Avicenna was so wise
He had given good advice:
Boy, you feel again in love.
Take hot shower and a bath.
Stay in water till you tough,
It will treat you well enough.
Take a dog and put on scarf,
Put on boots, go to the park.
Go somewhere for a walk.
Maybe three miles, maybe four.
Even twenty, best of all.
When you feel again in love
And you feel it’s real love.
Go to work and work like horse,
If you feel that you get worse.
Then back home and boiling bath.
It will treat you well enough.
Boiling milk and butterbrot.
Make the water very hot!
Switch on advanced Stereo,
Volume’s growing more and more.
Put a pillow on your head,
Bite your elbow, pinch your hand.
Take your notebook, mail your friend.
Or play tennis at the end.
Avicenna was so wise,
He had given good advice:
Girl, you feel again in love.
Take hot shower and a bath.
Eat some medicine, put on scarf,
It will treat you well-enough.
Put on wool socks, drink some tea,
Brush your hair, try to sleep.
Turn on music, hug your cat.
Take your notebook, surf in Net.
When you feel again in love,
And you feel it’s real love.
Go for shopping to a mall
Doesn’t matter, not at all.
Sixty hours working week,
Choose some countries for a trip.
Boiling milk, no butterbrot.
Take a bath much more than hot.
Round scarf about your head,
Try new perfumes, while you’re wet.
Avicenna was so wise,
There is more than one advice:
Second is for boy and girl
When hot bathing doesn’t go.
Kisses, touches and making love
In a bath or even out.
Fact – the real time has come.
Love each other, both you one!
Do you think our Love is fight?
I say it was rigmarole.
Tell yourself “Adieu aux armes”
Don’t play such a role.
Maybe you were vexed, annoyed.
You had got a headache.
Stop your jumps, I’m not a toy.
Don’t make a mistake.
Love could be a fight
Under blankets, through all night.
Kindling our feelings,
It’s a kind of healing.
Love could be a battle –
Noble, mental, flattered.
Where we can contest
Prize of wit and zest.
Love could be an engine,
Shield from any danger.
Best way to uncork
Tempered power-stock.
Do you think our Love is fight?
Maybe I agree with you.
Better say that Love is Flight,
We are airplane crew!
Why do I meet my ex- ?
Ex-people, ex-life text.
To see that life just goes
And where? Just God knows.
To see that it was fake,
Just young age sweet mistake.
To see, that I have changed
And I’ve got better range.
Why do I meet my ex-?
Ex- Love, but not a Rex.
To feel that past is closed
For always, draw a cross.
To feel that we are friends,
But in a different lands.
To feel that we can live
For different belief.
Why do I meet my ex-?
Ex-people, ex- life text.
Occasion? Maybe not.
I should to stand a Dot.
No reasons to go on.
Old strings are torn off, gone.
That chord was good, but now
I’ve got the better one.
Why do I meet my ex-?
To find what will be next.
It was complete ex-week.
Stop of relationship.
It was a birthday party
At February night.
And I was so exited
To use my birthday right.
I saw him not a first time,
I guess that maybe fifth.
It was hard kind of life-style:
To want, to wait, to need.
He was unreally handsome
And cute, and even smart.
And he was there, dancing
A little bit apart.
He had a smile like sun-rise,
Like my smile. Anyway
Twin-smile, twin-charm, twin look-size,
Sun rises twice a day.
It used to be a madness,
Affection and explode.
But on the other – senseless
Unreal love and load.
I was so glad to see him,
I thought “What would I do?”
He didn’t drink a champagne.
“You look so nice” – “You too”.
And not to be continued.
No wind, no sea, no boat.
Unreal useless feelings
Behind the shuted door.
It was my birthday party
Two years back, ago.
And I was so exited
To see him on dance-floor.
His face was my obsession,
And even air he breathed.
My absolute reflection.
But now I’ve reach an ease.
Your woman is your prayer
Which you could read by heart.
Her days tie to your days.
Her blood runs in your heart.
Kiss her; she’s not a game,
She is your worldwide fame.
Kiss her, she’s not a mist.
She is great music piece.
Your woman is your Sky –
So deep, so free, so high.
Your sky, where you could fly.
Your ocean, field of rye.
Love isn’t Steeplechase.
Love lightens, moves and waves.
Your man is daily prayer,
Which you could read by heart.
His days tie to your days,
His blood runs in your heart.
Kiss him, he’s not a mist.
He is your writing list.
Your man is solid land,
So wide to understand.
Your land where you could stand,
Your realm, Demesne, your Tend.
Love isn’t Steeplechase.
Love lightens, moves and waves.
We’ve got long list for picnic-bag.
Tomorrow we will rest till dark.
But now, keep strained, we have to pack
Our week-end picnic bag.
We need a pail for shashlyki,
Kefir, black pepper, onions.
Some pork, some beef, some wine and tea,
And red hot chili storming cans.
For those who drink no alcohol
We’ve got a nectar stock.
And huge stock-pile of “Cherub’s goal”
For those who don’t like grog.
We need few standard happy-meals
For our vegetarians.
And those, who fond of steering-wheels
Will choose another variants.
Count baskets with unreckoned fruits,
Cheese sealed up in a box.
And Chinese, Thailand, Indian food,
And barrel “Crazy fox”.
Do not forget some Russian hits
Like pancakes, vodka, caviar.
And salads, like New-Year greets,
And fish from Scandinavia.
Ambrosia, flowers, berry-tarts,
And cookies, made of grass.
Few sculptures, grilles, another staffs,
Utensils, sitting-pads.
Okay, it’s final, pickup’s end,
And overload of trunk.
We need a train for PICNIC-BAND
And tug-boat is a TANK.
Date: 2016-01-03; view: 857