A linking word can go between the two clauses or at the beginning.
eg. If the fax is not working, you should post the information.
ORYou should post the information if the fax is not working.
When the linking word is at the beginning, there should be a comma(,) between the clauses.
Not all linking words can go in both places. ‘And’ can only go in the middle.
eg. My brother is called Bruce and my sister is called Sheila.
The linking word ‘and’ cannot be moved to the beginning.
Put the following l inking words into these sentences.
After before so while because but if
1. I’ll wait here in the car while you go and buy some cigarettes.
2. Because you are my friend I will lend you the money that you need.
3. Before she met me, she was married to a film star.
4. You have finished all your work so you can go home.
5. I have to take a shower after playing tennis.
6. If anyone wants me, you can find me in the office.
v. to treatn. treatment
1. the way people treatyou is the way they behave towards you
eg. I left my job because my boss treatedme badly.
Q. If you kicked a dog, would you be treating it well or badly ?
A. If you kicked a dog, you'd be treating it badly.
Q. Do you always treat strangers politely ?
A. Yes, I always treat strangers politely.
Q. Would you leave a good job if you were treated badly?
A. Yes, I would leave a good job if I were treated badly.
Q. Do we always treat our friends and family well ?
A. No, we don't always treat our friends and family well.
Unit 2
2.to treatsomeone like + noun
eg. My grandparents still treated me like a childwhen I was 25.
Q. Do they sometimes treat you like a criminal at customs ?
A. Yes, they sometimes treat you like a criminal at customs.
Q. Have you ever had a job where your boss treated you like a child?
A. No, I've never had a job where my boss treated me like a child.
3. to try to cure an illness or an ill person
eg. Doctors treatpatients in hospital.
Paracetamol is a good treatmentfor a headache.
Q. Who treats patients in a hospital?
A. Doctors treat patients in a hospital.
Q. Have you ever been treated in hospital?
A. Yes, I was treated for a broken arm last year.
Q. What is the best treatment for a hangover ?
A. I think drinking water is the best treatment for a hangover.
Q. What do we call people who treat sick animals?
A. We call people who treat sick animals vets.
adj. gentleadj. rough
Q. Would you treat a baby roughly or gently?
A. I'd treat a baby gently.
Q. Have you ever been treated roughly by anyone?
A. Yes, I've been treated roughly by my brother.
Q. What kind of sports are very rough?
A. American football and rugby are very rough.
Q. What kind of people have to have a gentle touch?*
A. Doctors have to have a gentle touch.
n. situation
We use the word situationto talk about what is happening in a particular place at a particular time.
eg. It was an embarrassing situationwhen I didn’t have enough money to pay for dinner.
Q. Have you ever been in a really embarrassing situation?
A. Yes, I went shopping last week and left my money at home.
Q. Have you ever been in a dangerous situation ?
A. No, I've never been in a dangerous situation.
Q. If you were unhappy with your situation at work, what would you do ?
A. I would resign if I were unhappy with my situation at work.
Q. In what kind of situation would you give an order ?
A. You would give an order if you were a boss.
Q. In what kind of situation would you behave very politely ?
A. You'd behave very politely in a job interview.
adj. temporaryadj. permanent
If something is temporary, we know it will not continue for a long time.
The opposite of temporary is permanent.
Q. Is a summer job temporary or permanent?
A. A summer job is temporary.
Q. Do you have a permanent job?
A. Yes, I have a permanent job in my country.
Q. Are you living in this city temporarily?
A. Yes, I'm living in this city temporarily
Q. What is your permanent address?
A. My permanent address is 10, Oxford Street, London, United Kigdom.
Unit 2
Q. What can cause permanent damage to your health?
A. Smoking can cause permanent damage to your health.
Q. Give me some examples of temporary accommodation.
A. Hotels and hostels are some examples of temporary accommodation.
Date: 2016-01-03; view: 939