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The term “psychology” is of Greek origion and it means “the study of the soul” (psyche– soul, logos – science, study).

General Psychology-The basic notions of G.P. charecterise psychic processes, such as: 1) cognitive procecesses- memory, imagination and thinking; 2) volition processes- motives, desires, and decision-making; 3) emotional processes- sentiments and emotions.

Theoretical and experimental studies of G.P reveal the more general psychological regularities, theoretical principles and methods of psychology, its basic concepts and categorial system. At the same time, the resultsof research into G.P. serve as a foundation for developing all other branches of psychology: PedagogicalPsychology, Social Psychology, Medical Psychology, Political Psychology an others


Psychology, in the popular sense, is "the study of the mind." It has for years been included in the training of all teachers, and has been one of the first steps for the student of philosophy; but it has not, usually, been included among the studies of the young scientific or engineering student, or of any students in other fields than Psychology Philosophy and Education. This is, not because its value as a " subject" was not understood, but because the course of the average student is so crowded with technical preparation necessary to his life work, and because the practical value of psychology has not been recognized. It was not recognized that every man going out into the world needs all the knowledge that he can get as to the working of the human mind in order not only to give but to receive information with the least waste and expenditure of energy, nor was it recognized that in the industrial, as well as the academic world, almost every man is a teacher and a manager; and managing others involves a great deal of psychology. Understanding this concept can help you to become a good manager.




The study of management has not been included into the student's training until comparatively recently, for a very different reason than was psychology. It was never doubted that a knowledge of management would be of great value to anyone and everyone and there were many the schemes for obtaining that knowledge after graduation. It was doubted that management could be studied otherwise than by observation and practice. Few teachers, if any, believed in the existence, or possibility, of a teaching science of management. Management was assumed by many to be an art, by even more it was thought to be a gift or talent, rather than an acquired accomplishment. It was common belief that one could learn to manage only by going out on the work and watching other managers, or by trying to manage, and not by studying about management in a class room or in a text book; that watching a good manager might help one, but no one could hope really to succeed who had not "the knack (skill, ability) born in him."


With the appearance of "Scientific Management," and its demonstration that the best management is founded on laws that have been determined, and can be taught, the study of management in the class room as well as on the work became possible and actual.


Date: 2015-12-24; view: 1181

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