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How to do something

eg. He lost weight bygoing swimming every day.

You can practise your English bywatching TV.


Passive voice - to introduce the agent

eg. This letter was written bymy lawyer.


Unit 6

Here are some other uses of the preposition by.


4. next to / near

eg. When they retired they went to live bythe sea.


Q. Would you like to live by the sea ?

A.Yes, I'd like to live by the sea.


Q. What about by a main road ?

A.No, I wouldn't like to live by a main road.


Q. What kind of things are often sold by the side of the road ?

A.Flowers are often sold by the side of the road.


Q. What kind of things do people keep by the telephone ?

A.People keep paper and the pen by the telephone.


We often use by with verbs of movement with a similar meaning to pass.

eg. I walked bythat old Church yesterday.


Q. Do you walk by any interesting buildings on your way home ?

A.Yes, I walk by a big church on my way home.


Q. Do you like sitting in cafes and watching people rush by ?

A.Yes, I like sitting in cafes and watching people rush by.


Talking about the difference in numbers.

eg. Last year my salary went up by20%.


Q. Would you be happy if your salary went up by 10% ?

A.Yes, I would be very happy if my salary went up by 10%.


Q. Are you younger than me ?

A.Yes, I'm younger that you.


Q. By about how many years ?

A.By about 5 years.


Q. What is the difference between these two sentences ?

a. Unemployment went up to 10%.

b. Unemployment went up by 10%.

A. 'Unemployment went up to 10%' means unemployment is now 10% whereas 'Unemployment went up by 10%' means unemployment is 10% more than it was.


The past perfect (1)

construction: subject + had + past participle

We use the past perfectto talk about an action that happened further in the past than another action.

NB. We always use the past perfectwith another tense (usually the past simple).

We often use the past perfectwith time expressions such as before and already.

eg. When I arrived at the station, the train had already left.

second action first action

I knew her name because I had mether before.

second action first action

Q. Had you ever spoken English to an English person before you came to this school ?

A.Yes, I had spoken English to an English person before I came to this school.


Q. Give me an example of some grammar you had never studied before you came to this school.

A. I had never studied the Second Conditional before I came to this school.


Q. Had you ever heard of this book before you started studying here?

A.Yes, I had heard of this book before I started studying here.


Q. Do you know anyone who had driven a car before they were sixteen ?

A.Yes, my sister had driven a car before she was sixteen.


Unit 6


Put the verbs in brackets ( ) into the right tenses.

1. When we went (to get to) the pub, our friends had left (to leave)


2. I was (to be) half an hour late so when I went(to get) to the

cinema, the film had started (to start) already .

3. I didn't want (not to want) to go to the cinema because I had seen (to see) the film twice before.

4. He knew (to know) the city very well because he had visited (to visit) many times before.

n. resultv. to result in/from= to cause

A resultis the effect of an action.


eg. The accident was the resultof bad driving.


Q. What kind of natural disasters are the result of bad weather ?

A.Floods and land slides are the result of bad weather.


Q. What would the result be if my country played your country at football ?

A.If my country played your country at football, the result would be 2:0 (two: nil) to England.


Q. Have you taken any exams recently ?

A.Yes, I've taken an English exam recently.


Q. Have you had the results yet ?

A.No, I haven't had the results yet.


Q. Do you think that hard work always results in success ?

A.Yes, I think that hard work always results in success.


adv. finally

We use finallyto show that an action happened after a long period of time, usually later than we wanted it to happen.

eg. I finallypassed my driving test after failing it twice.

The train was delayed, but it finallyarrived an hour late.

We can also use finallyto show that an action is the last thing to happen.

eg. First, boil the vegetables and then add pepper and finallyput in the meat.


Q. Who finally became the president of South Africa after being in prison for over twenty years ?

A.Nelson Mandela finally became the president of South Africa after being in prison for over twenty years.


Q. Have you ever taken a really long time to choose a present for someone ?

A.Yes, I really took a really long time to choose a present for my mother's last birthday.


Q. What did you finally decide to buy ?

A.I finally decided to buy an expensive watch.


Q. Have you ever had to wait for over half an hour for your food in a restaurant ?

A.Yes, I've had to wait for over half an hour for your food in a restaurant.


Q. When did it finally arrive ?

A.After about an hour and a half.


adv. beforehandadv. afterwards

Beforehandand afterwardsare similar to the prepositions beforeand after.

However, beforehandand afterwardsare not followed by a clause and usually come at the end of a sentence.

compare: I telephoned him beforehe went on holiday.

He was going on holiday so I telephoned him beforehand.

I found out about his mistake only afterhe sent the fax.

He sent the fax and I only found out about his mistake afterwards.


Q. When you go on holiday do you always book your hotel beforehand ?

A.Yes, when I go on holiday I always book my hotel beforehand.


Unit 6

Q. When you eat a big meal do you feel sleepy afterwards ?

A.When I eat a big meal do I usuually feel sleepy afterwards.


Q. When doing the shopping, is it a good idea to make a list beforehand ?

A.Yes, I think when doing the shopping, it's a good idea to make a list beforehand.


Q. When you take exercise do you feel relaxed afterwards ?

A.When I take exercise, I feel relaxed afterwards.



n. suggestion to make a suggestion

When you make a suggestion, you express an idea or a plan you have.

We often use shall I/we...? when we make a suggestion.

e.g Q. It’s cold. Shall Iclose the window ?

A. Yes, that’s a good idea.


Q. It is very hot in here. Make a suggestion.

A. Shall I open the window?


Q. We all want to go out for dinner this evening but we don’t know what kind of restaurant to go to. Make a suggestion.

A. Shall we go a Chinese restaurant?


Q. We don’t know where to meet before dinner. Ask him/her to make a suggestion.

A. Where shall we meet?


Q. We don’t know what time to meet. Ask him/her to make a suggestion.

A. What time shall we meet?


willand shall

We use shall I/weto make suggestions when we can influence the situation.


eg. What time shallwe meet this evening ?

(I’m asking you to make a suggestion, however, I can agree or disagree with you.)


We can only use will I/wewhen another person is in control and we can’t

influence the situation.

eg. A passenger on a plane might ask: ‘What time willwe land in London?

(The situation is already decided and the passenger has no influence.)

compare these two sentences:

ShallI bring some wine to the party ? - Making a suggestion.

WillI get paid weekly or monthly ? - Asking for information.

phr v. to look forward to+ noun/gerund


When we know something will happen in the future and we are happy or excited

about, we can say I’m looking forward to it.

eg. I’m looking forward tothe party next weekend.


Q. Do people usually look forward to the weekend ?

A.Yes, people usually look forward to the weekend.


Q. Do you still look forward to your birthday every year ?

A.Yes, I still look forward to my birthday every year.


Q. Are you looking forward to going back to your country ?

A.No, I'm not looking forward to going back to my country.


Q. Are you looking forward to finishing Book 3 and starting Book 4?

A.Yes, I'm looking forward to finishing Book 3 and starting Book 4.


Q. What kind of things do children look forward to every year ?

A.Children look forward to Christmas and their birthday every year.


Q. Give me an example of something you are:

a. looking forward to.

b. not looking forward to.


Q. Give me an example of something you are looking forward to.

A.I'm looking forward to the weekend.


Q. Give me an example of something you're not looking forward to.

A.I'm not looking forward to traveling on the tube this evening.


Unit 7

Unit 7

adj. fantastic !adj. wonderful !adj. amazed/amazing

NB.We never use the word verywith these adjectives.


Q. Have you ever had a fantastic holiday ?

A.Yes, I had a fantastic holiday last year.


Q. Where did you go ?

A.I went to Brazil.


Q Would you be amazed if your country won the World Cup ?

A.Yes, I'd be amazed if my country won the World Cup.


Q. Who is the most wonderful person in your life ?

A.My mother is the most wonderful person in my life.


Q. What is the most amazing place you have ever been to ?

A.The most amazing place you have ever been to is the Taj Mahal.


Rd Conditional

construction = if + past perfect + would have + past participle


1. We use the 3rd conditional when we imagine past actions and their results.


eg. I would have forgottenher birthday, if you hadn’t remindedme.

In this sentence we imagine that the past was different (if you hadn’t reminded me), and also imagine the result (I would have forgotten).

However, the truth is that I didn’t forget her birthday because you reminded me.


2. We can use the 3rd conditional to express regret.


eg. If I had studiedharder, I would have passedthe exam.

(But I didn’t study hard and I failed the exam.)

3. We can also use it to show that we chose to do one thing instead of another.

eg. If I hadn’t boughtthe green dress, I would have boughtthe red one.

(I bought the green dress instead of the red dress.)


Q. If you had felt ill this morning, would you have come to school ?

A.If I had felt ill this morning, I wouldn't have come to school.


Q. If you hadn’t studied English, which language would you have studied instead ?

A.If I hadn’t studied English, I would have studied Spanish instead.


Q. Would your parents have been pleased, if you had failed all your exams at school ?

A.No, If I had failed all your exams at school, my parents wouldn't have been pleased.


Q. If you hadn’t come to this school to study English, would you have met me / him / her ?

A.No, if I hadn’t come to this school to study English, I wouldn't have met you.


Q. If you had drunk a bottle of whisky last night, how would you have felt this morning ?

A.If I had drunk a bottle of whisky last night, I would have felt really sick this morning.


Q. How did you come to school this morning ?

A.I came to school by train this morning.


Q. If there had been a train / bus strike this morning, how would you have come to school ?

A.If there had been a train strike this morning, I would have come to school by bus.


Unit 7


Use the information to make a third conditional sentence.

eg. I was late this morning because my car broke down.

I wouldn’t have been late if my car hadn’t broken down.

1. She hit me because I was so rude.

She wouldn't have hit me if I hadn't beeen so rude.

2. We didn’t go on the walk because the weather was awful.

We would have gone on the walk if the weather hadn't been awful.

3. The weather was so bad that the plane was delayed.

The plane would have been delayed if the weather hadn't been so bad.

4. Although I thought about studying Art, I decided to study Geography instead.

I would have studied Art if I hadn't decided to study/studied Geography.

5. There was a break in because we left the window open.

There wouldn't have been a break in if we hadn't left the window open.

Q. What happens to soldiers who don’t follow orders ?

A. Soldiers who don’t follow orders are punished.


Q. If you were on holiday would you look forward to going back to work ?

A.No, I wouldn't look forward to going back to work if I were on holiday.


Q. Do you think it would be wonderful if we never grew old or do you think it might become boring ?

A.I think it might become boring if we never grew old.


Q. If you had to make one prediction about the world in 20 years’ time, what would it be ?

A.If I had to make one prediction about the world in 20 years’ time, it would be that there would be less crime.


Q. Do you think he/she is optimistic or pessimistic ?

A.I think he is optimistic.


v. to invent*n. inventionn. inventor

Q. Can you think of a famous invention ?

A.Yes, the telephone.


Q. Who invented it ?

A.Alexander Bell invented it.


Q. Do you think the computer is the most important invention of the Twentieth Century ?

A.Yes, I think the computer is the most important invention of the Twentieth Century.


Q. How did people use to communicate with each other before the telephone was invented ?

A.People used to communicate with each other by letters before the telephone was invented.


Q. How would you have traveled very long distances if the aeroplane had never been invented ?

A.If the aeroplane had never been invented, you'd have traveled very long distances by ship.


v. to typen. keyboard

Q. What kind of people use a word processor in their job?

A.Secretaries use a word processor in their job.


Q. Is the keyboard in your country the same as the English one ?

A.Yes, the keyboard in my country the same as the English one.


Q. What did people use to type with before computers were invented ?

A. People used to type with type writers before computers were invented.


Q. Can you type ?

A.Yes, I can type.


Q. How many words per minute can you type ?

A.I can type about 80 words per minute.


Unit 7

v. to storen. hardware/ software

Q. What is the difference between hardware and software ?

A.The difference between hardware and software is that hardware is the machine and software is the information.


Q. Which is the most famous computer software company in the world ?

A.Microsoft is the most famous computer software company in the world.


Q. Where does a computer store information ?

A.A computer stores information in its hard-drive.


Q. What kind of animals store food for the winter ?

A.Squirrels store food for the winter.


Q. What kind of things do we store in:

a. a bottle ?

b. a cupboard ?

c. a carboard box ?


Q. What kind of things do we store in a bottle ?

A.We store liquid in a bottle.


Q. What kind of things do we store in a cupboard ?

A.We store food in a cupboard.


Q. What kind of things do we store in a cardboard box ?

A.We store old CD's in a cardboard box.


adv. eventually

Eventuallyhas a similar meaning to finally : we use it to say that an action happens after a period of time.

eg. After looking for my keys for over 2 hours, I eventuallyfound them under the sofa.


However, we also use eventuallyto talk about something that we think will happen in the future but we aren’t sure when it will happen.

eg. We will have to use different kinds of energy when the world eventuallyruns out of oil.

If he keeps coming to work late, he’ll eventuallyget in trouble with the boss.

NB. We can’t use eventuallyin negative sentences.

In the negative we can say‘will never/not ever.’

eg. I do notthink doctors will everfind a cure for cancer.

Computers will neverbe more intelligent than humans.


Q. Will we eventually finish book 3 and start book 4 ?

A.Yes, we'll eventually finish book 3 and start book 4.


Q. Do you think your English will eventually be good enough for you to become an English teacher ?

A.Yes, I think my English will eventually be good enough for me to become an English teacher.


Q. What kind of things do you hope you will eventually do in your life ?

A.I hope I will eventually get married and have children.


Q. Do you think doctors will eventually be able to cure all health problems ?

A.No, I don't think doctors will ever be able to cure all health problems.


Q. Do you think humans will eventually become extinct ?

A.Yes, I think humans will eventually become extinct.


Q. Will you eventually be rich enough to buy your own private plane?

A.No, I don't think I will ever be rich enough to buy my own private plane.


phr v. to keep up withn. technology(uncountable)


If you keep up witha particular subject you know all the most recent information about it.

eg. I keep up withnew fashions by reading all the popular magazines, such as Vogue and Cosmopolitan.


Q. Give me some examples of modern technology.

A.Mobile phones and the Internet are some examples of modern technology.


Q. Do you think changes in technology have made our lives better or worse ?

A. I think changes in technology have made our lives better.


Q. Is it easy for old people to keep up with the changes in technology ?

A.No, it's difficult for old people to keep up with the changes in technology.


Q. What kind of things do you try to keep up with ?

A. I try to keep up with the latest international news.


Unit 7

Q. Will you keep up with the lesson if you don’t pay attention ?

A.No, I won't keep up with the lesson if I don’t pay attention.


Q. How do people keep up with :

a. the news ?

b. changes in computer technology ?


Q. How do people keep up with the news ?

A.People keep up with the news by reading newspapers.


Q. How do people keeep up with changes in computer technology ?

A.People keep up with changes in computer technology by reading computer magazines.


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