grandsons, Ann is their granddaughter.

5. Look at the family tree and complete the sentences.



Example: Ann is John’swife

a. Cathy … sister.

b. Stephen … David’s…

c. Ann … aunt.

d. George … husband.

e. Mary … Cathy’s …

f. David … Cathy’s …

g. Cathy and Louise … cousins.

h. David … Ann’s …

Draw your own family tree and speak about it.


Family life

What is your idea of a family?

aPeople who are related to each other, like parents and children.

bPeople who choose to live together.

cPeople who have lived together for a long time.

British and American families are small, in fact, the populations of both Britain and the USA have stopped growing. The typical family has a father, mother and two children. Grandparents come to visit, but do not usually live with their children.

Most people get married between the ages of 20 and 23, but many marriages end in divorce. This means that in both countries there are a large number of “single parent families”, one father or mother looking after their children alone.

The typical British family has a car, a colour TV set, a washing machine, and a cat or dog as well. They start the day at about 7 o’clock, have breakfast at 8, and are off to work by 8.30. More and more women now go out to work as well as men. The children have lunch at school at about 12.30, and come home at 4 in the afternoon. Their parents are usually home by 6 o’clock, and the family eats together at 6.30 or 7. In the evenings, father may go to the pub for a drink, or stay at home and watch TV with the others. Children go to bed early, at about 8 o’clock, two or three hours before their parents.

The typical American family has more money than a British family. Many have two or three cars, large modern kitchens and more electrical goods. They eat more meat and spend more on clothes. But their daily programme is nearly the same. Like British children, American children eat lunch at school, come home mid-afternoon, and go to bed earlier than their parents.

What can you say about family life in your country?

Words of Wisdom

Man is incomplete until he is married.

Then he is really finished


Cardinal Numbers

Study the following.

1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 Seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen   20 twenty 21 twenty-one 22 twenty-two 23 twenty-three 24 twenty-four 25 twenty-five 26 twenty-six 27 twenty-seven 28 twenty-eight 29 twenty-nine 30 thirty 31 thirty-one 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety    
100 a/one hundred 101 a/one hundred and one 102 a/one hundred and two 150 a/one hundred and fifty   200 two hundred 1000 thousand 5010 five thousand and ten 1000000 a/one million 2500000 two million five hundred thousand



© 101 = a/one hundred and one

312 = three hundred and twelve

© 200 = two hundred

5,000 = five thousand

© 1740 = seventeen forty

1856 = eighteen fifty-six

1905 = nineteen oh five (oh = 0)

6279 = six thousand two hundred

and seventy-nine




50p fifty p (pence).

35p thirty-five p.

£1.20 one pound twenty

£1.50 one pound fifty

£4.75 four pounds seventy-five

We say p or pence for prices under a pound.

100p = £1


1c. ($ .01) This coin is a penny. Its value is 1 cent.

5c. ($ .05) This coin is a nickel. Its value is 5 cents.

10c. ($ .10) This coin is a dime. Its value is 10 cents.

25c. ($ .25) This coin is a quarter. Its value is 25 cents.

50c. ($ .50) This coin is a half dollar. Its value is 50 cents.

$1.00 This is a dollar bill. Its value is 100 cents.

1. Write the prices the way we say them.

a) 70p _________________ .

b) 95p _________________.

c) £15 _________________.

d) £24.60 _______________.

e) £10.80 _______________.

f) £1.99 ________________.

g) £88.24 _______________.



2. Do the calculations!

Example: How much is 60p and 70p?

a. How much is 20p and 70p? ……

b. How much is 90p and 40p? ……

c. How much is £6.80 and 35p? …

d. How much is £9.50 and £4.50?…

e. How much is £33 and £48?……



We use the with unique objects: Moscow is the capital of Russia.

The sun is one of the stars in the universe;

with species of animals & plants, musical instruments, inventions:

The dog is the man’s friend.

She plays the guitar well.

The computer is one of the greatest inventions of our century.

1. Complete the sentences with the.

1. … tiger is a dangerous animal.

2. … moon is full tonight.

3. I’d like to learn to play … violin.

4. A. Bell invented … telephone.

5. It’s dark in … room. turn on … light, please!


2. Put in a/anor the.

1. - Where is … cat?

- It is on … sofa.

2. This is … very old house. … roof of … house is in bad condition. It needs repairing.

3. I see … nice little bird. … bird is sitting … tree. … tree is … oak.

4. My friend has … parakeet. … parakeet is yellow and green.

5. They live in … comfortable flat in … centre of … town.


Days, Monthsand Ordinal Numbers


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

NB Meet me on Monday















NB My birthday is in March.

My birthday is on the 10th of March(spoken).

My birthday is on March 10(th)/ 10(th) March (written).

Study the table.

1st first 2nd second 3rd third 4th fourth 5th fifth 6th sixth 7th seventh 8th eight 9th ninth 10th tenth 11th eleventh 12th twelfth 13th thirteenth 14th fourteenth 15th fifteenth 16th sixteenth 17th seventeenth 18th eighteenth 19th nineteenth 20th twentieth 21st twenty-first 22nd twenty-second   30th thirtieth 40th fortieth 100th hundredth 200th two hundredth 1000th thousandth 1000000th millionth  

Our flat is on the first floor.There’s a holiday onthe twenty-sixth of January.

NB The students are in room 35. (no article before a noun with a number)

Compare Dates (written)


20.08.95 8/20/95

20 August 1995 August 20 1995



He started work He started work

on the second of November, on November second,

nineteen ninety-four. nineteen ninety-four.

BUT A new shop opened in August, two thousand and one.


1. How do we say these numbers?

1) 420 four hundred and twenty 11) 904

2) 110 12) 728

3) 521 13) 829

4) 981 14) 1,201

5) 352 15) 1,203

6) 466 16) 4,402

7) 623 17) 5,002

8) 805 18) 8,420

9) 122 19) 1,000,000

10) 971 20) 2,020,001

2. Which is the first month? Which is the second, third, fourth? Make a list of all the months.


January is the first month.

February is the second month.


3. How do we say these dates?

Example: the ninth of March nineteen eighty or March the ninth nineteen eighty.


9/3/1980 19/8/1963 3/6/2000
10/2/1993 7/7/1977 2/11/2005
31/5/1941 21/9/2002 13/1/1999



Telephone numbers

68296 six eight two nine six

994 0332 double nine four, oh double three two

(071) 498 2563 oh seven one, four nine eight, two five six three.

1. How do we say these telephone numbers?

1) 269902 two six double nine oh two.

2) 428095

3) 737693

4) 511481

5) 006633

6) 43816

7) 933 672

8) 562231

9) 782331

10) (041) 228 7153

11) (86137) 2 23 16

12) (0923) 482 8661

13) (0225) 690262

What is your telephone number?

Some common expressions with the verb to be

to be busy/free Nina is busy on weekdays but free at weekends.

to be afraid/scared Are you so scared?

to be right/wrong I’m afraid you’re wrong. Mike is absolutely right.

to be well/ill His friend is seriously ill.

to be in/out Is Mrs. Brewer in? – No, she’s out.

to be fond of They’re very fond of dancing.

to be interested in Are you interested in psychology?

to be late/in time for Are we late for our classes? – Don’t worry. You’re in time.

to be tired Nick is often tired after work.

to be sure (of) I’m sure it’s a wonderful film.

to be hungry/thirsty I’m thirsty. I’d like some orange juice.

to be angry (with) He’s angry with his noisy neighbors.

to be surprised It’s me. Are you surprised?

to be over Calm down. It’s all over.


1. Write sentences of your own usingafraid, angry, cold, hot, hungry, thirsty.

1. She’s thirsty…


2. Write true sentences usingam / am not / is / isn’t / are/aren’t.

1. (I / interested in politics) I’m interested (or I’m not interested) inpolitics.

2. (I / hungry) I…………………………………………………………..

3. (it / warm today) It ……………………………………………………

4. (I / afraid of dogs) …………………………………………………….

5. (my hands / cold) ……………………………………………………..

6. (Canada / a very big country) ………………………………………...

7. (diamonds / cheap) ……………………………………………………

8. (I / interested in football) ……………………………………………..

9. (Rome / in Spain) …………………………………………………….


3. Complete the questions. UseWhat… / Who … / Where… / How…




Read the text and share your ideas of what to be happy means to you.

Date: 2016-01-03; view: 2721

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