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Although even though

Althoughand even thoughare linking words. They have the same meaning.

They are similar to ‘but’. Look at these sentences.


eg. I studied hard butI didn’t pass the exam.

AlthoughI studied hard, I didn’t pass the exam.

She used to love John, butnow she wants to marry Peter.

Althoughshe used to love John, she wants to marry Peter now.


Q. Do you ever have to keep working although you are tired ?

A. Yes, I sometimes have to keep working although I'm tired.


Q. Why would someone avoid eating chocolate even though they liked it a lot ?

A. Someone would avoid eating chocolate even though they liked it a lot if they are on a diet.


Q. Do you sometimes buy new clothes although you can’t really afford them ?

A. Yes, I sometimes buy new clothes although I can’t really afford them.


Q. Have you ever taken a day off work/school even though you weren’t really ill ?

A. Yes, I have taken a day off school even though I wasn’t really ill.


Q. Give me an example of something that exists even though you can’t see it ?*

A. Air exists even though you can’t see it.


prep. despite

Despitehas exactly the same meaning as although. However, they use

different constructions.

Althoughis followed by a clause (with a verb).

Despiteis followed by a noun, pronoun, or gerund (not a verb).

eg. Despitehis money problems, he is happy.

(‘his money problems’ - no verb)

Althoughhe has money problems, he is happy.

(‘he has money problems’ - verb)

NB. We always use althoughwith a clause, and despitewith a noun or pronoun.


Q. Are some people unhappy despite having lots of money ?

A. Yes, some people are unhappy despite having lots of money.


Q. Which professional sportsmen/women sometimes have to play despite bad weather ?

A. Footballers sometimes have to play despite bad weather.


Q. When might you have to smile despite being in a bad mood ?

A. I might you have to smile in a job interview despite being in a bad mood.


Unit 4

NB. In spite ofcan be used instead of despite.

eg. I got the job in spite ofmy scruffy appearance.


Q. Can you give me an example of someone who became rich and famous in spite of being poor as a child ?

A. Mike Tyson became rich and famous in spite of being poor as a child.


Q. Which famous African man became president of his country despite being in prison for 27 years ?

A. Nelson Mandela became president of his country despite being in prison for 27 years.


Q. What kind of serious health problems can be caused by too much stress ?

A.Heart attacks can be caused by too much stress.


Q. Do you think it is vain to have plastic surgery ?

A. Yes, I think it's vain to have plastic surgery.


Q. When persuasion doesn’t work, what can you do to make people change their minds ?

A.When persuasion doesn’t work, you can use force to make people change their minds.


Q. Give me an example of things that people do even though they know it is bad for their health.

A. People smoke even though they know it's bad for their health.


Q. Give me an example of vain behaviour.

A.Looking in the mirror a lot is an example of vain behaviour.


Q. What kind of animals do you think are the most loveable ?

A.I think puppies are the most loveable kind of animals.


Unit 5


Unit 5


n. regionn. arean. city centren. suburbs

A regionis a particular part of a country.

An areais a particular part of a town or city.


Q. What region of your country do you come from ?

A. I come from the south of my country.


Q. Are we in the centre or the suburbs of this city ?

A. We're in the centre of this city.


Q. Give me an example of a mountainous region.

A. The Andes is an example of a mountainousregion.


Q. Do you live in the suburbs of your city ?

A.Yes, I live live in the suburbs of my city.


Q. What is the most expensive area of your city ?

A.The city centre is the most expensive area.


Q. What kind of buildings do we find in city centres ?

A.We find skyscrapers, offices and shops in city centres.


Q. Are there any museums/art galleries/good restaurants in this area ?

A.Yes, there are a lot of good restauratnts in this area.


n. industryn. agriculture

adj. industrialadj. agricultural

Q. Does a farmer work in industry or agriculture ?

A.A farmer works in agriculture.


Q. What about a factory worker ?

A.A factory worker works in industry.


Q. Do you live in an industrial city ?

A.Yes, I live in an industrial city.


Q. Give me an example of an industrial region in your country.

A.The south is an industrial region in my country.


Q. Give me an example of an agricultural region in your country ?

A.The nouth is an agricultural region in my country.


Q. Is there a lot of pollution in industrial areas ?

A.Yes, there is a lot of pollution in industrial areas.


n. societyadj. social

Societymeans everyone who lives in particular country, area or city.

Societycan also mean people in general.

eg. Drugs are a danger to society.

We use the adjective socialwhen we talk about relationships between people or groups of people.


Q. What are some of the biggest dangers to society ?

A.Drugs and crime are some of the biggest dangers to society.


Q. Do you think society has changed a lot in the last 20 years ?

A.Yes, I think society's changed a lot in the last 20 years.


Q. Give me an example of a social problem in your country ?

A.Unemployment is an example of a social problem in my country.


Q. What social problems are common in big cities but rare in the countryside ?

A.Crime is common in big cities but rare in the countryside.


Q. Which is more important to you, your work or your social life ?

A.My work is more important to me than my social life.


Unit 5

Making nouns from adjectives by using the definite article

adj. homeless


We can change some adjectives to nouns by using the definite article.


rich the rich= rich people generally

poor the poor= poor people general

unemployed the unemployed= unemployed people generally

homeless the homeless= homeless people in general


NB. These nouns are always plural.

eg. The unemployed are often helped by the government.


Q. Do you think the rich should pay more tax than the poor ?

A.Yes, I think the rich should pay more tax than the poor.


Q. Do you ever give money to the homeless ?

A.Yes, I sometimes give money to the homeless.


Q. Do you think the unemployed are given enough help by society ?

A.No, I don't think the unemployed are given enough help by society.


adj. huge= really big adj. tiny= really small

adj. awful= really bad adj. fantastic= really good


Q. What is the antonym of huge ?

A.Tiny is the antonym of huge.


Q. Give me an example of a tiny animal ?

A.A mouse is an example of a tiny animal.


Q. Would you take a day off if you felt awful ?

A.Yes, I'd take a day off if I felt awful.


Q. Have you ever had a fantastic holiday ?

A.Yes, I had a fantastic holiday three years ago.


Q. Where did you go ?

A.I went to Brazil.


such a+ adj.+ noun+ that

eg. It was such an easy exam thateveryone passed.

London is such a huge city thatI keep getting lost.


Change so to such in the following sentences.

eg. The exam was so difficult that everyone failed.

It was such a difficult exam thateveryone failed.


1. The film was so boring that I fell asleep.

It was such a boring film that I felt asleep.

2. The exam was so easy that everyone passed.

It was such an easy exam that everyone passed.

3. He is so lazy that he never gets up before midday.

He is such a lazy person that he never gets up before midday.

Unit 5

expr. such asexpr. like

such asand likehave the same meaning as ‘for example’.

eg. There are many different kinds of birds, such aspigeons, swans and ducks.


Q. What kinds of birds are common in cities ?

A. Birds such as pigeons are common in cities.


Q. Have you ever collected things such as stamps or postcards ?

A.Yes, I've collected stamps.


Q. Have you ever been to a very cold country like Iceland or Norway ?

A.Yes, I've been to Poland.


adj. steepn. valleyn. hilladj. hilly

Q. Are there any steep hills in this city ?

A.No, there aren't any steep hills in this city.


Q. Is a hill bigger or smaller than a mountain ?

A.A hill is smaller than a mountain.


Q. Are there any hilly areas in your country ?

A.Yes, there are some hilly areas in the north of my country.


Q. Are there any beautiful valleys in your country ?

A.Yes, there are some beautiful valleys in my country.


Q. What are the advantages of computers ?

A.The advantages of computers are that they are quick and easy to use.


Q. Have they got any disadvantages ?

A.They've got some disadvantages such as that they're expensive and sometimes break down.


Q. What word do we use to describe someone who is always negative about the future despite there being no reason for it ?

A.We use the word pessimistic to describe someone who is always negative about the future despite there being no reason for it.


Q. Is industry more important than agriculture in your country ?

A.No, industry isn't more important than agriculture in my country.


v. to climbn. laddern. step

Q. Have you ever climbed :

a. a mountain ?

b. a ladder ?


Q. Have you ever climbed a mountain ?

A.No, I've never climed a mountain.


Q. Have you ever climbed a ladder ?

A.Yes, I've climbed a ladder.


Q. Who were the first people to climb Mt. Everest ?*

A.Sir Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing were the first people to climb Mt. Everest.


Q. What kind of animals are good at climbing trees ?

A.Monkeys are good at climbing trees.


Q. What is the difference between steps and stairs ?

A.The difference between steps and stairs is that stairs and inside and steps are usually made of stone and they're usually outside.


Q. What kind of people use a ladder in their work ?

A.Window cleaners and firemen use a ladder in their work.


Q. Have you ever fallen off a ladder ?

A.Yes, I have fallen off a ladder.


v. to be used to+ noun/ gerund


If you are used to (doing)something it is normal, usual or easy because you have done it many times before.

eg. My father has been a farmer all his life, so he is used to gettingup very early in the morning.

We often say “I am (not) used to (doing) something” when we want to show that it might be difficult or strange for us to do something new or different.

eg. People sometimes feel ill when they go abroad because they aren’t used to(eating) foreign food.


Unit 5

Q. Are penguins used to very cold weather ?

A.Yes, penguins are used to very cold weather.


Q. What kind of people are used to getting up very early in the morning ?

A.Postmen are used to getting up very early in the morning.


Q. What kind of people are used to driving long distances without getting tired ?

A.Lorry drivers are used to driving long distances without getting tired.


Q. Did you find this way of studying English a bit strange when you first came to this school ?

A.Yes, I found this way of studying English a bit strange when I first came to this school.


Q. Are you used to it now ?

A.Yes, I'm used to it now.


Q. Why is it difficult for many foreign people to drive a car in England ?

A. Because they're not used to driving on the left.


Q. Give me an example of:

a. something you are used to doing.

b. something you are not used to doing.


Q. Give me an example of something you are used to doing.

A.I'm used to driving a car.


Q. Give me an example of something you are not used to doing.

A.I'm not used to riding a motorbike.


v. to get used to+ noun/gerund


To get used to somethingmeans that we are doing something that

was difficult when we started but is becoming easier.

eg. It is sometimes quite difficult to get used toforeign currency when you go abroad.

We often use to get used toin the present continuous when we are doing something new in the present.

eg. My new job was really difficult when I started, but I’m getting used toit.

(It is still quite difficult, but it is becoming easier.)


Q. Are you getting used to speaking English ?

A.Yes, I'm getting used to speaking English.


Q. What kind of things do people have to get used to when they start a new job ?

A.When people start a new job, they have to get used to meeting new people and learning a new routine.


Q. Is it difficult to get used to working with computers if you have never used one before ?

A.Yes, it's difficult to get used to working with computers if you've never used one before.


Q. Do you think it is difficult to get used to living in a foreign country ?

A.Yes, I think it's very difficult to get used to living in a foreign country.


Q. How long does it take your eyes to get used to the dark if the lights suddenly go out ?

A.If the lights suddenly go out, it takes your eyes about a minute to get used to the dark.


v. to floatv. to sink




Q. Does wood float ?

A.Yes, wood floats.


Q. Does stone float ?

A.No, stone doesn't float.


Q. Which ‘unsinkable’ ship is famous for sinking on its first journey?

A.The Titanic is famous for sinking on its first journey.


Q. What caused it to sink ?

A.An iceberg caused it to sink.


Q. Have you ever found a fly floating in your drink ?

A.Yes, I have found a fly floating in my drink.


Q. What is the verb form of to sink ?

A.The verb form of to sink is sink sank sunk.


v. to cancelv. to delayadv. on time

adj. cancelledadj. delayed

If something is arranged and then cancelled, it doesn’t happen.

If something is delayedit happens later than arranged.


Q. Why are flights sometimes cancelled ?

A.Flights are sometimes cancelled because of bad weather.


Q. Why might you have to cancel a holiday ?

A.You might have to cancel a holiday because of an illness.


Unit 5

Q. If a train is delayed, does it arrive on time ?

A.No, if a train is delayed, it doesn't arrive on time.


Q. What can cause trains and buses to be delayed ?

A.Bad weather and traffic jams can cause trains and buses to be delayed.


Q. Were you on time for the lesson today ?

A.Yes, I was on time for the lesson today.


Q. Are trains and buses always on time ?

A.No, trains and buses are not always on time.


n. serviceadj. efficient

adj. inefficient

A serviceis something the public needs such as transport, hospitals and schools.

If someone or something is efficientthey are able to do things successfully without wasting time, money or energy.

eg. If a service is efficient, it is well-run, quick and cheap.


Q. Do you have a free health service in your country ?

A.Yes, we have a free health service in my country.


Q. What public services do you pay for with your taxes ?

A.You pay for the health service and the education service with your taxes.


Q. Is the postal service efficient in your country ?

A.Yes, the postal service is very efficient in my country.


Q. If trains are often delayed or cancelled, is the service efficient or inefficient ?

A.If trains are often delayed or cancelled, the service is inefficient.


suffix – hood

Some nouns can be made by adding the suffix -hoodto a noun.

These adjectives often come from words describing family situations.


n. childhoodn. motherhood

n. fatherhoodn. neighbourhood

Q. Who was the most important person in your childhood ?

A.My mother was the most important person in my childhood.


Q. Are you ready for fatherhood/motherhood ?

A.Yes, I'm ready for fatherhood.


Q. Do you think that some people never get used to motherhood or fatherhood ?

A.Yes, I think that some people never get used to motherhood or fatherhood.


Q. Does your neighbourhood have any social problems ?

A.Yes, my neighbourhood has a problem with drugs.


n. storm= strong wind with rain or snow

n. thundern. lightning

Q. At what time of year are there a lot of storms in your country ?

A.There are a lot of storms in summer in my country.


Q. Do we see or hear :

a. thunder ?

b. lightning ?


Q. Do we see or hear thunder ?

A.We hear thunder.


Q. Do we see or hear lighting ?

A.We see lightning.


Q. In what season do you get thunder storms in your country ?

A.We get thunder storms in summer in my country.


Q. Do ships ever sink in storms at sea ?

A.Yes, ships sometimes sink in storms at sea.


adj. severeadj. mild

Severeweather is very bad weather.

A severeproblem is a very serious problem.

MildSomething which is mild does not usually give us problems.


Q. Do you get severe winters in your country ?

A.No, we don't get severe winters in my country.

Unit 5

Q. What happens to flights when the weather is very severe ?

A. When the weather is very severe, flight are sometimes cancelled.


Q. At what time of year is the weather quite mild in your country ?

A.The weather is quite mild in summer in my country.


Q. What kind of things can cause severe health problems ?

A.Smoking can cause severe health problems.


n. disastern. flood

n. hurricane

n. earthquake

A disasteris something very bad that happens and usually affects many people.

Floods, hurricanesand earthquakesare examples of natural disasters.


Q. Give me some examples of natural disasters.

A.Floods, hurricanes and eartquakes are examples of natural disasters.


Q. Is your country ever affected by severe earthquakes ?

A.No, my country is never affected by severe earthquakes.


Q. Have there been any natural disasters in the news recently ?

A.No, there haven't been any natural disasters in the news recently.


v. to striken. strike




If workers strike(or go onstrike), they stop working temporarily because they are not happy with their situation at work ?

eg. The nurses are strikingbecause they want better pay.


Q. Have there ever been any strikes in your country ?

A.Yes, there was miners' strike in my country fifteen years ago.


Q. What are some of the most common reasons for going on strike in your country ?

A.Some of the most common reasons for going on strike in my country are that people want to earn more money and work fewer hours.


Q. What kind of strikes cause the most problems for the public ?

A.Tube strikes cause the most problems for the public.



The verb to strikecan also mean to affect something in a negative way.

We often use it when talking about natural disasters and illnesses.

eg. The North of Scotland has been struckby severe storms and floods.


Q. Has your country ever been struck by a natural disaster ?

A.No, my country's never been struck by a natural disaster.


Q. Which part of the USA is often struck by earthquakes ?

A.California is often struck by earthquakes.


Q. Which countries are often struck by severe floods ?

A.Bangladesh is often struck by severe floods.


prep. due to(+ noun) = because of


eg. The flight was cancelled due tosevere weather.


Q. Has your journey ever been delayed due to bad weather ?

A.Yes, my journey was delayed last week due to bad weather.


Q. Do you think most of the pollution in cities is due to cars ?

A.Yes, I think most of the pollution in cities is due to cars.


Q. What else is it due to ?

A.It's also due to factories.


Q. Do you think that people should get paid for days off due to illness ?

A.Yes, I think that people should get paid for days off due to illness.


Unit 5

n. submarinen. subway

Q. What does a subway go under ?

A.A subway goes under the road.


Q. Where does a submarine travel ?

A.A submarine travels under water.


Q. What is the similarity between these words ?*

A.The word sub is the similarity between these words.


n. headlineadj. dubbed

n. sub-headingadj. subtitled

Q. Are foreign films usually dubbed or subtitled in your country ?

A. Foreign films are usually subtitled in my country.


Q. Which do you prefer ?

A.I prefer films to be dubbed.


Q. Why are headlines so large ?*

A.Headlines are so large to grab people's attention.


Q. Are sub-headings above or below the headline ?

A.Sub-headings are below the headline.


n. prefix

A prefixis a number of letters we add to the beginning of a word to change its meaning.


e.g. subtitle


im+ possible - impossible


negative prefixes

un+ kind - unkind



Make the antonyms for these words using the correct prefixes.

impatient illegal unavoidable

uncommon inefficient unlikely

impractical unfriendly unusual

adj. regularadv. regularly

If something happens regularly, it happens often and at similar times.


Q. Do you take/do regular exercise ?

A.Yes, I take regular exercise.


Q. Is there a regular train service from your station ?

A.Yes, there is a regular train service from my station.


Q. How regularly do you eat in restaurants ?

A.I eat in restaurants about once a month.


Q. How many national daily newspapers are there in your country ?

A.There are about ten national daily newspapers in my country.


Q. Do you read one regularly ?

A.Yes, I read one regulary.


Q. Which one ?

A.The Brazilian News.

n. routineadj. daily then after that later (on)

A routineis the things we do at the same time every day.

We use the present simple when we describe our routine.

eg. I get up at about 7 o’clock, thenI have a shower and have breakfast.

After thatI go to work and later onI have a drink with friends.


Q. Do you have a daily routine ?

A.Yes, I have a daily routine.


Q. Describe it. I get up at about 7 o'clock. Then I have a shower and have breakfast. After that I go to work and later on I have a drink with friends.


Unit 5

Q. Do you like having a routine ?

A.Yes, I like having a routine.


Q. Why would someone’s daily routine change ?

A.Someone’s daily routine would change if they were sacked or they had a baby.


Q. Do you think having a routine makes people more efficient ?

A.Yes, I think having a routine makes people more efficient.


Q. Describe what you did yesterday.

A.I got up at half past 7, had breakfast, went to school. Then I went to the pub and went to bed at about 11 o'clock.


v. to suffer(from) n. hayfevern. migraine

Q. What is a migraine ?

A.A migrane is a very bad headache and sickness.


Q. If you drink too much, do you suffer a lot the next day ?

A.Yes, if I drink too much, I suffer a lot the next day.


Q. Have you ever suffered from :

a. a migraine ?

b. hay fever ?


Q. Have you ever suffered from a migraine ?

A.No, I've never suffered from a migraine.


Q. Have you ever suffered from hayfever ?

A.Yes, I used to suffer from a migraine a lot when I was a child.


Q. Do people sneeze a lot when they suffer from hayfever ?

A.Yes, people sneeze a lot when they suffer from hayfever.


v. to irritate = to annoy adj. irritating = annoying

adj. irritated = annoyed


Q. Do you feel irritated when trains or buses are delayed ?

A.Yes, I feel irritated when trains or buses are delayed.


Q. What kind of things do you find really irritating ?

A.I find traffic jams really irritating.


Q. What kind of things can irritate you on a train journey ?

A.People talking loudly on mobile phones can irritate me on a train journey.


Q. What kind of materials can irritate people’s skin ?

A.Wool can irritate people's skin.


v. to trustadj. trustworthy

If you trustsomeone, you believe that they are honest and they will keep their promises.

eg. I can trustmy best friend with my secrets.

Most people trusttheir bank to look after their money.


Q. Who can you trust with your secrets ?

A.I can trust my best friend with my secrets.


Q. Do you trust your bank to look after your money ?

A.Yes, I trust my bank to look after my money.


Q. Can you trust people who sell things in the street ?

A.No, you can't trust people who sell things in the street.


Q. Are children always trustworthy ?

A.No, children aren't always trustworthy.


v. to rely(on) adj. reliable

If you rely onsomething, you often need it in order to do something.

eg. People rely onpublic transport to get to work.

If you can rely onsomeone you trust them to to do what they promise to do.

eg. I can rely onmy friend to keep my secrets.


Q. Do you rely on public transport to get to work ?

A.Yes, I rely on public transport to get to work.


Q. What machines do people who work in offices rely on ?

A.People who work in offices rely on computers and fax machines.


Q. Can you always rely on people to keep their promises ?

A.No, you can't always rely on people to keep their promises.


Q. Who can you rely on to keep a secret ?

A.I can rely on my mother to keep a secret.


Unit 5

Q. Are you a reliable person ?

A.Yes, I'm a very reliable person.


Q. If a machine often breaks down, is it reliable or unreliable ?

A. If a machine often breaks down, it's unreliable.


Q. What kind of people are used to coping with looking after noisy children ?

A. Primary school teachers are used to coping with looking after noisy children.


Q. How would you feel if you were in a small boat during a storm ?

A.I would feel frightened if I were in a small boat during a storm.


Q. If you suffer from hay fever, what parts of your body get irritated ?

A.If you suffer from hay fever, your nose, eyes and throat get irritated.


v. to believe in

n. religionadj. religious

If you believe insomething you are sure that it exists or you think it is right and good.


Q. What would your religion be if you believed in :

a. Allah ?

b. Christ ?

c. Buddha ?


Q. What would your religion be if you believed in Allah ?

A.If you believed in Allah, your religion would be Islam.


Q. What would your religion be if you believed in Christ ?

A.Your religion would be Christianity.


Q. What would your religion be if you believed in Buddha ?

A.Your religion would be Buddhism.


Q. Do you believe in :

a. aliens ?

b. God ?

c. life after death ?


Q. Do you believe in aliens ?

A.Yes, I believe in aliens.


Q. Do you believe in God ?

A.Yes, I believe in God.


Q. Do you believe in life after death ?

A.No, I don't believe in life after death.


Q. Give me an example of a very religious country ?

A.India is a very religious country.


v. to prayn. templen. mosquen. synagogue

Q. What religion are you if you pray in :

a. a mosque ?

b. a church ?

c. a synagogue ?


Q. What religion are you if you pray in a mosque ?

A.If you pray in a mosque, your religion is Islam.


Q. What religion are you if you pray in a church ?

A.Your religion is Christianity.


Q. What religion are you if you pray in a synagogue ?

A.Your religion is Judaism.


Q. What kind of things do people pray for ?

A.People pray for good health and happiness.


Q. Do you think that praying can help people cope with their problems ?

A.Yes, I believe that praying can help people cope with their problems.


v. to provide

(someone with something)

(something for someone)

If you providesomeone with something, you give them the things they need.


Q. What should a good hotel provide you with ?

A.A good hotel should provide you with a clean room and good service.


Q. What should parents provide for their children ?

A.Parents should provide food and the good home for their children.


Q. Do some hospitals provide their patients with free treatment ?

A.Yes, some hospitals provide their patients with free treatment.


Q. What kind of food provides you with vitamin C ?

A.Fruit provide you with vitamin C.


n. system

Q. Do you have an underground system in your city ?

A.Yes, we have an underground system in your city.


Q. Do you think the public transport system is efficient in your city ?

A.Yes, I think the public transport system is efficient in my city.


Q. Does your home have an alarm system ?

A.No, my home doesn't have an alarm system.


Q. Do all countries have the same education system ?

A.No, not all countries have the same education system.


Unit 5

n. the state= government adj. state

The adjective stateis used to describe anything run by the government.


Q. Does the state own any industries in your country ?

A.No, the state doesn't own any industries in my country.


Q. What should the state provide for the population ?

A.I think the state should provide a good education system for the population.


Q. Did you have a state education ?

A.Yes, I had a state education.


Q. Who is the head of state in this country ?

A.The Queen is the head of statein this country.


NB. The opposite of a stateindustry is privateindustry.


Q. Which is usually more efficient, state industry or private industry?

A.I think private industry is usually more efficient than state industry.



v. to judgen. judgement

If you judgesomething, you give your opinion about it.


Q. Is it better to judge someone by their words or their actions ?

A.I think it's better to judge someone by their actions.


Q. Do you think you can judge someone’s character from their appearance ?

A.Yes, I think you can judge someone’s character from their appearance.


Q. Do you think we can judge someone’s intelligence from their qualifications ?

A.No, I don't think we can judge someone’s intelligence from their qualifications.


Q. Do you think it is fair to make judgements about people because of their nationality ?

A. No, I think it's unfair to make judgements about people because of their nationality.


n. racen. prejudiceadj. prejudiced

If you are prejudicedagainst someone, you judge them negatively

without knowing them or having any evidence for your judgement.


Q. What races of people lived in America before the Europeans arrived ?

A.The Native American Indians lived in America before the Europeans arrived.


Q. Have you ever suffered from prejudice ?

A.No, I've never suffered from prejudice.


Q. Do you think the police are sometimes prejudiced ?

A.Yes, I think the police are sometimes prejudiced.


n. racismn. racistadj. multi-cultural

n. sexismn. sexist

Sexismis a prejudice against someone’s sex.

Racismis prejudice against someone’s race or colour.


Q. Do you think that society in your country is sexist ?

A.Yes, I think that society in my country is sexist.


Q. Do you think that most men are still sexist ?

A.Yes, I think that most men are still sexist.


Q. Give me an example of sexist behaviour.

A.Not giving a woman a job for no reason is an example of sexist behaviour.


Q. What is the best way to fight racism ?*

A.The best way to fight racism is to educate people.


Q. What do we mean by multi-cultural society ?

A.A multi-cultural society means people from all different cultures and nationalities living together.


Q. Give me an example of a city where society is multi-cultural.

A.Society is multi-cultural in London.



Unit 6

Unit 6


n. termadj. long-termadj. short-term

In Britain, the school and university year is divided into three terms.

Long-termmeans for a long period of time, and short-termis for a short period of time.


Q. How long is a university term in your country ?

A.A university term is about three months in my country.


Q. Do you have any long-term plans ?

A.Yes, I want to move to America and get a good job.


Q. If you have problems with money, what is the short-term answer ?

A. If you have problems with money, the short-term answer is to get a loan.


adj. certain+ that + clause n. certainty

+ about + noun

If you are certainabout something, you are 100% sure about it.

eg. I am certainthat Tokyo is the capital of Japan.

I am certainthat he is here, I saw him five minutes ago.


Q. What is the capital of your country ?

A.Brasilia is the capital of my country.


Q. Are you certain ?

A.Yes, I'm certain.


Q. Is there anyone in your house at the moment ?

A.Yes, my friend's in my house at the moment.


Q. Are you certain ?

A.No, I'm not certain.



Q. Can we ever be certain what the weather will be like ?

A.No, we can never be certain what the weather will be like.


Q. If you practice a lot, is your English certain to improve ?

A.Yes, if I practice a lot, my English is certain to improve.


Q. Is it a certainty that:

a. the sun will rise tomorrow ?

b. I will teach you tomorrow ?


Q. Is it a certainty that the sun will rise tomorrow ?

A.Yes, it's a certainty that the sun will rise tomorrow.


Q. Is it a certainty that I will teach you tomorrow ?

A.No, it isn't a certainty that you will teach me tomorrow.


Q. Do you have any habits that irritate other people ?

A.No, I don't have any habits that irritate other people.


Q. Have you ever suffered from a severe hangover ?

A.Yes, I have suffered from a severe hangover.


Q. What positive effects does regular exercise have on your body ?

A. Regular exercise makes you lose weight and feel healthier.


Q. Do you work better when you have a routine ?

A.Yes, I work better when I have a routine.


modal verbs(3)


Using mustand canto express certainty.

We use mustand canto say we are certain about something because we have evidence.

i. We use mustto say that something is true.

eg. Peter has been off work for a whole week. He mustbe quite ill.

(ie. I am certain he is quite ill.)

ii. We use cannotor can’tto say that something isn’t true.

eg. Peter can’tbe ill because I saw him playing football this morning.


Unit 6

Q. Say something about these sentences using must or can’t.


eg. I haven’t eaten since yesterday evening.

You must be really hungry.

i. I stayed up all night last night.

A.You must be very tired.

ii. My brother owns a large successful company.

A. He must be rich.

iii. There is smoke coming from the kitchen.

A. There must be a fire.

iv. My father is younger than me.

A. That can't be true.

modal verbs in the past - must / can’t


We can use mustand can’tto express certainty about the past.

construction: must + have + past participle

can’t + have + past participle

eg. I haven’t got my wallet. I must have leftit at home.

You can’t have leftyour wallet at home because you had it in the restaurant.


Q. Use must have or can’t have to explain these situations.

eg. I ate three pizzas last night.

You must havebeen very hungry.

i. He slept for twelve hours last night.

A.He must have been very tired.

ii. I left my bike outside the school but it has gone.

A. It must have been stolen.

iii. This chicken is raw on the inside.

A.It can't have been cooked properly.


modal verbs in the past – might

Might + have + past participleexpresses possibility instead of certainty.

eg. He is very late. He must have gotlost. = I am certain.

He is very late. His car might have broken down. = I am not certain

but it is a possibility.


Q. Say what you think might have caused these situations.

eg. She is crying. She might have hurt herself.

i. He is sneezing. ii. He is late. iii. I can’t find my wallet.


Q. He is sneezing.

A.He might have caught a cold.


Q. He is late.

A.His train might have been delayed.


Q. I can’t find my wallet.

A.You might have left it at home.


modal verbs in the past – should

When someone did something badly or in the wrong way in the past, we use

should + have + past participleto tell them a better or correct way to do it.

eg. I didn’t understand how to do that exercise.

You should have askedyour teacher.

I hurt my back lifting that wardrobe.

You shouldn’t have triedto move it on your own.


Unit 6

Q. Tell me what I should or shouldn’t have done in the following stuations.

eg. I am sunburnt. You should have used suntan lotion.

i. I lost £300 at a casino last night.

A. You shouldn't have gambled so much money.

ii. All my plants have died.

A. You should've watered them more.

iii. I have to have two bad teeth taken out. You shouldn't have eaten so many sweets.


v. to emphasisen. emphasis

If a word or phrase is important we often emphasiseit so that the reader or the listener will pay attention to it.

The easiest way to emphasise something is to say it louder.

eg. I told you to meet me at FOUR o’clock.

(I am angry because you came at five)

Don’t sit THERE.

(That’s the teacher’s chair.)

In written English, we can emphasise words by putting them in :

bolditalics CAPITALS or by underlining


Q. Tell me what word or phrase is being emphasised in these sentences.

i. I can’t read Japanese. (But I can speak it.)

A.Read is being emphasised.

ii. You need to buy a ticket before Friday. ( Friday is too late)

A.Before is being emphasised.


There are some particular words that we use for emphasis.

i. still- When we add stillto a sentence or clause, it does not change the meaning but it emphasises that a situation has not changed.

eg. The photocopier is stillbroken. (It has not been repaired yet.)


Ii. only

eg. I’ve onlygot £10, it’s not enough.


Iii. yet

eg. Haven’t you finished yet?


iv. so/such

eg. Thank you for sucha lovely present. I like it somuch.

adv. justadv. already


v. just- We use justto emphasise that an action happened very recently.

eg. I haven’t read the letter yet because I have justreceived it.


vi. already- We use alreadyto emphasise that something has happened before now.

eg. I can’t show you the letter because I have alreadysent it.

We can also use alreadyto show that something has happened suprisingly quickly.

eg. She only started her business two years ago and she is alreadya millionaire.


Q. Which words have you just studied ?

A.I've just studied just and already.


Q. What have I just done ?*

A.You've just asked me a question.


Q. Has anyone just:

a. come into the classroom ?

b. had breakfast/lunch ?


Q. Has anyone just come into the classroom ?

A.Yes, Peter has just come into the classroom.


Q. Has anyone just had lunch ?

A.Yes, I've just had lunch.

Unit 6

Q. Who has just answered a question ?

A.I have just answered a question.


Q. Can you think of anyone who is already famous even though they are very young ?

A.Yes, Leonardo Di Caprio is already famous even though he is very young.


Q. Why would someone take an exam again even though they had already passed it ?

A.Someone would take an exam again even though they had already passed it because they wanted to get a better mark.


Q. What idea am I emphasising when I say :

a. I’ve just done it.

b. I’ve done it already.


Q. What idea am I emphasising when I say 'I’ve just done it' ?

A.You're emphasising the idea that you have done something recently.


Q. What idea am I emphasising when I say 'I’ve done it already' ?

A.You're emphasising the idea that you've done it some time in the past.


v. to compareconj. whereasconj. while

If you comparetwo things, you think about how they are similar or different and their advantages or disadvantages.

eg. After comparingthe two shirts, I bought the red one because I preferred the colour.

We often use whereas/whilewhen we compare two things.

eg. When I comparecoffee to wine, I think that coffee is better in the morning because it helps me to

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