Educators as Teaching ScholarsTABLE OF CONTENTS
College of Education Conceptual Framework 4-6
FALL 2011 Pre-II Calendar 7-9
Student Resources 9
Pre-Internship II Eligibility 10
Pre-Internship II Instructional Materials 11
Student Achievement Outcomes 11
Summary of Pre-Internship II Requirements 12-13
Background Check 14-15
Meet and Greet Assignment 16-17
Pre-Internship II Roles and Responsibilities 18-19
Suggested Timeline for Pre-II 20-22
Field Experience Activity Record 24
Clinical Faculty & Peer Observation of the Lesson 25-33
Pre-Intern II Responsibilities Check Sheet 34
Professional Habits Inventory [Example Only] 35-36
Pre-Internship II Final Evaluation 37
Pre-II Assignment Check-In 38
The Anatomy of Your Portfolio 40
Portfolio Checkpoints & Courses 41
General Competencies for Licensure and Certification 42
E-Portfolio Artifact Cover Sheet Tips 43
Competency 11 Assignment Instructions 44
Competency 14 Assignment Instructions 46
Oklahoma Criteria for Effective Teaching Performance 54-55
Lesson Plan format 56-60
Lesson & Unit Plan Guide 61-46
Sample Lesson Plan Rubric 62-65
Sample Reflection and Self Evaluation Rubric 67
A Message of Thanks to All the Great Teachers
In This World by Donna Fargo 68
Northeastern State University
College of Education
Vision Statement
The Teacher Education Program at Northeastern State University prepares professional educators to be teaching scholars, educational leaders, and developers of human potential.
Explanation of Terms and Indicators of Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions
Educators as Teaching Scholars
Teaching scholars read widely and think deeply about subject matter, teaching, and research. They reflect critically on their own beliefs and their classroom practice in order to make pedagogical improvements. Teaching scholars use appropriate communication skills. They know how to facilitate authentic learning and they encourage P-12 students to be critical, creative thinkers with the ability to be lifelong learners.
Educators as Teaching Scholars will:
- Demonstrate a deep understanding of subject matter relative to their area of preparation.
- Create an environment conducive to learning in the classroom, use developmentally appropriate practices and have the pedagogical skills necessary to facilitate growth and learning for all P-12 students under their care.
- Demonstrate effective oral and written communication skills.
- Use classroom-based research to improve teaching and learning for P-12 students.
- Demonstrate an understanding of how diversity, including multicultural, ethnic, socioeconomic, gender and exceptionality issues, affect P-12 student learning.
- Use technology appropriately to enhance teaching and learning in the classroom environment.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the philosophical, historical, and sociological foundations of education.
- Demonstrate competence in designing instructional strategies with appropriate technologies that incorporate the Oklahoma Criteria for Effective Teaching Performance indicators.
- Develop instruction based on the Priority Academic Student Skills (P.A.S.S.).
- Work collaboratively with P-12 students, parents, and colleagues, and other professionals.
- Demonstrate proficiency in the use and interpretation of both informal and formal assessments.
- Demonstrate awareness and understanding of the knowledge bases underlying research and practice in multicultural education.
- Demonstrate understanding, through classroom and experiential learning, of a language and culture different from their own.
Date: 2015-12-24; view: 724