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Pre-Internship II Roles and Responsibilities

The following outlines the roles and responsibilities for Pre-II internship of the host school principal, the clinical faculty and the Pre-Internship II teacher candidate intern.


  1. Coordinate the assignment and introduce the pre-intern to assigned clinical faculty.


Clinical Faculty (aka Supervising Teacher):

  1. Ensure that the Teacher Candidate takes an active part of the classroom and teaching experience.
  2. Acquaint the Teacher Candidate with faculty, staff, and students, school rules, policies, etc.
  3. Review and discuss the Pre-Internship II Handbook with the Teacher Candidate.
  4. Provide opportunities for the Teacher Candidate to observe, assist, and teach by referring to the suggested timeline for involvement of the intern and the Pre-II Classroom Check Sheet.
  5. Supervise, mentor, and guide the activities of the Teacher Candidate.
  6. Model effective teaching practices to allow the intern to work on strengths and improve weaknesses.
  7. Plan with the Teacher Candidate his/her schedule for observing, assisting, and teaching during his/her visits.
  8. Observe lessons taught and complete “Observation of the Lesson” following suggested “Guidelines for Observation/Evaluation of the Lesson” found in the Pre-Internship II Handbook for the three lessons taught. Discuss with the Teacher Candidate strengths and suggestions for improvement.
  9. Complete the “Final Evaluation “form. Complete the “Professional Habits Inventory” and Observation/Evaluation of a Lesson,” preferably via ChalkandWire website.
  10. Review and sign the Intern’s completed Field Activity Record. This activity record must be kept up to date and signed by the clinical faculty after all days have been completed.
  11. Refer to the principal and Pre-Internship II instructor and/or Clinical Education Director any problems that are not resolved by the clinical faculty, after discussion with the Teacher Candidate.


Pre-Intern II Teacher Candidate’s Responsibilities:

  1. Read and follow all directions in the Pre-Internship II Handbook. Review and discuss the Pre-Internship II Handbook with the Clinical Faculty.
  2. Begin Pre-II internship after attending Pre-II Seminar #1.
  3. Upon initial meeting with the Clinical Faculty provide a Meet and Greet. It is optional to provide a copy of it to the school principal.
  4. Spend ten (10) full days in a public or private school extended over the semester as specified by the Pre-Internship II instructor - 9 internship days at the assigned host school, 1 day at peer’s site.
  5. Discuss lesson plans with the NSU methods instructor and receive evidence of approval of lesson plans, or a grade, in advance of teaching the lesson. Discuss lessons with the clinical faculty lesson to ensure curriculum continuity and receive evidence of approval to teach.
  6. Teach 3 lessons at the host school site and complete a reflection after each lesson.
  7. Have a Pre-II peer spend one day in your classroom to observe one of the three lessons taught and complete an evaluation of your lesson. Also to spend all day in the classroom of a peer and complete an evaluation of their lesson.
  8. Complete required assignments and submit them on time to the Pre-II instructor. Make copies of all forms and assignments before submitting them to the Pre-Internship II instructor.
  9. Attend and participate in all 4 required seminars during the semester. NOTE: Failure to attend all 4 seminar sessions may result in the assignment of an incomplete or grade of “F” for this course.
  10. Provide personal transportation to the host school. Notify the administrator and clinical faculty of any absence before it occurs.
  11. Participate in all duties performed by clinical faculty during visit, arrive early at host school on internship days, and attend as many extracurricular activities at the host school as possible.
  12. Be professional at all times.
  13. Be sensitive to what is considered appropriate dress in each school district and dress according to the host district’s standards.
  14. Make application for Full Internship Program.
  15. Make application for Bachelor’s degree.
  16. Complete a placement interview for Full Internship Program and attend orientation seminar.
  17. Pass the Oklahoma Subject Area Test (OSAT) in the Candidates’ certification area. (Note: Passing score required before being placed in full internship.)
  18. Pass ePortfolio competency requirements .





Week Description of Activities
One – Observe Clinical Faculty (CF) is always present during each visit. ORIENTATION TO THE SCHOOL & CLASSROOM: Learn layout of school. Identify instructional teaching style (s) & classroom management strategies used by CF. Observe community and school climate. Learn routines, procedures, and schedules. Learn procedures for emergencies, drills. Review school district handbooks & other policy and Statements focusing on teachers and students. Establish rapport with faculty/staff/students. Discuss arrival/departure and planning time. Learn students’ names. Learn about technology tools for teaching. Observe and discuss student assessment & evaluation procedures PRE-II ASSIGNMENT: Discuss all Pre-II required assignments with CF. Establish a pattern for feedback with CF. Begin weekly journal of observations Observe effective teacher instructional indicators (as described in Oklahoma Criteria for Effective Teaching – see Appendix in Pre-II handbook).
Two – Observe, Assist Clinical Faculty (CF) always present during each visit. INTERN BEGINS TO PRACTICE PROFESSIONAL INTERACTION WITH STUDENTS: Assist CF with non-instructional duties. Assist in organizing and preparing materials/supplies. Discuss observations with clinical faculty. Practice using technology systems. Begin to complete the following Pre-II assignments. PRE-II ASSIGNMENTS: · Continue weekly journal of observations. · Plan with CF and begin to complete the following expected activities in the classroom during the remaining intern visits: · Correct papers as instructed. · Aid in preparation of bulletin board, room displays, etc. · Check rol1, report absences, other routine paperwork. · Tutor individuals under direction of CF · Work with remedial or accelerated groups. · Assist with make-up work. · Assist the CF with duties: lunch, hall, bus, play ground. · Develop, prepare and set dates to teach lesson plans- minimum of 3 (exact number determined by professional education methods instructor). Use lesson format and instructions assigned in NSU professional education methods course. · Discuss lessons/units with CF in advance to ensure curriculum continuity. · Show lesson plans to CF and professional education methods instructor before lessons are presented. · After teaching lesson, discuss the lesson with the CF. Take notes on ways to improve. · Observe CF as s/he models criteria for effective teaching (as described in Oklahoma Criteria for Effective Teaching – see Appendix in Pre-II handbook) .
Three – Observe, Assist Continue interaction and assignments as described under Week 2. Develop, prepare and set dates to teach lesson plans. Continue weekly journal of observations. Discuss lessons plans with CF in advance to ensure curriculum continuity. · Show lesson plans to CF and professional education methods instructor before lessons are presented. Make changes as needed.
Four – Observe, Assist, Teach Teach a lesson following lesson format and instructions assigned in NSU professional education methods course(s). Listen to and discuss feedback from CF regarding the lesson. Observe teacher candidate’s areas of improvement as modeled by CF in lesson presentations. Write reflection about lesson taught. Continue interaction and assignments as described under Week 2. Continue weekly journal of observations
Five – Observe, Assist Observe teacher candidate’s areas of improvement as modeled by CF in lesson presentations. Continue interaction and assignments as described under Week 2. Discuss next lesson plan with CF in advance to ensure curriculum continuity. Show lesson plan to CF before next lesson is presented. Make changes as needed. Continue weekly journal of observations
Six – Observe, Assist, Teach Teach a lesson following lesson format and instructions assigned in NSU professional education methods course(s). Listen to and discuss feedback from CF regarding the lesson. Observe teacher candidate’s areas of improvement as modeled by CF in lesson presentations. Continue weekly journal of observations Continue interaction and assignments as described under Week 2.
Seven – Observe, Assist Focus on relationships between lesson objectives and activities and assessments within the lesson. Continue interaction and assignments as described under Week 2. Provide next lesson plan for CF to critique and approve prior to implementation. Continue weekly journal of observations Discuss observations of students & lessons with CF.
Eight – Observe, Assist, Teach Teach a lesson following format and instructions assigned in NSU professional education methods course(s). Listen to and discuss feedback from CF regarding the lesson. Discuss observations of students. Continue weekly journal of observations. Observe and discuss student assessment & evaluation procedures Send CF PHI & “Observation/Evaluation of Lesson” via email through Chalk and Wire Continue interaction and assignments as described under Week 2.
Nine – Observe in another classroom Observe in another classroom (at the same school site) for a portion of the day. Observe and assist in CF’s classroom. Discuss Pre-II experiences, observations, assignments with CF. Complete all assignments as described under Week 2. Have CF complete and sign all required forms. Provide closure with CF and students
Ten – (can be completed any week after week 3) Visit a peer’s classroom for one entire school day. Observe CF in peer’s classroom. Have peer’s CF sign Field Experience Activity Record form. Observe peer teaching a lesson. Complete a Peer Candidate Observation of the lesson. Discuss the completed observation of the lesson with peer. Provide feedback to peer on areas of strengths and improvement. Send Peer Observation/Evaluation of Lesson via email through Chalk and Wire. Obtain a copy of the peer’s lesson plan and a copy of the results from the “Observation/Evaluation of a Lesson” (the one you completed ) printed out from Peer’s Chalk and Wire.  







“A teacher is a very special person

Who uses his or her creativity

And loving, inquiring mind

To develop the rare talent

Of encouraging others to think,

To dream, to learn

To try, to do!”


~ Beverly Conklin

Field Experience Activity Record – Pre-Internship II

Directions: The Intern will enter the proper codes and date for each day in the appropriate box.

Teacher Candidate ___________________________ Major __________________________


Clinical Faculty _______________________________ Grade/Subject __________________

(Print First and Last Name)

School Site __________________________________ District _________________________

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Date: _____________ Codes: ____________ Date: _____________ Codes: ____________ Date: _____________ Codes: ____________ Date: _____________ Codes: ____________ Date: _____________ Codes: ____________
Date: _____________ Codes: ____________ Date: _____________ Codes: ____________ Date: _____________ Codes: ____________ Date: _____________ Codes: ____________ Date: _____________ Codes: ____________
Date: _____________ Codes: ____________ Date: _____________ Codes: ____________ Date: _____________ Codes: ____________ Date: _____________ Codes: ____________ Date: _____________ Codes: ____________
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Date: _____________ Codes: ____________ Date: _____________ Codes: ____________ Date: _____________ Codes: ____________ Date: _____________ Codes: ____________ Date: _____________ Codes: ____________
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Date: _____________ Codes: ____________ Date: _____________ Codes: ____________ Date: _____________ Codes: ____________ Date: _____________ Codes: ____________ Date: _____________ Codes: ____________
Date: _____________ Codes: ____________ Date: _____________ Codes: ____________ Date: _____________ Codes: ____________ Date: _____________ Codes: ____________ Date: _____________ Codes: ____________
Date: _____________   Codes: ____________ Date: _____________   Codes: ____________ Date: _____________   Codes: ____________ Date: _____________   Codes: ____________ Date: _____________   Codes: ____________
Date: _____________ Codes: ____________ Date: _____________ Codes: ____________ Date: _____________ Codes: ____________ Date: _____________ Codes: ____________ Date: _____________ Codes: ____________
Days Present _______   Days Absent _______ MG Meet and Greet O Observing T Teaching C Conference with CF OP Observe Peer AT Assisting Clinical Faculty CP Conference with Parent PR Preparation Period OT Other

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

Clinical Faculty Signature Date Peer’s Clinical Faculty Signature Date


Date: 2015-12-24; view: 647

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