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I will hate him forever unless he apologises.

3. They will never win if Paul Gasket doesn’t play.

They will never win unless Paul Gasket plays.

B. Now finish these example sentences with a clause that makes sense.

1. I won’t go to the party unless I feel better.

2. My dog won’t bite you unless you provoke it.

3. You can’t come in unless you leave your shoes outside.


Q. Would you have trouble communicating in a foreign country unless you spoke the language ?

A. Yes, I would have trouble communicating in a foreign country unless I spoke the language.


Q. Make a sentence with the word ‘unless’.

A. I can't eat tomatoes unless they are cooked.


Q. What does someone on a fat-free diet avoid eating ?

A. Someone on a fat-free diet avoids eating fatty foods.


Q. Does it make sense to eat in restaurants if you haven’t got much money ?

A. No, it doesn't make sense to eat in restaurants if you haven’t got much money.


Q. Can you speak English well enough to communicate all your feelings clearly ?

A.Yes, I can speak English well enough to communicate all my feelings clearly.

adj. properadv. properly

If something is properit is the right thing to do or use in a particular situation.

If something is done properly, it is done well and in the right way.

eg. A properwedding ring is made of gold.

You should wash your hands properlybefore you start cooking.


Q. What is a proper wedding ring made of ?

A. A proper wedding ring is made of gold.


Q. Why is it important to cook pork properly ?

A. It's important to cook pork properly because you might get food poisoning.


Q. How long does it take to clean your teeth properly ?

A. It takes about 2 minutes to clean my teeth properly.


Q. Can you wash your hair properly without shampoo ?

A. No, I can't wash my hair properly without shampoo.


Q. What is the proper tense to use when:

a. an action happened in the past but is important in the present ?*

b. we imagine a situation that we don’t think will really happen ?*


Q. What is the proper tense to use when an action happened in the past but is important in the present ?*

A. The proper tense to use when an action happened in the past but is important in the present is the Present Perfect.


Q. What is the proper tense to use when we imagine a situation that we don’t think will really happen ?

A. The proper tense to use when we imagine a situation that we don’t think will really happen is the Second Conditional.


Unit 3

A proper nounis the name of a person, a place or an organization.

We must use a CAPITAL LETTER for all proper nouns.

eg. London, France, Pepsi Co. and Charles are all proper nouns.


Q. Give me some examples of proper nouns.

A. London, France, Pepsi and Charles are all examples of proper nouns.


prep. over

the preposition overhas three meanings:


1. above and not touching

eg. There is a mirror overthe basin in my bathroom.

2. over + period of timeusually describes a slow change.

eg. Her English improved over the year.


3. more than

eg. He was overa hundred when he died.

NB. the opposite is under

eg. People under16 cannot get married in the UK.


Q. In what sports do we hit a ball over a net ?

A. We hit a ball over a net in tennis.


Q. How has your life changed over the last five years ?

A. I have moved to London and become more resposible over the last five years.


Q. Is it illegal for people under 16 to drive in your country ?

A. Yes, it's illegal for people under 16 to drive in my country.


Q. Do you know anyone who is over a hundred ?

A. Yes, my grandmother is 107.


phrv. to run over= hit an animal or person in your car

phrv. to get over= feel better/normal after a bad experience

phrv. to go over= look at or study something again.


Q. What kind of animals are often run over on the roads ?

A. Dogs are often run over on the roads.


Q. How long does it take to get over a bad cold ?

A. It takes about a week to get over a bad cold.


Q. Is it a good idea to go over irregular verbs before an exam ?

A. Yes, it's a very good idea to go over irregular verbs before an exam.


adv. suddenlyadj. sudden

adv. graduallyadj. gradual

If something happens gradually, it happens slowly over a period of time.

If something happens suddenly, it happens quickly and we are surprised.



Q. Do people grow up suddenly or gradually ?

A. People grow up gradually.


Q. Can the weather sometimes change suddenly in your country ?

A. Yes, the weather can sometimes change suddenly in my country.


Q. Has their been a gradual rise in unemployment over the last ten years ?

A. Yes, their has been a gradual rise in unemployment over the last ten years.


Q. Have you ever had to stop suddenly to avoid running over an animal ?

A. Yes, I've had to stop suddenly to avoid running over a sheep.


Q. Do your moods change suddenly ?

A. Yes, my moods change suddenly.



Unit 4


Unit 4

n. natural resourcen. oiln. coaln. gas


A natural resourceis anything we take from the environment and use.

Oil, coaland gasare common natural resources.

Q. Give me some examples of natural resources ?

A. Oil, coal and gas are examples of natural resources.


Q. Does your country have any natural resources ?

A. Yes, my country has oil.


Q. What kind of natural resources are burnt in order to make electricity?

A. Coal is burnt in order to make electricity.


Q. What do you think is the most precious natural resource ?

A. I think water is the most precious natural resource.


Q. What products do we get from oil?

A. We get petrol from oil.


n. energyadj. energetic

Q. Do children have a lot of energy ?

A. Yes, children have a lot of energy.


Q. What kind of food gives you a lot of energy ?

A. Bananas give you a lot of energy.


Q. Where do plants get energy from ?

A. Plants get energy from the sun.


Q. What about humans and animals ?

A. Humans and animals get energy from food.


Q. Give me an example of a very energetic exercise.

A. Swimming is an example of a very energetic exercise.


Q. Do you feel energetic when you first get out of bed ?

A. No, I don't feel energetic when I first get out of bed.


n. poweradj. powerful

n. nuclear powern. solar power

Q. What is the most powerful country in the world ?

A. The United States is the most powerful country in the world.


Q. Who is the most powerful person in your country ?

A. The Prime Minister is the most powerful person in my country.


Q. How does your country make electricity ?

A. My country makes electricity by using nuclear power.


Q. Do you think nuclear power is safe ?

A. No, I don't think nuclear power is safe.


expr. good for you= healthy expr. bad for you= unhealthy


Q. Why are holidays good for you ?

A. Holidays are good for you because you can relax.


Q. Do you enjoy doing things that are bad for you ?

A. Yes, I enjoy smoking and drinking alcohol.


Q. Is sunbathing good for you ?

A. No, sunbathing isn't good for you.


Unit 4

adj. crueladj. kindadj. unkind

Q. Do you think it is cruel to keep animals in zoos ?

A. Yes, I think it's cruel to keep animals in zoos.


Q. Are people usually kind to their pets ?

A. Yes, people are usually kind to their pets.


Q. Have you ever been treated unkindly at work ?

A. No, I've never been treated unkindly at work.


Q. Is it cruel to punish children physically ?

A. Yes, it's cruel to punish children physically.


Q. Give me an example of :

a. kind behaviour.

b. cruel behaviour.


Q. Give me an example of kind behaviour ?

A. Lending someone money is an example of kind behaviour.


Q. Give me an example of cruel behaviour ?

A. Kicking your dog down the stairs is an example of cruel behaviour.


v. to shootv. to huntn. hunting

Q. What kind of animals hunt and kill other animals ?

A. Tigers hunt and kill other animals.


Q. Do you think hunting is cruel ?

A. Yes, I think hunting is cruel.


Q. Are animals shot if they become dangerous ?

A. Yes, some animals are shot if they become dangerous.


Q. What kind of people are taught to shoot ?

A. Soldiers and policemen are taught to shoot.


v. to bann. ban

Q. In what kind of buildings is smoking banned ?

A. Smoking is banned in some public buildings.


Q. Do you think hunting should be banned ?

A. Yes, I think hunting should be banned.


Q. What kind of things are banned on flights ?

A. Smoking and mobile phones are banned on flights.


Q. Why do some football clubs ban alcohol at matches ?

A. Some football clubs ban alcohol at matches because it causes violence.


n. pressureexpr. to be/feel under pressure

We feel under pressurewhen we have a lot of work to do, but we don’t have

much time to do it.

eg. Journalists have to work under pressure.

Q. Do you feel under pressure when you get a difficult question in the lesson ?

A. Yes, I feel under pressure when I get a difficult question in the lesson.


Q. What kind of people are always under pressure at work ?

A. Policemen and teachers are always under pressure at work.


Q. Do you work well under pressure ?

A. Yes, I work well under pressure.


Q. In what kind of situations are people under a lot of pressure ?

A. People are under a lot of pressure during an exam.


expr. to put someone under pressure(to do something)


If you put someone under pressureto do something, you make them feel that they have to do it.

eg. I wanted to get a job after finishing school, but my parents put me under pressureto go to university.


Q. Do people sometimes put you under pressure to buy things in a shop ?

A. Yes, people sometimes put you under pressure to buy things in a shop.


Q. Have your parents ever put you under pressure to do something?

A. Yes, my parents put me under pressure to go to university.

Unit 4

Q. If you were unemployed would you feel under pressure to get a job ?

A. Yes, if I were unemployed, I would feel under pressure to get a job.


Q. Are professional athletes under a lot of pressure to win ?

A. Yes, professional athletes are under a lot of pressure to win.


Q. Which natural resources are we in danger of running out of soon?

A. We're in danger of running out of oil, coal and gas soon.


Q. Where does solar energy come from ?

A. Solar energy comes from the sun.


Q. Do you think we should use more solar power instead of burning natural resources ?

A.Yes, I think we should use more solar power instead of burning natural resources.


Q. What do these expressions mean ?

a. flat hunting

A.Flat hunting means looking for a flat.

b. job hunting

A.Job hunting means looking for a job.


Q. Do you think an international ban on nuclear weapons would make the world a safer place ?

A.Yes, I think an international ban on nuclear weapons would make the world a safer place.

n. stressadj. stressed(out) adj. tense

adj. stressful

Stressis caused when people are very worried about their problems and when

they feel under too much pressure. Our bodies often feel tensein this kind of situation.


Q. Is stress good for you ?

A. No, stress isn't good for you.


Q. What kind of problems can cause a lot of stress ?

A. Health problems can cause a lot of stress.


Q. How does your behaviour change when you feel stressed out ?

A. When I feel stressed out, I lose my temper easily.


Q. Is traveling during the rush hour stressful ?

A. Yes, traveling during the rush hour is stressful.


Q. Have you ever been in a stressful situation at work ?

A. No, I've never been in a stressful situation at work.


Q. How do you try to relax when you are feeling tense ?

A. When I'm feeling tense I try to relax by listening to music.


v. to cope with+ noun/gerund


To cope withexpresses your abilty to make the right decisions and behave well in a difficult or stressful situation.

eg. My grandmother couldn’t cope withlooking after my grandfather on her own, so they came to live with my parents.


Q. What kind of people have to cope with a lot of pressure at work ?

A. Doctors and nurses have to cope with a lot of pressure at work.


Q. Are you good at coping with pressure ?

A. Yes, I'm good at coping with pressure.


Q. Have you ever had to cope with a friend who was too drunk to walk home ?

A. No, I've never had to cope with a friend who was too drunk to walk home.


Q. Do you think smoking helps people to cope with stress ?

A. Yes, I think smoking helps people to cope with stress.


Q. Do you think you would be able to cope in a Book-4 class ?

A. Yes, I think I'd be able to cope in a Book-4 class.


Q. How do people help each other to cope with their problems ?

A. People help each other to cope with their problems by talking about them.


Q. Would you be able to cope with looking after a large group of children ?

A. No, I wouldn't be able to cope with looking after a large group of children.


Unit 4

phr.v. to bring upchildren = to look after a child until they are grown-up.


Q. Who brought you up ?

A. My parents brought me up.


Q. Did your parents bring you up to be polite to strangers ?

A. Yes, my parents brought me up to be polite to strangers.


Q. How do parents cope with bringing up their children if they both work ?

A. Parents cope with bringing up their children if they both work by getting a nanny.


n. personality

When we describe someone as lazy, confident or kind, we are describing their personality.

A television personalityis a famous person who is often on television.


Q. How would you describe your personality ?

A. I'm a happy and confident person.


Q. Has your personality changed since you were a child ?

A. Yes, my personality has changed since I was a child.


Q. Describe your best friend’s personality.

A. My best friend is kind and polite.


Q. What kind of things can change a person’s personality ?

A. Alcohol can change a person’s personality.


Q. Who is one of the most famous television personalities in your country ?

A. Sylla Black is one of the most famous television personalities in my country.


adj. optimisticadj. pessimistic

n. optimistn. pessimist

Q. Would you describe yourself as an optimist or a pessimist ?

A. I'd describe myself as an optimist.


Q. Are you optimistic about the future of the world ?

A. Yes, I'm optimistic about the future of the world.


Q. How optimistic are you that you will find a good job ?

A. I'm very optimistic that I will find a good job.


Q. If I said that I didn’t think I would ever be successful would I be an optimist or a pessimist ?

A. If you said that you didn’t think you'd ever be successful, you'd be a pessimist.


n. synonymn. antonym

A synonymis a word with the same meaning as another word.

An antonymis a word with the opposite meaning of another word.


Q. What is a synonym ?

A. A synonymis a word with the same meaning as another word.


Q. What is an antonym ?

A. An antonymis a word with the opposite meaning of another word.


Q. What is a synonym of:

a. arrogant - big-headed

A. Big-headed.

b. shut - close(d)

A. Close.

c. stubborn – pigheaded

A. Pig-headed.


Q. What is a synonym of arrogant?

A. Big-headed.


Q. What is a synonym of shut?

A. Close.


Q. What is a synonym of stubborn?

A. Pig-headed.


Q. What is the antonym of :

a. love - hate

A. Hate.

b. generous - selfish

A. Selfish.

c. innocent – guilty



Q. What is the antonym of love ?

A. Hate.


Q. What is the antonym of generous ?

A. Selfish.


Q. What is the antonym of innocent ?



Some common synonymsof words you have studied are:


adj. afraid= frightened adj. clever= intelligent

adj. glad= happy v./n. rush= hurry


Q. What kind of things were you afraid of when you were a child ?

A. I was afraid of the dark when I was a child.


Q. Who do you think is one of the cleverest people in the history of your country ?

A. I think Sigmund Freud is one of the cleverest people in the history of my country.


Unit 4

Q. How can you tell that someone is really glad to see you ?

A. You can you tell that someone is really glad to see you beacause they smile and look really happy.


Q. Why would you have to rush to school in the morning ?

A. I would have to rush to school in the morning if I got up late.


Q. Is it good for you to eat your dinner in a rush ?

A. No, it's bad for you to eat your dinner in a rush.


adj. trueadj. false

Falseis an antonym of true.

It can also be an antonym of the word real.


Q. Say true or false after these sentences.

a. America is the biggest country in the world.

A. False.

b. A diamond is a precious stone.

A. True.

c. Vegetarians only eat meat.

A. False.

d. The verb ‘to fall’ is transitive.

A. False.


Q. What kind of people need a false identity ?

A. Spies need a false identity.


Q. Why might someone need false teeth ?

A. Someone might need false teeth if they were old and had lost their own teeth.


Q. What do we mean by:

a. a false friend ?

b. false modesty ?


Q. What do we mean by a false friend ?

A. A false friend is a word with the different meaning in two languages.


Q. What do we mean by a false modesty ?

A. A false modesty is pretending to be modest.


expr. to take your time over + noun expr. to take it easy (informal) + gerund


If you take your timeover something, you do it without hurrying.

It is the antonym of ‘to rush’.

eg. The exercise is very difficult, so take your timeover it.

To take it easyis an informal way of expressing the verb to relax.

eg. After a long day at work, I take it easyat home.



Q. Do people take their time doing something difficult ?

A. Yes, people usually take their time doing something difficult.


Q. Do you usually take your time over dinner ?

A. Yes, I usually take my time over dinner.


Q. What kind of work do you need to take your time over ?

A. You need to take your time over writing a very difficult article.


Q. What kind of things do you do when you are taking it easy ?

A. I watch TV and play computer games when I'm taking it easy.


Q. Do you have the kind of job where you can sometimes take it easy ?

A. No, I don't have the kind of job where I can sometimes take it easy.


n. suffix

A suffixis a group of letters that we add to the end of a word to change its form.

We use the suffix -ly to make adverbs from common adjectives.

eg. quick quickly

slow slowly

nervous nervously

Q. What letters do we add to some adjectives to make the adverb ?

A. We add the letters -ly to some adjectives to make the adverb.


Q. Give me some examples.

A. Quick-quickly, slow-slowly, nervous-nervously

Unit 4

suffix - ness

We add the suffix -nessto some adjectives to form nouns.



happy happiness

sad sadness

rude rudeness

kind kindness

selfish selfishness

lazy laziness

n. charactern. characteristic

Characteris a synonym of personality.

Your characteristicsare the different parts of your character.

We often use nouns with the suffix -ness to describe people’s characteristics.

eg. He is a nice man but his lazinesscauses problems at work.


Q. Do you like people with a friendly and honest character ?

A. Yes, I like people with a friendly and honest character.


Q. What characteristics do you look for in a friend ?

A. I look for kindness and honesty in a friend.


A charactercan also be the name of a person in a book or film.

eg. James Bond is a famous film character.


Q. Which two lovers are Shakespeare’s most famous characters ?

A. Romeo and Juliet are Shakespeare’s most famous characters.


Q. Which actors have played the character of James Bond ?

A. Sean Connery, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton and Pierce Brosnan have all palyed the character of James Bond.


n. literature= novels, plays and poetry.

n. articlen. titlen. lyricsn. composition

Q. Have you ever studied foreign literature ?

A. No, I've never studied foreign literature.


Q. What is the title of this book ?

A. The title of this book is Avalon Direct English Book 3.


Q. What are the titles of these films in your language ?

a. Jaws

A. Szczęki is the title of this film in my language.

b. Gone with the Wind

A. Przeminęło z wiatrem is the title of this film in my language.

c. Titanic

A. Tytanik is the title of this film in my language.


Q. What is the title of a famous Shakespeare play ?

A. The title of a famous Shakespeare play is Hamlet.


Q. What are lyrics ?

A. Lyrics are words in a song.


Q. Did you have to write compositions at school ?

A. Yes, I had to write compositions at school.


Q. Where do we read articles ?

A. We read articles in newspapers and magazines.


Q. Do they often make films from novels ?

A. Yes, they often make films from novels.


Q. Can you think of any famous examples ?

A. The English Patient.

n. fictionn. non-fictionn. biographyn. autobiography

If a book or film is described as fictionit is not a true story.

Some examples of non-fictionare biographyand autobiography.


Q. Do you prefer reading fiction or non-fiction ?

A. I prefer reading fiction.


Q. Give me some examples of non-fiction books.

A. Biography and autobiography are some examples of non-fiction books.


Q. Have you ever read someone’s biography or autobiography ?

A. Yes, I've read Michael Jackson's autobiography.


Unit 4

adj. fairadj. unfair

If something is fairit is right and proper.

It isn’t fairto cheat at sport so we have refereesand umpiresto make people play fairly.


Q. Is it fair to cheat in an exam ?

A. No, it's unfair to cheat in an exam.


Q. Are bosses always fair at work ?

A. No, bosses are not always fair at work.


Q. Who makes sure that both teams play fairly in a football match ?

A. The referee makes sure that both teams play fairly in a football match.


Q. Would it be fair if I asked the same student all the questions ?

A. No, it would be unfair if you asked the same student all the questions.


Q. Do women do more housework than men in your country ?

A. Yes, women do more housework than men in my country.


Q. Do you think that is fair ?

A. No, it's unfair.


n. appearance= the way you look n. plastic surgery

Q. How do people check their appearance ?

A. People check their appearance by looking in the mirror.


Q. What kind of things can affect your appearance ?*

A. Your health and the weather can affect your appearance.


Q. In what situations do people worry a lot about their appearance ?

A. People worry a lot about their appearance before an important job interview.


Q. If someone isn’t happy with their appearance what can they do to change it ? A. If someone isn’t happy with their appearance, they can have plastic surgery.


adj. vainn. vanity

Q. Is it vain to always worry about your appearance ?

A. Yes, it's vain to always worry about your appearance.


Q. Do you think men are more vain than women ?

A. Yes, I think men are more vain than women.


Q. Are all good-looking people vain ?

A. Not all good-looking people are vain.


Q. Do you think vanity is a good characteristic ?

A. No, I don't think vanity is a good characteristic.


Q. Do you think it is vain to have pictures of youself on your wall ?

A. Yes, I think it's vain to have pictures of youself on your wall.


adj. curlyadj. straightadj. bald

v. to dye

Q. What can you do if you want to change your hair colour ?

A. If you want to change your hair colour, you can dye it.


Q. If you were going to dye your hair, what colour would you choose ?*

A. If I were going to dye my hair, I would choose purple.


Q. What else can you dye apart from your hair ?

A. Apart from you hair, you can also dye furniture and clothes.


Q. Do people in your country usually have curly or straight hair ?

A. People in my country usually have straight hair.


Q. Is it common for men to go bald as they get older ?*

A. Yes, it's common for men to go bald as they get older.


Unit 4

suffix –able

The suffix -ableis added to nouns to make an adjective.

These adjectives often describe what something is.

eg. n. fashion adj. fashionable

n. comfort adj. comfortable

n. change adj. changeable

Q. Are your clothes fashionable ?

A. Yes, my clothes are very fashionable.


Q. Is your seat comfortable ?

A. No, my seat is uncomfortable.


Q. Is the weather changeable at this time of year ?

A. Yes, the weather is changeable at this time of year.


The suffix -ablecan also be added to verbs to make an adjective.

These adjectives mean ‘can be done’.

eg. v. to drink adj. drinkable

Q. Is the tap-water drinkable here ?

A. Yes, the tap-water is drinkable here.


adj. avoidableadj. enjoyableadj. washable

adj. loveableadj. likeable

Q. Are accidents usually avoidable if people are careful ?

A. Yes, accidents are usually avoidable if people are careful.


Q. What kind of materials aren’t usually washable in very hot water?

A. Wool and silk aren’t usually washable in very hot water.


Q. What kind of things do you find enjoyable when you're taking it easy ?

A. I find listening to music enjoyable when I'm taking it easy.


Q. Are pets and babies usually loveable ?

A. Yes, pets and babies are usually loveable.


Q. Do you think you are a likeable person ?

A. Yes, I think I'm a likeable person.


Q. Are people usually more likeable when they are drunk ?

A. No, people aren't usually more likeable when they're drunk.


v. to influencen. influence

If something or someone influencesyou, they affect the way you think or behave.


Q. Does alcohol influence the way people behave ?

A. Yes, alcohol influences the way people behave.


Q. Who are the people who have the strongest influence on you while you are growing up ?

A. Parents have the strongest influence on you while you're growing up.


Q. Do you think that someone’s appearance can influence what we think about them ?

A. Yes, I think that someone’s appearance can influence what we think about them.


Q. Have you ever been influenced by a book or a film ?

A. No, I've never been influenced by a book or a film.


v. to persuadesomeone to do something n. persuasion

If you persuadesomeone to do something you make them do it by giving them good reasons.


Q. How do companies try to persuade us to buy their products ?

A. Companies try to persuade us to buy their products by advertising.


Q. Have you ever been persuaded to buy something by an advert?

A. Yes, I've been persuaded to buy a new CD player by an advert.


Q. What do we call people who are very difficult to persuade ?*

A. We call people who are very difficult to persuade stubborn.


Q. If you wanted to persuade someone to go on holiday in your country, what would you tell them ?

A. If I wanted to persuade someone to go on holiday in my country, I would tell them about beautiful beaches.


Unit 4

n. advantage(of) + noun/gerund n. disadvantage

An advantageis a reason why one thing is better than another.

eg. An advantageof studying English in Britain is thatyou can practise every day.

A disadvantageof studying English in Britain is thatyou are away from your family and friends.


Q. Tell me one advantage of living in the countryside ?

A. An advantage of living in the countryside is the fresh air.


Q. Tell me one disadvantage ?

A. A disadventage of living in the countryside is that there aren't as many big shops.


Q. What are the advantages of:

a. plastic furniture ?

b. riding a bicycle to work ?


Q. What are the advantages of plastic furniture?

A. The advantages of plastic furniture are that is is cheap and strong.


Q. What are the advantages of riding a bicycle to work?

A. The advantages of riding a bicycle to work are that it keeps you fit and is cheap.


Q. What are the disadvantages of:

a. owning a car ?

b. car alarms ?

c. camping ?


Q. What are the disadvantages of owning a car ?

A. The disadvantages of owning a car are that it's expensive and bad for the environment.


Q. What are the disadvantages of car alarms ?

A. The disadvantages of car alarms are that they sometimes go off accidentally and are expensive.


Q. What are the disadvantages of camping ?

A. The disadvantages of camping are that you can get wet and cold.


Q. Tell me one advantage of being able to speak English.

A. An advantage of being able to speak English is that you can communicate with people all over the world.


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