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The future continuous

construction = will + to be + present participle

We use the future continuousfor an action that will be happening at a particular time in the future.

eg.Shall I ring you at 7 o’clock ?

No, I will be havingdinner then, ring me at 9 o’clock instead.

I will be lyingon the beach this time next month.


Q. What will you be doing at this time tomorrow ?

A.I will be playing tennis at this time tomorrow.


Q. Do you know what you’ll you be doing at this time next year ?

A.Yes, I will be studying English at this time next year.


Q. What will you be doing at 10 o’ clock tonight ?

A.I will be playing computer games at 10 o'clock tonight.


Q. Will you still be studying English in two years’ time ?

A.Yes, I will still be studying English in two years’ time.


v. to sendv. to receiven. message



To receivemeans the same as to getbut it is more formal.


Q. What do people send to their friends and family when they are on holiday ?

A. People send postcards to their friends and family when they're on holiday.


Q. What are some of the different ways we can send messages ?

A.We can send messages by email and fax.


Q. What do we call messages that are sent through the internet ?

A.We call messages that are sent through the internet emails.


Q. What do people receive on their birthday ?

A.People receive birthday cards on their birthday.


Q. Have you ever received a card on Valentine’s Day ?

A.Yes, I've received lots of cards on Valentine’s Day.


comparatives using as

1. as + adjective + as

If something is as heavy assomething else, they are both the same weight.

eg. An elephant can be as heavy asa car.


2. as + adverb + as

eg. You should answer questions in an exam as carefully aspossible.


Q. Can you think of an animal which is as common as pigeons in big cities ?

A.Yes, rats are as common as pigeons in big cities.


Q. Do you think that adults sometimes behave as badly as children?

A.Yes, I think that adults sometimes behave as badly as children.


3. However, it is more common to use these constructions in the negative to show how two things are different.

eg. A Ford is not as fast asa Ferrari.

Lions aren’t as rare astigers.


Unit 7

Q. Is your country as big as China ?

A.No, my country isn't as big as China.


Q. Are you as tall as a basketball player ?

A.No, I'm not as tall as a basketball player.


Q. Is a car as heavy as a lorry ?

A.No, a car isn't as heavy as a lorry.


Q. Can you speak English as well as you speak your own language?

A. No, I can't speak English as well as I speak my own language.


Q. Give me an example of an animal that is not as common as it used to be.

A.Tigers are not as common as they used to be.


v. to disappointn. disappointment

If something disappointsyou, it is not as good as you had hoped.

If you are disappointed bysomeone, you are not happy with their behaviour.


Q. Are children sometimes disappointed by their birthday presents?

A.Yes, children are sometimes disappointed by their birthday presents.


Q. Have you ever really looked forward to something and then been disappointed by it ?

A.Yes, I really looked forward to the film Star Wars but was disappointed by it.


Q. Would it be disappointing if you studied really hard for an exam and then failed ?

A.Yes, it would be really disappointing if you studied really hard for an exam and then failed.


Q. Have you ever spent a lot of money on a holiday which was a disappointment ?

A.No, I've never spent a lot of money on a holiday which was a disappointment.


adj. suitableadj. unsuitable

If something is suitable, it means it is the right thing to use.

If someone is suitablefor a job, it means they have the necessary qualifications and experience.


Q. What kind of clothes are suitable for a winter holiday in the mountains ?

A.Warm clothes like coats, jumpers and gloves are suitable for a winter holiday in the mountains.


Q. What about a summer holiday on the beach ?

A.T-shirts and shorts are suitable for a summer holiday on the beach.


Q. What kind of films are unsuitable for children ?

A.Violent films are unsuitable for children.


Q. What kind of sports are unsuitable for :

a. old people ?

b. children ?


Q. What kind of sports are unsuitable for old people ?

A.Rugby is unsuitable for old people.


Q. What kind of sports are unsuitable for old children ?

A.Formula 1 car racing is unsuitable for children.


Q. What kind of job would be suitable for you ?

A.A policeman would be a suitable job for me.


Q. Are there any jobs that are unsuitable for:

a. men ?

b. women ?


Q. Are there any jobs that are unsuitable for men ?

A.No, I don't think there are any jobs that are unsuitable for men.


Q. Are there any jobs that are unsuitable for women ?

A.No, I don't think there are any jobs unsuitable for women.



v. to satisfyn. satisfactionn. customer

If you are satisfiedwith something, you are happy with it because it is good enough.


Q. Are jobs in factories usually satisfying ?

A.No, jobs in factories aren't usually satisfying.


Q. Are you usually satisfied with just a snack for lunch ?

A.Yes, I'm usually satisfied with just a snack for lunch.


Q. Which do you find more satisfying, a good book or a good film ? I usually find a good film more satisfying than a good book.


Q. Do you think customer satisfaction is important for all businesses ?

A.Yes, I think customer satisfaction is important for all businesses.


Q. If a customer is not satisfied with something they have bought, what do they do ?

A. If a customer isn't satisfied with something they have bought, they usually take it back to the shop.


Unit 7

adj. un/satisfactoryadj. excellentadj. perfect

If something is satisfactory, it is good enough.

If something is excellentit is very good.

If something is perfectit is as good as it could possibly be.


Q. Is your English perfect ?

A.No, my English isn't perfect.


Q. Will your English eventually be perfect if you practice enough ?

A. Yes,my English will eventually be perfect if I practice enough.


Q. Can you tell the name of a really excellent film ?

A.Titanic is a really excellent film.


Q. If your exam results were excellent, would you boast about them?

A.Yes, if my exam results were excellent, I would boast about them.


Q. Have you ever had unsatisfactory service at:

a. a hotel ?

b. a government office ?


Q. Have you ever had unsatisfactory service at a hotel ?

A.No, I've never had unsatisfactory service at a hotel.


Q. Have you ever had unsatisfactory service at a government office?

A.Yes, I had unsatisfactory service at a government office last week.


n. work(uncountable) n. career

expr. look for workexpr. out of work

The difference between a joband workis that a jobis the particular thing you do to earn money, whereas workis the general idea of doing something to earn money.

Your careeris the kind of work you plan to do in your working life.

eg. A career inlaw or a career in medicine.


Q. Have you planned your career ?

A.Yes, I've planned my career.


Q. What kind of work do you plan to do ?

A.I plan to work in a hospital.


Q. What kind of things can you do if you are looking for work ?

A.If you're looking for work, you can look in newspapers.


Q. Do you have a job ?

A.Yes, I have a job.


Q. Is it hard work ?

A.Yes, it's hard work.


Q. Do you enjoy the work ?

A.Yes, I enjoy the work.


Q. Are a lot of people out of work in your country ?

A.Yes, a lot of people are out of work in my country.


v. to employadj. self-employed

n. employern. employee

Q. If you work for a company, are you an employer or an employee?

A.If you work for a company, you're an employee.


Q. Who do you work for if you are self-employed ?

A.If you're self-employed, you work for yourself.


Q. Have you ever been employed in a factory ?

A.No, I've never been employed in a factory.


Q. What kind of companies employ a lot of people ?

A.Big international companies employ a lot of people.


v. to sack(someone) v. to resign(from a job)


If you are sacked, you are forced to leave your job.

If you resignfrom a job, you choose to leave.


Q. Have you ever resigned from a job ?

A.No, I've never resigned from a job.


Q. For what reasons are people sacked ?

A.People are sacked because they are always late for work.


Q. Is it illegal to sack someone without having a good reason ?

A.Yes, it's illegal to sack someone without having a good reason.


Q. If you were the owner of a company and you caught an employee stealing, would you sack them ?

A.If I were the owner of a company and I caught an employee stealing, I would sack them.


Unit 7

v. to retiren. retirementn. pension

People retirefrom work when they get to a particular age, usually about 60 or 65.

A pensionis the money you receive from the government or a private company when you retire.


Q. What is the retirement age for men and women in your country ?

A.The retirement age is 65 both for men and women in my country.


Q. What do you think early retirement means ?

A.I think early retirement means when you retire before the age of 65.


Q. Do you have a government pension ?

A.Yes, I have a government pension.


Q. Is a government pension enough to live on ?

A.No, a government pension isn't enough to live on.


n. voicen. accent

v. to pronouncen. pronunciation

Q. Give me an example of a singer who has a wonderful voice.

A.I think Celine Dion has a wonderful voice.


Q. At about what age does a boy’s voice change ?

A.A boy’s voice changes at about the age of 12.


Q. What accent do you speak English with ?

A.I speak English with a good accent.


Q. Do people from your region have a particular accent ?

A.No, people from my region don't have a particular accent.


Q. Give me an example of an English word you find difficult to pronounce.

A.I find enthusiastically difficult to pronounce.


Q. Has your pronunciation improved since you came to this school?

A.Yes, my pronunciation has improved since I came to this school.


v. to intend(to do something) n. intention

If you intendto do something, you plan to do it.

eg. When I finish university, I intendto travel around the world.


Q. How long have you been studying English ?

A.I've been studying English for 2 years.


Q. How long do you intend to continue ?

A.I intend to continue for another 3 years.


Q. Do you intend to learn English perfectly ?

A.Yes, I intend to learn English perfectly.


Q. What kind of career do you intend to have ?

A.I intend to have a career in law.


Q. What construction do we use to express a future intention ?

A.We use to be going to to express a future intention.


Q. What is the one thing that eventually happens to everyone ?

A.Death is the one thing that eventually happens to everyone.


Q. Is modern technology changing so fast that you can’t keep up with it ?

A.Yes, modern technology is changing so fast that I can’t keep up with it.


Q. Are some people never satisfied ?

A.Yes, some people never satisfied.


Q. Why do you think some people decide to change their careers after many years in the same job ?

A.Some people decide to change their careers after many years in

the same job because they become bored.


Unit 7

expr. by accidentadv. accidentally

If you do something by accidentor accidentally, you don’t intend to do it.

eg. I took the wrong train by accident.

He accidentallytook someone else’s suitcase from the airport.


Q. Have you ever thrown something useful away by accident ?

A.Yes, I've trown a telephone number away by accident.


Q. Have you ever hurt someone’s feelings by accident ?

A.Yes, I've hurt my sister's feelings by accident.


Q. Have you ever accidentally taken the wrong train ?

A.Yes, I accidentally took the wrong train last week.


Q. Where were you trying to go ?

A.I was trying to go to Paris.


Q. Did you get there eventually ?

A.Yes, I got there eventually.


Q. Have you ever accidentally drunk someone else’s drink at a party?

A.No, I've never accidentally drunk someone else’s drink at a party.


v. to do something on purpose

To do something on purposeis the opposite of to do something by accident.

eg. I got to work late on purposein order to miss the meeting.


Q. Have you ever missed a meeting on purpose ?

A.Yes, I've missed a meeting on purpose.


Q. Have you ever made someone angry on purpose ?

A.No, I've never made someone angry on purpose.


Q. Have you ever done something on purpose and then pretended it was by accident ?

A.No, I've never done something on purpose and then pretended it was by accident.


adj. clumsy

If you are clumsy, you often drop or break things accidentally.


Q. Are you a clumsy person ?

A.Yes, I'm a clunsy person.


Q. Do clumsy people usually break things on purpose ?

A.No, clumsy people usually break things accidentally.


Q. Would you trust a clumsy person to carry a very valuable vase ?

A.No, I wouldn't trust a clumsy person to carry a very valuable vase.


Q. Do you know anyone who has always been clumsy ?

A.Yes, my father has always been clumsy.


adj. sensiblen. common sense(uncountable)


If you are a sensibleperson it means you make the right decisions and you can be trusted with important things.

Your common senseis your natural ability to make practical decisions.


Q. Are children always sensible ?

A.No, children are not always sensible.


Q. Are you more sensible now than when you were a teenager ?

A.Yes, I'm more sensible now than when I was a teenager.


Q. What is it sensible to do before:

a. crossing a busy street ?

b. going abroad on holiday ?

c. sunbathing?


Q. What is it sensible to do before crossing a busy street ?

A.It's sensible to look both ways before crossing a busy street.


Q. What is it sensible to do before going abroad on holiday ?

A.It's sensible to buy holiday insurance before going abroad on holiday.


Q. What is it sensible to do before sunbathing ?

A.It's sensible to use suntan lotion before sunbathing.


Q. Could you use your common sense to choose a suitable present for a very young child ?

A.Yes, I could use my common sense to choose a suitable present for a very young child.


Q. What would you buy ?

A.I would buy a toy car.


Q. Do you think some people have no common sense ?

A.Yes, I think some people have no common sense.


Unit 7

We can also use sensibleto describe clothes that are suitable for a particular situation.


Q. What are the most sensible shoes for:

a. playing tennis ?

b. walking long distances ?


Q. What are the most sensible shoes for playing tennis ?

A.Soft trainers are the most sensible shoes for playing tennis.


Q. What are the most sensible shoes for walking long distances?

A.Thick boots are the most sensible shoes for walking long distances.


Q. What are the most sensible clothes to wear in very cold weather?

A.A thick jumper and a thick coat are the most sensible clothes to wear in very cold weather.


adj. responsibleadj. irresponsiblen. responsibility

If you are a responsibleperson, you are sensible and you can be trusted with important things.


Q. Are adults more responsible than children ?

A.Yes, adults are usually more responsible than children.


Q. Are you responsible enough to be trusted with a lot of money ?

A.Yes, I'm responsible enough to be trusted with a lot of money.


Q. What kind of people have a lot of responsibility ?

A.Teachers have a lot of responsibility.


Q. Could you cope with the responsibility of looking after a very young child ?

A.No, I couldn't cope with the responsibility of looking after a very young child.


Q. Would it be irresponsible to let a young child play with a knife ?

A.Yes, it would be irresponsible to let a young child play with a knife.


v. to be responsible for(someone / something)


If you are responsible forsomething you are in charge of it.


Q. Who is responsible for running your country ?

A.Tony Blair is responsible for running my country.


Q. Who is responsible for keeping law and order ?

A.The police are responsible for keeping law and order.


Q. Do you think the government should be responsible for helping the unemployed ?

A.Yes, I think the government should be responsible for helping the unemployed.


Q. Who do you think is more responsible for a child’s education, their parents or their teachers ?

A.I think their parents are more responsible for a child's education.

past perfect (2) cause and effect

When we want to show the effects of an action in the past we can usually use past simple + past simple if the effect happened very quickly after the cause.


eg. She hitme because I wasrude to her.

I criedbecause the film wasvery sad.


We often use the past perfectwhen an action causes or influences another action but the effect does not happen very quickly and there is a time gap between the actions.


eg. I broke into my house because I had lostmy keys.

second action first action

In the example above, the first action (losing the keys) causes the second action (breaking into the house) but there is a time gap between the two actions, so we use past simple + past perfect and not past simple + past simple.


1. My teacher shoutedat me because I droppedmy coffee.

2. My teacher shoutedat me because I hadn’t donemy homework properly.


Unit 7


Choose the past simple or the past perfect for the verbs in brackets.

Remember, each sentence has one verb in the past simple and one in the past perfect.

1. I wasn't ( not to be) hungry when I got to school because I had eaten (to eat)


2. I was (to be) very tired after work yesterday because I had slept (to sleep)

badly the night before.

3. My teacher punished (to punish) me because I hadn't done (to not do) my homework.


Q. Have you ever had to break into your house because you had lost your keys ?

A.No, I've never had to break into my house because I'd lost my keys.


Q. Have you ever bought anything because you had seen it advertised on television ?

A.Yes, I bought a CD player because I'd seen it advertised on television.


NB. We don’t use the past perfectwhen actions happen one after another without influencing each other. Instead, we use the past simple.

eg. Yesterday I finishedwork at 5 o’clock and then I metmy friend at a restaurant.

After dinner we wentfor a drink and after that we sawa play at the theatre,

and later on we wentto a nightclub and danceduntil sunrise.

Compare these sentences :

I atebreakfast before I cameto school.

I had eatenbreakfast so I wasn’thungry when I got to school.

We wentto the cinema and sawa good film

I didn’tgo to the cinema because I had already seenthe film.


Q. Would you resign from a well-paid job if you were treated badly by your employer ?

A.Yes, I would resign from a well-paid job if I were treated badly by my employer.


Q. Do you think it is worth having a private pension ?

A.Yes, I think it's worth having a private pension.


Q. Why ? / Why not ?

A.Because the government pension might not be enough.

Q. What is the opposite of doing something on purpose ?

A.The opposite of doing something on purpose is accidentally or by accident.

Q. What do you intend to do when you finish studying English ?

A.I intend to travel around the world when I finish studying English.


Q. Have you ever opened someone else’s letter by accident ?

A.Yes, I opened my sister's letter by accident last week.


Q. Did you read it ?

A.No, I didn't read it.


Unit 8


70 Unit 7

v. to amusev. to amuse yourself

If something amusesyou it makes you want to laugh or smile.

If you amuse yourself, you do something to stop yourself getting bored.

eg. On a long flight I amuse myselfby reading.


Q. What kind of films amuse you ?

A.Comedies amuse me.


Q. If you were looking after a young child what could you do to amuse them ?

A. If you were looking after a young child, you could read them a story to amuse them.


Q. What kind of things do people do to amuse themselves on long journeys ?

A.People read magazines and listen to music to amuse themselves on long journeys.


Q. Would you be amused if I fell off my chair ?

A.Yes, I would be amused if you fell off your chair.


adj. amusingadj. hilariousn. comedian

If something is amusingit is quite funny.

If something is hilariousit is very funny.


Q. Give me an example of an amusing film ?

A.Bean The Movie is an example of an amusing film.


Q. Are comedians always amusing ?

A.No, comedians are not always amusing.


Q. Who is one of the most famous comedians in your country ?

A.Benny Hill is one of the most famous comedians in my country.


Q. Do you think he/she is funny ?

A.Yes, I think he's very funny.


Q. Do they sometimes have an amusing story at the end of the news ?

A.Yes, they sometimes have an amusing story at the end of the news.


Q. Have you ever seen a hilarious film ?

A.Yes, I've seen a hilarious film.


Q. What would you do if someone told you a hilarious joke ?

A.I would laugh if someone told me a hilarious joke.


n. programmen. documentary n. reality TV

n. current affairs n. sit-com

n. soap opera

Q. What kind of television programmes do you like watching ?

A.I like watching soap operas.


Q. Does television in your country show a lot of foreign programmes ?

A.Yes, television in my country shows a lot of foreign programmes.


Q. What is the main subject of current affairs programmes ?

A.The main subject of current affairs programmes is recent news.


Q. What kind of documentaries are shown on television ?

A.Documentaries about wildlife are often shown on television.


n. channel

Q. How many channels are there in your country ?

A.There are 5 channels in my country.


Q. Which is your favourite ?

A.BBC1 is my favourite.


Q. Are there any channels which only show cartoons ?

A.No, there aren't any channels which only show cartoons.


Q. What do we use to change channel ?

A.We use a remote control to change channel.


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Unit 8 71

n. sightn. sound

A sightis something you see.

A soundis something you hear.


Q. Do you think the sun rising over the mountains is a beautiful sight ?

A.Yes,I think the sun rising over the mountains is a beautiful sight.


Q. Do all birds make a nice sound ?

A.No, not all birds make a nice sound.


Q. Do you like the sound of your alarm clock in the morning ?

A.No, I don't like the sound of my alarm clock in the morning.


Q. What sound does a dog make ?

A.A dog goes woof.

adj. blindadj. deaf

A blindperson cannot see.

A deafperson cannot hear.


Q. What can’t a blind person do ?

A.A blind person can't see.


Q. What can’t a deaf person do ?

A.A deaf person can't hear.


Q. How do deaf people communicate ?

A.Deaf people communicate by using sign language.


Q. What kind of animals are often used to guide blind people ?

A.Dogs are often used to guide blind people.


v. to rhymen. rhyme

When two words rhyme, they end with the same sound.

life - wife cough - off

law - bore chair - wear

paid - made through - shoe


Q. Do lyrics usually rhyme ?

A.Yes, lyrics ususally rhyme.


Q. What about poems ?

A.No, poems don't always rhyme.


Q. Do these words rhyme ?

a. her – hair


b. said – paid


c. beer – here


d. food – stood


e. angry – hungry


f. feet – fit


g. zoo – through


h. eyes – size




Write words which rhyme with :

1. fill – bill2. book – shook

3. sheep – steep 4. law – bore

5. walk – fork6. word – bird

7. cough – off 8. through – zoo

n. rhythm

Q. What kind of music usually has a fast rhythm ?

A.Dance music usually has a fast rhythm.


Q. Do you have to have rhythm to be a good dancer ?

A.Yes, you have to have rhythm to be a good dancer.


Q. Does the rhythm of a train make you sleepy ?

A.Yes, the rhythm of a train makes me sleepy.


© Avalon Book Company Ltd., 1999

Unit 8

v. to beatn. score



The verb to beathas three meanings.

To win

eg. England usually beatScotland at football.


Q. Which was the last country to beat yours in football ?

A.Brazil was the last country to beat mine in football.


Q. What was the score ?

A.3:0 (three: nil) to Brazil.


2. to hit someone / something very hard

Q. Is it legal for teachers to beat children at school in your country ?

A.No, it's illegal for teachers to beat children at school in my country.


Q. Which musical instruments are beaten ?

A.The drums are beaten.


n. heartn. lungs

3. the action of the heart

Q. What parts of the body get damaged by smoking ?*

A.The lungs get damaged by smoking.


Q. What kind of things make your heart beat faster ?

A.Running makes your heart beat faster.


Q. How many times does the heart beat in a minute ?*

A.The heart beats about 60 times in a minute.


phr v. to beat up

If someone beatsyou upthey hit and punch you a lot.


Q. What kind of children beat up smaller children ?

A.Bullies beat up smaller children.


Q. In what kind of sports are people paid to beat each other up ?

A.People are paid to beat each other up in boxing.


n./adj. paranormaln. ghost/spirit

n. monstern. U.F.O.

If we talk about the paranormalor describe something as paranormalwe mean

ideas or things that might exist but which can’t be explained or proved by science.


Q. Do you believe in the paranormal ?

A.Yes, I believe in the paranormal.


Q. Do you think people are more interested in the paranormal than they used to be ?

A.Yes, I think people are more interested in the paranormal than they used to be.


Q. Are children afraid of monsters ?

A.Yes, most children are afraid of monsters.


Q. Give me an example of a famous monster ?

A.King Kong is an example of a famous monster.


Q. Do you believe that it really exists ?

A.No, I don't believe that it really exists.


Q. Have you ever seen a ghost ?

A.No, I've never seen a ghost.


Q. Would you like to see one ?

A.Yes, I would like to see one.


Q. What is a UFO ?

A.A UFO is an Unidentified Flying Object.


Q. Do you think people who say they have seen a UFO are telling the truth ?

A.No, I don't think people who say they've seen a UFO are telling the truth.


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Unit 8 73

n. the media(uncountable)


Q. What are the different areas of the media ?

A.The different areas of the media are newspapers, television and radio.


Q. Would you like to work in the media ?

A.Yes, I would like to work in the media.


Q. In what area ?

A.In television.


Q. Are any parts of the media controlled by the government in your country ?

A.Yes, newspapers are controlled by the government in my country.


Q. Which part of the media do you think has the most influence ?

A.I think newspapers and television have the most influence.


v. to criticisen. criticism

If you criticisesomeone, you make a negative judgement about them.

A criticismis usually a negative judgement.


Q. Do you think criticism is good for children ?

A.No, I don't think criticism is good for children.


Q. Who is often criticised in the newspapers ?

A.Politicians are often criticised in the newspapers.


Q. Why is it worth listening to criticism ?

A.It's worth listening to criticism because you might learn something.


Q. Can criticism sometimes be really useful ?

A.Yes, criticism can sometimes be really useful.


v. to reviewn. critic / reviewer

To reviewmeans to give a professional judgement about a book film or play.

A criticwrites reviews.


Q. Do you read film reviews ?

A.Yes, I sometimes read film reviews.


Q. Do they influence your choice of films ?

A.Yes, they influence my choice of films.


Q. If you could be a critic, what kind of things would you review ?

A.If I could be a critic, I would review new films.


Q. Do you know any films which have been successful despite bad reviews ?

A.Yes, Titanic has been successful despite bad reviews.


Q. Do you prefer sensible or fashionable clothes ?

A.I prefer sensible clothes.


Q. What are the basic responsibilities of parents ?

A.The basic responsibilities of parents are to look after their children.


Q. Which kind of television programmes amuse you the most ?

A.Sit-coms amuse me the most.


Q. Can your radio receive foreign language programmes ?

A.Yes, my radio can receive foreign language programmes.


adv. even+ subject / object


+ verb

We use evenfor emphasis. It often expresses the fact that something is unusual or a surprise.

eg. EvenEnglish teachers sometimes make spelling mistakes.

All the children got a prize in the spelling competition, evenMark who

didn’t get any right.

Nobody likes my cooking, not evenmy dog.

He is so rude. He didn’t evensay thank you when I gave him his present.


Q. Which games are so simple that even children can play them ?

A.Board games are so simple that even children can play them.


Q. Do even rich people want to win the lottery ?

A.Yes, even rich people want to win the lottery.


Unit 8

Q. Do you think that even computers sometimes make mistakes ?

A.Yes, I think that even computers sometimes make mistakes.


even+ comparative


London is a very big city, but some Asian and South American cities are even bigger.


Q. Can you think of anyone who is even richer than the Queen of England ?

A.Yes, Bill Gates is even richer than the Queen of England.


Q. What is the hottest country you have ever been to ?

A.Brazil is the hottest country I've ever been to.


Q. Can you think of a country that is even hotter ?

A.Yes, Egypt is even hotter than Brazil.


Q. Are you worried that there will be even more unemployment and crime in the future ?

A.Yes, I'm worried that there will be even more unemployment and crime in the future.


Even if

We use evenwith conditional constructions to show that we will do something despite having a reason not to do it.


eg. We will go on a picnic even ifit is cold and wet.

I would always help my friends even ifthey were in trouble with the police.


We usually use even ifwith negative conditions to show that we won’t do something despite having a reason to do it.


We can use even ifwith all the conditional constructions you have studied.


eg. 0 conditional: I never drink alcohol even ifit’s my birthday.

1st conditional: I won’t pass the exam even ifI study all night.

2nd conditional: I wouldn’t buy a Rolls-Royce even ifI could afford one.

3rd conditional: I wouldn’t have hit him even ifhe had hit me.


Q. Do you think it is better not to criticise your friends’ taste in clothes even if it is really bad ?

A.Yes, I think it is better not to criticise your friends’ taste in clothes even if it's really bad.


Q. Can you have a good time at a party even if you don’t know anyone ?

A.Yes, you can have a good time at a party even if you don’t know anyone.


Q. Would you go to your best friend’s wedding even if you felt really ill ?

A.Yes, I would go to your best friend’s wedding even if I felt really ill.


Q. Do you try to keep up with the news from your country even if you are living abroad ?

A.Yes, even if I'm living abroad, I try to keep up with the news from your country.


If you answer negatively to these questions, use even ifin your answer.


Q. Would you pay more for your lessons if the furniture were more comfortable ?

A.No, I wouldn't pay more for my lessons even if the furniture were more comfortable.


Q. Would you clean my shoes if I paid you ?

A.Even if you paid me, I wouldn't clean your shoes.


Q. Would you dye your hair if you started going grey ?

A.Yes, I would dye my hair if I started going grey.


adj. ordinaryadj. special

If something is specialit is different, more important or better than usual.

If something is ordinary, it is normal and no different from usual.

eg. English people eat specialfood at Christmas.

An ordinaryEnglish house has two floors and a small garden.


Q. Which days of the year are special ?

A.Christmas Day and my birthday are special days of the year.


Q. What kind of people need special care and attention ?

A.Young children need special care and attention.


Unit 8 75

Q. Are you doing anything special this weekend ?

A.No, I'm not doing anything special this weekend.


Q. Do you wear ordinary clothes to :

a. a party ?

b. school ?

c. a job interview ?


Q. Do you wear ordinary clothes to a party ?

A.No, I don't wear ordinary clothes to a party.


Q. Do you wear ordinary clothes to school ?

A.Yes, I wear ordinary clothes to a school.


Q. Do you wear ordinary clothes to a job interview ?

A.No, I don't wear ordinary clothes to a job interview.


Q. Do ordinary houses in your country have:

a. a garage ?

b. an attic ?

c. more than one bathroom ?


Q. Do ordinary houses in your country have a garage ?

A.Yes, ordinary houses in my country have a garage.


Q. Do ordinary houses in your country have an attic ?

A.Yes, ordinary houses in my country have an attic.


Q. Do ordinary houses in your country have more than one bathroom ?

A.No, ordinary houses in my country don't have more than one bathroom.


adj. complicatedadj. simple

If something is simpleit is easy to understand or do.

Complicatedis the opposite.


Q. Are computers complicated machines ?

A.Yes, computers are complicated machines.


Q. Do you think they are simple to use ?

A.Yes, I think they're quite simple to use.


Q. Give me an example of:

a. a game with complicated rules

b. a complicated construction in English


Q. Give me an example of a game with complicated rules.

A.Chess is an example of a game with complicated rules.


Q. Give me an example of a complicated construction in English.

A.The Tird Conditional is an example of a complicated construction in English.


Q. Give me an example of a simple meal.

A.Cheese on toast an example of a simple meal.


Q. Do you agree that the best ideas are often the most simple ?

A.Yes, I agree that the best ideas are often the most simple.


Q. Is running a business more complicated in practice than in theory ?

A.Yes, running a business is more complicated in practice than in theory.


Q. Can you think of a game that is so simple that even young children can play it ?

A. Yes, noughts and crosses is a game that's so simple that even young children can play it.


n. film industryn. director

n. plotn. special effects

Q. Which place in the USA is famous for its film industry ?

A.Hollywood is famous for its film industry.


Q. Give me an example of:

a. a famous film director.

b. a film director from your country


Q. Give me an example of a famous film director.

A.Steven Spielberg is an example of a famous film director.


Q. Give me an example of a film director from your country.

A.Luc Besson is an example of a film director from my coutry.


Q. What kind of films have a lot of special effects ?

A.Action ans sceince-fiction films have a lot of special effects.


Q. Do action films usually have a complicated plot ?

A.No, action films don't usually have a complicated plot.


Q. Give me an example of a film with :

a. a complicated plot.

b. a simple plot.


Q. Give me an example of a film with a complicated plot.

A.The Usual Suspects is an example of a film with a complicated plot.


Q. Give me an example of a film with a simple plot.

A.Rocky is an example of a film with a simple plot.


Q. If they made a film of your life, would it have a simple or a complicated plot ?

A.If they made a film of my life, it would have a complicated plot.


v./n. plantn. cropn. lawnn. pitch

Q. What sports are played on a pitch ?

A.Football and cricket are played on a pitch.


Q. Do most gardens have lawns in your country ?

A.Yes, most gardens have lawns in my country.


Q. Have you ever planted any trees or flowers ?

A.Yes, I've planted some flowers.


Q. In what season do farmers plant their crops ?

A.Farmers plant their crops in spring.


Q. What are some common crops in your country ?

A.Carrots and onions are common crops in my country.

Unit 8

n. floorn. groundn. ground floor

Q. Where do potatoes grow ?

A.Potatoes grow in the ground.


Q. Which animals live under the ground ?

A.Moles live under the ground.


Q. What is the difference between the floor and the ground ?

A.The difference between the floor and the ground is that the floor is inside and the ground is outside.


Q. How many floors does this building have ?

A.This building has 3 floors.


Q. Which one are we on ?

A.We are on the second floor.


Q. What can usually be found on the ground floor of a hotel ?

A.The reception can usually be found on the ground floor of a hotel.


v. to liftn. liftn. escalator

Q. Are you strong enough to lift this table ?

A.Yes, I'm strong enough to lift that table.


Q. What kind of animal is strong enough to lift a tree ?

A.An elephant is strong enough to lift a tree.


Q. Is it worth using a lift to go up one floor ?

A.No, it isn't worth using a lift to go up one floor.


Q. Do you wish this building had a lift ?

A.Yes, I wish this building had a lift.


Q. What kind of buildings have escalators ?

A.Department stores often have escalators.


Q. If I asked you for a lift, what would I want ?

A. If you asked me for a lift, you would want me to take you somewhere in my car.


n. barbecuen. picnic= outdoor meal

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